(fi} Vhat event starts at the Adler Planetarium? (§) Vhat is the best rally of the year, so far? (g) One year ago, Andy & Stacy KovalczVk von vhat rally? G During vhat event 'flill you visit Chicago's colleges? • Vhat rally recurs on the first day of the year? ~ Vhat is the most exciting event in American motorsport? IH®Ii(O)(e}~ fH(O) ~ ncdJaJW (HZ)ln)~(O)"@(j IHlal~~ ~ ® presented by lrllnc; (O)WJit®uo IIDuoOwc; IHJ®uo® IIDuoOwc;uo~ <CllWJI9J ~ ~oo~~$<e<e~ A Ouadrivial Pursuit for arcane knowledge about the City of Chicago and its Institutions of Higher learning. Registration is at HIGH NOON on New Vear·s Day at the Adler Planetarium parking lot. Entry fee is S7 per car. Hero•s Holiday Haatover Hassle 1985 General Instruetions This year's event is presented by the Outer Drive ~ Hero Drivers Club and lndiono Northvest Region of the Sports Cor Club of Amer1co. Your rallymasters are Stacy Onofrey '!0~ Andy Kowalczyk, who had the great honor of winning last year's event. There are two classes of competHion: Sober and Hungover. This event is a point to point rally 'w'hich means that you pick your own course and ans'w'er as many questions as possible 'w'ithin the allotted time. All answers are found on or near the campuses of colleges with ma11ing addresses in the City of Chicago. A list of all I NR accredited institutions of higher learning is included for· your convenience. Some locations may be used more than once, and some may be used not at all. There is a correct answer for every question. Some ans'w'ers 'w'ill only be found by leaving your vehicle. Points will be awarded for correct answers. Some questions are worth more than others, the point value is indicated following each question. High score 'w'ill 'w'in. Ties will be broken by odometer readings. The rallymasters 'w'ill hold a meeting a 1:00 pm. You may attend if you wish. There may or may not be checkpoints along the course and they may or may not count for anything. Presenting any of the following to one of the rallymasters in the next t'Yienty minutes 'Yiill earn you 5 bonus points each: a tassel,· a stamp canceled on 1/1/84, a map of Mliililchicago, an empty Champagne ~bottle, an Egg® McMuffin box, any federal Btax form. At the endpoint, before 4:30 pm, any of the following will earn you more points: A tJlJtk l:ait& hamburger 20 points A co 11 ege student ( I. D. ) wearing schoo 1 insignia 30 points A CT A transfer 15 points A diploma 10 points A floppy disk(or other machine readable data) 20 points The endpoint is the Ground Round located at 6750 Lincoln Avenue (at Crawford/Pulaski) in lincolnwood, Illinois. Their phone number is 677-7796. Your finish time is 4:00 pm. If your answer sheet is not turned in by 4:30 you 'w'ill be treated as if you did not exist. (Rallymaster will bend this rule for inclement weather). Any person submitting a protest will be subject to extreme verbal abuse. Any nominations for HERO of the YEAR will be accepted and read at the endpoint. 0 REMEMBER! To win is to lose. The winners of this years event automatically become rallymasters for the 1986 event. Pagel of 1 i Hero•s Holiday Han.51over Hassle 1185 list of Colleges Aero-Space Institute 57 'vi Grand American College of Legal Medicine 213 'vi Institute Pl American College of Surgeons 55 EErie American Conservatory of Music 116 S Michigan Ave Catholic Theological Union 5401 S Cornell Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine 1122 E 53rd Chicago National College of Naprapathy 3330 N Milwaukee Chicago Fireo Acadeomy 558 'vi DeKoven Chicago-Keont College oflaw 77 S 'vi acker Chicago Stateo University 9501 S Dr Martin Luther Kir•g Jr Dr Chicago Theoo logica 1 Seominar\1 5757 S University Columbia Colleoge 625 S 'v/abash Ave Daleoy Collegeo 7500 S Pulaski Rd DE'paul Univeorsity L ln~:{}/n f'.Jrk L"'.Jmpus 2323 N Seminary L~ tds C~nf~r 25 E Jackson Blvd DeVry Institute of Technology 3300 N Campbeo 11 Felician CollE'ge 3800 'vi Peterson Illinois Co llegeo of Optometry 3241 S Michigan Ave Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine 1001 N Deoarborn Illinois Institute of Technology 3300 S hderal John Marshall Law School 315 S Plymouth Ct Kennedy-King College 6800 S 'v/eontworth Loop College 30 E Lake Loyola University L.JI:~ S/1{}1"~ L"'.Jmpus 6525 N Sheridan Rd lt.Jf~r T{}lt•"t'r L"'.Jmpus 820 N Michigan Ave lutheran School of Theology 1100 E ssth McCormick Theo logica 1Seminary Page 1 of 2 Hero"s Holiday Hantover Hassle 1915 J.isf of Colleges 5555 S Woodlawn Malcolm X College 1900 WVan Buren Meadville Theological School 5701 S Woodlawn Moler Barber College 1557 N Milwaukee Moody Bible Institute 820 N LaSalle Mundt lein College 6363 N Sheridan Rd Nationa 1 College of Education Uro~n ~.,.. ~mpus 18 S Michigan Ave National Conference of Black Lawyers Community College of law t~rm~rlv l"r~d H~mpb.Jn L.. •.