Bundle gerbes and the Weyl map Kimberly Becker September 30, 2019 Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics at The University of Adelaide Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences School of Mathematical Sciences ii Contents Signed Statement v Acknowledgements vii Dedication ix Abstract xi 0 Introduction 1 1 Vector bundles 5 1.1 Definitions and morphisms . .6 1.2 Connections and curvature . .9 1.3 Constructions . 11 1.4 Subbundles of the trivial bundle . 14 1.5 The first Chern class . 15 1.6 Line bundle holonomy . 17 1.7 Homogeneous vector bundles . 18 2 Bundle gerbes 23 2.1 Preliminaries . 25 2.2 Definition . 27 2.3 Constructions . 31 2.4 Morphisms and equivariance . 34 2.5 Connections and curvature . 38 2.6 The Dixmier-Douady class . 44 2.7 Holonomy . 47 2.8 Deligne cohomology . 52 3 The cup product bundle gerbe 59 3.1 The geometry of SU(n)=T ........................... 60 3.2 General cup product bundle gerbes . 63 iii iv Contents 3.2.1 Definition . 63 3.2.2 Stable isomorphisms . 64 3.2.3 Connective data . 66 3.3 The i-th cup product bundle gerbe . 68 3.4 The cup product bundle gerbe . 71 4 The basic bundle gerbe and the Weyl map 75 4.1 The Weyl map . 76 4.2 The basic bundle gerbe . 78 4.3 The pullback of the basic bundle gerbe by the Weyl map . 83 4.4 Isomorphisms of the pullback of the basic bundle gerbe . 86 5 The stable isomorphism 93 5.1 Set up of the problem . 94 5.2 Finding the stable isomorphism . 95 5.3 Comparing holonomies . 99 A Computational lemmas 103 Bibliography 105 Signed Statement I certify that this work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in my name, in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. In addition, I certify that no part of this work will, in the future, be used in a submission in my name, for any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution without the prior approval of the University of Adelaide and where applicable, any partner institution responsible for the joint-award of this degree. I give permission for the digital version of my thesis to be made available on the web, via the University’s digital research repository, the Library Search and also through web search engines, unless permission has been granted by the University to restrict access for a period of time. I acknowledge the support I have received for my research through the provision of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. Signed: . Date: . v vi Signed Statement Acknowledgements First and foremost, thank you to my supervisors, Prof. Michael Murray and Dr Daniel Stevenson. Thank you for enduring the endless drafting and reference writing that I subjected you to. Most of all, thank you for your expert supervision, without which this thesis would not have been possible. Thank you to my family for encouraging and supporting me through all my pursuits. To my mother and sister, I treasure your love and support, thank you. Thank you to the Hallams, for giving me a home away from home. Thank you to the staff and students at The University of Adelaide and Kathleen Lumley College for a wonderful past couple of years. Finally, to Michael Hallam, thank you for the boundless love and joy you bring me every day, even from other side of the world. Here’s to our new chapter together. vii viii Acknowledgements Dedication To Michael Hallam ix x Dedication Abstract This thesis reviews bundle gerbe theory and the well-known basic bundle gerbe over SU(n). We introduce the cup product bundle gerbe, and show it is stably isomorphic to the pullback of the basic bundle gerbe by the Weyl map. This result enriches our understanding of the basic bundle gerbe, which has numerous applications in physics. xi xii Abstract 0 Introduction A bundle gerbe is a differential geometric object first developed by M. K. Murray in his 1996 paper Bundle Gerbes [43]. Based on J. Giraud’s theory of gerbes, bundle gerbes provide us with a geometric realisation of degree-three integer cohomology. This is similar to the geometric realisation of degree-two integer cohomology by line bundles. For this reason, bundle gerbes can be understood as ‘higher-dimensional’ analogues of line bun- dles. Just as line bundles have become foundational to differential geometry, so too have bundle gerbes, with Murray’s paper [43] marking the beginning of what would become a deeply rich and fruitful field. The applications of bundle gerbes are far reaching, permeating many fields of