Date: Name: LA LLORONA Readthe story. Thenanswer the following questions. l. What was the dashingyoung man that Maria sawride into town? 2. What doesthe Spanish-EnglishDictionary say a "Ranchero"is? 3. How did Maria feel when the Rancherotreated her bad? 4. When was a time that vou felt that way also? 5. In English, what do we call a personthat haskilled anotherperson, like Maria? 6. What happensin the United Statesif a personkills anotherperson? 7. What doesLa Llorona do that gives her this name? 8. What does'barning" mean? 9. Whatwould you do if you sawLa Llorona? Lo Llo*srro - A Hispnlc l"ryend The Weeping Woman (La Llorona) by Joe Hayes This is a story that the old oneshave beentelling to children for hundredsof years. It is a sad tale, but it lives strong in the memories of the people, and there are many who swearthat it is true. Long years ago in a humble little village there lived a fine looking girl named Maria Some say she was the most beautiful girl in the world! And becauseshe was so beautiful, Maria thought she was better than everyoneelse. As Maria grew older, her beauty increasedAnd her pride in her beaurygrew too When she was a young woman, she would not even look at the young men from her village. They weren't good enough for her! "When I marry," Maria would say, "I will marry the most handsomeman in the world." And then one day, into Maria's village rode a man who seemedto be just the one shehad beentalking about. He was a dashingyoung ranchero,the son of a wealthy rancherfrom the southernplains. He could ride like a Comanche!In fact, if he owned a horse, and it grew tame, he would give it away and go rope a wild horse from the plains.He thoughtit wasn'tmanly to ride a horseif it wasn'thalf wild. He was handsome!And he could play the guitar and sing beautifully. Maria made up her mind-that was, the man for her! Sheknew just the tricks to win his attention. If the rancherospoke when they met on the pathway, she would turn her head away. When he cameto her housein the evening to play his guitar and serenade her, shewouldn't evencome to the window. Sherefused all his costly gifts. The young man fell for her tricks. "That haughtygirl, Maria, Maria! " he saidto himself. "I know I can win her heart.I swearI'll marry that girl." And so everything turned out as Maria planned.Before long, she and the ranchero becameengaged and soon they were married. At first, things were fine. They had two children and they seemedto be a happy family together.But after a few years, the rancherowent back to the wild life of the prairies. He would leave town and be gone for months at a time. And when he returnedhome, it was only to visit his children. He seemedto care nothing for the beautiful Maria. He even talked of setting Maria aside and marrying a woman of his own wealthy class. As proud as Maria was, of courseshe became very angrywith the ranchero.She also beganto feel angertoward her children, becausehe paid attentionto them, but just ignoredher. One evening, as Maria was strolling with her two children on the shadypathway near the river, the rancherocame by in a carciage.An elegantlady sat on the seat besidehim. He stoppedand spoketo his children,but he didn't evenlook at Maria. He whipped the horseson up the street. When she saw that, aterrible rage filled Maria, and it all turned againsther children. And although it is sadto tell, the story saysthat in her angerMaria seized her two children and threw them into the river! But as they disappeareddown the stream,she realized what shehad done! She ran down the bank of the river, reaching out her affns to them. But they were long gone' The next morning, a traveler brought word to the villagers that a beautiful woman lay dead on the bank of the river. That is where they found Maria, and they laid her to rest where shehad fallen. But the first night Maria was in the grave, the villagers heard the sound of crying down by the river. It was not the wind, it was La Llorona crying. "Where are my children?" And they saw a woman walking up and down the bank of the river, dressedin a long white robe, the way they had dressedMaria for burial. On many a dark night they saw her walk the river bank and cry for her children. And so they no longer spoke of her as Maria. They called her La Llorona, the weeping woman. And by that name she is known to this day. Children are warned not to go out in the dark, for, La Llorona might snatch them and never return them. Date: LA LLORONA-a ghoststory from Mexico Readthe story. Thenanswer the following questions. 1. What was the dashing young man that Maria saw ride into town? Ranchero This questionis "Text-Explicit." This questionis designedto be a questionto easethe studentinto the worksheetwithout beingoverwhelming. The answer is right in the text, and easilyfound. 