5356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 18 CHAPLAINS John Edward Fritz. · William Freiday to be State director tor To he colonel Andrew Robert Grant. New Jersey, Richard Irvin, Jr. Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Edmond Joseph Griffin, . APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR AR¥Y James Curtis Jeffries, Jr. United States Army (temporary colonel), with TO BE MAJOR GENERAL Walter Killilae. rank from July 3, 1942. Leroy Cosby Land. · Delos Carleton Emmops APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Reuben Wallis Mundy. TO BE BRIGADIER GENERAL To be captain, Judge Advocate General's Raymond Tardin Napier. Delos Carleton E;rpmol?-s Depa1·tment, witli rank from date of ap._ · Everett Vinson Peterson. pointment Edward Stephen Rice. TEMPORARY APPOlNTMENTS IN . THE ARMY OF THE UNITED· STATES Maj. Robert McDonald Gray, Judge Advo­ William McKinley Shepard. James Luke Smith, Jr. TO BE LIEUTENANT GENERAL cate General's Department Res.erve. Alva William Swartz. Joseph Taggart McNarney TO BE SECOND LIEUTENANTS WITH RANK FROM James Bernard Via. DATE OF APPOINTMENT Michael Edward Wardell. TO BE MAJOR GENERALS Infantry Robert James Welsh. Ralph Royce Charles Crisp Wilder, Jr. Willis Henry Hale Harold Reid Armstrong, Jr. Verne Rumbaugh Wilson. TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS Will Gillespie Atwood, Jr. James· Herbert Brown. Corps of Engineers Edwin Sanders.Perrin William Edward Byerts, Jr. Clayton Arthur Bird. Ennis Clement Whitehead George Franklin Charlton. Charles William Flynn, Jr. Kenneth Newton Walker Connie Craig Cotton. Walter Philip Leber. Carl William Connell William Ellis Cox. Arthur Wilson Starkey. Albert Lee Sneed Roger Jerald Culhane. Samuel ·Frederick Stebelton. Nathan Farragut Twining Dale Taylor Elliott. Parker Osborne Stuart. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY William Paul Fife. John Rhodes . Thompson. TO BE HYDROr;RAPHIC AND GEODETIC ENGINEERS Thomas William Fishburn. David Hall Woods. Irving Heymont. Frank G. Johnson Signal Corps William F. Malnate Richard Eugene Hotchkiss. William Brooks Carroll. George Lamar Jones. Roger C. Rowse William Arthur Grimshaw. COAST GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES William Freese Kernan. Russell Park Jones. William Lindsay Koob, Jr. James Beecher McKenzie. TO BE CAPTAINS Olive.r Morton LEgg. Latimer Whittle MacMillan, Jr. William K. Scammell Clyde Okey McPeek. RusseL L. Lucas Martin Cadenhead McWilliams. Quartermaster Corps James Harry Mobley. · Myron Richard Bittikofer. TO BE COMMANDERS Warren Edgar Nossaman. William Joseph Daly. Robert C. Sarratt Joseph H . Rosenthal James ¥artin Pratt. Walter Alfred Higgins. Raymond V. Marron Frank M. Meals David Leroy Ramsey. Raymond LaVerne Hoff. Carl H. Hilton John Edward Reid. Donald Charles Hughes. TO BE LIEUTENANT COMMANDERS Donald Joseph Richardson. Orville Kenneth Knight. Lloyd Edward Rabjohn. John P. Crowley Edward W. Holtz George Frederick Sawyer. Arthur·G. Morrill Herbert F. Walsh Waldo Ernest Schmitt. William Evans Rust, Jr. Gordon Francis Tyrrell, Jr. Philip A. Short Edwin J. Roland Ralph Bayard Sessoms, Jr. George N. Bernier Peter V. Colmar :Milton Jerome Sheldon. Finance Department Dwight H. Dexter George H . Bowerman Thomas Colyer Shields. Lawrence Longshore Parsons. Joseph Alvin Shirley. TO BE LIEUTENANTS James Max Snyder. Ordnance Department Harold L. Wood Thomas F. Epley Rosario Sorbello. Jesse Charles Crumbley, Jr. Arthur W. Johnsen Julius E. Richey Richard Joseph Stillman. Emil William Delu. Douglas B. Henderson Benjamin B. Sherry Walter Blakely Todd. William John Durrenberger. Robert Wilcox Frederick J. Statts Richard Hull Verheul. Walter Parrish Glover, Jr. Chester R. Bender James S. Muzzy Leroy Bucl{man Wilson. Robert Neil Grove. Richard R. Smith Raymond W. Blouin James Mcindoe Winterbottom. James Maurice Hamblin. Samuel G. Guill Fred F. Nichols Paul Marshall Woods. Gerald Johnson, Jr. Paul ·E. Trimble Theodore F. Knoll Cavalry Harold Vernon Mackey. Russell R. Waesche, Jr. Nelson C. McCormick Jack Boswell. John Raymond Penington. Joseph P. Martin Frank M. McCabe William Prager Cassedy. Francis Fred Poppenburg. George W. Playdon Carter Greer Dudley. Roy Edgar Rayle, Jr. TO BE LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GRADE) Lowell Reginald Eklund. John Pershing Taylor. Karl Heinrich Zornig. Robert D. Brodie 4th Harry F . Frazer Jack Philip Geise. Robert W. Goehring Julian J. Shingler APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY FOR TEMPORARY Gaynor William Hathaway. Harry L. ;!.