}lnmunifv L.. fJI/~~~ 4545 S Drexel Niles College 7135 N Harlem North Park College 5125 N Sp.au lding Northeastern Illinois University 5500 N St Louis Ave Northwestern University L"''l ifJ~9., ~.,.. ~mpus 71 0 Lake Shore Drive Olive-Harvey College 10001 S Woodlawn Roosev~~tlt University 430 S Michigan Ave Rush University 600 S Paulina School of the Art Institute of Chicago Columbus Dr and Jackson Blvd Siebel Institute of Technology 4055 WPeterson Spertus College of Judaica 618 S Michigan Truman College 1145 WWilson University of Chicago Hv if~ f'~rl: ~.,~~mpus 5801 S Ellis Ave 8r~du~f~ S~hfJfJI iJt" Bu:n'n~ss 190 E Del.aware University of Illinois at Chicago 601 S Morgan University of Illinois at the Medical Center 1737 W Polk St Vandercook College of Music 3209 S Michigan Ave Wright College 3400 N Austin Saint Xavier College 3700 W 103rd PageZof Z Hero"'s Holiday Hangover Hassle 1985 Questions 1. Including the entire headquarters building, how many structures does the American College of Surgeons occupy on this campus? (5 points} 2. From whom does the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine get its books? ( 5) 3. What are the hours of the Rush University bookstore? (5) 4. What e1 egant dining establishment has been provided during construction at the U of I Medical Center? (5) 5. In what year was the Chicago National College of Naprapathy established? { 10) 6. What is the address of the Illinois College of Optometry Eye Clinic? (5) 7. The Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine was recently re-named. After whom? {full name p1 ease) { 10} 8. What building houses the American College of Legal Medicine? {5) 9. What year· is on the Chicago-Kent Law school seal? (5) 10. What color is the flagpole at the Community College of la'w'? ( 15) 11. What restaurant is next to the John Marshall law School? (5) 12. What numbered bus route stops in front of Fe lician College? ( 5} 13. When was the Boxcar Museum at Illinois State dedicated? ( 10) 14. What must you display to park across the street from NIU? (5) 15. What is there room for in front of Loyola's Water Tower Campus? ( 10) 16. From which street must students enter and exit Daley College? { 10) 17. How many stories high is DeVry ( exc 1ude atrium above 1obby )? ( 5) 18. On 'w'hat floor is the Columbia College Science Department? ( 10) 19. On which floor is the Aero-Space Institute? (5) 20. What college has a "HI-TECH CENTER"? ( 10) 21. How many years lapsed between the construction of Armour Institute and Machiner·y Hall at liT? ( 10) 22. What heady academic entity is packed in with the Siebel Institute of Technology? (5) 23. How quickly can one obtain a pizza at Truman College? (5) 24. What startling architectural characteristic do the buildings of Kennedy-King College posess? ( 10) 25. At which school is the Arthur J. Schmitt Academic Center? (5) 26. Who manufactured the standpipes at DePaul's downto'w'n campus? ( 5) 27. What is the telephone number of Loop College? (5) Pa.ge 1 of 2 Hero"s Holiday Hantover Hassle 1915 Questions 28. Loyola was the national basketball champion in Vlhat year? (10) 29. The National Co 11 ege of Education might not have a gymnasium at its urban campus, but what neighbor might substitute? (5) 30. Who is St. Xavier playing basketball against on January 21? ( 15) 31. What symbolic salute is portrayed on the free-standing sign of Malcolm X College? ( 10) 32. With what is Meadville-Lombard Theological School affiliated? (5) 33. What architectural landmar·k is across Woodlawn from the Chicago Theological Seminary? ( 5) 34. How many floors tall is the Catholic Theological Union building? ( 10) 35. How many steps up 1s the Lutheran School of Theology? (5) 36. Describe the sculpture on the lawn of McCormick Theological Seminary? (5) 37. What is the chief cornerstone of the Moody Bible Institute? (5) 38. Which order of nuns conducts Mundelein College? ( 10) 39. How many scrolls are on exhibit at the Spertus College? {5) 40. What was Nnes College formerly called? ( 10) 41. The "Vikings" cherish the memory of Lina Sandell. When did she die? (5) 42. What is the year of Northwestern's Abbott Hall? (5) 43. What kind of spring semester is Roosevelt planning to have? (5) 44.
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