// metal fanzin // Fanzin o metal muzici, sa naglaskom na death & black podžanrove. Broj 20 (izašao 15. decembra 2016.) Samizdat. Elektronsko i štampano izdanje. Glavni urednik i recezent: Andrej Romić Tehnički urednik / dizajn: Desya Lovorov Tehnički urednik / redizajner u ovom broju: Antonio J. (blog Ciklonizacija) Ostali recezenti u ovom broju: Kamen Filipov, Aleksa Nedeljković, Igor Poprocki, Jovan Ađančić, Arpad Korenci (ArpKor Design), Igor Živić (Pits of Utumno fanzin). Omot: Andrej Romić Klikom na omot izdanja otvarate Bandcamp/Youtube link za preslušavanje, a klikom na logo otvarate „Facebook“ stranicu „Nekrst Fanzina“. 2 Black Crown Initiate: Selves We Cannot Forgive (2016) pisao: Kamen Filipov Instrumentalno i vokalno ovaj album je jednako težak i krajnje prelep, sa sporijim momentima koji dočaravaju depresivnu i melanholičnu atmosferu, dok sa druge strane, brzi momenti su stajl savršeno iskalkulisanog i pung emocija tehnikalnog det metala. Savršeno korišćeni blast-beatovi, ne previše korišćeni, i ne previše uživajući u svom ostajanju na albumu. Čim budete čuli album moraćete da se pokrenete. Te tamnije, depresivnije emocije i atmosfera koja je stavljena u celu ovus stvar je impresivna, jedan savršen nastavak njihovom prethodnom albumu The Wreckage Of Stars, ovaj album zaslužuje vaše slušanje! 3 Cognizant: Cognizant (2016) pisao: Aleksa Nedeljković Da li ste se zapitali kako izgleda kada se grindcore evoluira u viši stepen? Pred vama leži možda jedan među najboljim bendovima žanra, ikada. Disonantan, tehnikalan, eksperimentalan, progresivan, Teksasški bend Cognizant se polako probio do vrhova ove godine. Fantastična petorka umetnika, uključujući bubnjara iz svima nama dragog benda Phobia-e, su otišli stepen dalje. Dodir onog najprljavijeg death metala, grindcore-a koji se oseća na domaće kobasice, a opet sve to skockano lepotom tehnikalije! Po mom izboru, ovaj album zauzima četvto mesto mojih top albuma godine. Preporučujem bend fanovima: Okazaki Fragments-a, Pyrrhon-a, Artificial Brain-a, Gorguts-a. 4 Endless Affliction: Interview 1. Hello guys! It’s my pleasure that you guys agreed to do an interview for my humble fanzine! Please, introduce yourselves one by one, and tell us more about your roles in the band. Thanks for considering us. As you already know, we play Technical death metal and have three albums released as of 2016. The band is comprised of three members: Alex Dimou(Guitar, Backing vocals), Manolis Karavidas(Guitar) and James Mansakorth(Vocals). The music is mainly written by Alex Dimou while the lyrics are written by Alex Dimou and Manolis Karavidas. The mixing, drum programming and the mastering are also done by Alex. 2. What made you guys choose to play technical death metal? We were heavily influenced by some band of this genre and that was the main reason. We decided we wanted to play creepy, technical, super fast and super hardcore music so this genre covers our needs completely. As the years go by, we try to become more and more technical with each release. 3. Since when is the band active? The band was formed in 2013 when Alex and Manolis decided to start their first experimental project and found the vocalist, James. 4. I am myself a huge fan of mythology too, especially Greek. Can you tell us more what influenced you to have such lyrical content? Our main goal when we’re writing lyrics is to create a dark and grim story about the underworld or some other dark realm of the dead. Fortunately, there’s a huge variety of morbid stories to choose from. The reason we 5 chose this is because being Greeks ourselves, we are proud of our vast mythology and wanted to support it and share it with the world. 5. I see you guys have a new record out. Did you release it via a label or was it an independent album? Our latest album, just like the previous two, was published independently by us. Sadly, we haven’t had any luck on the matter and since we’re a band that doesn’t perform live, it’s even harder to get noticed by a label. 6. How many records do you guys have behind your back, since the forming of the band? We have three records released and we’re currently working on our fourth which is scheduled to be released in the summer of the next year. All of our albums are different in style and that will also be the case with the upcoming album which will be something revolutionary for the band. 7. To new fans, which record would you guys recommend mostly? We would definitely recommend our latest, Towards Death, since we believe we’re constantly improving each year, both in composition and in technicality. 8. Did you receive the wanted feedback on your new record? Not really, no. We got the feedback we expected to get, just like every year since we formed this band. Sadly, it’s really hard for people to discover your music when you don’t have a label to promote your work. We do what we can by ourselves but unfortunately it’s not enough. 