Published for friends and supporters of the Libertarian Party LibertvPle e >NEWSLETTER 11 OCTOBER 1996 Libertarian National Committee, Inc, • 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 • Washington DC 20037 • (202) 333-0008 Browne shines in two Browne picks up endorsements from gay newspaper, taxpayer's advocate national TV appearances Harry Browne has won two more endorsements for president — from a leading taxpayer's advocate on the East Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne Coast and a prestigious gay newspaper on the West Coast. "stole the show" during two national TV appearances this In an op-ed piece in the Quincy, Massachusetts Patriot month when he went head-to-head with several minor Ledger on September 28th, Barbara Anderson, executive party presidential candidates, according to campaign di- director of Citizens for Limited Taxation, wrote that she rector Sharon Ayres. had voted for Browne in the Massachusetts primary — and Browne appeared on the popular Larry King Show on told taxpayers, "He's on your side." CNN on Sunday, October 6th, directly following the first Noting that she had been introduced to Browne in presidential debate, and on a nationally televised debate 1973 via his book How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World, from the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Mon- Anderson wrote: "Harry Browne is running for president day, October 7th, broadcast by C-SPAN. because time is running out for freedom in an unfree On the Larry King show, Browne appeared with Ralph world. Harry does not just attack [big government], he has Nader of the Green Party (on the ballot in 22 states), John solutions, and he expresses them with optimism, hope, Hagelin of the Natural Law Party (44 states) and Howard and confidence that it's not too late to recover the freedom Phillips of the U.S. Taxpayer's Party (39 states). that we had — and create the better world we all want." Browne refrained from attacking the lesser-party can- On the other side of the country, the gay newspaper didates, and instead focused his rhetorical firepower on OutNow! reached the same conclusion. Bill Clinton's and Bob Dole's debate performances. The San Francisco paper wrote on October 1st: "Harry "[Clinton and Dole] were quibbling over nothing be- Browne offers a vision of an America that's vastly different cause they don't have any substantial proposals. They from those proffered by the Republicans and Democrats. were quibbling while America burns," said Browne. His goal is to get the federal government out of our lives as Making a pitch to the three-quarters of Americans who much as possible. He doesn't promise an end to discrimi- "think government is way too big," Browne urged: "Don't nation. But he does promise to get the government out of waste your vote. If you want government out of your the business of regulating our lives. And while that cer- bedroom, your bank accounts, and your life, there's only tainly won't solve all of our problems, it's a good start. one choice — the Libertarian Party." "Make sure your vote for president is one that ad- The three-way debate broadcast on C-SPAN the next vances the goal of gay Americans becoming fully equal evening featured Browne, Hagelin, and Phillips — but was members of society — nothing more, nothing less. A vote clearly dominated by Browne, said Ayres. for Harry Browne will do just that." "No wonder Clinton and Dole refused to invite Mr. Browne to their debate," said Ayres. "Based on his perfor- mance in this debate, he would have stolen the show." Jorgensen: political 'dream woman' Browne dominated the debate, Ayres said, because he Sure, Harry Browne has been praised by many politi- was the only candidate able to present a credible, consis- cal commentators — but he's never received the compli- tent, persuasive case for smaller government. ment that VP candidate Jo Jorgensen got this month. "The other guys were all over the map," she said. Jorgenson isn't just "cool, intelligent, and aggressively "Phillips argued for a government that enforced so-called opinionated," wrote columnist Doug Vanderweide in the Biblical rules of personal behavior, and Hagelin advocated Waterville (Maine) Morning Sentinel on October 3rd, she's a government that spent more money on so-called scien- a political "dream woman [with] tremendous appeal for tific solutions. Only Mr. Browne presented a credible plan generation Xers — especially males." to dramatically reduce the size and cost of government." Noting that Libertarians have a reputation for being The debate was sponsored by George Mason Univer- bookish, Vanderweide wrote: "Jorgensen's vitality and sity School of Law and the International Center for Eco- hipness bring the promise of breaking down