CONTACTS St. Vasilios Pastor Fr. Christopher P. Foustoukos Email: [email protected] Assistant Pastor Fr. Anthony Tandilyan Greek Orthodox Church Email: [email protected] Parish President Mr. Steve Stephanides WWW.STVASILIOS.ORG Email: [email protected] Stewardship Chairperson Mrs. Pam Katsiris Email: [email protected] Sunday of orthodoxy Pastoral Assistant Deacon Michael Fadel Pastor Emeritus Fr. Andrew Demotses Parish Nurse Sophia Grevelis, RN Office Manager Irene Stephanides Email: [email protected] Secretary Chrissa Pissios Email: [email protected] Office: Tel: 978-531-0777 Fax: 978-538-9522 5 Paleologos Street, Peabody, MA 01960 website: www.stvasilios.org www.facebook.com/StVasiliosPeabody CANDLE COUNTER (Παγκαρι/ ) SCHEDULE SUNDAY, March 5 SUNDAY, March 12 John Rogers Dionisios Pissios John Pnevmatikos Steve Stephanides Michael Ambeliotis Ted Stephanides Costa Partaledis Junior GOYA Meetings FRIDAYS in MARCH 5-7 PM th th th Calling all 5 , 6 , and 7 graders! Want to help start a new Jr. GOYA group for St. Vasilios? Meet with us in the Parlor Room on Fridays in March St. Hesychius the Faster of Bithynia from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Questions? Email Fr. Anthony at [email protected] or Sofya Leras at [email protected] March 5, 2017 St. Hesychius the Faster of Bithynia Saint Hesychius the Faster was born in the eighth century in the coastal city of Adrineia in Bithynia. Raised since his youth in pie- ty, he left his parental home and practiced asceticism in a wilder- ness spot on Mount Maionis. Despite the threat of demons and wild animals and robbers living there, the holy ascetic in seeking greater solitude settled there and built himself a cell, digging him- self a garden and eating from the fruit of his labors. After a certain while disciples began to throng to him. At a spring of water in a valley not far off Saint Hesychius built a church in the name of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Even during his lifetime he was granted the gift of wonderworking. One time they brought a demon-possessed girl to him. Her par- ents, falling down at the feet of the holy ascetic, implored his holy prayers for her healing. The holy ascetic made prayer for the un- fortunate one, and the devils left her. Turning to the parents of the healed girl, Saint Hesychius predicted that a women’s holy mon- astery would arise at the place their daughter was healed. And ac- tually the prophecy was fulfilled in the future. An angel appeared to Saint Hesychius three days before his end and predicted to him his approaching demise. He accepted the news with joy. And before his blessed end, the saint summoned IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ALTAR his disciples and for a long while he instructed them. At midnight Improvements to the Altar – Father Chris is looking to add two electrical the cell of the saint and the surrounding area suddenly gleamed outlets to the Altar along with some additional lighting and to replace the with a heavenly light, and Saint Hesychius fell asleep in the Lord final counter top. The cost of the project is $2,300 and Father is looking with the words: “Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.” for donations in any amount to help complete this project. If you have At the place of his efforts, in accord with the prediction of Saint any questions please call or speak with Father Chris. Hesychius, was later on built a women’s monastery. The holy rel- ics of Saint Hesychius, buried at the church of the holy Apostle REMEMBERING OUR VETERANS Andrew the First-Called, were later transferred by Theophylactus, Bishop of Amasea, to the city of Amasea (Asia Minor). Today’s saint should not be confused with Saint Hesychius the Theologian, the priest of Jerusalem (March 28), whose writings are in the PHILOKALIA. 2 15 Sunday, March 5, 2017 GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE Hymns Following the Gospel (Small Entrance) Please join the Greek School in representing our community Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Fourth- Apoluti/kion in the Greek Independence Day Parade. Mode When the women Disciples of the Lord had Τὸ φαιδρὸν τῆς Ἀναστάσεως κήρυγμα, learned from the Angel the joyful message of ἐκ τοῦ Ἀγγέλου μαθοῦσαι αἱ τοῦ the Resurrection and had rejected the ancestral Κυρίου Μαθήτριαι, καὶ τὴν προγονικὴν decision, they cried aloud to the Apostles tri- ἀπόφασιν ἀπορρίψασαι, τοῖς umphantly: Death has been despoiled, Christ Ἀποστόλοις καυχώμεναι ἔλεγον· God has risen, granting His great mercy to the Ἐσκύλευται ὁ θάνατος, ἠγέρθη Χριστὸς world. ὁ Θεός, δωρούμενος τῷ κόσμῳ τὸ μέγα Apolytikion for Sun. of Orthodoxy in the ἔλεος. Second Mode Apoluti/kion We worship Thine immaculate icon, O Good Τὴν ἄχραντον Εἰκόνα σου One, asking the forgiveness of our failings, O προσκυνοῦμεν Ἀγαθέ, αἰτούμενοι Christ our God; for of Thine own will