AUCTION CATALOG test AAcademycademy oof Notre Dame de Namur Saturdayayy,, March 26, 2011 O to the RRacesaces 5:30 p.m. Registration in the O’Neill Lounge HHarrarrronon FFamilyamamily Building SStudenttudent entertainment prprovided bbyy NNoo SStringstrings Attachedd QQuaruartet CCuvillyuvilly GGymnasiumymymnasium Sipping Mint Juleps during Cocktail Hour Silent Auction and Luxury Display 7:45 p.m. Silent Auction and Luxury Begin to Close 8:00 p.m. Blessing and WWelcomeelcelcome Aimee WWillarillalarrdd GGymnasiumymnasium PPrrresidentesident VVererronicaonica Collins HHarringtonarrington Student Performancesformances JJuniorunior School Dance Company HHighigh School Dance Company WWomenomen’s Chorraleale Wish List Presentationesentation Athletic Departmenttment Rae Ticket Winnerinner PPrincipalrincipal JJosephoseph D’Angelo Live Auction Dave SSpadarpadarroo, PPhiladelphiahiiladelphia EEagles.comaglesagles.com com IInsidernsidnsider Dancing until Midnight featuring PPurpleurple RReigneign Courtesy of Springeld Country Club 10:30 p.m. Check-out begins in the O’Neill Lounge 1 Special Acknowledgements A TIP OF OUR DERBY HATS AND A MINT JULEP CELEBRATORY TOAST TO… u The current parents, alumnae parents and alumnae who form the greatest BLAST Executive Board of all time! Your energy, enthusiasm and love for all things Notre Dame is an inspiration to others. Our success is because of your dedicated efforts. u The BLAST Homeroom Parents for their spirited outreach efforts to NDA parents. The silent auction happens because of your involvement! u The BLAST General Committee, comprised of both veteran volunteers and new parents. Your “behind the scenes” work carried us to Race Day! u The BLAST Class Party hosts who welcomed us into their homes and infused a sense of community among our parents. Your parties provided the perfect kick-off to our Triple Crown Affair. u Our Corporate Sponsorship Committee for their unending efforts to engage NDA families, corporations and individuals to support NDA in so many ways. Our BLAST goals are met because of your participation. u Our Corporate and Advertising sponsors for their belief in our mission. u Our Silent and Live Auction donors for their repeated contributions year after year. Please patronize these businesses who support NDA! u Our amazing Notre Dame parents who responded to the call to action in so many ways through donations of time, talent and treasure. Your volunteer efforts and financial contributions are deeply appreciated. u Mrs. Veronica Harrington, our president, for her steadfast commitment to teaching our students “what they need to know for life.” u Our Board of Trustees, under the dedicated leadership of Mr. Eric Rubino, for their constant support and encouragement of our program. u The champion line-up that is our Faculty and Staff. They define the Academy’s greatness and serve as role models for our students. u The Athletic and Facilities Departments for their continued partnership year after year. BLAST comes alive in the Harron Family Building because of the work of so many. u Mrs. Mic hele Aversa, Mrs. Liz Bowen and Mrs. Donna Burns for their readiness to assist with “all things BLAST,” all year long and with a smile! u The Notre Dame Women’s Chorale, High School Dance Company, Junior School Dance Company and No Strings Attached Quartet for their energetic performances showcasing the best and brightest talent in the area with special appreciation to Performing Arts teachers Mrs. Pam Devenney, Mrs. Cathy Mallon and Mrs. Lindsay Miller. u Our student athletes who display the true characteristics of a NDA student on and off the field. We are proud of your accomplishments! u All our faculty, staff and student volunteers who helped us “get out of the starting gate” and finish the race. We couldn’t do it without your involvement. u The remarkable young women of the Academy of Notre Dame – you are the reason we do what we do! 2 Volunteer Appreciation TRAINERS: EXECUTIVE BOARD Ad Book Peggy Devine and Susan Schultz Alumnae Andrea Maggitti Shank ’90 and Beth Maggitti Dixon ’92 Alumnae Parents Priscilla Connolly, Nancy Schultz and Nellie Spoerl Closing and Checkout Cheryl Bacchi and John Stoczko Corporate Sponsorship Mark Ierardi Decorations Nancy Hogan and Marie Cattie Descriptions and Packaging Pat Maguire Dinner Helen Burns Homeroom Parents Beth Oliver LIVE Auction Jackie Juliano and Megan Nicoletti Parents’ Association President Marybeth Bowman Public Relations Rosemary Davis Set-up and Display Meg Spence and Karla Gillin Silent Auction Silva Santerian Special Events Melissa Faught EXERCISE RIDERS: HOMEROOM PARENTS 6th Grade: Terri Nappi ~ Monique Sloan 7th Grade: Phyllis Hart '80 ~ Mary Sutherby 8th Grade: Jean Earhart ~ Rhonda Mordy 9th Grade: Tina Barker ~ Elaine Bradley ~Karen Kirpan 10th Grade: Lisa Mackell ~ Mickey