O J Lovett Memorial b Library Drawer B t (Stoini Hetos Volume 57, Number 16 The Groom News. Carson County. Texas 79039 25c Per Copy Thursday, May 22, 1906 Ken Ruthardt-Melissa Fields Named Tiger-Tigerette Ken Ruthardt and Melissa college on > basketball scho­ Ruthardt, girls track; and Fields were recipients o f the larship in the fall. She was Darron Eschle, boys track. Fighting Tiger and Tigerette named to the aU-district Joyce Hutsell and Steve awards presented last Tues­ basketball team all four yean Hutsell were narrators of a day night at the All-Sports o f high school and all-region slide presentation showing Banquet in Groom. two years. She also played senior athletes In action Ruthardt served as a cap­ tennis four yean qualifying during the year. tain on the football team and for regional three yean. Deocrstions included 24 was named all-district in Coaches in each sport also Cabbage Patch dolls dressed football. He was a regional recognized the M ott Valu­ in official uniforms for the qualifier three years in track able Players Recipients Tigers and Tigerettes with and also played on the included Hank McConneU, Cabbage Patch cheerleader« basketball team. football; co-winners. Robbie at the head table. AO the Miss Fields will attend Kuehler and Melissa Fields, uniforms were designed and girls basketball; Darren sewn by Mrs. Coonie Fields. DPS Investigates Eachle. boys basketball; Pictures of athletes through­ Melissa Fields, girls tennis; out football, basketball and Fatal Accident Michael Rose and Jack Brit­ track season completed the ten, boys tennis; Jowannah decorations. Groom DPS officers assist­ ed Monday in the investiga­ tion of a fatal accident on 1-40 Receives Moisture Edition Set at Conway. , left, and Ken Ruthardt, Coach Terry Coffee congratulates both The 12:0S a.m. accident Groom finally received the The Graduation right, received the prestigous Fighting athletes on their selection as top Groom resulted in the death of a much needed moisture last wiO be published next week Tigerctte and Fighting Tiger awards during performers. California truck driver. A week when rain showers the All-Sports Banquet last Tuesday night, for Groom and McLean. The female driver, asleep in the strived on Friday. The rain News staff has had diffi­ cab. was treated and releas­ continued through Saturday culty this year securing Donna Burton Honored With Awarded from Northwest Texas and for the most part was pictures from all the seniors, Hospital with only minor cuts gentle and soaked in. Total in an effort to insure no one Donna Burton was recently and braises. rainfall amounts for the area is left out, we opted to poet- honored by the local chapter DPS officers at the scene ranged from an inch and .55 pone printing of the issue of Beta Sigma Phi at the said the truck was westbound west of town to two inches in until all pictures can be Alpha Mu Xi Founder's Day on 1-40 when the driver the City. collected. observance. apparently went to sleep at Mrs. Burtoo was the 1966 the wheel. The truck recipient o f the People demolished 1 S6’ of guard rail Helping People Award. Mrs. before impacting on a Community Calendar Burton founded the first girl concrete pillar at the Conway scout troop in Groom in s overpass. ‘ ‘ Both bumpers ( number of years when she touched where the track came to Groom. Since the wrapped around the pillar. Girl Seawt Banquet will be local girls have grown in don meeting and wotkdav Sunday, May 25 at 1:00 p.m. membership to three troops. will be Saturday. May 24. Everyone welcome, please Their list o f activities and Groom Businesses Bring pot luck dish. M eet­ bring a covered dish. contributions to the commu­ ing begins at 9:00 a.m. nity are long. Mrs. Burton Observing Holiday encouraged her girls to do No school Monday, May Groom businesses to doee two projects at the park, special session tonight to 26, the official observance Monday in observance of originally a soroity project. discuss the head coxch posi­ day for Memorial Day. The Memorial Day include Brum­ Mrs. Burton is active in last day of classes will be my Insurance, Groom Branch tion. the O livers Council of Girl May 29 with graduation on Library, Groom Dry Goods, Scouts. She will serve in the May 30. State National Bank, City coming year aa first vice- Hall, Post Office, Wheeler May 29. Guests are asked to president of the group. She is Evans Elevator, Groom bring a dish for the meal. Gals meet in the also a member of the adult Hardware and Groom Wheat Hospitality room at the Bank Tuesday, May 27 at 7 p.m. operating Growers. Observing special hours are entering