\[organ Warner K. Thompsc 1, Chester Thomas Harvie. SE.RVICE John D. McCubbin Jr. Charles Edward Jenkins. Capt. Timothy J. Keleher to be a rear Ross P. Bullard William R. Riedel Richard Clement Moran. admiral in the Navy, for temporary service, Orvan R. Smeder Lewis B. Kendall Field Artillery to rank from the 11th day of June 1942, and Victor Pfeiffer Ralph N. West Ralph Harry Bowen. to continue during his assignment as a William L. Morrison Charles E. Sharp James Richard Burkhart. member of the Army and Navy Munitions David W. Sinclair Charles W. Schuh John Sydney Cook, Jr. Board. Robert R. Russell Lynn Parker John Weamer Elder. Capt. Arthur G. Robinson to be a rear Charles E. Masters, Jr. Claude G. Winstead Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller 2d. admiral in the Navy, for temporary service, Robert H. Prause, Jr. Thomas G .. Byrne Howard Overton Golladay. to rank from the 16th day of June 1942. James N. Schrader Moyer Delos Harris. Richard Brittain Kreutzer. CONFIRMATIONS • Richard George Labovitz. Norman Murchison Grusky Locksley. Executive nominations confirmed by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES· MacDonald Oliver, Jr. the Senate June 18, 1942: John William Salyards. UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION THURSDAY, JUNE 18,1942 Carl William Schaad. Lynn R. Edminster to be a member of the Albert Dulaney Schutz. United States Tariff Commission for the re­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Robert Earl Simons. mainder of the term expiring June 16, 1943. Rev. Charles D. Beatty, lieutenant Bradford Lee Smith. Darrel Leon Syron. UNITED STATES MARSHAL junior grade, chaplain at the Marine Bar­ Leslie S. Kofoed to be United States mar­ racks, Quantico, Va., offered the following Jerry Marion Wimberley. prayer: Coast Artillery Corps shal for the district of Nevada. Lewis Jones Adams. OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT REPORTS 0 God, who art the help of all the ends George Wilbur Best, Jr. STATE DIRECTORS of the earth; we come before Thee to Charles Stuart Cumings. Charles W. Hardesty to be State director offer our praise and thanksgiving for Thy Elmer Pershing Curtis. for Delaware. love and goodness to us and to all men. 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5357 We bring to Thee our prayers for our the recommendation of all of the depart­ ceive and market peanuts may be separate country, earnestly beseeching Thee to ments concerned. from or combined with operations of other grant Thy blessing upon the President of Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. And agencies." (3) Section 359 (d) is amended to read the United States, upon our people, and it is a unanimous report from the com­ as follows: "The word 'peanuts' for the pur­ upon their Senators and Representatives mittee? poses of this act shall mean all peanuts pro­ in Congress assembled; that Thou Mr. SCRUGHAM. Yes. duced, excluding any peanuts which it is wouldest be pleased to direct and prosper The SPEAKER. Is there objection to established by the producer or otherwise, in all their consultations, to the advance­ the present consideration of the bill? accordance with regulations of the Secretary, ment of Thy glory, the good of ThY There was no objection. were not picked or threshed either before or church, the safety, honor, and welfare of The bill was ordered to be engrossed after marketing from the farm." Thy people. and read a third time, was read the third (4) Section 301 (b) (13) (B) is amended More especially, we pray for the men time, and passed, and a motion to recon­ · by inserting, after the word· "cotton" wher­ ever it appears therein, the words "or . pea­ of our land's armed forces, that they sider was laid on the table. nuts" and by adding at the end thereof the may be under Thy Divine Providence, AMENDING AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1938 following new sentence: "For 1942, the normal and held in the hollow of Thy hand. yield for any county, in the case of peanuts, Mr. PACE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ shall be the average yield per acre for pea­ "0 Trinity of love and power imous consent for the present considera­ nuts for the county, adjusted for abnormal Our brethren shield in danger's hour. tion of the b111 (H. R. 7137) to amend the conditions, during the years 1936-40, inclu­ Mid rock and tempest, fire and foe, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as sive, except that for any county in which Protect them wheresoe'er they go. amended, with respect to marketing the years 1935-39, inclusive, are equally as And may there ever rise to Thee quotas for peanuts, and for other pur­ representative, such period may be used in Glad hymns of praise on land and sea." poses, which I send to the desk. determining the normal yields for counties The Clerk read as follows: in the State." These things we pray, through Jesus (5) Section 8\Jl (b) (13 (E) is amended Christ, our Lord. Amen. Be it enacted, etc., That the Agricultural by deleting the word "or" after the word Adjustment · Act of 1988, as amended, is "wheat" a.nd before the word "cotton" wher­ The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ amended as follows: ever it appears therein and by inserting, after terday was read and approved. (1) Section 358 (d) is amended by striking the word "cotton" wherever it appears out the last sentence thereof and inserting SUSPENDING ~AL LABOR ON CERTAIN therein, the words "or peanuts" and by add­ in lieu thereof the following: "The amount MINING CLAIMS ing after the first sentence thereof the fol­ of the marketing quota for each farm shall lowing new sentence: "For 1942 the normal Mr. SCRUGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I ask be a number of pounds of peanuts equal to yield for any farm, in the case of peanuts, unanimous consent for the present con­ the normal production or the actual produc­ shall be the average yield per acre l>f pea­ sideration of the bill (H.
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