™ F A L L 2 0 0 7 a publication of 15th F I Anniversary L M M A K E R M A G A Z I N E going Amir Bar-Lev’s electric My Kid Could V O Todd Haynes’s Paint That L U Anton Corbijn’s M radical Dylanism: E Control 1 6 , Julian Schnabel’s # 1 I’m Not The Diving Bell and the Butterfy There Strike strategy Ryan Gosling interviews for independents screenwriter Oren Moverman Planning your post production Tamara Jenkins’s $5.95 U.S. / $7.95 Canada The Savages Fall 2007, Vol. 16, #1 John Sayles’s Honeydripper www.flmmakermagazine.com CONTENTS FILMMAKER FALL 2007 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 1 EE GG 34 RR the jigsaw man OO EE GG todd hy x l d EE NN yoloy o Bob Dyl I’m Not There .. NN IIEE TT By hord F ::EE YY BB OO TT 40 the OVeRaChieVeR OO HH Ry gol c crrr Or PP movr bou l cv, I’m Not There d Married Lie , lo uqu collbrv rlop drcor. 46 seniOR mOments n yr r k Slums o Beverly HIlls,, tr jk rur o ur fl 70 cocl bu ly ool look d o ly’ urbul rlop The Savages. By Ry Prd 52 PRaY FOR ROCK ‘n’ ROLL 52 jo gurro do jo syl o dcu uur o flk d cll o k l flfl Honeydripper .. 60 the Unseen hanD ar Br-Lv o or brd or ollod cld pr mrl Old d r ly or yr rv docury My Kid Could Paint That . By jo gurro 66 the Last DRaFt ju Lo lk o adr wr bou opor or, dply ro dr Starting Out In The Evening .. K YY N RR E OO GG W EE 70 N RR the insiDe man 34 A 80 GG H T EE ii The Diving Bell and the Butterfy , jul A NN N AA scbl k j-Doq Buby’ O OO :J ::DD Y YY b-ll or o uy, ov B BB O OO d coplo o orly d T TT O OO H HH r. By sco mculy P PP 7744 sOmething mUst BReaK joy Dvo ro i Cur pu udr crocop ao Corb’ dbu ur Control . By nck Do 78 the hOLLYwOOD LiFe aoy hopk blur y d rly dor Slipstream.. By sco mculy 80 mY sUPeR sweet 16 jo R dlv o prcy ( ll lp ro fr- crrr Dblo Cody) ollo up o Thank You or Smoking ,, Juno .. By L Y. grby 22 FILMMAKER FALL 2007 FILMMAKER FALL 2007 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 1 ™ NN OO TT LL AA 90 DD 104 Wst 29t Stt, 12t F oooo IIDD VV Nw Yok, NY 10001 AA DD www.fmmakmagazn.com :: YY BB T: (212) 563-0211 Fax: (212) 563-1933 OO TT OO PubliSher HH PP Jay J. Milla [email protected] eDiTOr Scott Macaulay [email protected] SeNiOr eDiTOr Peter Bowen [email protected] MANAGiNG eDiTOr Jason Guerrasio [email protected] ArT DireCTOr Diane Ferrera ADVerTiSiNG DireCTOr Ian Gilmore [email protected] WeST COAST AD MANAGer Carl Gilliard LINE ITEMS [email protected] 8686 14 eDit POints SubSCriPTiONS B Croly-mrr rpor o Arnold Salas dr po produco opo our drcor [email protected] co o f r fl. COPY eDiTOrS Lance Kaplan 9090 ...anD nOthing BUt the tRUth? Leah Dueffer i p o df docury CONTribuTiNG eDiTOrS flk ar joo lr l May Gcksman b fco d o vry blurry. Antony Kafman ba Paman 9292 CameRa test ray Pd j sur ou Poc ag-hPX500P. Cck Stpns 9494 CONTribuTiNG PhOTOGrAPherS the POweRs that Be hnny Gafnk alc V Couvr lp d rz rcad Kok or upco rk. Mca lavn Tom l Goff 9696 PLaY again iona lman Head Trauma drcor Lc wlr o PrODuCTiON ASSiSTANTS d orld byod dpd fl. bnjamn Cossy-Maa Jffy Knz 9898 sUPPORt gROUP Gavn Mvs sco mculy rcp 2007 iFP Natan Wagn WebMASTer nrrv Rou Cu Lb. Gog hnk COLUMNS CONTrOller Pa Kofos 92 2020 in FOCUs PriNTer Fv fl poproduco. By mry Scmann Pnts, inc. gluck NeWSSTAND DiSTribuTiON 2424 inDUstRY Beat Dstco, inc. (905) 619-6969 id doc rul o y Ocr. By CONTeNT SYNDiCATiON aoy Ku Fatw.com ADVerTiSiNG SAleS 2626 Fest CiRCUit Nw Yok: (212) 563-1577 Rpor ro toroo, Vc d edbur. los Angs: (818) 763-2678 3030 LOaD & PLaY SubSCriPTiONS, MerChANDiSe, bACK iSSueS Cdt cad ods, ca to-f n u.S.: (800) 992-9755 Filmmaker ’ look o’ DVD rl. 3232 the sUPeR 8 FilMMAKer (iSSN 1063-8954) s manfactd and pntd n t untd Stats. FilMMAKer wcoms nsoctd atcs t svs e ll kp you ko. compt dtoa conto ov a smttd mata. A atcs, t- ts o vws psnt t opnon of t atos and do not ncssa- y fct t opnons of t ps o dtos. A matas com REPORTS t popty of FilMMAKer and cannot tnd nss a stampd, 8-18 The Orphanage ; hdbr Bll; sf-addssd nvop s ncdd. FilMMAKer s std n t Fm ltat indx. FilMMAKer s psd fo tms a ya. T tt Canvas; mobmov; mxc Rvoluo; FilMMAKer and “T Magazn of indpndnt Fm” and ogotyp a gstd tadmaks and svc maks. Copygt 2005 FilM- Maysles; scrr book; iFP mrk. MAKer Magazn. A gts svd. No pat of ts pcaton may copd y any mans, ctonc o mcanca, ncdng potocopy- ETC. ng, codng o y any nfomaton stoag o tva systm wt- ot t xpss wttn pmsson of t ps. Nwsstand: $5.95 66 LetteR FROm the eDitOR u.S./$7.95 Canada; Sscpton: $18.00 u.S./$20.00 Canada/$40.00 Covr: I’m Not There drcor todd hy. Fogn. POSTMASTer: Pas snd addss cangs to FilMMAKer 111 Poo: hy grukl/Retna LtD. aD inDeX Magazn, 104 Wst 29t Stt, 12t Foo, Nw Yok, NY 10001. 