Vol. 5. No. 32 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE EAY, T. H. Friday, November 23, 1956 Rainbow Chapel MOST MCAS UNITS Anniversary Of Chaplain Corps GRADED EXCELLENT To Be Noted Here FOR INSPECTION Thn. 181st Anniversary of the founding of the Chaplain Corps "Excellent" best summarized the results of the Administrative and will be noted at K-Bay in cere- Materiel inspection of the Air Station held here Monday and Tuesday. monies Sunday at Rainbow Vil- While a couple of departments received better and a couple received lage chapel. poorer ratings at the inspection critique Tuesday afternoon, the vast Although the actual anniversary majority were in the excellent category. date is not until Wednesday. Nov. Captain Milton A Nation, chief 28. the ceremonies in the chapel olserver for the Inspection and patio will be held Sunday so mem- bers of the various faiths will be Commander. Naval Air Bases, 14th Reviews, Parades, able to attezad. Naval District. concluded the criti- Anniversary ceremonies are que with the comment that Kaneohe Planned Monthly scheduled to start at 11:45 a.m., Marine Corps Air Station is "oiler- following the conclusion of Sunday , ating generally at a very high stan- worship at K-Bay ding". He particularly noted the For Brigade Units Brig. Gen. George R. E. Shell. 1st high morale. Marine The 1st Marine Brigade FMF Brigade FMF. command- out by Captain Nation Pointed is now conductina a parade and ing general, will participate in a was the continuing need for ad- cake-cutting ceremony. The cake. ditional recreation facilities to meet review on a continuing basis on calculated 200 to feed persons. will the needs of the large number of Fridays, at 3 p.m. and Saturdays be sliced. and coffee will be served. personnel stationed here, specifi- at 9 a.m. on the regimental Invitations for the event have cally the 1st Marine Brigade. More parade field. been extended to Col. Jack R. facilities are definitely included in The first Friday of the month Cram. Station CO. Col. E. T. Dor- present and future planning by will feature the entire 1st Marine sey. CO of MAG-13. and Col. the Air Station and the captain's Brigade. Marine Aircraft Group- Bryghte D. Godbold. CO of 4th remarks lent emphasis to the need. 13 and Brigade troops will parade Marines. All personnel. regardless ORI-Capt. Milton A. Nation, Commander, U. S. Naval Air Bases. on the second Saturday of each Checking every facet of the oper- of religious denomination. are in- 4th Naval District, checks the rifle of Cpl. Joseph M. Zubia Engi- month. except during tne month of ation of this Windward Air Station, I vited. 1956 and June 1957. Dur- neer:ng section of Station Operations, during the Personnel nspec- the inspection team consisted of December The Chaplain Corps was inaugu- ing these months. MAG-13 and t;cn Mo-day. Inclerre-t weather failed to dampen the inspection, 39 members, headed ay Capt.. rated Nov 28, 1775. when the Con- which was held in hangar 105. In- Brigade will hold the ceremony on George P. Koch. USN. District the third Saturday. tinental Congress decreed that spector and chief inspector for this -divine service" would "be perform- a nnual event. 4th Marines units will conduct a ed twice each day on board ship parade and review on the third and a sermon preached on Sun- `H' Co., 4th Marines, Donates I 32 Wednesday morning. the oper- Friday of each month. day." This was to be carried out ational readiness of the Station Dependents, guests, and friends on both of the ships that consti- was inspected as the concluding of all Marines are invited to at- tuted the fleet of the U. S. Navy Pints Of Blood In Past Four Months phase of the over-all evaluation. tend these parades. Units not parti- uriof.c;c;a!;.1. -H" at that Lime. Rn 4+k Marines is gaining the reputa- This aspect of the inspection con- cipating. where practicable, should tion of being THE blood donation company of the Brigade. sisted of a command poet exercle.e have the maximum number of For the third time in four months ''H'' Company Marines last Operation of both Command Cen- personnel to observe parades of Congressmen Get week volunteered to bolster the Queen's Hospital blood bank for a ters and all observation sectors other commands. needy Patient. was tested. Results were not known On combined Brigade parades. Look At K-Bay Hanano Rossiter. son of Mr. and volunteei and immediately had 90 at press time. aircraft of MAG-13, including heli- observation aircraft, Mrs. Leslie Rossiter, Honolulu, T.H. takers. Closing the critique Tuesday. Col. copters and will conduct an aerial fly-by. The