World Boardgaming Championships 2012 Schedule & Program July 30 - August 5, 2012 Pre-Cons begin July 28 Lancaster Host Resort Lancaster, PA www.boardgamers.org [email protected] Contents 1 is an association of boardgame enthusiasts incorporated as a non-profit company BPA in the state of South Carolina for the express purpose of hosting the annual gaming conference known as the World Boardgaming Championships, or WBC for short. It offers tourna- ments, vendors, an auction, demonstrations, seminars, open gaming, and Juniors programs. In ad- dition, for those who can’t get enough, we offer numerous focused Pre-Cons on the weekend before WBC. We do other things, such as mini-cons and e-mail tournaments, but our raison d’etre is WBC. We love boardgaming competition—from wargames and Eurogames to racing, sports, and rail games, and we make no apologies for it. It’s what we do. And we take pride in doing it better than anybody else. To find out more about our activities spend some time on our website at www.boardgamers.org. You’ll find more pre- and post-event information than anywhere else on the net—over 2,000 pages of it. It’s not very lucrative or cost effective, but we think it demonstrates our commitment to this hobby. You can help continue this madness by taking a moment to subscribe to our FREE e-mail news- letter via the web site or trade links with our Webmaster from your local club site. Finally, continue to spread the good news about our association and its activities by bringing your fellow gamers to the best week of gaming all year! Credits Contents Convention Director: Don Greenwood Orientation .......................................................2 Webmaster & Publicity: Kaarin Engelmann Map ...................................................................5 Schedule Key ...................................................6 Board Chairman & Treasurer: Ken Gutermuth Chronological Schedule .................................7 Secretary & Proof Reading: Bruce Monnin Seminar Descriptions ...................................22 Legal Counsel: Scott Pfeiffer Alphabetical Event Listings ........................23 BPA Game Library: Keith Levy Juniors Schedule ...........................................30 BPA Logo: Mark Simonitch Auction & Auction Store Info ......................31 Cover Art: Kurt Miller Texas Roadhouse Library Fund Raiser ......32 Graphics: ckiblergrafix Photography & WBC Film: Debbie Gutermuth PBeM Coordinator: Hank Burkhalter Assistant Convention Director: Charles Kibler 2012 Vendors & Exhibitors Projector Programming: Scott Buckwalter Hours: Friday through Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm Online Discussion Board: John Kranz Academy Games Lost Battalion Games Kiosk Prints: Jeff Billings Against the Odds Multi-Man Publications Cafe Jay: Jay Tummelson Blue Sky Enterprises On Military Matters Insurance: Phil Barcafer Columbia Games Our Game Table Exclusive Show Vendor: Decision Games Decision Games Rio Grande Games Security: Ken Whitesell, Paul Weintraub Foam Brain Games Stronghold Games Showroom Monitors: Paul Bean, Cher Gibson Eagle Games Tall Towers Juniors Room Monitors: Laurie Wojtaszczyk, Game Company 3 Valley Games Joanna Melton, Jenna Sunderlin Gamewick Games Victory Point Games AREA Ratings: Glenn Petroski, Bruno Wolff GMT Visible Hand Games Team Event Handicapper: Stuart Tucker Harmony House Hobbies Ye Old Toy Soldier Shop Team Logos: David Dockter, Kaarin Engelmann Lock ‘N Load Z-Man Games Auction: Bruce Reiff, Ken Gutermuth, et al Religious Services: Keith Hunsinger Signs and Tech Support: Roy Gibson Web Personal Scheduler: Steve Okonski Sampler Showcase: Tom McCorry Registration Staff:Judy Kibler, Tara Greenwood and Charles Kibler Sponsors: James Doughan, Ken Gutermuth, Jerald R. Tracy, Rich Northey, Rio Grande Games, Dave des Jardins, Geek Chic & 1541 Redfield Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015-5739 Alliance Distributors www.boardgamers.org • [email protected] 2 Orientation elcome to the 14th Annual World who have never had occasion to frequent the Boardgaming Championships or Heritage room may need directions. Just take Was I often refer to it: “my Extended the stairs in the lobby to the right of the front Family Reunion”. Many of those you’ll meet desk. Despite these changes, there will be no here have been making this annual pilgrim- Open Gaming space until WBC officially be- age for more years than we’d care to admit. It gins on Monday so don’t expect it during the has become as fixed a feature on our calendar preceding weekend. 