Thou συγχώρησιν τῶν πταισμάτων ἡμῶν, wast well-pleased to ascend the Cross in the Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός· βουλήσει γὰρ flesh, that Thou mightest deliver from slavery ηὐδόκησας σαρκὶ ἀνελθεῖν ἐν τῷ to the enemy those whom Thou hadst fash- Σταυρῷ, ἵνα ῥύσῃ οὓς ἔπλασας ἐκ τῆς ioned. Wherefore, we cry to Thee thankfully: δουλείας τοῦ ἐχθροῦ· ὅθεν εὐχαρίστως Thou didst fill all things with joy, O our Sav- βοῶμέν σοι· Χαρᾶς ἐπλήρωσας τὰ iour, when Thou camest to save the world. πάντα, ὁ Σωτὴρ ἡμῶν, παραγενόμενος εἰς τὸ σῶσαι τὸν Κόσμον. Apoluti/kion tou Agi/ou St. Vasilios 1st Mode Basilei/ou Your message was carried throughout the world . As it received your mighty word, By which you divinely made manifest And clarified the nature of existing things You set in order the customs of men, You who are royal priesthood! Holy Father, inter- cede with Christ our God To grant us His great mercy. Seasonal Kontakion in Plagal Foruth Mode Konta/kion To you, Theotokos, invincible Defender, hav- Τὴ ὑπερμάχω στρατηγῶ τὰ νικητήρια, ing been delivered from peril, I, your city, ded- ὡς λυτρωθεῖσα τῶν δεινῶν icate the victory festival as a thank offering. In εὐχαριστήρια, ἀναγράφω σοὶ ἡ Πόλις your irresistible might, keep me safe from all σου Θεοτόκε, Ἀλλ' ὡς ἔχουσα τὸ trials, that I may call out to you: "Hail, unwed- κράτος ἀπροσμάχητον, ἐκ παντοίων μὲ κινδύνων ἐλευθέρωσον, ἵνα κράζω σοί, ded bride!" Χαῖρε νύμφη ἀνύμφευτε. 14 3 EPISTLE READINGS St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-40 Prokeimenon. Mode 4. Daniel 3.26,27 Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers. Verse: For you are just in all you have done. Brethren, by faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to share ill- treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleas- ures of sin. And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gide- on, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the proph- ets -- who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, re- ceived promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, escaped the edge of the sword, won strength out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign enemies to flight. Women re- ceived their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and scourging, and even chains and imprison- ment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword; they went about in skins of sheep and goats, desti- tute, afflicted, ill-treated -- of whom the world was not worthy -- wandering over deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, though well attested by their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had foreseen something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect. Πρὸς Ἑβραίους 11:24-26, 32-40 Προκείμενον. Ἦχος δ. Δανιήλ 3.26-27 Εὐλογητὸς εἶ, Κύριε, ὁ Θεὸς τῶν Πατέρων ἡμῶν. Στίχ. Ὅτι δίκαιος εἶ ἐπὶ πᾶσιν, οἷς ἐποίησας ἡμῖν. Ἀδελφοί, πίστει Μωϋσῆς μέγας γενόμενος ἠρνήσατο λέγεσθαι υἱὸς θυγατρὸς Φαραώ, μᾶλλον ἑλόμενος συγκακουχεῖσθαι τῷ λαῷ τοῦ θεοῦ ἢ πρόσκαιρον ἔχειν ἁμαρτίας ἀπόλαυσιν· μείζονα 4 13 πλοῦτον ἡγησάμενος τῶν Αἰγύπτου θησαυρῶν τὸν ὀνειδισμὸν τοῦ Χριστοῦ· ἀπέβλεπεν γὰρ εἰς τὴν μισθαποδοσίαν. Καὶ τί ἔτι λέγω; Ἐπιλείψει γὰρ με διηγούμενον ὁ χρόνος περὶ Γεδεών, Βαράκ τε καὶ Σαμψών καὶ Ἰεφθάε, Δαυίδ τε καὶ Σαμουὴλ καὶ τῶν προφητῶν· οἳ διὰ πίστεως κατηγωνίσαντο βασιλείας, εἰργάσαντο δικαιοσύνην, ἐπέτυχον ἐπαγγελιῶν, ἔφραξαν στόματα λεόντων, ἔσβεσαν δύναμιν πυρός, ἔφυγον στόματα μαχαίρας, ἐνεδυναμώθησαν ἀπὸ ἀσθενείας, ἐγενήθησαν ἰσχυροὶ ἐν πολέμῳ, παρεμβολὰς ἔκλιναν ἀλλοτρίων. Ἔλαβον γυναῖκες ἐξ ἀναστάσεως τοὺς νεκροὺς αὐτῶν· ἄλλοι δὲ ἐτυμπανίσθησαν, οὐ προσδεξάμενοι τὴν ἀπολύτρωσιν, ἵνα κρείττονος ἀναστάσεως τύχωσιν· ἕτεροι δὲ ἐμπαιγμῶν καὶ μαστίγων πεῖραν ἔλαβον, ἔτι δὲ δεσμῶν καὶ φυλακῆς· ἐλιθάσθησαν, ἐπρίσθησαν, ἐπειράσθησαν, ἐν φόνῳ μαχαίρας ἀπέθανον· περιῆλθον ἐν μηλωταῖς, ἐν αἰγείοις δέρμασιν, ὑστερούμενοι, θλιβόμενοι, κακουχούμενοι - ὧν οὐκ ἦν ἄξιος ὁ κόσμος - ἐν ἐρημίαις πλανώμενοι καὶ ὄρεσιν καὶ σπηλαίοις καὶ ταῖς ὀπαῖς τῆς γῆς. Καὶ οὗτοι πάντες, μαρτυρηθέντες διὰ τῆς πίστεως, οὐκ ἐκομίσαντο τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν, τοῦ θεοῦ περὶ ἡμῶν κρεῖττόν τι προβλεψαμένου, ἵνα μὴ χωρὶς ἡμῶν τελειωθῶσιν. MONASTERY TRIP Monastery Trip Father Chris is leading a Lenten Trip to the Holy Pro- tection Monastery in White Haven, Pennsylvania. We will be leaving St. Vasilios on Monday, March 20th and returning in the afternoon on Wednesday, March 22nd. The cost of the trip is $150 in addition to your gift to the monastery for your meals and lodging. If you are interested please contact Niki Roumeliotis at 978-578-7292. 12 5 GOSPEL READING–Sunday of Orthodoxy GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY LUNCHEON The Gospel according to John 1:43-51 At that time, Jesus decided to go to Galilee.
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