that wall of nomic Justice. The two appearances generated more than elitism, and the chance to invite an entire generation to 2,500 calls to the party's 800#, reported Ayres. swell the Libertarian Party's ranks — and success." Liberty Pledge News • October 1996 The Libertarians and Democrats spar over election symbols By ERIC BERGER Jim Grebing, communication director for the they have Lady Liberty," Moore said. "It's con- Missourian staff writer Secretary of State's office, confirmed the fusing when people go to the voting booth, but Libertarians will have the mule on November the Democrats are to blame for two things. The Libertarians plan to use the Missouri Mule ballots. First, they don't use the donkey, and secondly, to give the Democrats a symbolic kick in the ass. "The law basically says the only grounds we they use our symbol." On Thursday, local Libertarians claimed a have to reject it is if the proposed symbol One possible solution Moore suggested small victory when they gained approval to bears a resemblance to any other symbol that involved a possible swap between the use a mule as their symbol on the ballot in the has been used in the past five years," he said. Libertarian and Democratic symbols. Moore upcoming election. The state Democrats have used the Statue of said the Libertarians were willing to work to "It's a no-lose situation for us," said Mitch Liberty for years, Grebing said. facilitate the symbol swap. Moore, the Libertarian candidate for the 9th For that reason, Moore said his party went "They have the power to legislate a change," Congressional District seat. "A mule is a after the mule. Formerly, the Libertarians in he said. "They could work with us. We are rea- highly prized animal. It helped people move Missouri had used the Liberty Bell. sonable people." West and helped to reconstruct the South — So this November, Missouri voters will have Whether or not reason prevails, Moore it's a heck of a symbol." to decide whether to vote for the donkey party seems pleased to have the mule. But he did The Democrats, who use the donkey as their by checking off the candidate with a statue by worry about one local problem. The candidate symbol on the national level, use the Statue of their name, or the liberty candidate with a wondered whether the Muleskinners, a local Liberty on Missouri ballots. But Lady Liberty symbol by their name that looks like a donkey. Democratic organization, might want to recon- is the Libertarian national symbol. "It definitely creates problems for us that sider their name. A The Columbia Missourian, Columbia, Missouri, August 30, 1996 V The Journal Gazette, Mattoon, Illinois, September 7, 1996 Libertarian candidate for Senate wants 50 percent reduction of government BY M.K. GUETERSLOH Durbin. after becoming dissatisfied with Staff Writer "The Democrats want the gov- the political system. ernment to grow by 5 percent, the "I was in the Anderson camp in CHARLESTON — The cur- 46 Republicans want the govern- 1980 and I had my fling with Rea- rent political spectrum offers a set ment to grow by 3 percent and the gan," he said. "Then I found this of false choices — either Republi- rrhis country Libertarians want the govern- party. This country was founded can or Democrat — said Robin ment reduced by 50 percent," he by people who wanted to get rid of Miller, third party candidate for 1 was founded said. "There is a 2 percent differ- government. Washington, Jeffer- U.S Senate. by people who ence between those two parties. son, Franklin, they would be Lib- The 37—year-old East Peoria The Libertarians are the only ertarians today." man is vying for the Senate seat wanted to get rid ones offering a truly different op- Topics such as smoking and that will be vacated by Sen. Paul tion." abortion grabbing headlines in Simon, a Democrat, in the fall. of government. Although it is not as widely rec- the political campaigns, Miller Miller, ai41s13 tarian, is compet- ognized as the two major parties, said, is a distraction from the real ing against Republican Al Salvi Washington, Miller said the Libertarian party issues. and Democrat Dick Durbin for the Jefferson, is growing and, with 180 candi- "While these issues are impor- seat. dates in office across the nation, it tant, they will not have the effect This 'will be the second cam- Franklin, they is legitimately the third largest that fiscal collapse will have on paign trail Miller has traveled. party. the country," he said. "We need to The first was a bid to be a Univer- would be "Ross Perot and his Reform set priorities." sity of Illinois Trustee in 1994. Libertarians today. Party do not have anyone holding Miller said he knows that win- "In the 1994 election, I was office," Miller said.
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