19 games are now offered as Christmas – and for some of us—even more during the weekend pre-cons before WBC com- beloved. Despite its lofty title, the real appeal mences on Monday with an expanded slate of of WBC for most is renewing friendships with early heats before breaking for the Tuesday those who share a passion for boardgames. The Auction and Sampler Showcase. Take advan- faces remain much the same, even if the waist- tage of this pause in the action to get your best lines do not. During this annual rite of summer, meal of the week across the street at the Texas we leave our busy lives and troubles behind Roadhouse. By giving your server the coupon to revel in a simpler time when entertainment found on page 32 of this program, 10% of your dwelled on a gameboard rather than the inter- bill will benefit the BPA Game Library. net. Nostalgia aside, we rejoice in the retelling We offer many scheduling resources at board- of war stories which grow more harrowing with gamers.org to enhance your convention experi- each passing year. The tales of victories won and ence. The Host has free wireless internet con- lost are received with a wink and a nod between nections to help you take advantage of these adversaries who are on a first name basis—es- resources on site, but if reception fails you can pecially within the tribes of the smaller events always fall back on the numerous scheduling whose denizens have invested countless hours aids on our website if you had the foresight honing their skills in a particular game. During to download them. Failing that, a visit to the this magical week, appreciation of mutual skills Open Gaming focal point in the Showroom transcends political opinions and geographic will always yield an updated view of our ro- boundaries. So, if you are new to our confer- tating on screen schedule with a by-the-minute ence, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Odds are countdown till the start of the next event. The that any person you meet here will be a veteran printed program contains an accurate alpha- WBC’er who will be glad to show you the ropes. betical and chronological listing, but has a The games themselves come and go with the habit of walking away. We can’t offer replace- passing years and the ever evolving circle of ments, so hold on to yours. life that plays out in our churning event list as DATE/TIME: WBC begins at 9 am on Monday, timeless classics battle the latest flavor of the July 30th, and runs through 6 pm on Sunday, month for our attention. Look no further than Aug. 5th. Pre-Con activities kick-off at 9 am on the Grognard room where prior generations Saturday, July 28th. celebrate the 50th anniversary of Avalon Hill’s Waterloo game as yet another in an endless se- FOOD/BEVERAGES: Lancaster Host ries of portrayals of that epic battle (Waterloo prohibits outside food and beverages 20) debuts nearby. on the premises, but the hotel offers a CHANGES: 2011’s record attendance has again wide variety of meal options, includ- resulted in expanded facilities and schedules to ing fine dining at the Legends and Vista accommodate the trend towards earlier arriv- Restaurants and less formal fare at the Good als. The Wheatland room will remain in service Spirits lounge and Splash’s pool bar and throughout the week for multi-player gaming. grille. You’ll find daily lunch and dinner spe- The Juniors program has expanded to six full cials at the Chef’s Marketplace in the Ballroom Foyer from noon through 2 pm and 6 through days and will open on Tuesday morning in its 9 pm, beginning Monday evening and run- new location in Vista CD across from the front ning through Saturday. There is also lite fare desk. That has freed Heritage as the exclusive throughout the day from 9 am to 9 pm, in- domain of the grognards until Wednesday cluding breakfast sandwiches. See the menu morning when they will migrate to Conestoga on the back cover. 1. Thereafter, many of you in the Euros tribe Orientation 3 SMOKING: No smoking is allowed vious year; w total laurels earned; x duration in any gaming areas, including the ad- of stay; y team number; z team game; and { joining hallways. Opening windows team name. Bring a WBC badgeholder from a or doors is prohibited. Repeat offend- previous year or pay $2 to obtain a new one. ers will be ejected without refund. Security may eject players who do not display their badge. MEMBERSHIP: The WBC is sponsored by the Boardgame Players Association (BPA). Sponsor- OPEN GAMING: Official Open Gaming be- and Tribune-level membership includes ad- gins at 9 am on Monday in the Showroom. Open mission to WBC and all Pre-Cons. Sustaining Gaming may not spread into tournament areas at membership provides admission to all of WBC any time! A whiteboard is located in the Open except Pre-Cons. Multi-day General Admission Gaming room to help coordinate Open Gaming. to WBC grants Associate Membership in the Tables designated for Open Gaming must be in BPA, which is required for participation in Play- active use or available for use. Games may not By-e-Mail (PBeM) tournaments. Those who at- be left unattended. Games or belongings left tend the convention via a one-day Guest Pass unattended for more than an hour will be re- are not BPA members.
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