Case Study - Korea Opportunities for BB Connectivity in APAC Ki-young, Ko| 2013. 9. 24 0 Introduction 1 International Internet Traffic Trend 2 KT Plan to Cope with the Traffic Highway Construction & Telecom 3 Infrastructure 4 Considerations 01 International Traffic Trend Traffic is growing but growth rate is slowing down, so is the Asian Region Global Traffic Regional Traffic Growth Rate Int’l Internet Bandwidth(Tbps) Africa 120 140% Europe 100 120% US&Canada Latin America 80 100% Asia 60 80% 40 60% 20 40% 0 20% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Telegeography 02 International Traffic Forecast Growing but the growth rate is slowing down, without a “Star” application Internet Traffic by Application Estimated Global IP Traffic per Month Unit(Exabyte) 120 IP-VPN 109.5 Email 3% 100 93.8 2% Other Gaming 8% 80 77.4 4% VoIP/IM/Video Web Browsing 60 59.1 23 18 Calling 26% 5% 43.5 14 40 30.7 9 6% 6 19% 52 20 28% 49 33% 41 5 60% 32 P2P 24 Streamed & Buffered 15 19% Audio/Video 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 22% Online File Video File Sharing Storage Business Data Web and Other Data 11% Video Communications Voice Communications Telegeography Online Gaming Cisco 03 Traffic Trend in Korea By internet services 14% 13% 12% 10% 11% 12% 10% 11% 14% 31% 32% 31% Video 76% 35% 33% 31% 2012Y 4Q 2013Y 1Q 2013Y 2Q Web-hard P2P Multimedia Web E-mail etc. 01 KT Traffic Forecast by Country US Traffic Asia Traffic (Unit : Gbps) (Unit : Gbps) 350 300 321G 275G 300 250 235 257G 274 250 200 226 194 200 190G 173 150 148 150 143 104 100 100 99 60 60 50 46 50 40 28 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Inbound Outbound Current Capacity Required Capacity Analysis by Estimated global IP traffic per month in Telegeografy and kt global traffic expectation graph 01 KT Total Need 628 G bandwidth to cope with global IP traffic by 2016 Total Traffic (Unit : Gbps) 700 31G 600 500 447G 275G 400 300 628G 200 321G 100 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Forecast US Inbound EU Inbound ASIA Inbound Current Capacity Required Capacity 03 Domestic Traffic Trend 66.5% of households in Korea have smart devices Market share Traffic Destkop 81.4% Fixed(Tbps) Mobile(Gbps) Smartphone 65.0% 2.5 30 Smart TV 5.2% Smart device SmartPad 4.1% 66.5% 2 Digitial TV 56.6% 20 1.5 Digital Camera 54.8% GPS Navigation 43.7% 1 Notebook 20.2% 10 MP3 Player 16.8% 0.5 Game console 11.9% Digital camcoder 9.1% 0 0 2010 Jan 2010 Jun 2010 Dec 2011 Aug Other 2.8% KISA 2012 NTMS/ARGOS 1 International internet traffic trend 2 KT Plan to Cope with the Traffic Integrated construct highway and 3 network infrastructure 4 Consideration 01 Plan 1 - Submarine Cable Capacity ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘13 US 280Gbps US 340Gbps US 400Gbps Asia 240Gbps Asia 290Gbps Asia 340Gbps The existing submarine system will adapted a new technology : 40Gps or 100Gps Asia Pacific Gateway launching (under construction) New pacific cable launching (under discussion) APG (Asia Pacific Gateway) New trans pacific - Landing (11): Korea, Japan (2), - Landing (7): Korea, China (3), China(2), Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, USA Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand - System Capacity : at least 15Tbps - System Capacity : 38.4Tbps - Ready For Service - Ready For Service : Early 2015 : 2017 (under discussion) 02 Plan 2 - Global POP TORONTO SEATTLE London Amsterdam KOREA JAPAN PALO FrankFurt NY HongKong INDIA VIETNAM LA (1Wilshire / Equinix) THAI SINGAPORE PHILIPPINE INDONESIA Global POP : 12 Countries 14POPs Internet POP : 7 Countries 10 POPs USA(5), Canada, United Kingdom(2), Germany(2), Netherlands, Japan(2), Hong Kong(4), Singapore(2), Vietnam, Philippine, India, Thailand, Indonesia + West Asia(4), Europe(2) countries (until 2016) 03 Plan 3 - IP Network Optimization 1 High Bandwidth Interconnections - 2 center nodes and 20 main nodes - 10 Gbps to 100 Gbps 2 Without a Blind Spot - Around 100 nodes all over the nation 3 Domestic Backbone Bandwidth - 6,600 Gbps - Plan to upgrade to higher bandwidth 4 Domestic FTTH rate - Copper based access network: 10% - Fiber based access network: 90% 05 Plan 4 - All-IP Based Transformation Fixed & Wireless Convergence Service on ALL-IP Network Current (2011) Evolution (2013) Future (2015) PSTN Enterprise Home Wireless PSTN Wireless Show-talk Home + Enterprise PSTN, Intelligent Service, Intelligent SoIP SoIP Additional Intelligent Additional AS SoIP AS Service AS AS Service Service Service Messaging, Web AS Enterprise Integrated SSW DB Fixed Wireless Integrated POTS IMS IMS POTS POTS IMS Integrated Upgraded IMS Cloud DB Fixed Wireless Integrated Wireless Integrated Wireless PSTN & Wireless PSTN & PSTN & Back-Bone Back-Bone Back-Bone CS network Back-Bone CS network AGW CS network AGW AGW network network Network Network Fixed & Wireless Transform to 2 Networks: All-IP Circuit Switched Network Network