Page 4 March 11, 2018 (1) Security Agencies... war with the Afghan people long eradicate violence on both sides of improve security and the economy the UN. the border, Sherpao said, adding Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks Ghani spoke of his support for spe- before US military operations be- in Afghanistan and the region. his party was trying to protect the come at a time when the US and its cial operations against terrorists, gan in 2001. Now obviously the US “Our demand from the officials of rights of Pakhtuns. allies are accusing the Syrian gov- but called on the Special Forces of has a direct interest in the resolu- the conference was that the coun- “Both Islamabad and Kabul ernment of using chemical weap- the Afghan National Police and the tion of this conflict and the Taliban tries which are involved in Afghan- should promote security and sta- ons during its fight against terrorist National Directorate of Security have frequently stated the need for istan issues and those who create bility through fruitful dialogue,” groups. Damascus has rejected the (NDS) Forces to be more diligent all foreign troops to depart Afghan- instability in Afghanistan and in remarked Sherpao, former chief accusations, saying they are meant and to not torture those who are istan is a precondition for negotia- the region should be reminded that minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to protect the foreign-backed ter- captured during their operations. tions. the best way to improve the econo- province. (Pajhwok) rorists in the face of army gains. “There must be no torture and in- “We are in Afghanistan as a guest my and expand cooperation is (by The Leader further said Interna- human deeds in the national direc- of a sovereign Afghan government (7) 9 in the Run... strengthening) relations between that’s recognized by the UN and countries,” Mohammad Ishaq, a tional powers imposed the eight- torate of security and dealing with SaminBarakzai, and IrfanullahIrfan international community, with our university lecturer and a delegate year war Iran with the aim of de- the enemy must be based on the for the deputy secretary. presence enshrined in the strategic at the conference, told TOLO news. stroying the Islamic Revolution, law,” Ghani said. Ballots are being cast days after the partnership agreement and a bilat- Representatives of more than 30 but they failed to achieve this goal Ghani meanwhile emphasized the Wolesi Jirga -- lower house of par- eral security agreement.” Asian and European countries at- thanks to the Iranian youth’s brav- need to continue special operations. liament -- returned from a 45-dy She added the US would continue tended the conference at the Acad- ery, prudence and sacrifices. (Press “Our special operations are impor- winter recess. (Pajhwok) its mission so long as the indepen- emy for Cultural Diplomacy in Ber- TV) tant because it creates fear in the (8) Super Six... heart of the enemy,” Ghani added. dent Afghan government agreed to lin to assess economic challenges in host and work with the Americans. keep their hopes of Super Six quali- countries and to find ways to over- At the end of the ceremony Ghani Trump Says North Korea also honored six members of the To a question, she said the Taliban fication alive. come the hurdles. NDS with state medals for their ef- could not expect direct talks with Chasing just 195 for victory, Af- TOLO news reporter Sharif Amiri, Deal Would Be ‘Very Good’ forts. the US as had happened in the case ghanistan wrapped up their first who reported from the event, said SEOUL, South Korea — President This comes after government also of North Korea. There was no com- win of the tournament by six wick- part of the conference has focused Donald Trump says a deal with announced the finalization of the parison between North and South ets with 11.2 overs to spare, the ICC on crucial issues including secu- North Korea, “if completed,” will next solar year’s military opera- Korea and Afghanistan, the diplo- reported. rity, and fighting insurgency and be very good for the world. Trump tions plan. mat argued. Captain Rashid Khan sprung a sur- corruption in Afghanistan. He says appears to be referring to North Ko- This operation will start in the Wells noted North and South Ko- prise by walking out to open the in- that delegates at the event stressed rea agreeing to give up its nuclear spring under the name of “Op- rea had spoken to each other in nings and got things off to a lively the need to continue supporting Af- weapons arsenal. That has been a eration Nusrat” and according to advance of the president’s offer to start, hitting five fours during a 14- ghanistan to remove the challenges. key demand of the United States government officials, assessing the engage in the conversation. ball stay that reaped 21. His partner The remarks by the Pakistani envoy and other world powers. strengths and weaknesses of this “So, what we’re looking for in Af- Javed Ahmadi was more sedate, comes amid increasing pressure by Trump tweets Friday night: “The year’s operational program has ghanistan is a fundamental recog- building his way to 26 off 54 balls the United States to stop Pakistan deal with North Korea is very played a key role in preparing next nition that in an insurgency, the in- and from 93/2, Nepal really needed from harboring terrorists. The pres- much in the making and will be, if year’s plan.