Texte Criteria for a Sustainable Use 30 of Bioenergy 0 on a Global Scale 8 ISSN 1862-4804 TEXTE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH OF THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, NATURE CONSERVATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY RESEARCH REPORT 206 41 112 UBA-FB 001176/E Texte Criteria for a Sustainable Use 30 of Bioenergy on 08 a Global Scale ISSN 1862-4804 by Horst Fehrenbach 1 Jürgen Giegrich 1 Dr. Guido Reinhardt 1 Jutta Schmitz 1 Dr. Uwe Sayer 2 Marco Gretz 2 Elmar Seizinger 2 Kerstin Lanje 3 1 Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung, Heidelberg 2 FSC Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland, Freiburg 3 Germanwatch On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency UMWELTBUNDESAMT This publication is only available as download from http://www.umweltbundesamt.de The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the official opinions. Publisher: Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) P.O.Box 1406 D-06844 Dessau-Roßlau Phone: +49-340-2103-0 Fax: +49-340-2103 2285 Internet: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de Edited by: Section I 2.3 Anne Miehe Dessau-Roßlau, August 2008 Report Cover Sheet 1. Report No. 2. 3. UBA-FB 206 41 112 4. Report Title Criteria for a Sustainable Use of Bioenergy on a Global Scale 5. Autor(s), Family Name(s), First Name(s) 8. Report Date Horst Fehrenbach IFEU 31.January 2008 Jürgen Giegrich IFEU Dr. Guido Reinhardt IFEU 9. Publication Date Jutta Schmitz IFEU Dr. Uwe Sayer FSC Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland Marco Gretz FSC Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland Kerstin Lanje Germanwatch 6. Performing Organisation (Name, Address) ifeu Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Wilckensstraße 3 10. UFOPLAN-Ref. No. D-69120 Heidelberg 206 41 112 11. No. of Pages 130 (report), 110 (annex) 7. Sponsoring Agency (Name, Address) 12. No. of Reference Umweltbundesamt, Postfach 14 06, 06813 Dessau-Roßlau 60 13. No. of Tables, Diagrams 16 (report) 14. No. of Figures 18 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract The German Biokraftstoffquotengesetz, the EU Biofuel Directive and other policy making initiatives lead to pro- mote the production and use of bioenergy, liquid biofuel for transportation in particular. Such an increase requires a reliable verification on compliance with sustainability principles on a global scale. Domestic biofuels (e.g. RME) have to meet the same standards as palm oil or ethanol from sugarcane imported from tropical regions and vice verse. As a first step the German government has passed the Draft Biomass Sustainability Regulation in De- cember 2007 hat die Bundesregierung. This research project supported UBA and BMU to prepare that regula- tion. The overall goal was to examine the applicability of exis The analysis of existing certification systems fea- tured number of good practice examples, e.g. FSC, SAN, RSPO.ting certification systems in terms of sustainabil- ity approval for biomass and to propose a set of criteria. But in fact none of the existing systems addresses all sustainability issues raised by biomass production and use. Selection of the proposed set of criteria has taken into account the current international state of discussion. Just to name above others: Minimum target of GHG saving; avoidance of losses of HNV areas an losses of Biodiversity; minimizing the risk of water scarcity; in- volvement of stakeholders into decision making processes; respecting international labour standards. Within this research project the GHG methodology and the default values implemented in the Draft Biomass Sustainability Regulation have been elaborated. 17. Keywords Bioenergy, biofuels for transport, certification and certification systems, sustainability, criteria, indicators, Biomasse Sustainability Regulation, greenhouse gas balance, directe and indirect land use change, biodiversity, HNV, water competition 18. Price 19. 20. Berichts-Kennblatt 1. Berichtsnummer 2. 3. UBA-FB 206 41 112 4. Titel des Berichts Kriterien einer nachhaltigen Bioenergienutzung im globalen Maßstab (FKZ: 206 41 112) 5. Autor(en), Name(n), Vorname(n) 8. Abschlussdatum Horst Fehrenbach IFEU 31.01.2008 Jürgen Giegrich IFEU Dr. Guido Reinhardt IFEU 9. Veröffentlichungsdatum Jutta Schmitz IFEU Dr. Uwe Sayer FSC Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland Marco Gretz FSC Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland Kerstin Lanje Germanwatch 6. Durchführende Institution (Name, Anschrift) ifeu Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung 10. UFOPLAN-Nr. Wilckensstraße 3 206 41 112 D-69120 Heidelberg 11. Seitenzahl 130 (Bericht), 110 (Anhang) 7. Fördernde Institution (Name, Anschrift) 12. Literaturangaben Umweltbundesamt, Postfach 14 06, 06813 Dessau-Roßlau 60 13. Tabellen und Diagramme 16 14. Abbildungen 18 15. Zusätzliche Angaben 16. Kurzfassung Mit dem deutschen Biokraftstoffquotengesetz, der Biokraftstoff-RL der EU, sowie