COrTRIOHT, 1883, BT THB SPORTIITS LIFE PUBLISHING THE CO. SPORTINGESTBRTO ATLIFE. POST OPFIOB AT PHILADELPHIA AB SSOO-TD CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 2. NUMBER 19. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 20, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. been traveling in company altogether too fast, and Pointers. BILLIARDS. that they now have an opportunity to not only ATHLETIC. Alf. Pearsonhaf opened a saloon at 2336 Nortb THE SPORTING LIFE. settle the question of supremacy in their class but Front street, Kensington. to make the games of more interest to the lovers of PUBLISHED WEEKLY billiards. It will be remembered that only small The Japanese wrestler. Matsada Sorakichf. Facts and Fancies Concerning the "Gentle- audiences were present at the late balk-line tour­ Wrestling, Pedestrianism, and other Ath­ wants to wrestle Edwin Blbby again for »»ooa side. AT nament in this city when any ottier than the best- letic The referee declares all time bets' off In tbfl recent man's Game." known players came together, because they con­ Sports Chronicled. Driscoil-Hoamer walk, the scoring aid timing not No. 2O2 South Ninth Street, Philada. sidered it a foregone conclusion that the game being reliable. would be dull and uninteresting and all oneway. McLaughlin and Dufnr are again matched fer AND McLAVGHLIN-HElSER. Now it is proposed by Mr. Foley to get up a tour­ HOYLE & ACTON'S FOOT HANDICAP-. $1,000 a side, collar-and-elbow stylo to bfe« plane at nament at the balk-line or champions' game, with Detroit, March 3. Morris, Catton, Daly, Wallace, I)ion, McLaughlin No. 23 Park Row, New York. The New Yorker Again Defeated, Although and Sexton as contestants, the winner to be cham­ Entries With Starts for the Washington's S. H. Miller, of Parkvllle, Pa., defeated1 St«n«v (DR. WILLIAM MORRISON, Kew York Agent.) He Breaks the American Record. pion of America, while the famous experts, Birthday Handicap at Philadelphia. of San Francisco, Cal., in a 100-yard fcot race at Schaefer, Slosson and Vlgnaux, play for the The entries in the 135 yards foot handicap Parkville on Wednesday, Feb. 6th. The third match game between Edward world's championphiD. In either race but one Oddy defeated Oilmore In a twenty-mil* walk-a» FOKBIGIf OFFICE : McLaughlin, of Philadelphia, and J. Kan- question Is asked: "Who would be the winner?" at Pastime Park, Philadelphia, closed last Boston, Feb. 8th, the latter leaving the track after 12 miles and 6 laps had been covered. Ko. 1 Scott's Yard, Cannon St., London, E. C. dolph Heiser, of New York, was played last week. The prizes amount to $250 and are INTERNATIONAL Roece Williams, of Mahanoy City and WB: Por­ (F. S. GRIFFITH, Resident Correspondent.) Thursday night, Feb. 14, at Madison Square LACROSSE. divided into $200, $25, $15 and $10. Fifty of ter, of Delano, will run a loo-yard foot race at Maianoy City on the 23d Hall, No. 948 Broadway, N. Y. The two the fastest sprinters in Philadelphia and inst. for$100 a side. The Games the American Team Will Flay in Ruhen Collinge defeated Cock Oreaves Itc » TERMS. Two dollars and fifty cents a year, previous games were played in Philadel­ England and Ireland. neighborhood have sent in their names, and wrosttlng strictly In advance. Single match at Oldham, Eng., on Saturday1, copies, five cents. phia. the following are the starts allotted to them Jan. 26th; the first throw took 17 minutes to denude Postage free In the United States. The third, the one now recorded, was The lacrosse team of members of United and the second 35 seconds. CORRESPONDENCE on sporting topics, also to have been played in the Quaker City, States lacrosse clubs which the National by the handicapper, Wat Booth. As far as from any As­ selections are concerned at first sight it looks The track in the Institute at Boston has been re- section of the City, State or country, solicited. but it was transferred to New York at sociation have decided to send to England measuretl since the Union Athletic meeting and COMMUNICATIONS. Manuscript Intended for as though Flynn, the white star of the was for nd to be 380 feet short In a mile. Therefore Heiser's request. This contest was at the next May have completed their arrangements East, has a possible show, his only formid­ all past records are useless. publication should be written on one side of the champions' game, with the corners barred paper only, and must be accompanied by the for the trip, and -nearly twenty players are able opponents being Eisenhower and Owing to a mistake Chambers' Maggie appear* writer's name and address, not necessarily