9. What are your plans for future shows? Unfortunately, there aren’t any festivals in Greece that help us promote our genre and that is really discouraging for us. It doesn’t push us into doing rehearsals for live shows. Beyond that, we can’t afford to travel abroad for famous festivals because we’re all still in university, each one in a different city so that makes things even harder than they already are. 10. And the last but not least important question, do you guys have social media, or anything else in particular to show my readers to check out, recommend bands, etc… ? Of course, we have the following pages on facebook, youtube and bandamp: https://www.facebook.com/endlessaffliction https://endlessaffliction.bandcamp.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSn7xyTt5goZpMWd3sv1l7g 6 Bands that we love and would definitely recommend are: Rings of Saturn, The Faceless, Necrophagist, Archspire, Beyond Creation, Cytotoxin, Entrails Eradicated, Dying Fetus, Infant Annihilator, Obscura, Spawn of Possession and Viraemia. Basically, all the bands that influenced us as a band. Thanks again! THANK YOU guys for answering all of the questions, i really hope you’ll find a label sometime soon! ;-) –Andrej Ledge: Demo (2016) Još jedna preporuka za fanove sporijih, ali ništa manje žestokih žanrova. Ledge, sludge-doom projekat baziran iz Čikaga, Ilinojsa(SAD), je iste godine svog nastanka izdao 13-o minutni demo snimak, a da budem precizniji, datum izdavanja je bio na leto, a demo je izdat na kaseti, kako se i od ovakvih izdanja to i očekuje. Demo koji sadrži dve pesme, ''Mare'' i ''Given'' koje su obe šestominutna prženica ova dva toliko bolesna i surova žanra. Ako volite one najodvratnije pionire ovog žanra kao što su Primitive Man ili Eyehategod, dajte i mladom, Ledge-u šansu. 7 Zom: Flesh Assimilation (2014) Zom je bend koji 2014-te godine uspešno izdaje svoj prvi, tj. debi album nazvan Flesh Assimilation, i slušajte sad, jer ovaj album je bukvalno kesa žanrova, nešto u čemu će svako uživati, za svakog po nešto. Stajl ZOM-a je jedan veoma odvratan, prljav stajl blek metala pomešan s death-om, thrash-om pogotovo(u smislu rifova), dok je cela stvar onako zasoljena pankom i krastom. Ogroman nivo agresije, sirovosti i odvratnosti. Irski blek metal na najbolji način, preporučen ako volite Khthoniik Cerviiks, Grave Ritual, Necrovore, Malthusian! 8 Black Fucking Cancer: Black Fucking Cancer (2016) Izdavavši Summoning Aural Hell 2011-e godine, bend ozlazi u tišinu kako bi full length album, 2016-e godine napokon video tamu pakla. Poznati od 2009-e godine, ovaj kalifornijski bend je sa svom svojom snagom skupljenom krenuo u napad sa svojim mizantropno-blasfemičnim i perverznim albumom koji je bio u kreiranju vrlo dugo kako bi ga napokon izdali rano leto ove godine, kao didžipek izdanje, limitiran na 1000, izdat za Osmose Productions. Dobio je prebolestan omot, možda jedan od najbolesnijih ikad, s karakterističnim simbolom na sredini, dok je cela ta atmosfera omota neko mrtvilo ljudi hodajući u prazninu bez cilja. Karakteristična je stvar, jer je bend maksimalno koncentrisan na anti- humanističke tekstove i lirikale, fokusirajući se da sve to pretvori u najluđi i najbrutalniji blek metal koji ste čuli ove godine, pa možda čak i oduvek. Možda postoje još bendova kao oni, samo su manje poznati, sve je moguće. 7 pesama samog pakla treši-blek metal rifova, žestokih, prosto urlajuće bolesnih vokala i sirovih bubnjeva,najsirovijih i totalno prilepljenih za ovaj žanr. Pesme kao A Sigil Of Burning Flesh ili Wall Of Corpses su prosto prebolesne. Ovo bih preporučio svim blekerima koji ovo trenutno čitaju, a kao i uvek, ako još niste ubeđeni da proverite bend, evo nekih konkretnih primera, baziranih na zvuku Black Fucking Cancer-a: Katharsis, 1349, Black Witchery. 9 Dead Congregation: Sombre Doom (2016) Ljudi da li je ovo humano koliko je ova godina predobra i bolesna? Neverovatno... Dead Congregation izbacuje sasvim nov EP od petnaestak minuta, alo! DEAD CONGREGATION! Bend koji dolazi iz toliko toplih krajeva, Grčke a sviraju toliko hladan dumiran death metal da vam se prosto cela duša smrzne! Ogroman mi je nivo sreće trenutno što slušam ovo, jer ovo je stvarno fenomenalno. Sporoća, žestina i brutalnost, sve u tako kratko vreme sklopljeno! Nemam reči za ovaj sastav stvarno. Ako volite death metal, volite Dead Congregation, nema dalje. 10 Crator: The Ones Who Create : The Ones Who Destroy (2016) Tražite death metal, s brzim, uništavajućim rifovima, ali namerno lošom, blekerskom produkcijom? Crator je za vas! Prvi put sam čuo za bend na zidu jednog prijatelja, najaviši njihov debi album, koji je bio u procesu snimanja nekih 4 godina, kako bi posle prvog singla The Echo That Conquers voice prošle godine, izdali ceo album! Traje 38:25, i s 9 žestokih pesama će da zadovolje fanove: Blek, det, tehnikal, čak i brutalnog metala.
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