1954 55 VICTORIA STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA THIRTY-FIFTH ANN'UAL REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1954 TOGETHER WITH APPENDICES PRESENTED lO PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 (b) OF STATE ELECTRICilY COMMISSION ACl No. )776. 2 STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Increase or 1953-54 Decrease Percentage INCOME- Electricity Supply ... ... ... ... ... ... £ 22,117,381 2,927,867 15·3 Briquetting (after Stock Adjustment and less Sales to Works) ... £ ' 884,652 i 5·1 Brown Coal (less Sales to Works) £ 484,330 + 14·8 Tramways ... £ 1€4,756 0·1 Misc€11aneous £ 9,860 24·1 TOTAL INCOME £ 23,c80,979 14·2 EXPENCITURE (ncl. Appropriations, Writings off etc.) £ 23,321,485 2,928,071 + 14·4 NET SlJRPLUS £ 359,494 ~ 16,343 + 4·8 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE-At end of Year £ 173,313,439 ~ 22,927,408 I 15·2 RESERVES-At end of Year £ 24,533,646 2,012,556 + 8·9 MAXIMUM COINCIDENT DEMAND ON POWER STATIONS (28th June, 1954) kW I 701,650 I -t 99,340 16·5 ELECTRICITY GENERATED- kWh-millions 3,502·4 482·0 + 16·0 ELECTRICITY SALES- kWh-millions 2,814.7 -l- 394·9 16·3 NUMBER OF CONSUMERS (excluding Bulk Supplies) 501,994 + *33,033 + 7·0 AVERAGE kWh SOLD PER CONSUMER- Domestic 1,770 + 170 r+ 10·6 Commercial 4,330 -L 354 8·9 All Consumers (excluding Bulk Supplies) 4,037 "t 341 I+ 9·2 Per Head of Pcpulation (Victoria) ... ... 1,095 I 112 + 11·4 AVERAGE PRICE PER kWh SOLD- Domestic d. 2.297 0·046 I Commercial 2·0 d. 3.120 0·042 1·4 Industrial d. I l.c85 + All Consum·~~s (excluding Bulk ·S~pplies) 0·012 0·7 d. 2.106 0·023 1·1 MOTORS CONNECTED- Number Horse-power 121 ,6t4 + 9,491 ·I 8·5 657,970 + 44,1 IS 7·2 NUMBER OF FARMS SERVED 27,082 + *4,756 + 21·3 BRIQUETTES- Produced tons Sold and us~d at P~:.Ver St~tion~ .. 587,252 42,279 tons 612,394 + 7 8 57,736 10·4 BROWN CCf..L PRODUCED- + Yallourn Open Cut ... tons Ycllourn North Open Cut 6,718,75~ 328,462 tons 1,262,014 5 I .4.. 80,442 6 TRP,MWA Y PAS~ENGERS + a 12,716,816 + 42.306 + 0 3 * lr.ducies 8.344 C<:ms~mers (2~19 fJrms) previously supplied by und~rtakings acquired during the~a~ TEN YEAR L REVIEW INDEX I. PRODUCTION - INDEX INDEX - ---- • .,.~• I I INDEX 7. CONSUMERS INDEX 250~~------~~~~------~ .;~---- INDEX 250 250 250 250 250 D Thermal Stations Reto1led CommiSSion D b~ 11 Country 'ZOO 200 200~E'I1l!l!lll'l -1200 Hydro Stations rm:":'1 r I 200 D Bulk Supplies Metropolitan 150 - ISO ISO 150 /!':/ :· •' ;;::/ . -~··:,.~'ij . U'oo 100 I 1 1l 100 100 100 1001 &uE 100 50 so so so so QI ! I I - I f •!1 (·~ sA li•IO>ii! k!ij;;j li!it-')1 liQ 0 1945 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1945 46 47 48 49 ---····•'tw,50 51 52 53 54 •O 1945 Production of Electricit!:[ {3502·4 mill1on kWhs 1n 1953/54) Sales for 1953/54 were 2814·7 million kWhs; an increaae The number ot· consumers has more than doublea over the decade (Statisht6- App.7) steadilY. over the decade. of 16 · 3 per cent over last year ( Statishcs - App. 12) than aoubled (Statistics INDEX 2. MAXIMUM DEMAND INDEX 8. SALES PER DO CONSUMER INDEX 5. ELECTRICITY REVENUE INDEX I NDEX NOEX 'ZSOI {INTER-CONNECTED SYSTEM) 1250 500 500 ~U:t"\.1 zso D Retail Sales of Electricity 200 200 400 200 150 300 150 100 zoo !00 50 M...__J------1 I00 50 I I 11 11 11 11 If If If 11 11'&1 IO 0 I !i'fo';,'l t·\J I··· 1 1· I I:;J:i·ll t;;l • la"'~ tF':iJ I; ,_!<J I 0 1945 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 0 1945 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 -. 1945 46 47 48 49 50 SI 52 Morrmum Demand for 1953/54 was 701,650 kW; Over the decade revenue ha~ 1ncreosed Stnce 1945 • consumptiOn per domest1c. 1(9nsumer an increase of' 17_per cent for !:Jear.) fourfold (Statistics - App 12) (5tatlstic.s - App 7 has 1ncreased from 838 'to 1-770 kWhslStatistics- App.ll) INDE)( 6 COST PER kWh FOR DOMESTIC CONSUMERS 9. FARMS CONNECTED EACH YEAR ''"' 3. CAPACITY INDEX INDH ~ 250 INDEX INDEX 250 250 500 500 Stot1on5 rtr--1 l"1!7l 200 400 Hydro Stotton~ ~~ 4~ Bos1c Wage....- 150 150~ - -1150 300 I r-.,_,~ ~ 100 100 I ,, I H CJ~·:~ H 100 200 zoo ,........, ~ r--1 f1!J 50 sol- I 1111 11 11 11 11 11 1 -1so 100~ 100 01 h ·t I .11,, -t k;;a !.til t¥41 t.jS flili1 B'll- I 0 Of ~id t .. , .IL,J l~l LJ L.-' l ,J r.,,_.j I ..J I 0 0 I lil!i\l ut ~ IN tlW Mil !!..