![Tbi:Rminghartt.] Moseley. 124 [POST Offict ------SCHOOLS: Branch (Mixed), Strutley, Mr](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.... ~ lOt ~ .... , tBI:RMINGHArtt.] MOSELEy. 124 [POST OFFICt ---------------------------------------- SCHOOLS:­ Branch (mixed), Strutley, Mr. Quil'k, master; Mrs. Maria Grammar, The Rev. Arthur Smyth, B.A., LL.B., Sanders, mistress head master CARRIERS TO BIRMINGHAM.-Isaae Avery, from his Chw'ch lJay (girls & infants'), King's Norton, Miss E. house, at 9 a.m. monday, thursllay & saturday, returning Roberts, mistress the same days; William Hobbis, same days & time PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cash Jo~eph, farmllr, Red hou!:e KerbyEusebius,wheelwright,Strutlf'yst Adams Mr. John, Dogpool house Chinn William, farmer, Row heath Keytlton John, whip maker A'Ien .Joseph, e~'l Clayton William, farmer, Mass House Lallgher John, farm!'r, Grnveley lane A~tnll Rf'v ..T ohnMeredithLawrence,M.A farm LawrenceJ o~ph. blacksmith, Strutley st Bagg.-Mr. William Clulf'e Benjamin, shopkeeper Lester Georgl', farmer BJlU W1Il J amel'l, e~q. Breedon bouse Clulee Isaae, builder & registrar &c Lilley Stephen, heerretniler, Rednnl B Ildwin J osepb B. esq. Broad meadow Clulee J ames, builder Lucas George, farmer, Holly moor BllJce Mr. Georg-e Clulee J ames baac, jun. builder Mason Ahi1!hia, !'hopkeeper, StrutIey st B ·own WilliAm, e..'!q Clulee John, beer retailer Maydew John} blacksmith C J1'llh Mr. William Cooper John, butcher Meeke John, tanner Ellis Alexander Atlcocke, esq. Wychall Cooper William, farmer, Long bridge Meeeom James, farmer, Combs house Corbett S~rah (Mrs.), farmer Mole J 01111, beer retailer, StrutIey street Evans Mr. AbraIlam Corhett William, farmer, Holywood ho Moore Edward, farmer, Rednal Gem Mi8s Dafforn Samut'l, farmer,Walker's heath Morris Thomas, farmer, Hole farm Goodwin Mr. Richard Davis Benjamin, Rose ~ Crown, & Nettlelold & Chamberlain, manufac- GOllde Henjanlin W. esq. Hawkesley fnrmpr, Rednal turt'I'S of patentscrews, Breedoo cross Greenwny Mr. William, High house Davis WilIiam, beer l'etailer Newey WiIlinm, carrier Holt William, esq. Junction Deakin Wm. & Sons, g-un barrel makrs PadIIIore Thomas, farmer, WarRtock lIes Mr. ClJarles, Eag;le house Dedicoat (Mrs.), farmer, Heiter's heath Phillip George, Breedon Cross inn Jackson Willinm, l\I.D. The Yews Diekson Thomas Atkinson, coal mer- PowersJohn, farmer, Alcester Ijanf! end Jackson Mrs. WiIliarn H. Glenfield chant, Millpool hill Prit~hettJ olm Suckling, assistant over- Lane 'l'homas, esq. J.P. Moundslf'y hall Earp Rohert, sbopkeeper, Strutley 8t seer, & tax collector, Eagle cottage Lewis Mr. Thomas, Strutley street Edkins GeOl'ge, farmer, LilIy croft Reachill George, coal dealer Longmore Mrs. Hannah Ellis Charles & 800s, metal rollers, Reading Wm. shopkeeper, Strutley 8t Longmore Mr. Arthur WJc1Jall mills Rogers John, N aviga tion inn LOII~more Mr. 'I'homas Farmer Jonathan, farmer RUdge George, grocer, StrUlley street Lo]'t William jun. esq. The Cotteridge Fenn Thomas John, 7'hree H01'seshoes, Rudge 'rhomas, Saracen's Head Ol'furd Mr. Chnrlel'l, Liflbrd house Strutley street Sargeant lsnac, H azelwell tavern, Perry Mrs. Bnrnhrook Field Samuel, 8hopkeeper Strutley street Pritchard Mr. John Finlayson John, station master Saxelby John, farmer PJitchett Mr. Edrnund Forrester Jonathan, beer retailer Shaw WiIliarn, farmer Round Thomas W. esq. Colmers Foster Richard, beer retailer Simpson Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' school Sherwood Mr. John, 'I'he Laurels Foster Rog;er, shopkeeper Smith John Napoleon, Horseshoe, Mill- Smyth Rev. Artbur,B.A., LL.B.