Entertainment !Here Comes Treble I In need of a read? By Meg Bell By Ian Chandler By Ian Chandler This playlist has been care- not, it's still a good love song with Murder mysteries ·se,em 111 y constructed to flow with simple lrrics that most can relate to. "T~e Last Saru:day" - ~roadw¥, troposphere and into the heavens. to abound nowadays. There is. an lOods. We start offwith a more posi­ 4. The Cure - Underneath the Stars This songrepamts a fading portrait It's almost like a parallel uhiverse in endless supply ofCSI-type shows ve view oflove and move into con­ of happiness, perhaps: a collage· qf wliich one can get lost in a single on ·the telly. While perusirig the tsion and eventually heap:break. Murmured vocals are laced . photographs discolored by time. It · momeht titles on my proverbial shelves, I hough some might find a few songs through the . passionate can be perceived as a gying decided this would be an excellent to mushy for their tastes;.remem­ instrumentals. Not much needs to memory, making it all the rriore Wist- "Dark Blue" '-Jack'sMrinnequin book to review and is .indeed a ~r that it's Februaiy, so suck it up be said except close your eyes and ful. This song faces a tragic water situ­ prime choice for this month's slot. id snuggle up with your signifi­ listen. ation. with no escape ~but loads of · Thr3e by Ted Dekker is mt other (or cat, if you're forever 5. Tyler, The Creator-She "The Best I Ever Had" - The symbolism. When;you face a deci­ the story ofKevin Parson, a semi~ one). I'm not going to describe This could almost fit into Swellers sion that seems overwhelming, · nary student in Long Beach, Cali­ tch song, so you'll have to listen . the R&B genre, but not quite. The This catapults one past a barrage what do you do? What can you do, forhia,. who receives a call from a 1r yourself Ifyou would like to lis­ lyrics are a little out there but the of pop-punk scenes into a reverie except let it consume you? Let this mysterious stranger who calls him­ n to the songs, visit my Youtube feeling is definitely present. of youthful friendship and camara­ be an epitaph ofold choices - don't selfSlater and seems to have an ige where I created the playlist en­ 6: Coheed &Cambria~ Wake Up derie,like a home video one watches pave any unsure paths in your life. obsession with the number three. tled "February~: youtube.com/ . One often thinks of"Wel­ in cheerful remembrance. He tells Kevin that he has three ackinkwhitesky come Home" when they think about "The Ghost ofYou" - My Chemical minutes to confess his sin to the Coheed but this is a bit softer. ''.Long Lost Friends"- Transit Romance . .· world, or the car he's driving will Passion Pit - Cuddle Fuddle Claudios's raspy voice gives this Perhaps one of the best songs on The music video for this song is set blow up. Frantic, Kevin escapes in Some may have heard of love song a rough edge. this playlist, ifnot the best, this tune in a post-war era and lends an eerily time for the car to explode in apark­ Heepyhead" by Passion Pit off 7. Closer 2 Closure - Let Love Bleed reminds us that we all have that hole adequate feel to the song, Like a sol­ ing lot; but this·. raises questions eir album Chunk of Change. The Red in our hearts that can only be satis­ dier gone off to battle, an appari­ about Slater. His identity seems to die-pop/electronic sound may ap­ ''What?! l though Sleep­ fied by a certain someone - per­ tion of a loved one, now gone, coincide with a serial killer who )al to SOiile and turn Off others. ing With Sirens did this song?" chance a companion we once have haunts the singer. I feel that there is calls himselfthe Riddle Killer, and [ichael Angelakos's unique voice Kellin Quinn's original grouplet lostbut who resiqes eternally within a universal truth to this song; the Kevin quickly gets whisked away an acquired taste but give it a try Closer2Closure did it first, and bet­ us. fight doesn't last forever. into a plot involving good and evil, tyway. ter in my opinion. A little more childhood memories, and friendly Anth~ny Green - She Loves Me acoustic and his falsetto shihes "Younglife" ~ Anbedin . "JetpacksWas Yes"~ Periphery · help. Slater keeps giving riddles ) through, if you're into that sort of In an upbeat, lifting manner, this Finally; a surreal dreamscape of ethe­ with ultimatums, all mvolving the . Ofcourse l have to include high"pitched whihiness.. song reminds us of our wacky es­ real melodies and harmonies blend­ number three, and Kevin })opes to 1metb,irig with Anthony Green. 