112 PaRting shOt: Dvd Lyc 44 FILMMAKER FALL 2007 editor’s letter In thinking about this editor’s letter and Filmmaker ’s 15th anniversary issue, I was tempted to ruminate about all the ways that independent film has changed in the past decade and a half. 104 West 29th Street, 12th Floor But before I could do so, my mind wandered instead to all the ways in which the process of mak- New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212-465-8200 inging Filmmaker itself has changed in the last 15 years. In 1992, putting together this magazine was Fax: 212-465-8525 a very different enterprise. Without much in the way of office equipment and in-house design Email: [email protected] expertise, we’d spend many evenings at a Chelsea design firm, waiting for the harried owner to Website: www.ifp.org finish with his corporate clients and devote an hour or two to us. Articles would arrive by FedEx on disk, with new versions often flying back and forth the same way in an editorial process that BOARD OF DIRECTORS stretched out to weeks per piece. We’d get slides from publicists that we’we’d pay to have profession- Steven C. Beer ally scanned. Pitches would come in by snail mail. People would have a hard time navigating our Jeanne R. Berney phone system. (Um, I guess some things don’t change.) And there was no Filmmakermagazine. Anthony Bregman com, no Filmmaker blog, no e-mail newsletter, and weekly online director interviews or video Mark D’Arcy podcasts. Filmmaker ’s audience was in the tens, not hundreds, of thousands. Ira Deutchman Today, thankfully, things are a lot different. Faster computers and the Internet have accel- Matt Dillon erated and streamlined our production cycle. Feedback from our readers is both immediate, Nelson George through email, and public, on our blog. With his Panasonic HVX200P and Final Cut Pro, Howard Graff Jamie Stuart singlehandedly creates for our website idiosyncratic yet gorgeous short films that Dan Klores would have required the services of small crews years ago. Jeffrey Levy-Hinte In looking then at independent film during a time that has spanned Pulp Fiction and Blair Jewell Jackson McCabe Witch, mumblecore and Michael Moore, YouTube, Kazaa and Netflix, it’s easy to see that a lot John Penotti has changed but a lot has also stayed the same. And while it may be easier more efficient, Carole Rifkind even to make a microbudget film today, the kinds of inefficiencies that caused us to labori- John Schmidt ously scan photos and FedEx edits still seem to exist when it comes to the distribution and Cyndi Stivers marketing of indie movies. Hopefully as we approach Web 3.0 the business of independent Mark Urman film will make it to version 2.0. We look forward to being hear to talk about it. I also want to Joana Vicente take a moment now to thank Jay Milla for his great work as publisher over the last two years Lance Weiler and to wish him well in his new position as publisher of Moving Pictures Magazine .. George Zuber Thanks for reading us over 15 years and see you next issue. Thomas D. Selz, General Counsel Frankfurt, Kurnit, Klein & Selz Executive Director Scott Macaulay, Editor Michelle Byrd Senior Director, Finance & Operations CONTRIBUTORS Mitchell Micich BELLE N. BURKE (pg. 110) writes, translates and follows film in New York and Venice. JAY CASSIDY (pg. 88) is a film editor IFP is a non-profit organization supporting living in Los Angeles. His most recent credits include An Inconvenient Truth andand Into The Wild . PAMELA COHN (pg. 18) is a independent filmmakers. Headquartered freelance media producer, writer and filmmaker based in New York.
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