V olum/ogomore e 9 N u m b e r 50 UrVveraity-Purclu* University at Indienapoks M arch 19. 1980 Masengale to vie for Games spot IIIP1JI «K4« “Whether or not she makes “ I'm looking forward to try­ All-American athlete Tina the 14 member Olympic team, outs as a learning experience. Masengale. starter for the and even if the US does not go to Tina said “For the first time in IUPUI women’s basketball the Moscow Olympics, this will my life. 1 wish l-were a little tall team, will pit her skills against be good exposure for Tina." said er Tina's top game score this America’s best when she com­ IUPUI head coach. Kathy Tuck season was 20 points She was petes in Colorado Springs. Colo.. er. who herself has tried out recently chosen moat valuable March 24-25. for the Summer twice for the Olympic basketball player and top rebounder by her Olympic Games. team “Tina is a little apprehen teammates and coaches She and A top scorer for the past two sive. but this will help her dis­ other team members will be for­ seasons. Una plays center and cover her abilities on the nation­ forward, but will try out as al scale.'* Tucker said mally honored for their 10^9 sea guard in the open trials at Colo­ son during the IUPUI athletic rado. The 19-year-old sophomore (Tucker explained that sum­ awards program in April from Carmel averaged 17.2 mer Olympic competition is oing ahead She said that A computer technology major points per game in the 1979-80 at IUPUI. Masengale maintains seasons. She was chosen last Olympic officials notified her Sthat qualifying rounds will be a 3.5 grade point average She year as All-American Athlete by also plays volleyball and softball the Women's Professional Bas held in Bulgaria, as planned.) ketball league for region five of Tina will try out as guard, be for the university She is the the Association for Inter-Colle­ cause at 5-feet, 10-inches, she is daughter of Mr and Mrs. Rob­ giate Athletics for Women considered “short'' for internat­ ert Masengale. 1435 West Jef­ IAIAW). ional competition, Tucker said. ferson Street. Franklin Environment must not lose fight it)-HijM»wiN(.iitv N» ms Mm* m The IU educator, who was in­ ed two other principal achieve America can ill-afford another vited to the White House Feb. ments during the last decade: decade of environmental battles 29 to join President Carter and • The raising of national con­ in which two sides square off in others in celebrating the begin­ sciousness and conscience; con­ a winner-take-all situation, in ning of the “second decade of sciousness, because the public the opinion of nationally-known the environment.'’ assessed the became more aware of the im­ environmental policy analyst pluses and minuses of the first pact of industrial and technolog Lynton K. Caldwell of IU. decade—the 1970’s—and then ical developments on the envi­ “Environmental policies in examined some of the problems ronment. and conscience, lie- the 1980s need to be integrated in the 1980s. cause of a developing feeling with social and economic poli­ Looking first at the “era of that by harming the quality of AIFAmtrtcan Tina Masangala, 19-year-old IUPUI sophomors from Car­ cies and with policies regarding confrontation.'' Caldwell said life in our own time, the present mel, Is heeded for tryouts In basketball for the Summer Olympics. Top the production and distribution that government agencies, in­ generation is mortgaging the fu scorer for the women’s teem, Masenpale averages 17.2 points per of energy-. dustrialists. agriculturalists and ture and. in effect, depriving fu­ Qame. Although a center and forward for the IUPUI squad, No. 33 will “It isn’t enough just to pro­ others often took a resistant a t­ ture generations of the opportu­ try out aa a guard for the 14-member Olympic team. (Photo courtesy of tect the environment. W'e need titude toward the environmental nity for a quality environment the IUPUI Office of Publications) to protect it in a way that also protection movement. • Extending, refining and add takes into account the many di­ Conservationists, on the other ing new parts to the total struc­ verse non-environmental needs hand, at times sought to protect ture of environmental legisla­ Flasher strikes of people ' some aspect of the environment tion. The National Environmen Caldwell, who is the Arthur F. without taking into full account tal Policy Act of 1970. which Bentley professor of political the economic and social costs Caldwell helped draft, is the science and professor of public and other factors. Theirs', too. basic conceptual document of a med students and environmental affairs at IU. was a one-track attitude. Cald­ national policy with respect to by Matt Stranl and send to his doctor who is out of sees an emerging pattern of mat­ well said the quality