United Nations Nations Unies UNRESTRICTED CONFERECE CONFERENCE E/CONF.2/INF187 ON DU 13 March 1948 TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI ENGLISHONLY CUMULATIVE LIST OF DOCUMENTS ISSUED FROM 28 February to 13 March 1948* Prepared by the Documents Division I. Plenary Documents (Symbol E/CONF.2) Document Number Short Title 44 General Ageement on Tariffs and Trade - First E EF Session of the Contracting Parties - Invitation to Delegations 45 Report of the Co-ordinating Committee to the Heads of Delegations 45/Rev.1 Report of the Co-ordinating Committee to the E F Heads of Delegations 46 Agenda for Meeting of Heads of Delegations - &FEF To be Held on Wednesday, 3 March 1948, at 10.30 a.m. 47 Conference Timetable - Note by the Executive Secretary 48 Changes to the Text of Article 13 Contained in Annex I of E/CONF.2/45/Rev.1 Proposed by the United States 49 The Final Act E F 49/Rev.1 The Final Act. EF 49/Rev.2 The Final Act 49/Rev.3 The Final Act - Note by the Executive Secretary EF 49/Rev.3/Corr.1 Acte Final - Note du Secretaire de la Conference F Only 49/Rev.3/Corr.2 Acte Final - Note du Secretaire de la Coference FOnly 50 Article 15 - Amendment Proposed by the Delegation of E Poland 50/Corr.1 Article 15. - Amendment Proposed by the Delegation F &F of Poland (ECONF.2/50 - Corrigendum * For list of documents issued up to 28 February, see E/CONF.2/INF.37, INF.69, INF,89, INF.110INF.131,INF.I52 and INF.172./51 Page 2E/CONF.2/INF.187 I. Plenary Documents (symbol E/CONF.2) Document Number Short TitleLanguage 51 .Recommendations by the Heads of Delegations E F 52 Recommendation of the Heads of Delegations - FE Secretariat Note on Paragraph 4 of Article 17 53 Fourth Committee: Restrictive Business Practices - F E Report to the Conference 53/Add.1 Addendum to the Report of the Fourth Committee E F to the Conference 54 Interim Co-ordinating Committee for International EF Commodity Arrangements Note by the Secretariat 55 First Committee: Employment and Economic Activity -EF Report to the Conference. 56 Third Committee - Paragraph 4 of Article 17 - E F Secretariat Note 57 Heads of Delegations - Summary Record of Meeting EF- Held Wednesday, 3 March 1948, 4.30 p.m. 58Recommendation of the Heads of Delegations - Note EF by Secretariat on the Mexican Proposal for the Establishment of a Committee for Economic Development 59 Heads of Delegations - Summary Record of Meeting E F Held Wednesday, 3 March 1948, 10.30 a.m. 59/Corr.1 Heads of Delegations - Corrigendum to Summary Record E F ofthe Meeting On 3 March 1948 59/Corr.2 Heads of Delegations - Corrigendum to Record E &F of Meeting Held on 3 March 1948 Summary 59/Corr.3 Heads of Delegations - CorrigendumtoSummary Record E F of Meeting - Held on Wednesday, 3 March 1948 - Corrigendum to Record 59/Corr.4 Heads of Delegations Summary E &F of the Meeting on 3 March 1948 60 Artice 15- Amendmentpropcesed by the Iraq Delegation E F to Paragraph 6 (d) 60/Corr.1 ArtIcle 15 - Amendment Proposed by the Delegation of E &F Irag (E/CONF.2/60) - Corrigendum 61 Agenda for Fifteenth Plenary Meeting - Held E&F 61/Add.1 Addendum to Agenda for FifteenthPlenary Meeting- E &F Held Saturday, 13 March 1948 at 10.15 a.m. 62 Conference Timetable -Nots by the Executive E F PlenarySaturday,InformeSecretary13March/II.1948at10.15a.m. E/CONF.2/INF.187 Page 3 II. Plenary Information Documents (E/CONF.2/INF.) Document Number Short Title 170/Add.1 ProvisionalFuture Programme of Meetings - Addendum 171 Documents Distributed up to 4.00 pm. E & F 28 February 1948 172 Cumulative List of Documents Issued from 14 February to 28 February 1948 - Prepared by the Documents Division 173 Documents Distributed up to 4.00 p.m. 29 February1948 Documents Distributed up to 1March 1948 4.00 p.m. Documents Distributed up to 4.00 p.m. 2 Mech 1948 174 Documents Distributed up to 4.00 p.m. 3 March 1948 175 Documents Distributed up to 4 March 1948 176177 178 Documents Distributed up to 4.00 p.m. E &F 5 March 1948 179180181 Documents Distributed up to 4.00 p.m. E & F 6 March 1948 4.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 182 4.00p.m. 4.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 184185 4.00 p.m. 183 4.