weiterer politischer Initiativen wird eine verstärkte Erzeugung und Nutzung von Bioenergieträgern, insbesondere Biokraftstoffen erfolgen. Damit erhält die Sicherstellung von Nachhaltigkeitsprinzipien eine Bedeutung von globaler Tragweite. Dabei müssen für im In- land produzierte Biokraftstoffe (z.B. Rapsdiesel) wie für aus tropischen Regionen importiertes almöl oder Zucker- rohethanol die gleichen Maßstäbe gelten. Im Dezember 2007 hat die Bundesregierung hierzu als ersten Schritt die Biomasse-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung im Entwurf verabschiedet. Dieses Forschungsvorhaben diente dabei das UBA und das BMU in dieser Phase fachlich zu beraten, existierende Zertifizierungssysteme auf Eignung für diese Frage- stellung zu untersuchen und einen Vorschlag über einen atz an Nachhaltigkeitskriterien zu erarbeiten. Es wurde festgestellt, dass keines der existierenden Systeme im Stande ist, die Anforderungen an die Zertifizierung nachhalti- ger Biomasse im vollen Umfang zu erfüllen. Mit FSC, SAN, RSPO liegt allerdings eine Reihe von Beispielen mit guter Ausgangsbasis vor. Unter Berücksichtigung des internationalen Diskussionsstands werden u.a. folgende Krite- rien vorgeschlagen: Mindesteinsparziel für Treibhauseffekt, Ausschluss des Verlusts von Lebensräumen mit hohem Naturschutzwert und des Verlusts von Biodiversität, Minimierung der Gefahr von Wasserknappheit, betroffene Be- völkerungsgruppen (stakeholders) sind in alle Entscheidungsprozesse einbezogen, international anerkannte Stan- dards für Arbeitsbedingungen werden eingehalten. Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens wurde die in der Biomas- se-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung vorgegebene Methodik zur Treibhausgas-Bilanz sowie der Default-Werte erarbeitet. 17. Schlagwörter Bioenergie, Biokraftstoffe, Zertifizierung und Zertifizierungssysteme, Nachhaltigkeit, Kriterien, Indikatoren, Biomasse-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung, Treibhausgasbilanz, direkte und indirekte Landnutzungsänderung, Biodiversität, HNV, Wasserkonkurrenz, soziale Standards 18. Preis 19. 20. Executive Summary 1 Initial situation and objective of the project When this research project was started in autumn 2006, the discussion on the sustain- ability of bioenergy – and particularly biofuels – was largely restricted to expert circles. The tenor of the discussion however had already developed in the direction of increas- ing skepticism. Biofuels have so far only become important in terms of volume in Brazil, in the USA (both bioethanol) and in Germany (biodiesel), although production and use is to be significantly expanded from now on for the fulfillment of climate policy objec- tives. In 2006, the EU, in its schedule KOM (2006) 848, raised the biofuel target quota specified in the Biofuel Directive [2003/30/EG] from 5.75% in the year 2010 to 10 % for the year 2020. Ecological and socially orientated non-governmental organizations (NGO) have increasingly criticized such plans, pointing out the substantial environ- mental risks and competition with other forms of land use. In December 2006, the Biokraftstoffquotengesetz (BioKraftQuG) (Biofuel Quota Act) was passed in Germany, which prescribes the compulsory mixture of biodiesel and bioethanol. The possible conflicts were however already known to legislators, who therefore linked the biofuels counting towards the quota with binding confirmation of • the sustainable management of agricultural areas • the protection of natural biospheres in the production of the biomasses used • and a specific CO2 reduction potential. During the course of the year 2007, the Biomass Sustainability Regulation (BioNachV) was drafted1 in order to firm up these requirements further. From the very beginning, the objective of this research project demonstrated significant overlapping with the context of the BioNachV. For this reason, the task of the project was directed mainly at supporting the development of the ordinance. One main focal area lay on the calculation methodology to be developed and the basic data on the greenhouse gas balance (Section 6). An integral part of the work was to take an active part in the ongoing international discussion, and to exchange ideas and experience with the initiatives particularly from the Netherlands, Great Britain and also the Joint Re- search Center of the EU Commission, in order to arrive at an internationally viable solu- tion. Over and above the subject of greenhouse gas, and in accordance with the original project objective, the basic subjects, principles and criteria of sustainability were also addressed. In this case too, the mutual exchange with other national, international and NGO initiatives was of great importance. On completion of the work in January 2008, the final processing of the task had not been completed. Continuation of the work is therefore necessary, both from the content point of view as well as for reasons of intensive continued
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