kindergarten In Helen Homer and Stella Pat- well aa a ■ was the recent recipient of the People win be Pav’ s Service closing the fall are Invited to come to tenon are hostesses. sponsor at many events and a meeting on Friday. May 30 Helping People award for ber dedication in her work at noon and Groom Grocery the day camp. She is past at 11:00 a.m. in the with the Girt Scouts and ail her dvic contributions. will be open bom 6:00 a.m. president of the PTO and a kindergarten room. The CRy deaaap—Make a re­ to 2:00 p.m. The News office member of Christian meeting will indude a prere­ servation for use of the truck member o f the sorority who will be open so be sure to Mother’ s Altar Society. She was chosen for her gistration and an orientation to cleanup items from your has twice served as presi­ phone us and share your Elaine Thompson was enthusiasm, service and concerning the nature of property. No hauling fee this dent and held the offices of Memorial Day visitors with selected to represent the dedication to o f Beta kindergarten education. month. Call Pat 248-3611. Groom News readers. sorority aa Girl o f the Year. Sigma PM. She is a charter treasurer and vice president. Tuesday Grain Prices H\)t (groom Sfctoo ^M EM O RIAL At Local Elevators Cash prices on grain post­ The Only Newspaper ed si grain elevators serving Monday, the Groom sres Tuesday in the W orld afternoon: Interested In Groom May 26 W H EAT $2.32 bushel MILO $4.40 cwt. 248-3311 a Card of Thanks Page 2— TH E GROOM NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thursday, May 22,1986 Gill o f Douglas. Ax. visited Special thanks to each and friends and relatives in everyone who followed the £Ik (Groom Bietoe Local Happenings Groom Monday. track team this season. Also Doyla BeB and daughter thanks for the flowers and USPS 230-380 Kenjs of Amarillo were phone calls I received while Among those sttending Lynn Pool and Stella Pat­ weekend visitors of Nadine Second-class Postage Paid at Groom, TX. the State track meet were at state. terson were in Waco for the and Kenneth Black. Jowannah Ruthardt Carson County, Texas, under the Act of Congress of graduation of Mrs. Patter­ Mr. and Mrs. Page BlackwnH March 3.1879. son's granddaughter, Jan Mr. and Mrs. Austin CroweH Published weekly except Christmas Week Kay Pattersoo, May 16. Mr. and Mrs. James McCoy. Steel Reed CANON By Phil and lla Miller Jason and Janies Miller, Mr. Electronic Typewriters Postmaster: please send address changes to: and Mrs. Kenneth Sweatt, Typewriters 84 Broadway. Groom. TX— Phone 806-248-3311 Calculators Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Neal Lezlie and Lias, Mr. and ♦ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: drove to Clarendon Thurs­ Mrs. Johnny Eschle and One-year subscription (Carson and Gray Counties) *10.52 A u th o rin d Se(es « Service day evening to visit Mr. and Jason, Mr. and Mrs. Glynn D One-year subscription elsewhere *12.62 Mrs. Leslie Neal. Mrs. Neal Harrell, Mrs. Johnny Brooks TASCOS^ J ^ INjjSS .MACHINES is not well at this time. and Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Kuehler. FACTORY t r a i n e d t e c h n ic i a n BOX 985 •Fîo7a W. 7TH • AMARILLO. TEXAS 79105 MEMBER 1986 Greg Lamb is a patient this week at Northwest Texas Jake and Vivian Lacy Greem 248-5491 TÁ Hospital. He suffered a attended the graduation of David Brown AmmMm 373-S731 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION broken hip last Friday while their granddaughter Yvonne hauling hay. Dainia Lacy from West Tesas State University Saturday MEMBER morning. They also visited in Local members o f Weight Tammy A Representative» Watchers recently completed Tulia and Amarillo. a ten week course outlining a plan for diet and exercise to Mr. and Mrs. Glynn D accomplish weight loss. Harrell attended commence Leslie Crowell, local leader ment o f Southwest Texas . © NATIONAL NEWSPAPER for the group reports that a State University at San total of 183 pounds were Marcos Saturday morning Mm m KO m ì h UoM ^ O m Im ASSOCIATION by members o f the May 17 . Their grandaon, 1504 W. ioni. P.O. Boa M B Kemp Ingram of Amarillo AmarlUo, TX 79105 m o n a 172-3091. R a s 225-2961 Driving C lo u Cut received a BBA Degree in Uta. Hoapitaiizatlon, OtaabHIty Incorna. Group It's A Boy Mrs. Essie Knowlei the School o f business. Annuties, IRA, Medicare. Acóòent. Cancer. The defensive driving returned home Monday from On Saturday afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bochard course set to begin Monday a visits in Woodward, Ok.
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