September 21, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5947 I am working to expand access to ad- Chicago in 1999 after receiving degrees New England. Twilight, and his beloved diction treatment by removing an old from Northeastern Illinois University Orleans County Grammar School, have Medicaid rule, known as the IMD ex- and Roosevelt University. become a symbol of these times. clusion, which will help more people Before he picked up a microphone, The recent move of the schoolhouse get the care they need. I am also work- Mr. Jordan served our Nation as a sur- by the pulling of a team of oxen, ing to increase funding for treatment gical assistant in the U.S. Army. He coaxed on by area children as they centers and have succeeded in changing continues to serve through his role on walked beside the team, would surely Federal regulations so that more indi- the boards of several community orga- have delighted Mr. Twilight. I ask viduals can receive effective treatment nizations. unanimous consent that an August 2, services. With retirement providing some free 2016, article from The Burlington Free Across our Nation, there are an aver- time on the weekends, Mr. Jordan said Press, ‘‘1823 school to move by oxen to age of 77 drug overdose deaths each he plans to go to fun events with his original site,’’ be printed in the day. In Illinois, we experienced ap- wife, Sharon, that he missed out on RECORD. proximately 1,700 heroin and prescrip- while working. He is also going to con- There being no objection, the mate- tion opioid overdose deaths in 2014, a 29 tinue his work with the Greater Illi- rial was ordered to be printed in the percent increase from 2010. With the nois Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Asso- RECORD, as follows: leadership of the Dixon Police Depart- ciation on a unique program called the [From the Burlington Free Press, Aug. 2, ment and the dedication of its part- Memory Preservation Project. Mr. Jor- 2016] ners, we will help make a difference for dan interviews people who are newly 1823 SCHOOL TO MOVE BY OXEN TO ORIGINAL those suffering from addiction. I con- diagnosed with Alzheimer’s for the SITE gratulate them on the 1-year anniver- project and creates a video of cherished (By Sally Pollak) sary of the Safe Passage Initiative and family memories before the wretched An 1823 schoolhouse will be returned to its look forward to greater success and ex- disease robs victims of their ability to original site Monday when 40 oxen pull the pansion across the State in the future. recall events in detail. With a new per- Orleans County Grammar School one-third of a mile down Hinman Settler Road in f son being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 67 seconds, there are many fami- Brownington. The journey by oxen will take the school from Brownington village to a TRIBUTE TO ROBERT JORDAN lies affected by this terrible disease. neighborhood of historic and educational sig- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, Sunday, Mr. Jordan has promised to turn up nificance. September 25 marks the end of an era. from time to time when WGN needs The school will return to its place near the After 43 years of covering the news in him to fill in for a colleague, but Sun- Old Stone House Museum, a four-story build- Chicago, Robert Jordan will officially day is truly the end of an era in Chi- ing that was constructed in 1836 to be the anchor his last newscast on ‘‘Chicago’s cago journalism. school dormitory. The granite dormitory, Very Own’’ WGN 9. Mr. Jordan, an At- I wish a happy retirement to one of called Athenian Hall, was built by Alexander lanta native, is unique in journalism. ‘‘Chicago’s Very Own,’’ Robert Jordan. Twilight, who served as the school’s head- master from 1829 until a stroke in 1855. Twi- Instead of moving from market to mar- f light died two years later. ket, he landed with WGN in 1973 just 3 Twilight, who was black, grew up in Cor- VERMONT PRIDE RETURNS AN years into his career and never left the inth and graduated from Middlebury College city. Outside of a 2-year stint as a Mid- ICONIC BUILDING HOME in 1823. He was the first African American west correspondent for CBS, Mr. Jor- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, person to graduate from a college or univer- dan was a WGN fixture. Vermonters have long believed that the sity in this country, according to Middlebury Mr. Jordan has enjoyed a reputation preservation of our history, from build- and other sources. ‘‘Alexander Twilight actually imagined of being a serious anchor and reporter ings to manuscripts to celebratory tra- that this was going to become a big center of while maintaining a sense of