Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Xavier Athenaeum Proceedings 1-10-1919 Xavier Athenaeum Xavier University, (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/athenaeum Recommended Citation Xavier University, (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier Athenaeum" (1919). Xavier Athenaeum. 32. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/athenaeum/32 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Xavier Athenaeum by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~XA.VI£R ATiillWUM ""' __,ST. XAVIE~ COLLEOE .._, Vol. VII Cincinnati, 0., Friday, January 10, 1919 No. S MATT UOLL, MAUJNE I Fatber Grimmelsman Dies in St. Louis S. A. T. C. CLOSES WITH BANQUET Chateau 'fhiei'ry Hero Home for On the evening of December 20 Christmas the soldiers of St. Xavier unit held Ex-Rector of St. Xavier's a banquet Ht the Business Men's Matt Roll, a member of the Sixth I Club. Not one of the members was Regiment · of Marines since July, missing, and everyone was glad he 1917, visited the College during the came, for it proved a fitting climax holidays. Matt sailed for France and a memorable closing of the mili­ last January, and was in the thick of tary careers of two hundred men. the fight from March until Octo­ The various committees which had ber. when he was taken to the hos­ charge of the affair are to be con­ pital for the second time. His ac- gratulated on the success of the 1.'ount of Belleau Wood and Chateau evening. Thierry is a thriller. From May 30 Acting Corporal Herbert A. Wuest tiU June 6 he fought continuously was toastmaster. He introduced without rest. At the end of sixteen Vice-Mayor Carl M . •Jacobs, Jr., who days of battle he was so badly gassed spoke as representative of Mayor that he had to go to the hospital. Galvin, the latter having been obliged In October he was struck in the leg to leave unexpectedly for Washing­ ton. Mr. Jacobs proved a worthy by a piec~ of shrapnel. As he was convalescing at the time the armis­ substitute. His weighty words of tice was signed, he was ordered home advice to the soldiers who were just November 25. H.e was furloughed about to return to civilian life will for the ho1idays, after which he re­ not be forgotten. turned to the hospital in Brooklyn, Mr. Jacobs was followed by our New York. popular Commanding Officer, Lieuten­ Weighing 136 pounds on the day ant Huntington. Rev. James Mc­ he enlisted, Matt now pushes the Cabe, S. J ., President of the College, scales to 170. He has recovered spoke in the name of the Faculty, completely from his wounds, and and Acting Sergeant Joseph F. Mc­ uwait3 only the official word of the Carthy spoke for the soldiers. doctor for his dismissal from the j After the set speeches, impromptu hospital. addresses were made by Lieutenants He wears a double stripe on one J Howarth, Gutting and Holmer. Rev. sleeve for a year's service abroad, Chas. Baden, Mr. Edward T. Dixon a similar double stripe on the other and Mr. Joseph Berning also helped sleeve for two wounds, and a crim­ to make the evening pleasant and son braid on the left shoulder, rep­ profitable by their words of appre­ resenting seven unit citations for REV. JOSEPH GRIMMELSMAN, S. J. ciation and advice. bravery. A point that was urged by nearly We happen to have a letter writ­ every man who spoke, was the ad­ ten by Matt shortly before the end visability of pursuing studies fur­ of hostilities, and publish it to give Rev. Joseph Grimmelsman, S. J ., After his return to America he ther. Proofs were not wanting to his friends an idea of the interest­ President of St. Xavier College 1908- was professor of philoso phy at Wood­ show that the educated man is the ing line of reminiscences they wi11 1911, died nt St. Louis University, stock, and dean of the Normal SChool leader in our country today. hear when he comes bnck to stay. St. Louis, December 20. Father at Florissant. In 1891 he was ap­ Dear Fl'iendg :-- Grimmelsmnn never recovered from pointed President of St. Louis Uni­ PERMANENT ORGANIZATION I am quite well, and although one of a paralytic stroke which attacked versity, and in 1898 he was placed in FORMED Jerry's shells spilt a little steel close him in Rome, in March, 1915. An t.he chief executive position of the by where I was standing and sprinkled extraordinary power of will enabled Missouri Province. This latter posi­ In response to the hearty