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. E & F E & F F only /III. Order of the Day Page 4 III. Order of the Day (E/CONF.2/OD.) Document Number Short Title 87 Programme of Meetings - Monday, 1 March 1948 87/Add.1 Programme of Meetings - Monday, 1 March 1948 E &F 88 Programme of Meetings - Tuesday, 2 March 1948 E &F 89 Programme of Meetings - Wednesday, 3 March 1948 E &F 90 Programme of Meetings - Thursday, 4 March 1948 E &F 91 Programme of Meetings - Friday, 5 March 1948 E &F 92 Programme of Meetings - Saturday, 6 March 1948 93 Programme of Meetings - Monday, 8 March 1948 E&FE &F 94 Programme of Meetings - Tuesday, 9 March 1948 E&F 95 Programme of Meetings - Wednesday, 10 March 1948 96 Programmeof Meetings - Thursday, 11 March 1948 E &F Programmeof Meetings - Friday, 12 March 1948 E&F 98 Programme of Meetings - Saturday, 13 March 1948 IV. General Committee Documents(E/CONF.2/BUR/) 37 Reports of Central Drafting Committee - Note by the Executive Secretary 37/Add.1 Reports of Central Drafting Committee - Addendum to Note by the Secretariat V. General Committee Summary Records (E/CONF.2/BUR/SR.) 12 Summary Record of the Twelfth Meeting - Held on Tuesday, 2 March 1948 at 10.30 a.m. VI. First Committee (Employment and Economic Activity) Documents (E/CONF.2/C.1) 7 Annotated Agenda Prepared by the Secretariat for S the Discussion of Chapter II 23 Draft Report to the Conference S 23/Rev.1 Revised Draft Report to the Conference 25 Agenda for the Thirteenth Meeting - Held Friday, 5 March 1948 at 4.00 p.m. /VII. First Committee Summary E/CONF.2/INF.187 Page 5 VII. First Committee Summary Records (E/CONF.2/C.1/SR.) Docmmnte Number Short Title 12 Summary Record of the Twelfth Meeting - Held Monday,1 March 1948 13 Summary Record of the Thirteenth Meeting - Held 5 March 1948 at 4.00 p.m. VIII. Second Committee (Economic Development) Documents (E/CONF.2/C.2) 36/Add.1 Report of Joint Sub-Committee of Committees II E F and VI Note by the Secretariat 39/Cor.rl I. Proposal in Relation to Report of Joint Sub- E &F Committee of Committees II and VI on Articles 9, 10 and11 (E/CONF.2/C.2/36) - Corrigendum Agenda for Twenty-Second Meeting - Held Monday, 23 February 1948 at 10.30 a.m. 41 Report of Sub-Committee C on Articles 13 and14 E F Rectificatif au Rapport de la Soue-Commission C F Only 41/Corr.2 Report of Sub-Committee C on Articles 13 and 14 S 41/Adi- Report of Sub-Committee C on Articles 13 and 14 Action of Committee II on Paragraph 9 41/A.2 Report ot Sub-Committee C on Articles 13 ad 14 - E FS Redraft of Paragraph 9 of the Sub-Committee's Report on Article 13 Proposed by the Delegations of Australia, Southern Rhodesia and the United Kingdom Joint Sub-Committee of Committees II and III on Tariff Preferences - Report to Committee II on Article 15 43 Agenda for Twety-Third Meeting - Held Friday, 12 March 1948 at 3.00 p.m. E&F 44 Agenda for Twenty-Fourth Meeting - Held Saturday, 13 March 1948 at 3.00 p.m. lX. Sub-Committee C of Second Committee (Articles 13 and 14) documents (E/CONFC./_-2/ 13 Article 13 Pakistan: Suggested Amendments to Article 13 E F EFSu/.,b-Committee C of Second E/CONF.2/INF.187 Page 6 X. Sub-Committee C of SecondCommittee Working Papers (E/CONF .2/C .2/C/W.) Docement Number short Title 13 Draft of Article 14 Prepared by Secretariat for E F Consideratlon by Joint Meeting of Working Parties 3 and 4 14 Pakistan: Suggested Amenments to Article 13 E F 15 Draft Reprot of Su-bCommittee C on Articles 13 E F S and14 15/Rev.1 Revised Draft Report of Sub-Committee C on E only Articles 13 and 14 16 Notes on Thireteenth and Fourteenth Meetigns - E F Held 9 March at .600 p.m. and 10 March 1948 at 10.30 a.m. Respectively XI. Joinmt Sub-Committee of Second and Third Committees (Tariff Preferences) 14 Report of Working Party Statement by the Delegation of Iraq E F (E/CONF.2/C.2&3/A/W.) Documents(E/CONF.2/C.2&3/A) - 11 Notesof Eleventh Meeting Held Friday, 5 March1948 at 3.00 p.m. 11/Corr.1 Corrigendum to Notes of Eleventh Meeting F E 12 Notes of Twelfth Meeting - Held Saturday, III.JointSub-Committee5ofSecondMarch 1948 Committeesat 10.30 a.m. WorkingPepers 12/Corr.1 Corrigendum to Notes of Twelfth Meeting 13 Notes of Thirteenth and Fourteenth Meetings - Held Saturday, 7 March 1948 at 6.30 p.m, and Monday, 9 March 1948 at 10.30 a.m. Respectively 68 Text of Secion A of Chapter IV as Approved in S Second Reading Corrigendum to Text of Section A of Chapter IV as 68/Corr.2 Approved in Second Reading 3 Corrigendum to Text of Section A of Chapter IV as Approved in Second Reading 72 Sub-Committee G (Swiss Proposal) - Report of Sub CommitteeG toCommittee III XIII.ThirdCommittee(CommercialPolicy)Documents(E/CONF.2/C.3)/73 E/CONF .2/INF.187 Page 7 XIII.
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