McGlynn ~ Jackie Spurlock 11th Grade: Mary Cay Cousart ~ Terri Nappi ~ Pat Rizzo 12th Grade: Mary Budzilowicz ~ Laura Dabkowski ~ Nancy Muir JOCKEYS: CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP TEAM Michael Bonini Richard DePiano Joe Fratoni Mark Nicoletti Jeff Bellisario Robert Fahey Mark Ierardi Arnie Schneider Brian Cattie Bob Faught Brian McNeill Andrew Willis COMMITTEES Ad Book: Kathy Bandos, Denise Bellisario, Teri Dugan, Candace Hickey, Maureen Meehan, Susan Melle and Bridget Rahr Decorations: Patti Olejar and Yasmin Murji General Committee: Laura Abate, Megan Bethel, Michele DelCollo, Terese Du Pont, eresa Iovine, Renee Mangano, Karen O’Hare, Lorraine Tacconelli, Judi Taylor, Sheila Wagner, Cheri Wren Silent Auction: Kathy Bandos, Lauren Dambly, Jamie Fratoni, Kimberly French, Yasmin Murji, Jeannie O’Neill and eresa Sudjian Student Support: Natalie Mang, Lindsey Santerian, Emma Willis, Noel Zampino Class Pa rty Hosts Junior School: Tom and Lynn Bruder 9th Grade: Bill and Cindy McKernan 10th Grade: Bob and Melissa Faught 11th Grade: Jeff and Denise Bellisario 12th Grade: Joe and Pat Maguire Unique Class Treasures Homeroom Parents with Laura Abate, Maria Delany and Katie McGeary 3 A standing ovation for our students on yyourour TTripleriple C or wn Aair PPereerformance! UUndernderr the skillful dirrectionectiection of: Mrs. PPamam Devenneyy,, MMrs. CCathyathy MMallonallon aand Mrs. Lindsay MMilleriller JUNIORSC HOOLDANCE COMPANY Katherine TTagueague Isabel Kathrynyn HallinanH Annie Luisa Shieldshields Milahn Shurhurelds Allison Magee Cami Osborne Elise Higginsiggins VVickyicky Brrooks Plasehlaseh DennisD Sloan Cayla Preston Claire Sutherbutherby HIGHSCH HOOLDANCE COMPANY Stef Adamsdams Chiara DiGialloriallorenzo Maggieaggie Magnotta Brianna O’Hare Nikki Albornoz Genna Harartnett Kaitlin Marsini Casey Olejar Sam Baldassari Michaelaichaela JJones Jennaenna Meissner VVikiraikira PPigford Erin Chandler Caitlin Jozwiak Noelleoelle Mitchell Annie RRoddenodden WO MEN’SCHORA ALE Kathrynyn BBisbee Mariannearianne Gorsky TTaraara McKiernan Melanieelanie Siracusa Minyung Cheong Emily Hallinan Devon O’Connor Liz Sollecitoollecito Michelleichelle Dabkowski Lindsay Hueston Gracie RRosenbachosenbach Kelly WWestest Ellie Finkenaur TTonioni Mastrastropieri Francescarancesca Simms NOSTRING GSATTACHED QUARTET Amanda Budzilowicz Shannonnon RRobinsonobinson Madisonadison WWelshelsh Allie ZackZ 4 General Auction Information Every reasonable effort has been made to describe each item correctly. Please read specifications and limitations carefully. All sales are final and there are no exchanges, substitutes or refunds on auction items. Everything will be sold “as is.” Please use the bidder number assigned to you upon registration. The values listed are the Academy’s good faith estimate of the fair market value. Under the terms of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1993, section 6551, we are required to inform you of the following: For items purchased at Auction, your char- itable deduction for federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of the pur- chase price over the fair market value of the goods or services rendered. Please keep your receipt for tax purposes. Upon purchase, the buyer waives any claim for damage against either the Academy of Notre Dame or the donor of the property or service. Neither the school nor the donor is responsible for any personal injuries or damage to property that may result from the utilization of the property or service. Unless otherwise specified, trips and vacations require advance reserva tions and are on a “space available” basis.To avoid disappointment, please make and confirm all reservations well in advance. Unless otherwise specified, all auction items and services must be used within one year of March 26, 2011. Dates and times are to be arranged at the mutual conven- ience of the donor and the buyer. Certificates are not redeemable for cash. Your credit card will be processed at the beginning of the event. Charges will be ap- plied only if you are the highest bidder on an individual item or if you purchase a sweepstakes ticket during the evening. At the end of the auction, proceed directly to the check-out area in the O’Neill Lounge to confirm your successful bids and to take your winning items. 5 Silent Auction Procedures All items in the Silent Auction have bid sheets nearby. You may bid on Silent Auction items by filling in your bidder number and bid amount on the bid sheet that corre- sponds to the item. The bidder’s number must be clearly legible to constitute a valid bid. Each new bid must exceed the previous bid by the stated “minimum raise” on the bid sheet. Otherwise, the bid is considered void. The closing bid circled by the auction
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