2. What doesthe Spanish-EnglishDictionary say a "Ranchero" is? Rancher,similar to a farmer This question is'oText-Implicit." This question is not directly included by the author, but encouragesthe studentto read around the text to find the answer. This question requiresthe studentuses the resourceswithin the classroom. This question also allows the Spanish- speakingstudents to relate to a word from their own native language. The non-Spanish- speakersare then able to experiencea bit ofanother language. 3. How did Maria feel when the Rancherotreated her bad? Angry, or relatingsynonyms. This questionis "Text-Explicit." The answeris easilyfound in the text. This questionis used to preparethe studentfor the next question. 4. When was a time that you felt that way also? Answerswill varv. This question is "Experience-based." The studentsare able to look at the story and seethe anger thatLa Llorona experienced. This question is designedto createa connectionbetween the studentand the story. They are able to expressthemselves and write down different things that make them angry. 5. In English, what do we call a personthat has killed anotherperson, like Maria? A murderer This question is Text-Implicit." Never doesthe author refer to La Llorona as a murderer. The studentis askedto look betweenthe lines to tap into their prior knowledge of what vocabulary word would be appropriateto answerthis question. Date: 6. What happensin the United Statesif a personkills anotherperson? Similar answersto "go to prisorVjail"are acceptable. This question is "Experienced-Based." This question requiresthe studentto tap into their prior knowledge of the Judicial Systemof the United States. If there are difficulties with this question,it's a great window to talk about a few basic things about America's Judicial Svstem. 7. What does La Llorona do that gives her this name? Shecries/weeps. This question is o'Text-Explicit." It is right in the text what is implied by the name La Llorona, the weeping woman. 8. What does "waming" mean? Getting your attentionto tell you to be careful This question is "Text-Implicit." This is designedto increasethe vocabulary of the student. The studentcan pick the meaning from the text. If the studentgets stumped,they can use the resnlrrceq in fhe claqqrnnm qrrch aq n dicfinnarv tn finrl the definitinn 9. What would you do if you saw La Llorona? Answerswill varv This question is "Experienced-based." This story is a ghost story that originated from Mexico. There are ghost stories in many countries. This is an opportunity for the studentto put themselvesin a place where they would be forced to react to The Weeping Woman that morrns for her children. Allow the studentto be creative. AnticipationGuide FREEDOMS -First AmendmentRights -Freedomof religion,speech, press, peaceful assembly, andright to petitionthe government. Statementsprior to Discussion- o I cango to churchand pray to Godtoday. o I do not like war. o I signeda petitionto makeabortion illegal. o I readin thenewspaper that many people don,t like president Bush. Class/SmallGroup Discussion Whatis freedom? what "freedoms"do you havein the united states? Are therefreedoms you havein the United Statesthat you or your family did not havein your nativecountry? Post-discussion Teacherread-aloud from www.freedomforum.org,.,The l.t AmendmentExplained." FT) R I-nEEDOII The First AmendmentExplained ('ongra,s,s,slrull mukc no luu' respet'lingun astuhlishmentof rcligiort. or proltihiting tha /i'ee e.rart'isetharao.f : or ultritlgirr,g thc fiet'thm of ,;1tct'c'lt.ot'of lhc pra,\'"\:rn'llrc right ol tha pcoltle (iot'ct'tttttcnl ltcucauhl1'ltt tt,s,s'amh/e,urtt{ lo paliliott thc fbr tr rc dr e s',sof gr i c vun c' a.;. I''ir',tt.'1mcttclntanl to Ihc {.i,S.('onsliluliort \\ h:rttlo lhc rronls ol'lltc Firsl ,\lrtcltdtrtclttltrcitn'l Freedomof religion The First Amendmentprevents the governmentfrom establishingan official religion.Citizens have freedom to attenda church,synagogue, templeor mosqueof their choice- or not to attendat all. The First Amendmentallows us to practiceour religion the way we want to. Freedomofspeech The First Amendmentkeeps the governmentfrom making laws that might stop us from sayingwhat we think. Peoplehave the right to criticize the governmentand to sharetheir opinionswith others. X'reedomof the press A free pressmeans we can get information from many different sources.The govemmentcannot control what is printedin newspapers andbooks, broadcast on TV or radioor offeredonline. Citizens can requesttime on televisionto respondto viewswith which they disagree;they may write leffersto newspapereditors and hopethose letterswill be printedfor othersto see.They can pass out leafletsthat give their opinions.They can have their own Web pagesand offer their opinionsto othersthrough the many meansmade available by the Internet.
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