Housing Areas and cousin of Sgt. Ralph D. Alapal The unique part of "H" Com- Jack R. Cram. Commanding Of- will pass over the pa- inves- was in need of blood last Wednes- pany's blood donations of the Air Station. thanked aerial might A congressional delegation is that in ficer field as troops clear the re- on Oahu day when the call came to "H" every case their unselfish Nation and the inspectors rade tigating housing conditions gesture Captain viewing stand. dropped in on Kaneohe MCAS Company for volunteers. was for someone they didn't know. for their thoroughness and coop- Wednesday. The delegation includ- In short order 28 men said they erative attitude. noting that it is Martial music will be played dur- ed Representatives Hugh J. Ad- would help and were trarported Official, Personal through learning of our operations ing each ceremony. ; P. Wolcott to Queens Hospital to aid the bo. others see them that were are donizio I D -N.J.) Jesse as Adequate seating and parking R-Mich. 1: Ralph A. Gamble (R- suffering from leukemia. Mail Must Carry able to effect improvement. area will be arranged for guests. N.Y.): William A. Barrett ID-Pa.): Their first donation occurred last This inspection is conducted an- 1 1 Com- William B. W i d n a IR-N.J.); June when a sergeant in "H" Ccrrect Addresses nually at K -Bay by a station with- CHAPLAIN CHANGE Thomas L. Ashley D-Ohio): Lenor pany indicated that his father. in In turn. Addresses on in the 14th Naval District. K. Sullivan (D-Mo.i: James C. Queens Hospital. needed blood. both official and 14th Chaplain Carl A. Auel reported personal mail processed the Air Station inspects other Healey ID-N.Y.); Charles A. Vanick buddies provided 14 pints. through the into K-Bay last week to relieve Brigade Post Office ND stations. D-Ohio l: and staff members. Then in October Cpl. Michael Sa- indicate that Chaplain Thaine E. Ford. Chaplain some organizations The Congressmen are on Oahu to larzione of -11- Company discovered and personnel Ford will report to the Naval Sta- are still using 1st COMMISSARY CLOSED look into private rentals and mili- that the mother of Mrs. Jenny Lu, Provisional Ma- tion, Tacoma Wash., for duty. He rine Air-Ground Task Force tary housing. and are trying to find Exchange cafeteria cashier. was in as part The MCAS Commissary will be has served as Protestant chaplain of their address. This is the reason for the lack of interest Queens and required blood trans- the subject closed for inventory next Friday, aboard MCAS for the past 15 of Brigade Bulletin 2740 of Nov. 1. on the part of local contractors in fusions nearly every day. Nov. 30. months. building Capetian housing. Cpl. Salamone informed his com- Hereafter. reads the bulletin, the Practically all Oahu military in- pany gunnery sergeant TSgt. Mar- Fleet Post Office will return all mail WRAPPING stallations were visited. tin M. Murray, who again asked for which is so addressed, to the sender. PROBLEM - Mrs. Edward V. Finn ponders a MOKAPU YIELDS MORE BONES problem con- fronting ni a n y The remains of what is believed which they were discovered. They Althou',h over 300 skeletons have were minus teeth. and portions of Yuletide shop- to be old Hawaiians returned been unearthed from the Heleloa the cranium were deteriorated. A sand dunes. the discovery of bones pers, and tlfat is Nov. 2 to haunt the present oc- working party led by SSgt. Stan- in the flame-thrower site is the how t o wrap cupants of Mokapu peninsula. ley Riffle uncovered them. Sifting first. When LT1upau Head Fort bulky packages. Found in the area bordering Kai- of and digging through more the Hase I was transformed into a vol- The scene oc- lua Bay were human bones of un- sand revealed no further bones. canic fortress. skeletons were re- curred in the Ma- known origin As was common with Hawaiian ported to be found at the rim of r i n e Exchange A grenade range. being construc- burials in sand dunes. the remains the extinct crater. of H Co.. 3rd Bn.. were found at the Toyland in Bldg. ted by members of the skeletons Honolulu authorities yielded two skulls, and shallow depth of two disclaimed 262, which i s 4th Marines. comparatively any interest in bones assorted disconnected bones The feet. Skeletons found in the sand the found by open from 9 a.m. H Company. and they wound up area in which they were found is dunes at Heleloa beach which is to 5 p.m., Mcn- Pyramid Rock in the K -Bay dispensary. until the near the present flame-thrower the strip betwem Bishop Museum day through Fri- were buried at expressed an In- range.
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