Network Separate & IP Multimedia Sub System Integrated 1 International internet traffic trend 2 kt’s plan for traffic increasing Highway Construction & Telecom 3 Infrastructure 4 Consideration 01 Case Study – “Dreamline” Dreamline leased telecom networks from Korea Expressway Corp. that constructed highways with telecom infrastructures Dreamline network structure (43,188km) Core Network Structure • Highways • DWDM 400G • Speed up to 1.6Tbps Metro Network Structure • Subway and main roads • 14 MSPPs Access Network Structure • Ring configuration 01 Case Study – “Dreamline” Dreamline Network Features 1 Stability Cables are housed in cable ducts 1.5m under the surface 2 Expandability Easy connection to other highway cables 3 Cost Savings 4 Easy Access for Maintenance 02 Synergy Effects 1 Construction Cost Reduction 2 Maintenance Efficiency 3 Restoration Option 4 Service Price Reduction 5 Applications for ITS 02 Synergy Effects - Construct Cost Reduction (per km) Terrestrial fiber cable Submarine cable Form $ 13,800 $ 1,000 $ 45,000 Material Cable: $ 1,000 Cable: $ 1,000 Submarine cable: $ 35,000 Manhole: $ 4,800 Steel pipe: $ 10,000 Pipe: $ 8,000 Construction $ 58,000 $ 5,370 $ 135,000 Standard: 1km cable construction - Landing fiber cable : from kt standard quantity for unit (pipe(4), manhole(4), 36C fiber cable) - Submarine cable : from kt Submarine Company Information 02 Synergy Effects - Maintenance Efficiency Terrestrial fiber cable Submarine cable Feature Repair 1 day (using vehicle) 20 days (using Cableship) duration Repair cost $ 5,000 $ 500,000 (per 1 time) 02 Synergy Effects - Restoration Option Current Future Taiwan earthquake example - Multiple & Simultaneous submarine cable faults - 8 cables(2006), 4 cables(2007), 8 cables(2009) Landing Cable is a Restoration Option 02 Synergy Effects – Service Price Reduction Asia IP transit & backhaul price is 3 times more expensive than that of Europe/North America Asian Information Super Highway Atlantic 23 Indian 8 Pacific 18 Why Expensive? Asian Information Super Highway • Only 8 submarine cables in Asia • Can reduce service price by more IP transit • Asian population is 60% competition of the world Technology: Making the Asian Highway also an Information Highway By Rphan Samarajiva; published on January 6, 2011 02 Synergy Effects - Applications for ITS ITS (Intelligent Transport System), leveraged on integrated highway and network infrastructure ATMS ETCS Advanced Traffic Management Service Electronic Toll Collection Systems Information Processing Automatic Vehicle Charging Service & Monitoring Traffic Flow Control Service ATE Automatic Traffic Enforcement Service Illegal parking enforcement services Vehicle number recognition system ATC Advanced Vehicle and Highway Information Information Service Collection Provision Real time Signal Control Service Traffic Flow Control Service 03 Applications for ITS - ETCS Electronic Toll Collection Systems Number of Passed Vehicles per day(/Lane) 108,000 → 432,000 Processing time per Vehicle 45sec → 9sec 03 Application – ATE Automatic Traffic Enforcement Number of Traffic Accidents Number of Casuality (for 6 months) by Traffic Accidents (for 6 months) 1,405 → 999 87 → 52 03 Applications for ITS - ATC Advanced Traffic Signal Control Systems Travel speed Travel hours per travel distance 1 International internet traffic trend 2 kt’s plan for traffic increasing Integrated construct highway and 3 network infrastructure 4 Considerations 01 Consideration - North America Traffic The highest traffic in Asia is to North America Aisa North America Europe 01 Consideration – North America Traffic Need to Construct a new Backbone Network connecting North America ISP Europe ISP Traffic Mongolia North America Korea Traffic ISP Asian Information ISP Super Highway Japan ISP China ISP Pakistan India ISP Thailand ISP ISP ISP ISP Vietnam Cambodia ISP Laos ISP ISP 02 Consideration – Traffic usage efficiency Ring Topology to Unprotected Network (reduce USD 650,000 and capacity efficiency increase 12.5%) Before Optimization Hehwa Seoul Backbone efficiency rate W+P (75%) ITMC Busan Capacity : 2 X Protected 10G & KORNET Usage : 15G Geoje Busan • Ring topology W+P (75%) ITMC • transmission protected scheme Guro After Optimization Hehwa W (50%) ` Seoul Backbone efficiency rate W (50%) ITMC Busan Capacity : 4 X Unprotected 10G & KORNET W (50%) Usage : 20G Geoje Busan • Unprotected topology W (50%) ITMC • Routing protected scheme Guro 02 Consideration - Cost Efficiency The Latest Transmission Technology – PTN, ROADM Previous 1980s 1990s 2000s Afterward 10/100BaseT GbE 10GbE 40/100GbE Pure IP Packet MPLS Router Transport Pure Switch Ethernet Metro MSPP PTN Ethernet PDH SDH Next Circuit Voice MSPP Transport & Hybrid Metro MSTP DWDM CWDM ROADM Optical Technology DWDM • PTN : Packet Transport Network • ROADM : Reconfigurable Optical Add-drop Multiplexer .
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