INSIDE Hawaii CG Mail A-2 1/3 Raid A-3 Every Clime & Place A-6 Kilauea Military Camp B-1 MCCS/SM&SP B-2 Crossword B-5 Menu/Ads B-6 Word to Pass B-8 WWE at Blaisdell C-1 Sports Briefs C-2 MMARINEARINE JWC Bowling C-3 Volume 31, Number 24 www.mcbh.usmc.mil June 21, 2002 Drug charges net stiff prison terms Sgt. Robert Carlson pleaded guilty to violations under the discharge, confinement for seven years, itary members who are bringing drugs to Press Chief Uniform Code of Military Justice, and reduction to pay grade E-1. the base,” said Capt. Daniel Evans, an Articles 112a and 81. Shaffer, formerly a corpsman with the MCB Hawaii trial counsel. “There was a A Marine and Sailor from MCB Meyer, who until his conviction served 3rd Marine Regiment, received a sen- lot of work done on the part of the Hawaii were both awarded prison sen- with Headquarters Bn., MCB Hawaii, tence of three years and nine months, as Criminal Investigation Division, and tences to go along with their dishonor- was also convicted of violating Article 92 well as reduction in rank to E-1 and a dis- they did a great job.” able discharges last week, after they were of the UCMJ, violating a lawful order honorable discharge, for his convictions With the Navy and Marine Corps “ze- found guilty of drug charges including and possessing drug abuse parapherna- on several use and distribution charges. ro tolerance” policies on drugs, Meyer use and distribution of controlled sub- lia. Both investigations initially started and Shaffer could have received up to 15 stances. After pleading guilty to conspiring to with positive urinalysis tests, and even- years in prison for each count of distrib- In convictions stemming from sepa- distribute drugs, and to numerous tually included several other service ution, two years for each count of mari- rate investigations, Lance Cpl. Jason M. counts of drug use and distribution, members. juana use, and five years for each count Meyer and Seaman Joshua W. Shaffer Meyer was sentenced to a dishonorable “It’s good that we are finding the mil- of other drugs, according to Evans. K-Bay’s families to receive DLA pay Sgt. Robert Carlson Press Chief Families required to move from their military housing units because of renovation, privatization, or any reason other than a permanent change of station move, are now eligible for a partial dis- location allowance (DLA). The partial allowance is effective for all dislocations since Feb. 9 in instances when military members were ordered to vacate gov- ernment family quarters for the convenience of the gov- Lance Cpls Ryan Goodwin and Denver Whitley secure an area near the bridge of the USNS Yukon. The entire vessel was completely over- taken and secured by 2/3 Marines within a period of about 30 minutes during the mock exercise. ernment. Military members aboard MCB Hawaii who rate, but have not received the al- ‘Pirates’ plunder Yukon vessel lowance, will be contacted by family housing with in- 2/3 ‘buccaneers’ pillage previous exercises. formation on how to obtain Mock ship takedowns performed at payment. USNS Yukon in mock Kaneohe Bay, along with basic military op- For families required to erations in urban terrain (MOUT) tactics relocate in the future, the takedown at Pearl Harbor (which the battalion often practices at family housing office will Story and Photos by Schofield Army Barracks), helped prepare give details about the al- Cpl. Jason E. Miller the Marines for the day’s events. lowance and information Combat Correspondent Most of all, the battalion utilized its close about how to obtain the pay- quarters battle (CQB) techniques to surgi- ment. Like modern-day pirate raiders, Marines cally pick apart the ship. Marines made The payment is a flat fee, from 2nd Bn., 3rd Marine Regiment, sure all was secure before completing the and the limitation of one climbed aboard the USNS Yukon at Pearl evolution. DLA payment per year does Harbor Naval Complex, Monday, to per- “Leading up to this, we’ve been getting a not apply for families who form a mock takedown of the vessel. lot of basic CQB classes,” said Cpl. Kym have moved more than once Golf Co. Marines arrived early in the Hornbeak, a Golf Co. team leader. “We’ve during a fiscal year. morning, running through several tours done some things similar to this, and I think The payment does not, and rehearsals of the drill, before finally the training has really helped out a lot. however, cover moves not kicking off the training evolution and tak- “It’s definitely something that we could directed by the government, ing control of the boat. use a lot more practice on,” he explained. Golf Co. Marines apprehended and re- or moves ordered because of The training the Marines received com- strained the role-playing Sailors as part of personal reasons such as bined several of the skills they’d learned in See TAKEDOWN, A-4 the exercise. misconduct or divorce. Seven nations train in waters off coast of Hawaii RIMPAC 2002 is the largest Pacific maritime exercise ever to be held here Commander U.S. Hawaii Monday through July 22. This year’s exercise includes a variety of surface com- Pacific Fleet The exercise brings together maritime forces from batant ships, submarines, tactical aircraft and amphibi- Press Release Australia, Canada, Chile, Peru, Japan, the Republic of ous forces. Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States. The United States Third Fleet, commanded by Vice PEARL HAR- This year’s exercise is the 18th in a series of RIMPAC Adm. T. Michael Bucchi, is responsible for overall ex- BOR — Six Pacific exercises conducted periodically since 1971. More than ercise coordination. Rim nations, along 30 ships; 24 aircraft; and 11,000 Sailors, Marines, sol- Individual units remain under operational control of with the United diers, airmen and Coast Guardsmen are participating their respective national commanders. Kingdom, will be par- in RIMPAC training operations. A Rim of the Pacific Web site containing details re- ticipating in Rim of the The RIMPAC exercise is intended to enhance the tac- garding the exercise activities and imagery from exer- Pacific (RIMPAC), a major tical proficiency of the participating units in a wide ar- cise operations will be active beginning Monday at maritime exercise being conducted in the waters off ray of combined operations at sea. www.cpf.navy.mil/RIMPAC2002. Register now for Term 4 at the Joint Education Center. A-2 • June 21, 2002 HAWAII MARINE MCBH NEWS CGCG’’SS MMAILAIL BBOXOX BRIEFS ‘Many spaces ... may be TECH EXPO OPENS, MONDAY Many exhibitors will be on hand demon- strating the latest computer hardware, soft- better allocated to ware and services at the MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, Technology Exposition 2002, Monday from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. at the Enlisted Club’s Windward Ballroom. those disabled patrons.’ Other featured technologies will include: BRIG. GEN. knowledge management, educational pro- - Submitted by Wendy Johnson, family member MCABEE grams, network operations services, web/en- “I’m writing regarding the dis- terprise content management, mobile com- abled parking spaces assigned to the puting solutions, wireless networking/com- Commissary. puting, collaboration tools and much, much I was permanently disabled in a more. car accident a number of years ago, All personnel are invited to attend this no- resulting in a limited ability to walk. fee event, sponsored by G-6, which includes I utilize disabled parking spaces, as complimentary refreshments. needed, as a result of my injuries. For more details, contact Stephanie Caplan, At the Commissary, however, I toll free, at 1-888-603-8899, ext. 231. specifically do not use the disabled spaces assigned, as they are at the far CREDO POSTS SCHEDULE end of the store rather than close to Marines, Sailors, federal employees or their the entrance doors. family members may participate in any up- I find it much closer to park in a coming CREDO Personal Growth or regular space, though I must go Marriage Enrichment Retreat. Sponsored by when the store first opens to get one the Chief of Naval Operations, the programs that is relatively close. support people who desire a more harmo- Though the distance may not be an issue for a person who utilizes a nious personal life, as well as growth in their Sgt. Robert Carlson personal and professional relationships. wheelchair, it is a long distance for Meals, lodging and transportation to the someone who is generally ambula- Two new spots have been installed under the awning at the Commissary. site are provided free of charge. Call 257-1941 tory. [Yet,] there are many spaces al- or 257-0408 to register for any of the follow- located to general officers and those tention is paid to this sign by other If other patrons do not honor ing retreats: who have received awards, right in patrons. “Head of the Line” privileges, please • Personal Growth — July 25 - 28. front of the doors, that may be better Thank you for the opportunity to contact any commissary employee • Marriage Enrichment — July 12 - 14. allocated to those disabled patrons address concerns directly to you.” or floor manager to enforce the of the Commissary. “Head of the Line” privilege. Another issue I would like to ad- Sincerely, Concerning store hours, the POST OFFICE POSTS TIMES dress are the store’s hours. I greatly Wendy Johnson Commissary opens at 10 a.m., The Kaneohe Bay U.S. Post Office has appreciate the opportunity to start Tuesday through Friday and changed its hours to better serve customers.
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