invita­ a bit on my left shin, I am not hurt him to continue his duties as Tertiun tion he held until 1904, when he was tion of Father Baden for the mem­ at all. The slight scratch does not Master at Brooklyn, Ohio, until last made Rector of St. Stanislaus Novi­ bers of the S. A. T. C. to come to­ even make me limp, nor keep me in July. Several months ago Father ciate and Normal School. l<"'rom gether periodically at the Fenwick bed, but I am up and around and en­ Grimmelsman was removed to St. Florissant he was transferred to Cin­ Club in the years to come the S A joying another peaceful and restful Louis for treatment. He died in the cinnati ns President of St. Xavier's, 'f. C. members formed a vacation. University with which he had been then to Milwaukee as President of 'perma~eni organization on the 21st of Decem­ Prior to the opening of the drive we prominently identified for many years Marquette University, and finally to ber. It was decided to hold an an­ used our hob-nails considerably, and as Rector and afterwards us Pro­ the House of Retreats at Brooklyn, nual reunion. The General Execu­ sloppily, every night for more than a vincial of the Mhsouri Province of Ohio, as Rector. tive Committee was elected to hold week. 'Ve were some distance behind the _society of Jesus. Father Grimmelsmun was promi­ office during the coming year. Con­ the lines, and as we were in the open­ Father Grimmelsman was born in nent as an executive and educator. sidering the success of the closing ing scenes· of the big show, we had to Cincinnati March 17, 1853. He war; He was a personal friend of very banquet, there is assurance that we be on hand for the curtain-raiser, and educated in St. Mary's Parochial have some jolly times to look for- J we were there in spite of all the heavy School and St. Xavier College. In many of our Alumni. To these and all who knew him the news of his ward to. The members of this Com­ rains we encountered. 1871 he entered the noviciate at mittee are: E. J. Gardner, Chair­ death brought regret for the passing The first big guns let loose on the Florissant, Mo. He pursued his man; Earl Westerfield, Treasurer; dot at one A. M., September 12, and studies at Woodstock, Md., and in of one who for years had been a P. C. Nordloh, Secretaryj Joseph the whole sky over the entire front the University of Louvain. Belgium, force in the cause of truth and right­ Meara, J. E. O'Connor and Louis (Cotninned on page 3, column 1.) where he was ordained. eousness. R. I. P. Eberts. 2 THE XAVIER ATHENAF.UM t he Great War are to be classed the TWO MOVIES AND A MINSTREL '·AIUICHAIR PHILOSOPHY." nedantic labors of the Prussian, Em­ SHOW n d:'XAVitP Alll[NMUM ~anuel Kant, the "Sage of Konigs­ Bv Daniel A. Lord. S. J . New i l'./~(;.~T.XA.VJE.r.a. COLLEOl:i:- berg," in the far-off beginnings of During the last week of the S. A. York: The America Press. $0.80. the eighteenth centu1·y. He it was T. C. the soldiers enjoyed more rec­ To the thouc::a nds of readers who who laid down the principle that reation than was given during the eagerly followed laSt year the series Publish<!<! bl-we!ekly, during the school year, "Might makes Right." He it was days of strenuous wo1·k. They are of clever papers Mr. Lord contrib­ by the atudenbl of St. Xnvlcr College, Clncln­ who but a short time ago was ac­ indebted to Fnther Finn and Fathe1· uted to "America/' this neat little nrtti. Ohio. claimed in a speech by the late Ger­ Reiner for two pleasant evenings of book will come like an old friend. Sub .~ cri\Jtion, I I.00 in ndvnncc. man Kaiser, ns the moral and reli­ moving pictures, and to eight mem­ Basing his arguments on the sound, a: ious teacher of the German nation. bers of the Company for a surpris­ wo1·kable principles of scholastic Editors: Alphonse Herman, Ralph Lip­ He and his devil's brood, Nietzsche ingly good minstrel show, gotten up ohilosophy, the author first subjects pert, Joseph McCarthy, J. Edward and the rest, are responsible for the •mder the difficulties attending regu­ to a ruthless examination the chief McDonough, William Reardon, Chas. now defunct idea that the ruler of lar work. Messrs. L~o Spaeth and intellectual nnd moral vagaries of Trame, Earl Westerfield, Herbert the future is to be the "Superman." Enslinger rendered vocal solos, a nd t.oday and then clearly lays down the Wuest.
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