humor for ditions, inform the present and future learning,’’ said Peggy Day Gibson, director the lighter moments. Since 1995, Mr. as much as they honor the past. Last of the Old Stone House Museum. ‘‘When he Jordan has been coanchoring the week- month, the people of Orleans County, built the Old Stone House as a dorm in 1836, end newscasts with Jackie Bange. in Vermont’s rural Northeast Kingdom, I think he envisioned that this was the first Video of their secret handshakes dur- came together to restore an historic big building. He felt that a central school, a ing commercial breaks has gone viral, school house to its original location. really good institution in every county, was with one such clip earning more than 7 What makes this story all the more re- the way to go.’’ million views on YouTube. markable is that the physical journey The school fell into disuse after the Civil War, the school’s account book indicates. It In 2014, Mr. Jordan was named as the to return the schoolhouse was under- appears the school did not operate from 1865 first journalist-in-residence for the taken by a team of 40 oxen assembled until 1870, Gibson said. By then, it had University of Chicago’s Careers in by residents and chapters of the 4–H. moved from its location at Prospect Hill into Journalism, Arts, and Media program. It was Alexander Twilight’s vision, as the village center, Gibson said. At the time of announcement, Mr. Jor- headmaster of the school, to have a ‘‘It was more convenient’’ to have the dan told an industry reporter that he central school in every Vermont coun- school in the village, Gibson said. The relo- was ‘‘eager to work with young jour- ty that would bring together and edu- cation was in keeping with a trend to de-cen- nalists and help guide them at this cate Vermont’s students from neigh- tralize education, a movement that was op- posed by Twilight when he served in the challenging time in our profession.’’ boring towns. Vermont Statehouse, according to Gibson. There is no doubt those students had a Born and raised in Corinth, VT, Alex- Twilight’s election to the Vermont Legis- tremendous opportunity to learn from ander Twilight studied at Middlebury lature in 1836, representing Brownington, one of the best, but those students College and became the first African made him the nation’s first black elected of- weren’t the first to learn from Mr. Jor- American known to have graduated ficial. dan. His daughter Karen followed in his from a U.S college or university. An ‘‘Alexander Twilight thought education is footsteps and now is a news anchor at active community member, Twilight better served if you have a very high quality WLS 7 in Chicago. Mr. Jordan’s son-in- was not only an educator, but also central school,’’ she said. But local towns, including Barton, law Christian Farr is a reporter at served as a local minister and politi- Craftsbury, Derby and Glover, began to es- WMAQ 5, so delivering the news to mil- cian. tablish their own schools. ‘‘One by one these lions of viewers in Chicago truly has In Vermont, we take great pride in towns got their own schools,’’ Gibson said. become the family business. being a forward-thinking State. This ‘‘They took back their kids and their tax Mr. Jordan’s work in education was a progressive nature dates back to the money.’’ natural fit for a man who earned a mid-1800s, pre-American Civil War, STUDENTS FROM BROWNINGTON AND BEYOND Ph.D. in philosophy of education with a when the town of Brownington in Orle- In Twilight’s life, Orleans County Gram- minor in ethics from Loyola University ans County was an intellectual hub in mar School educated students from VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Sep 22, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21SE6.058 S21SEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S5948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 21, 2016 Brownington, surrounding farm towns, and ‘‘If the oxen can pull it up the road, it will tion is available to the full Senate, I Quebec. The dormitory housed 50 students, be smooth as silk,’’ she said. ‘‘This is per- ask unanimous consent to have printed boys and girls. Twilight and his wife, Mercy formance art.’’ in the RECORD the notifications which Twilight, housed 11 female students on the f have been received. If the cover letter top floor of their house across the way. Students moved to the grammar school S.J. RES. 39 references a classified annex, then such after attending one room schoolhouses in Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, despite annex is available to all Senators in their villages through eighth grade.
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