eet Lib. X j l x OT VOL. LXXI. No. 39. $1.50 Per Year. HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. MARCH 18, 1920. Price 4 ,Cents. Whole No. 3,680 Mercer County REGARDING SEWER SYSTEM BEATRICE McCUE MAKES Mercer Tax Board Jos. Stackhoufie DEBUT ON CONCERT STAGE Will Pay Bills Mr. Editor: Commit^ Suicide WiU Be Controlled {By GrenaBennett, in N-. Y. Mail) The lack of capacity of our sewer Miss Beatrice McCue, contralto, By Democrats Every W eek system is forcing its attention on His Head Cut Off Last Friday evening the regular made her debut as a oonoortizer in the people. Beginning at the jijnc- Junior-Senior entertainment was held Aeolian Hall on Tuesday, March 9th, Term of Lloyd W. Grover Expires All Bills To Be Paid at the Weekly tion of Main and Stockton streets, Places His Head on Gnion Trans- in the Assembly Hall of the High She is not, however, altogether un­ On May First. Hartpence May Meeting Must Be Filed Not portaion Rail and Train Severs school building. The auditorium raw sewage is beigihning to raise out known locally in the music world. Later Than Monday Noon. Head From Body. was tastefully decorated in green Be Secretary of Board. of the man holbs and flow over the Her singing of a long, diverse and top of the street. and white and the favors were small difficult programme yesterdaV pro­ Hereafter the county will pay all Joseph Stackhouse committeed sui­ Irish flags. ‘ Most of the evening was The e.xecutive committee of tho For months several building, in claimed her an artist who combines bills weekly, and all bills bearing a cide on Tuesday. According to re­ devoted to dancing, although a few Mercer County Democratic com­ the down town section, have been the musieianliness with skill and as­ discount will take preference over ports coming to Hightstown, Stack- games were also participated in. mittee at a meeting Monday evening troubled with back pressure, and the surance. others and their payment expedited, house placed his head on the rail Refreshments were served at 10:30 endorsed Judge Erwiii E. Marshall time to act can not be long delayed. There was a good-.sizod and friend­ according {o the new ruling made and allowed a Union T'ransportation and at twelve the social closed with for reappointment as judge of the Having given the matter consider­ ly audience present and Miss Mc- by the freeholders Tuesday on reso­ Company engine to cut his head off. cheering and singing of school songs. Mercer court of commou plea.s, and able thought, I desire to suggest the Cue’s offering.s were received with lution of Mr. Wyooff, director of Stackhouse was about thirty years Some .sixty guests were presept. Judge John A, Montgomery for an­ most practical solution is, to run a hearty demoustrations of approval. 8nanccj following remm me nda tions of age and was the son of Mr. and other tom as judge of the Trenton new trunk tine connecting with the Miss Mo Cue possesses undeniable to that effect made to the board by Mrs. Henry Stackhouse of Sharon illGJH SCHOOL DEBATE district court. Stockton street sewer in the Grape gifts as a dramatic singer. The County Auditor Freeman. All hills Station. Last fall he was oommitte On Friday evening of this week H was also decided by the com­ Run under the railroad bridge and original charm of each selection was to be paid at the weekly meeting to the State Hospital. On Monda the High School will debate with mittee that the new Democratic follow the creek on and continue increased by beguiling eloquence, su­ must be in the auditors’ hands not he returned home. Tuesday morning Lambertville High on the subject member of the Mercer county board beside our present line to the filter perb diction and directness of ex­ later than Monday noon. At. Mr. the folks thought he intended com­ of immigrant prohibition in this of taxation .slioujd be ehosen frora^ bods, taking all the sewage from the pression. Though slightly nervous Freeman’s request the section of the Stockton street section, and also al­ mitting suicide and endeavored to country for the next five years. Hamilton township and the ehoicc at the beginning—a condition that will be made by the township rep­ resolution outlining the duties of the lowing the Main street connection keep close tabs oh him. In the morn­ Hightstown will defend tho af­ interfered temporarily with hqr phras­ resentative on Hie eounly committee. county auditor was. rescinded and the to lead from the man hole in front of ing he was prev«nted from injuring firmative side of the issue and tho himself, but at noontime he eluded ing—^she revealed in her subsequent ruling made that hereafter all bills the hotel. debate