[curate] Foxhall Eliza Louisa (Mrs.), ~hop- pool hill Thompson Mr. Joseph kf'eper, Strutley street Smith J oseph, shopkeeper Townsend Henry, esq. Millpool hill Green Thomas, blacksmith, Strutley st Smout John, farmer, 'Vychall farm COMMERCIAL. Grimespit J nmes. 1armer Street John, shopkeeper AlIen l\frs. J ane, 1armer Hands Josiah, boot & shoe makf'r Taylor Mrs. farmer, Hawkesley Ashmore George, farmer, Lidworth hill Harris Edward, wheeiwright, Rednal Thompson J osepb, plumber & glazier Avery Isaac, carrier & beer retailer Hems Richard, tailor TongueEdwd.Bull'sHead,&blacksmth Baldwin Jallles & Sons, paper manu- Hems William, tailor Townsend & Burgess, glue manufac- facturers, Sherborne mill Hemu'l William, farmer, Solihull lodge turers, l\Iillpool hill Barnes Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper Hobbis William, carrier & beer retailer Wakefield Willillm, farmer, Barn hill Berwick Thomas, farmer, Kingswood Hodgetts Charles, farmer Wakeman Richard, shopkeeper Betts William & Co. metal rollers Holt William, canalagent, Junction ho Walton John, farmer, Ford house Boston Charles, saddler Huband Georgf', shopkeeper Walton Luke, farmer Brown ·Wil1iam, surgeon Humphries 'Villiam, farmer, Stl'utley st Wharton Henry, shoe maker Bushell John, farmer, Walker's heath Jones Aaron, miller, Hurst mill Wilson G. R. & Co. india rubber works, Capness Samuel, shopkeeper Jordan Arthur, shopkeeper Lifford mill~. See advertisement - MOSELEY is a village, 2~ miles south from Birmingham I tion 101' 430 persons, and 282 sittillgs in the church are freP. and 3~ north-east from Kin~'s NOl'ton, on the hig-h road to I and unappropriated. The earliest register dates fi'om about Evesham, in the Westprn division ofthe county ofWorcester, I 1865; previous to this entries were made in King's Norton union and parish of King's Norion, Halfshire hundred, and register. The living is a vicarage, valued at £2~O per Birmingham county court district. Moseley was consti- annum, in the gUt of the incumbent of l\Ioseley, and held tuted a separate pari~h for f'ccIesiostical purposes in 18,j3. by the Rev. John Webster, :i\loA., of Queen's Colle~e, Cam­ The village is pleasant and romantic, and Ims in it some I bridge. There i'l a. British school for bo)'s and girls, under beautiful seats, amonl!~t which i'! Moseley Hall, a stone the control of the vicar. Here il:l a small chapel belonging mansion, with good p;ronnds, the residence of William to the Baptists. The population is about 1,460. Henry Dawes, Esq.: the former mansion was destroyed by Parish Clerk, J:nnes Averill. the rioters ill 1791. The Birmin~hamand Bristol (Midland) ._- Railway passes throug-h thi.. place, and has a station here. PO:"T OFFICE, 1\Io'ICley.-Thomus Hadley,sub-postmaster. The church of St. 1\Iary has an ancient square tower of Letters arrive from Birmingham by foot post at 7 a.m. ; stone, which was commenced in the fifth year of the reign dispatched at 12.5 p.m. & 7 p.m. ; sunday, dispatched at of Henry VIII.: the incorporated Society for the Building 1.40 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Highgate of Churches recently granted .£250 towards the expenses of! PORT OFFICE, King's Heath.-l\Jr. John Knowles, sub- enlarging the church. The living is a perpetual curacy, postmaster. Lettero; arrive from Birmingham by foot pOdt. valued at £1,j0 per annum, with residf'nce, in the gift ofthe at 7.20 a.m.; dispatched at6.30 p.m.; sunday, dispatched vicar of Bromsgrove, and held by the Rev. John Robert I at 1.20 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Balsall DavisoD, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford. There is a Heath National school for boys and girls. The population in National School, Thomas hens, master; ~Iiss Bladon, 1861 was 1,491. mistress • .• •I CONVEYANCE-Omnibuses to Eirminghamfrom , Figbting KIng's Heath IS about 3 mIles south-west from BIr- Cocks,' ten times a day, & from' Hare & Hounds,' King's mingham. The new church of All Saints gives accommoda- Heath, six times a day BeynonRev. Wlll.Charles,M.A.[curate] Davison Rev. John Robert, l\l.A. [in- Moseley. Bickley Mr. Thomas cumbent] PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burman Woollaston J.esq.'l'heLeasowes Dawes William Henry;esq.Moseley ball Allport Mr. Samuel Blakemore Canning John Samuel, esq. Cedars Dawes Mr. William Henry, jun. 'I'11t' Anderton Miss Chamberlain .John B. esq. Woodlands Rell HOIise Amold John, esq. :Moor ~reen Chamberlain Joseph, esq..Moor green Day Mr. James, 'I'he Lime~ Avins John, esq. Highfield house Coben Mr. Joseph Charles Colman lJeeley Mr. Ebenezer Hy. Osborne ('ot Bach Mr. Edward Cooper Mr. George Dennison Mr. J olm, Tottenham villa Badbam Francis, ec;q. Elmhuf'lt Cox l\1r. Tbomas Everitt George Allen, esq. Oaktield.
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