for by a line extending fourteen inches on the Hergott, the latter, whom we have seen do some on the card at 17 pounds Instead of 17% pounds. publication, but short rail and twenty-eight on the long rail. now in training for the work before them in as a private guarantee of good the several cities they hail from. Mr. James fair sprinting when he has been properly U will be allowed to weigh In at the latter weight faith, and all communications, upon any sub­ Six hundred points were played for »250 a fixed, having the better chance of capturing as It is the mistake of the printer. ject, or for any department, must be addressed side. In this space only one counting shot Frazer, who visited England last November, Oeorge Rosa defeated says that a cordial reception awaits the the coveted $200, Flynn having to concede Mark Lamb In a wrestling FRANCIS C. RICHTEK, was allowed, and McLaughlin won after a him 9% yards start. But to select'winners contest at Cleveland, on Monday, Feb. 11, gaining severe American visitors. The tour of the Canadian tw» falls at Cumberland style and one at catch-as- Managing battle, notwithstanding the fact that of foot handicaps nowadays is something like catch-can. Editor THB SPORTING Lime, Heiser made the highest run on record in lacrosse players through England last season The stakes were $200. No. 202 S. Ninth St., Philada., Pa. did much to advance the interests of lacrosse the needle and bag of hay adage, as hot Chas. O. Breed challenges any amateur In th4 America. The game was begun at 8:35 favorites are often bowled over by some out­ country to put np a 120 pound dumb-bell. V. Collender in England. Though it is not a year since Tho o'clock. "William was the Canadian twelve played in England, sider that ia never thought of until the second loser to buy a medal, the value of which to bo ADVERTISING RATES. Nonpareil referee, Alf Sauer was Heiser's umpire, round of heats are decided; no we will leave agreed upon prior to the contest. type mea­ while A. C. Ansou was lacrosse clubs have almost doubled in num­ sure, 12 lines to an inch, 15 cents per fine for McLaughlin's ber both in England and Ireland, and the pur readers to make their own selection and W. H. Hongh and Frank Brehtn, better known each and every insertion. judge. Heiser won the bank and chose invest their mighty dollars according to their as "Skates," signed articles on Saturday, Feb. 9th, the "spot" ball. In his opening count he game is rapidly pushing its way as a sport for at 1'lttsburir, to run 120 yards on the Exposition ADVERTISEMENTS and letters of Correspon­ the collegians in Oxford, own judgment. track on March 8th, for dents, to insure insertion, should be mailed so a« made 6, and a miss of both balls gave 1 to Mc­ Cambridge, Kugby, $500 a side. to reach us by 6 F. M., Saturday, as this paper Laughlin, who, Eton, and Harrow. Mr. Frazef found es­ ENTRIES WITH STARTS. John Hope, of Oldham, defeated J. Oasey, of in his Half of the inning, Yards.! Yards. Little Lever, in a wrestling counted 3 points. McLaughlin was a favor­ tablished in England the North of England match at Farnworth, EVERY SATURDAY EVENINO. Lacrosse Association, with a membership of F. Rogers, Trenton..5 J. Malarkey, Phila.15 Eng., on Saturday. Jan. 26th, gaining the first and ite at $100 to |50. The early play was slow twenty-four clubs; also the South of England \V.Broadbent,Phila.5% W.Tomlinson, F'k'dl6% third falls In 4m. and 7m. respectively. as usual,neither warming to his work readily, J. Crossley, Phlla....7% W.Carroll,K'ns't'n.l5% Kettleman defeated Harmon by one and a half but by the aid of 26, Association, with twelve clubs. In Ireland J. Quirk, Canada...-7% !ampbell,W.Pmia.l5% yards in their recent race All Checks, Drafts, Money Orders and Remittance! 12, and smaller additions there is the at Oakland, Cal., on McLaughlin reached 74 to 39 for Heiser at Northern Lacrosse Union, with J. Flynn.S'thingt'nloCi H.Thomas.col, N. Y.16% Monday, Feb. 4. No official time was taken, as 7nu.. be made payable to the order of the Earl of Dufferin as its president, which F. Ernest, Ger......lO% A. Walker, Nicet'n.16 both men were three yards over the mark when the the close of the tenth inning. He continued embraces T. Uuinn, late Ban­ J.V.Honan,N.Prov 16 pistol was fired. The Sporting Life Publishing Company. to lead for eighteen innings, when the score over a dozen clubs. From all croft. Nicetown,...10% S.Orifflths Kens'tn.16 points a desire has been expressed to have T. I)rennan,T'm'q'alO% W.Hlnton,Kons'tn.l6% Oeorge Hazael challenges T.
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