8. Lydia~ Now The QneYou Once capades as teens ..,. a solemn ing into a reality that may not be dismantle the killer's identity and ~is was is an acoustic balladwith Loved ls . Leaving thoughtfor you seniors out there. real. Transcending the now and his connection withthe Riddle lou better not touch my woman" . Lydia is the king of de~ going beyond truth; this song hints Killer. This all huildsuptoatwist rics. pressing love songs alongside ·"Remember',' -,Case,y Si;i.})ol ... into the afterlife with a spooky feel ending that. Will. absolutely make Aiigels & Airwaves-'- Breathe Death Cab for Cutie and Bright ·One pf the:finest .bre!Jkup .. songs · that willleaye you ting}ingwith an­ you questiOn the entire. book ahd · ·.· · Tm not a big Jan of the Eyes. A flin. t1rrough of !he albliin ever J:i.a~Jo be' tl#~J()ngipg melody ticipation ofsomething more. perhaps ·evep, reality, · · .. lfj.q,oi: 111a11ypfi~s kipd mJhe gent¢•. [lluminate,is ·enough to· make The, withvo~als· tl1at,soar tbroµgh ~the . Disclaimer: ·There is ·a 1tit's'a'tilustpave'on this list arid NJteb'Oo'/e'~eein' 'likt.an uplifting faith aspectto this~book, asits cen­ m sure it can grow on you if you tral characteds in semirtarY '"':that's ce alternative pop-punk mush. If 'Singin'-in the Rain:. fancy church college; kids! - and · J3yDeAilnaWalker · ·· .. - good and evil forces are discussed in the book. However, it does not Reese's Pieces, I don't know . This spring Safom High discovers this deceiving plan, the ·scream "Believe in Allah!! ! !! " so Schoo.I plans to perform Betty jealous star tries to make sure Kathy read the. book for what it is - a whoJohn.Cleese is? Comden andAdolph Gieen's Singin' receives none ofber credit. The · strong thrillernqvelthat wilhnake . you want more ofDekker's works. In. The flain.' This m~ical is defi­ truth comes out about Lina's voice By ~rent Bosworth nitely going to be one to remember. when she decides to speak and When~first reading· this, it seemedlike an ordinary murder The band that I have cho­ ·reached number27 on the Billboard The musical will.be performed. on sing to her public. April20, 21, and 22. Admission will Thereismuch more to this mystery type book to me. This n to write about for band of the . Top Heatseekers chart, In Novem­ be $10 for adults.and $7 for sfudeiits musical, and you'll see many more notionwas quickly removedwhen onth is I Set My Friends On Fire, ber of2008, the group got together I gotinto the novel, as it turned and senior citizens .. faces appear on stage in the spot~ ''ISMFOF." The band got their with the· Internet duo known as This y.e.l'l.rj>.ur stars are light. This musical comedy is sure out to be an amazing experience rrt in 2007 after the disbanding of "Smosh" and recorded and pro- · to bring smiles and laughs to any­ that tiulyleftme scared. Yes, kids, Ve Are The Cavalry," formermem­ duced a music video titled "Sex Ed Tyler Stouf\fe!C a~ pon ,Lockwood, Niki Slavenas!l<'.athy Seldpn, Mitch .one who attend$ th¢.pe,rfon:nance. this book .is written so· well, the :rs Matt Meharia and Nabil Moo Rocks" which received over imagery· so stark and frightening, Hendricksi .~s. Cos:tllo Brown; and I know you're a,U now anxiou~ly >t together to form their own 18,000,000 views. Then in Septem­ that you may be looking over.your Joc;elynne S3¥lu as Lina Lamoht. awaiting for this tremendous per~ oup. They started to becom:ewelI~ ber of 2009 they teamed upagain There are tnany other students in- formance from ourtalente(f S.H.S. shoulder more ~han once during town· from· Myspace when they and madethe video/song "Four volved with th.e feature as well. cast, so sure to keep your eyes reading it. It is a fantastic read, ade a cover of the popular song Years Fourplay" which received b~ · Singin ' in the Rain focuses on the and ears aware of tieket sales and though, and brings in elements of . ~rank That" by Soulja Boy. They over4,000,000views. on screen stars Don Lockwood and both faith and psychology.. Ted tually received so ma.ny plays on · ISMFOF entered the stu­ the .. quickly approaching musical Lina Lamont. lJnfortrinately, Dora dates. Nothing beats singin' in the Dekker's writing is very cleat; and at song that their page was taken dio yet again in 2010 to· start pro­ Bailey (DeAnna Walker) and her rain. descriptive in the right places, bal- 1wn three times because the run~ duction on their second album "As­ .
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