- tw - 0 1945 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1945 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1945 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 The rnstolled capac1t~ of generators wa" 811,495 1\ W As a result of 1ncreased use Gf electrrc1t~, revenue Total forms connected at 30JGI54 VIIO~ 27,082, on at 30/6)54; an 1ncrease of 136,180 f'IW for ljear (Statistics - App 9) per kWh '"' onl!:l 2.9 per cent h1gher than ten !:!ears ago 1ncreose of 475{, for the year. Shaded po..-1-ion of notw·rthstonding that tne bas1c wage hos more than the graph represents 2219 farms ~reviousr~ suRplie.d doubled ( Sfatist1cs - App. 12). blj undertok1ngs acq.u1red ( Sto+tst1cS -A pp. 11;. P age Ten-Year Statistical Revif'W Yallourn P ower Station 13 Features of Year's Operations 2 Kiewa Hydro-Electric P.ojec: H iV!on•.cell Pcwer and Fu2l Project 14 Royal Visit to Yallourn Regional Power Stations 13 Financial G Eild on Hydro-Electric Project 15 Electricity Supply G 1\llain Tran smi~~ i on a nd Distribctlion 15 Major \li1orks Programme- Power and Fuel Power Production 1G Parliamentary Visits to Yallourn, Morwell and Coal Production Kiewa 6 18 Briquette Production and Distributio't 1~ Annual Accounts 7 Fuel Supplies Summary of Income and Expenditure 7 19 Assets and Liabilities 8 Electricity Supply . 20 Reserves 8 Analysis of Deve~opment 20 Loan Liabili ty 8 Comlllis~ion ' s rnctertalti:lg<; fo r Local D:stri- Capital Expenditure 9 bution 23 Morwell Power a nd Fuel Project 10 Bra nch Transmission and Distribution 23 Snowy Mountain3 Hydro-Electric Scheme 10 Tramways - Ba!larat, Bendigo and Geelong 23 Connections of N w Consumers 11 Pe!·sonnel Final Phase of Rural Electrification of the State 12 Public Safety a nd Other Re~u ' atory Rewonsibilitie3 25 Electricity Supply Tariffs 12 D0ath of Mr. G. G ..J obbin3 - Chairman 1937-49 26 ;11ajor Extensions Programme 13 System Generating Capacity 13 Staff 26 Page Profit and Loss Account. Balance Sheet, and Financial S ~a t :st ; cs No. 1 General Profit and Loss Account 30 2 General Balanc Sheet 31 3 Schedule of F ixed Capital 32 0•) 4 Abstract of Capital, R evenne a nd Opera ting Accounts Ov 5 Sch edule of Debentures and Inscribed Stock 34 :: ;J S ta ti stics- Power Production No. 6 Generation of Electricity- All Supply Authorities 38 7 - S.E.C. Power Station s 39 S (a) Load F actor-S.E.C. Power Stations 40 (b) Fuel used-S.E.(;_ Power Stations 40 9 Capacity of Generators and Boilers Installed 41- 42 Statistics- E lectricity Supply No. 10 Victorian Electricity Sup;>Iv Und e r tak in ~s - Summ ary of Consumer and Sales ~t1tisti cs 44 11 Consume r Stat i ~ t ics ( S.E .C.) 44 12 E lectricity Sales a nd Re ven•te (S.E.C.) 45 1~ Standard Tarifb 4G 14 Transmission and Dis tributi01l Sys te:11 47 15 Country Undertakings Acquired- Inc ·eas d doYc-lopment since arquisit:on 48 M:: p of State Supply Sntcm NOTE : Information previously publislwd i!l Annua l Report3 regarding electrici ty s upply in Vict'>r'an centres served by the State Electricity Commi, sion and Munic-i!lll and private undertakings is now pu blish ed in a separate booklet. copies of w hich are obta:nable o:1 r eq u ls~. Inspection of the Yallourn Open Cut by ller Ma jPsty Queen Elizabeth 11 and 1/. R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, 3rd March, 1954. / Honourable J. W. Galbally, M.L.C., Minister in Charge of Electrical C ndertaking;;, MELBOURNE. Sir, On the historic occasion of the visit to Australia by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II accom­ panied by His Royal Highness the Du!c? of Edinburgh, the opportunity was taken to affirm and place on record the continued loyalty and allegiance as subjects of Her Majesty of the Commission and of those engaged in the conduct of Her Majesty's electrical undertakings in this State. All experienced a deep pride and pleasure at the gre:.tt honour bestowed by the inclusion of Y allourn in the Royal itinerary. The visit to Y allourn on the 3rd March, 1954, by Her Majesty and His Royal Highness was a most memorable occasion. Following a civic welcome which enabled the Commission and the people of Yallourn to express their allegiance at the very heart of the Commission's operations, the Royal Couple spent some time inspecting with kee:1 interest the Y allourn brown coal undertakings.
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