math- ematics and physics. For instance, they offer geometric interpretations of the ‘twists’ in twisted K-theory [6], the B-field in mathematical physics [31], and the Wess-Zumino- Witten models [44]. Other applications of bundle gerbes to physical problems appear in the studies of quantum field theory [13, 38], topological insulators [23, 16], Chern-Simons theory [12, 39], and mirror symmetry [27]. They have also been exploited to good effect in the study of D-brane charges in string theory [6, 29, 32, 40, 41]. These constitute just a few of the many applications of bundle gerbes that we will explore throughout this thesis. Roughly, a bundle gerbe is a triple of manifolds (P; Y; M) for Y ! M a surjective submersion and P a hermitian line bundle over Y [2] ⊂ Y 2, the fibre product of Y with itself. Additionally, we require an associative bundle gerbe multiplication on fibres of P m : P(y1;y2) ⊗ P(y2;y3) ! P(y1;y3): Just as with line bundles, there are notions of bundle gerbe constructions (pullback, product, dual, etc.), connections, curvature, and holonomy. Unlike line bundles, to define the three-curvature and holonomy of a bundle gerbe connection, we require additional data besides the connection, namely a curving or B-field in the physics literature. We call the pair consisting of a connection and curving connective data. There are several types of bundle gerbe morphisms, including isomorphisms, stable isomorphisms, and D-stable isomorphisms. Crucially, stable isomorphism (respectively D-stable isomorphism) classes 1 2 0. Introduction 3 3 of bundle gerbes over M are in bijective correspondence with H (M; Z) (H (M; Z(3)D)) via the Dixmier-Douady class (Deligne class). Moreover, the real part of the Dixmier- Douady class of a bundle gerbe can be represented by a multiple of its three-curvature, and the Deligne class of a bundle gerbe can be related to its three-curvature and holonomy. An in-depth treatment of each of these topics will be provided in Chapter 2. In this work, we will focus on two specific bundle gerbes. The first of these bundle gerbes we call the cup product bundle gerbe, defined over T × SU(n)=T for T a maximal torus of SU(n). This construction is based on the work of S. Johnson in [30], allowing us to realise certain wedge products of differential forms as the three-curvature of a bundle gerbe. The second bundle gerbe of interest to us is the popularly studied basic bundle gerbe introduced in [15] and described in greater detail in [50]. This is the classic example of a bundle gerbe defined over a compact, simple, simply connected Lie group G. It is particularly useful to physicists [24], allowing them to realise the Wess-Zumino-Witten term of a Sigma model as the holonomy of a geometric object. Our work will be concerned with the basic bundle gerbe over SU(n) constructed in [42]. The cup and basic bundle gerbes are commonly studied in isolation in the literature. We will show that there is a powerful result relating the cup and basic bundle gerbes, thereby deepening our understanding of these objects and enriching the field as a whole. In this thesis, we aim to prove the following, for T the subgroup of SU(n) consisting of diagonal matrices which acts on SU(n) by left multiplication. The pullback of the basic bundle gerbe over SU(n) by the Weyl map p : T × SU(n)=T ! SU(n); (t; gT ) 7! gtg−1; is SU(n)-stably isomorphic to the cup product bundle gerbe over T × SU(n)=T . The crude interpretation of this result is that, under a transformation by the Weyl map, the basic and cup product bundle gerbes are ‘the same’ as bundle gerbes enriched with an SU(n)-action. In addition to the above statement, we will also prove that the cup and basic bundle gerbes are not D-stably isomorphic with respect to their naturally induced connective data (Theorem 5.10). While this result is significant in of itself, it also opens up many avenues for further research. These include replacing the group SU(n) by an arbitrary compact, simple, simply-connected Lie group G, considering this result in the holomorphic category, or proving an analogous result for gerbes in the sense of Giraud [25]. These and other possible extensions will be discussed in Chapter 5. There is a straightforward reason as to why we expect our main result to be true. As 1 −1 3 we will see, the three-curvature of the basic bundle gerbe is 2πiν for ν := − 24π2 tr(g dg) the basic 3-form on SU(n).
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