promises to be a most in-; 'riie new member of the board will his folks and ran to the railroad selections her broad command of the and payrolls be audited by him before Before this ■■ is done' the county toresting one. essentials, Her eutire programme succeed Lloyd W. Grover, Ro|uibli- being presented to .the board. The tracks. Automobiles will carry the team I. engineer’s ,plan of bringing Grape was in English. ^ can, whose terra expires May 1. His It is said “troubles original resoution provided that the Run straight down Main street should and its supporters to Lambertville sueeos.sor will probably ho either worried him and unbalanced his She sang Haydn’s “She Never auditor audit the bills after they had be done and do away with periodically and it is hoped that as many as pos­ W. C. Roekbill Hart or William A. mind. He purchased the Lewis Told Her Love" with real tenderness been passed by the board. Mr. Free­ flooding the section of the town lying sible will be present. and pathos. Numbers by Grieg, Lowrey, both of whom have been Gordon farm and was working the man clpims that this new method along this oroek, with its varied Brahms, Kramer, Tracy, Gilbert active in the interests of the Demo- place. ' Last year the tomato crop will greatly facilitate matters and courses under buildings and sharp Last week saw still another inno­ Beethoven, Sinding.V RftbJiiiil^tK’ in Hamilton towu.^liip failed. A fire destroyed the barn. He systematize payments. turns that the different property vation at the High School in the form Rachmaninoff, Jordan, Arthur for many yeans. Resolutions providing for the sale was unmarried. of a class newspaper. The paper is owners have undertaken to forpe it and Roeokel made up tho other por­ Upon reorganizalion, (he board of $670,000 road and bridge bonds a bi-monthly named "The Blue and to travel. tion of her programme. Credit is will consist of two Deuioirals and oiio were passed by the freeholders. On Editor, The Gazette: and is published by the Soph- The Grape Run culvert where the due Ralph Douglas tor his excellent Repiibliean, A. K. Ijoncdcel, Hepub-' motion of Mr. Royle, the board voted more Class. The first issue evinced sewer pipe pastes through it, in the In a recent issue of The Gazette piano accompaniments. liean, and Charles A. liandall, Diuno- that the advertising be given to the many promises as to the future of centre of Stockton street is so badly you had an article commenting on eral, holding over. The board will “State Gazette,” Ss the official news­ the paper besides containing several washed out that tho street will drop;,the wonderful increase in the prices Entertains Club have the selection of a* seerelary. paper for such publication. Mr. humo|:ous articles. some of these days with an auto of the fruit and farming land of Mrs, Harvey 0. Rue entertained 'I’liis |)laee is at jiresent held by Royle caused quite a sensation by his truck. California; prices ranging from ,$500 the Whist Club Friday afternoon. Daniel .\. Spair, Keimblican, who denunciation of other papers, which, PRINCETON H. S. DEFEATS Respectfully, to $2000 per acre,, etc. Tho guests were: Mrs. ('. Herbert will endeavor to ri'lain office b.i' rea­ he said, went p u t of their way to h ig h t s t o w n HIGH 24-11 R. D. NORTON. Before the growers of California Davison, Mrs. Henry R. Applegate, son of his service in the Unilod distort facts. f organized their wonderful co-opera­ In a hard, rough game played last Mrs. James Field, Mrs. Erma Frank­ States navy during the war. 'Pho Plans and specifications prc^iafed Monmouth County Tax Rate tive association, those same lands night in Peddle gym the Princeton lin, Mrs. 0. T. Fenton, Mrs, William *l)emoeratic members of the board by County Engineer Harris, lor sup­ were a drug on the market at $100 High school varsity team defeated Franklin, Mrs. Earl MacArthur, Mrs, will in all iirohabilily i>ut up as their plying stone to the county "were ap­ The Monmouth county tax rate and less per acre. They were com­ the local High school varsity team by Howard Davison, Mrs. C. Stanley caiididaU) tor the post Harry A. proved. this year will be 53 cents per $1,000 peting instead of co-operating and the score of 24-11. The line-up was Stults, Mrs. Elmer Chamberlin, Mrs. Hartpence, who held it .several years Notice was received from the Mer­ higher than last year and the state their fruit and vegetable farming Belle Steinsieok, Mrs. E, (’. ,Slein- ago. cer County Team and Truck Own­ school tax rate will be 10 cents low­ as follows: was a gamble and a hazardous Hightstown, 11 Princeton, 24 sieok, Mrs.
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