(Tolo news) surgents and the government that to force a dramatic collapse if they sure is part of the US’s new strategy completed, a very good one for the is ruling need to engage in a con- for South Asia and Afghanistan. (2) OIC Urges Sincere... were to achieve an unlikely victory. World. Time and place to be deter- versation with one another as well It never came. In a recent military operation by mined.” The president has agreed regional cooperation and mobilize as with other interested parties to No.3 Rahmat Shah hit 46 off 75 balls Afghan security forces in Helmand to meet North Korean leader Kim resources for political settlement, that settlement. We have been very and Mohammad Nabi 34 off 32 be- province, in the south of Afghani- Jong Un for a historic face-to-face normalization, and speedy recon- consistent in this approach,” Wells fore both were removed by Dipen- stan, three Pakistani militants were summit. South Korean officials who struction of Afghanistan, which are said. dra Singh Airee, ICC reported. among 10 terrorists killed in the recently met with Kim told their imperative for stability and sus- President Ashraf Ghani recently Following their recent results, there operation. The operation was con- White House counterparts Thurs- tainable development in the region concluded the second Kabul Pro- will have been a few nerves among ducted by National Directorate of day that Kim was eager to meet and beyond,” the Secretary General cess conference, laying out some the Afghanistan camp but they Security (NDS) operatives in Hel- with Trump. The White House said. important principles in his remarks didn’t show. Najibullah Zadran mand province, the NDS said in a says President Donald Trump and (3) Pak Presses US... about implementation of the peace brought about an early finish with statement on Friday. (Tolo news) Chinese President Xi Jinping have process. That would require the a brisk 47-ball 52 featuring three “There was also a great deal of fo- (10) Elections for... discussed North Korea. The leaders support of the international com- sixes and four fours – including an cus on peace and reconciliation in Irfan as deputy secretary of the spoke Friday, the day after Trump munity. 18-run over off left-arm spinner Ba- Afghanistan and, both sides wel- lower house. agreed to meet North Korean leader There was no way to walk away sant Regmi to put the result beyond comed Afghan President Ashraf The administrative board poll for Kim Jong Un at a date and time still from Afghanistan even in a time of doubt. Ghani’s recent peace offer to the Meshrano Jirga was held on March to be determined. The White House peace. “But I can certainly assure Earlier, the spin trio of Mohammad Taliban,” said Ambassador Aizaz 7. The upper house re-elected Mo- says Trump and Xi “welcomed the you we understand how difficult it Nabi (4/33), Rashid Khan (3/45) Ahmed Chaudhary, who attended hammad AlamEzdyar as first dep- prospect” of dialogue between the is and how essential it is to the suc- and Mujeeb Zadran (1/24) did the both meetings. uty chairman, Mohammad Asif U.S. and North Korea. They also cess of the overall effort. bulk of the damage, while Shapoor Gen. Joseph L. Votel, who heads Seddiqi as second deputy chair- committed to keep pressure and “Certainly it’s only going to be Zadran, the fiery paceman, got two the US Central Command was in- man, Taib Atta as secretary and sanctions in place until North Ko- when we see the success of the sta- wickets towards the close to end cluded in the US team for the talks. Mohamamd Faisal Samay as depu- rea takes “tangible steps” toward bilization of Afghanistan that we in with 2/32, but the standout perfor- Gen. Votel’s inclusion in the White ty secretary. (Pajhwok) “complete, verifiable and irrevers- the international community can mance came from the gallant Nepal House team was supported by ible denuclearization.” Trump ex- draw the confidence that the level captain Paras Khadka, who almost Pakistan as he has always strongly pressed hope that Kim will choose of our presence is not required,” single-handedly kept his team in advocated maintaining a strong re- a brighter path for his country.
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