of the environment Susan J. Ferrer town. uration on all sides of the en­ One of the major accomplish­ and the behavior of federal agen He then persuades the student vironmental protection ques­ ments of the 1970s was a matur­ cies. Probably the most well- Nursing, premedical and to accompany him to some emp­ tion. ing attitude on all sides—a will­ known aspect of the law is the other medical and social science ty lab or classroom where he pro­ “ I hope we are moving from ingness to try and understand requirement of an environmen­ students who frequent the medi­ ceeds to disrobe. Once the pic­ an era of confrontation into an each other's position, he said tal impact statement cal science facilities, the library tures of his back have been ta­ era of mutual problem-solving. ” The IU educator also describ­ (continued on page 12) Or the Union Building should be ken. he decides that an entirely warned of an unusual scam oc­ nude photograph of his body curring on campus. would be nice. Inside Since September, a man who At that point, the females News...................... pages 2, 3 Etc. is approximately 6 T '. has blond have figured out the man's real Opinion........................ page 3 For tips on how to make the hair with a slightly receding problem and promptly reported hairline and an average build, the incident to the campus police. Kelly & Duke.................page 5 most of your vacation time, has reportedly convinced some The police are working on the The Leisure see our inspired suggestions 12 females to take his picture. case. but. as of yet. have had lit­ Times.................pages 6*10 on page 4 and have a nice one. (He provides the camera). tle luck. They imagine that Sincere in his approach, he ex- many similar approaches have Classifieds.................page 11 piains that he has a back prob- gone unreported and would ap­ leiSm—scoliosis-and that he preciate any additional informa­ t needs pictures of his affliction to tion. V ^ 2 Sagamore 3/19/80 / /hort/ Completed questionnaires needed Questionnaires designed to 1UPU1. and student health sir programs Completed question determine student needs and de­ vices and academic counsel nairas are to be mailed to Dr. sires were mailed last week to ing/advisina—the questionnaire Golem Mannan, dean of student 500 randomly selected under­ was created by students and the services, by no later than Fri­ graduate students. Office of Student Services. day. March SI. Questions regarding the ques­ Divided into five parte ~dem The data will help administra­ tionnaire should be directed to­ Tennis ... ographic data, future activities tion develop new activities and wards. Dr Burdellis Carter at Any female tennis players interested in forming a club should and services, present activities services, modify existing sys­ 264-2646 or in her office. Univer­ contact Jeff Vessely. club coordinator, at 264-3764. Club and services, commitment to tems and eliminate outmoded sity Library. Room 002. members may be part-time or full-time students, faculty, or staff. SPEA fellowship offered for Fall Speech/Theatre If you are willing to get initial National Highway TYaffic Safe­ management, i work experience after gndns ty Administration (NHTSA) in total 12 credit hours out of the Students are encouraged to participate in tryouts for presents order to develop a cadre of pro­ overall 48-hour MPA program tions in the Speech/Theatre department s "Oral Interpretation" tion in a traffic safety-related agency, and agree to work in a fessional managers in the traffic class. Tryouts will be conducted Thursday, March 20 at 11:30 and transportation safety man­ If you are interested in apply a m. in Cavanaugh Hall. Hoorn 106. management position for at for NHTSA s $6,000 Fellow least two years following gradu­ agement field. If you are em­ ployed by a state agency sup­ a i, and are otherwise eligible ation from the Master of Public ported by 402 funds, you may for SPEA's MPA degree pro­ Affairs (MPA) program, you qualify for the $6,000 fellowship gram. contact John Gordon by may qualify to receive $6,000 to and salary support while study calling (812) 337-3906, or write Philosophy C... support your graduate educa­ ing full-time to the School of Public and Envi The Philosophy Club will sponsor a snack session from noonto tion. After deducting tuition, The core curriculum, and ronmentai Affairs, 400 East Seventh Street, Room 517, Indi­ 1:30 p.m. today in Cavanaugh Hall, Room 219. Prof. Michael the remainder of the fellowship much of the course work you will ana University, Bloomington, Burke will talk about: "Lying and the Ethics of Immanuel may be used for books, housing, take, will be the same as any Kant." All are invited to attend.
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