72 LLANVETHERINE. :MONMOUTHSHIRE. [KELLY'S , . ., from the year 1693. The living is a rect'Ory, yearly clay. The chief crops are 'Wlhoot, barley, turnips and tithe rent-charge £3°7, average £233, net income £222, apples j one half of the land is laid down as pasture. with 511 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the The area is 2,163 acres; ratealble wlue, £2,120; the Marquess of Abergavenny K.G. and held since 1876 by popula,tion in 1891 was 193. the Rev. lVilliam Pinney B.A. of Christ's College, Cam· Post Office.-Mrs. Ann Jones, sub-postmistress. Let- bridge. There is a dhapel for the Baptists. The Mar- ters through Abergavenny arrive at 8.45 a.m. j dig- quess of .A:bergavenny K.G. is lord of the manor. The patched at 4.5 p.m. The noo.re.st money order & tele- principal landowners are Reginald Vaughan esq. of Glen graph office is at Llan'tdllio Orossenny TrO'tJhy, Mrs. Willis, of Lydart, Mrs. Gordon Canning, P-arash School, built in 1874, for 60 children; average ~lDs. Curre, the trustee's of the Caerleon charity, Mr. attendance, 45; supported by subscriptions; ~Iigs Parry and Mrs. L~oyd. The soil is loamy; subsoil, Jenkins, m1stress Jones Benjamin, Mount Pleasant John80n Robert, farmer, Great Pool Pritchard Alban E.King's Arms P.H.; Pinney Rev. William RA. (rector) hall & White house good bed &; sitting rooms for vi.;itors Brown William, shopkeeper Jones Peter, farmer, Gelly-llwyd Prosser Daniel, shoe maker Da,vies George, farmer, The Cross Jone" Wm. farmer, Little Blungoed Rees Thomas, farmer, Owmmera Evans Mary (Mrs.), farmer,Oourt frm Tones WiIliam, stone mason Rumsey Edwin, carpenter Griffiths Isaac, frmr. Wynstone court Lambert Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr Watkins Daniel, farmer, Wernycwm &william Wm. J. frmr. Lit. Pool hall Lane Charles, blacksmith Williams James, farmer, Pant fnrm Jasper Thomas, farmer, Gt. Blungoed Lewis Joshua, farmer, GeIly farm Williams John, farmer, Pen-y-wrlod Jones Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. Post office Pritchard Noah, frmr.Cefndwyglwydd Williams Thomas, farmer, Kewhouse LLANVIHANGEL - juxta. - ROGGIETT is 81 tisms da.te's from tibe year 1753; marriages, 1757; parish on the shore of the Brisltol Channel '8nd on the burials, 1754. The living is a rectory, united with that South Wa1es l'ailway, li miles east from :Magor srtation of Ifton to R'oggiett, yoorly tithe rent-eharge £189, and half a mile west from the Severn Tunnel station, average £143, gross income £3$0, including 9 acres of IOOth on the Chepstow and Newport section of the Great glebe land here, in the gift of Lord Tredoegar, and held Wesltern railway, 8 souith-w8lst-by-west from Ohepst\)w, since 1878 by the Rev. Alfred George Morris B.A. of and 7' east from Newport, in the Southern divisi-on of Jems College, Oxford, who resides at Ifton. Lord the oounty, Caldioot hundred, petty sessional d~vision, Tredegar is IQI'd of the manor and the principal land­ undon and county court district of Ohepsifow, rural (lwner. The soil is sandy loam; subsoil, a great deal deanery of NetJherwent (middle division), archdooC<Jnry of limestone; the moor land is clay, with a little peat. of Monmouth nnd diocese of Lllllnd'aff. The church of The chief crops are corn; pasture lands very good. St. Michael is a 8maIl building of stone, consisting of The area is 5'57 acres; rateable value, £1,324; the chancel, nave, north poI'Cih and a lofty embattled wes-tern popu;ation in 1891 was 86, tower oonta'ining a pre-Reflormation bell: it formerly LeHers through Chepstow, arrive at 10.30 a.m. The had a north aisle, taken down about 1830, when two fine ne'l1res.t money order office is at Chldicot & telegrnph r,ecumbent stone figures were discovered, much defaced office at Sudbrook and broken, w.ifl:h an imcription, apparently of the 13th ~earest Le-bter Box at Roggiett, cleared at 5.30 p.m century: there are 60 sittings. The register of bap- The dhildren of this parish attend the schaol at Roggiett Edwards James, farmer, Minnetb lPeacock Th08. Kirk, frmr. The GreeT f3ttephens George, shepherd to Mr. Keene Rees, farmer, Court farm Rees Keene, Turkey Tump LLANVIHANOEL-near-USK or (Llllnvihangel vicarage, g-ross yearly value £120, in the gift of the Rev. Gobion) is a parish and village, on the roa-d from l\fon- Sir J-ohn Henry Fludyer bart. rector of Aysbon, Rutland, mouth to Abergavenny and from .Aberg-avenny to Usk, and held since 1881 by the Rey. William George Davies and! bounded on the south by the river Uak, 2 miles s.mth- RD. of St. David:'s Coll-ege, Lampeter, who is also rector east room Penpergwm railway sl:6.tion on the :KE'wport, of Llan8antffraed.. There is a chapel for Calvinistic .Abergavenny and Hereford section -of the Great Western Methodists. Charities' producing about £20 yaal'ly are railway, 5 south-east from Abergavenny, 6 north-west distributedJ in money. The Rev. Sir J-ohn Henry Fludyer from Usk an.d 9 north-east from PO'l1typool, in the bart. who is lord of the manor, and William Herbert esq. Northern division of the county, hundred, petty sessional are the principal landowners. The soil is gravelly; sub­ division, union and, county court district of Abergavenny, .soil, s'andy. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, oats rural deanery of .Abergavenny (south-western division), a.nd barley. The area is 377 acres; rateable. value archdeaoQlnery of Monmouth and diocese of Lland:lff. The £668; the population in 1891 was 105. church of St. Michael is' a- small bui:ding of stone in the Parish C~erk, Edward Williams. Elizabethan style, oonsisting of chancel, :Iave. south p()rch and a. western tower containing one be~l: there are Post & T. O.-Mrs. Mary James, sub-postmistress. 120 sittings. In the churchyard, nearly covered by Letters arrive bhflough Abergavenny at 7.55 a.m. j grass, is the upper slab of a coped tombstone, on which dispatched at 4.5 p.m. Postal ord,ers are issued here. the carved ()utline of a pastoral staff can be faintly traced.. but not· paid. Abergavenny is the nearest 1lloney The register dates from the year 1751. The living is a ord·er office Davies Rev. William George B.D. Davies· Susan (Miss), dres,s maker Lewis Saml. rate collector, Aberffrwd (vicar), Llangwillym Davis Robt. miller (water) & farnler Phillips Wm. J. T. frmr. The Elms Griffiths John, Church villa Gilbert James, farmer, Pen-yr-heol Summers Samuel, beer retailer Rees .Ann (Mrs.),Walnut Tree cottage James Mary (Mrs.),dress, ma. Post off Weetman Hy..C.frmr.White House fm LLANVIHANGEL (or Llanfihangel) CRUCOR- Lord Chancelloor, and held since 1873 by the Rev. NEY is a parish and village, on the road from .AbeI'- Augustus Rickards Blund-ell B.A. (If Queen's C..1Jege, gavenny to Hereford. in the valley between the Skirri-i, <Jr Oxford. Ther~ are chapels for Bapt1~ts and Calvinistic Holy Moontain, and the Black Mountain, 4! llliJe~ north Metihodists here and Pandy, 2 miles north on the bQrdeI's from .Abergavenny and 20 south-west ~rom Hereford, of Herefordshire. Llanvihangel Court, the property of partly in the Northern division of the county, hundred of Harley Rodney esq. and occupied by Col. ~apier Gearge Skenfreth, but mostly in the hundred of .Abergavci1ny, Sturt, is a fine mansion of the Tudor period wiih avenues pet!;y sessional d:ivision, union and county court district of Scotch fir and Spanish che&tnut. The .Marquess of of Abergavenny, rural deanery of .Ab~rg('.Venny Abergavenny, who is lord of the manor, Harley Hodney (north-western division), archdeaeonry of l\fonmouth, esq. and J. L. Rosher esq. 8Jre the principal landowners. and diocese of L:andaff. There are two stations The soil is light loam; subsoil, gravel. The land is in this pa.rish, on the Here~ord and Aberga,vellny chiefly in pa.SlturB. The area is 3,268 acres; rateable .section 'of the Great Western railway, about 2~ value, £7,138; the population in 1891 was 508. miles apart, one called L1an.vihangel station and the Pen-bidwal is a hamlet in Lla.nvihangel Crucomey, other Pandy statiDn. The church of St. )Iichael is a half a mil'B south ff\om Pandy station. building {)f stone in the Early English style, con:olisting of Parish Clerk, Charles Ca:decott. chancel, nave (rebuilt in 1835), south porch and an em- battled western tower containing 2 bells: the cDm'ch was Post, M. O. &; T. 0., S. R, Express Delivery & Annuity re-stored and re-seated during the period 1876-g1, at a & Insurance Office, Llanvihangel.-.Alfred .John \\'atlrins, cost of £850, and affurds 200 sittings. The register of ,S/Ub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Abergavanny ~t bapti&ms dates from the year 1678; marriages, 1678; 7.10 a.m.; d:ispatched at 4.25 p.m burials, 1629. The livin~ is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge (vicarial) .{255, average £193; net yearly value £180, Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; .Annuity & Insurance Office, "Wi~h resi<1ence and 35 acres of glebe, in the gift oi the Pandy.-Henry Parry, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive.
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