A gude for personalzng your Home Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Importance of Style 7 Chapter 3 Possibilities, Requirements and Limitations 21 Chapter 4 Definition of Terms 61 Appendix A Forms Appendix B List of Acceptable Plants Appendix C List of Prohibited Plants Appendix D Community Association Rules For questons or to submt an applcaton for revew, please contact: Marley Park Communty Assocaton Phone: 623-466-8820 Fax: 623-466-8828 [email protected] Desgn Revew Applcaton forms are also avalable for download at: www.marleypark.net Copyrght © 2006. All Rghts Reserved. Marley Park Communty Assocaton, Inc. 6 April 2009 Page A gude for personalzng your Home Chapter 1 Introducton 6 April 2009 A gude for personalzng your Home Chapter 1 Introduction Welcome to the Neighborhood Neghborhood means sharng smlar feelngs about the place you call home. But t doesn’t mean everyone has to lve n houses that all look the same. Rather than unformty, Marley Park celebrates dversty. The ndvdualty of your home s a vtal component of the unque character of the Marley Park communty. Desgn Revew promotes or establshes communty character by nsurng that certan desgn and archtectural prncples are followed. Ths Gude, and the nformaton contaned wthn, was compled to provde you, the Homeowner, wth easy access to the applcable Desgn Revew gudelnes and procedures. The content of ths document s mportant because t provdes both you and the Desgn Revew Commttee clear drecton and understandng of the expectaton of qualty for Marley Park. It wll also assst you n takng advantage of the opportuntes your Home and Lot provde whle enhancng the overall neghborhood. To further assst you wth the Desgn Revew process, forms and style sheets are avalable for download on www.marleypark.net. To further promote and celebrate the dverse collecton of Homes n Marley Park we may photograph your Home usng the followng gudelnes. Each Person acqurng ttle to a Lot, by the acceptance of a deed or other nstrument evdencng such ttle, hereby consents to havng the exteror of any resdence constructed on such Lots photographed. Such photographs may be used by Declarant n advertsng and marketng materals and also may be used to demonstrate desgn gudelne prncpals applcable to structures constructed at the Development. All such photographs and all such uses shall be at no cost to such Lot Owner and such Lot Owner shall allow such uses free of charge and wthout compensaton to such Lot Owner. All uses shall be mplemented n a professional ad tasteful, first-class manner. Each photography session, if any, shall be conducted at a mutually convenent tme and date as agreed between the Lot Owner and Declarant. The photography crew shall have the rght to enter onto the Lot on the day of the photography sesson to conduct ts works. Any damage caused by such crew shall be the responsblty of Declarant who shall promptly cause any such damage to be repared, entrely at ts costs, and wth mnmal nconvenence to the Lot Owner. We hope you will find the following information to be both helpful and clear in its intent. Most of all, we hope you wll enjoy personalzng your home. 6 April 2009 Page 1 A gude for personalzng your Home The Vision Home… Neighborhood… Community… Marley Park s a unque vllage wthn the Cty of Surprse. Wth tree-lned streets, stylsh homes and the classc detalng of a smpler tme gone by, ths communty has a dstnctve lvng envronment for ts resdents through comprehensve vllage, neghborhood, archtectural and landscape desgn focused on ‘creatng communty.’ A seres of compact, well-organzed, pedestran orented neghborhoods are lnked together through a comprehensve system of open space and trals. Wth each neghborhood havng a dversty of homes and open spaces, Marley Park s envsoned to be a communty of dstnct places that encourage ctzenshp, frendlness and helpfulness among ts resdents. Residential Design Guiding Principles Objective One - Design will support the community lifestyle vision. • Create a sense of place • Emphasze the natural characterstcs of the property and regon • Use of colors and materals • Use style approprate massng and forms • Emphasze varety of styles • Regonal adaptatons Objective Two - Design will emphasize the hierarchy and importance of the community image and identity. • Buildings should create space and define the character of areas • Buldngs should relate strongly to the publc realm – the street • Embrace varety and dversty wthn the context of the overall theme Objective Three - Design will contribute to the community and neighborhood character. • Reference hstorcal archtectural styles and buldng types • Appear as though t was bult over tme • Emphasze approprate desgn styles • Be responsive to topographic influences • Emphasze smple buldng forms and authentc detalng, rch colors and materals Objective Four - Design will emphasize the “Simple Home” concept. • Focus on authentcty of all buldng materals • Emphasze human scale proportons of all buldng elements and detals Page 2 6 April 2009 A gude for personalzng your Home Does My Addition, Modification or Improvement Require Design Review? To use ths Gude for Personalzng Your Home, ask yourself: 1. Does my Addition, Modification or Improvement require Design Review approval? The answer s no f: • The Addition, Modification or Improvement is entirely screened from Public View and all Adjacent Lots • You plan only to repant the exteror of structures on any Unts usng the most recently approved color scheme • You plan only to rebuld or restore any damaged structures on a Unt n a manner consistent with the plans and specifications most recently approved for such structures Generally, no approval is required for work done to the interior of a structure; however, Addition, Modification or Improvement to the interior of screened porches, patios, and any other portions of a Unit visible from outside a structure may require prior approval. The answer s yes f: • Any portion of the Addition, Modification or Improvement is visible from the street, Adjacent Lot or a communty open space • Any portion of the Addition, Modification or Improvement is visible through a view fence, screened enclosure or gate • The plan requres a change to the structure of the Home • The plan requres a Cty or other governmental permt 2. What are the possibilities, requirements and limitations of what I want to do? These items are covered in detail in Chapter 3. Many plans for Additions, Modifications or Improvements will involve several topics. For example, you may need to review the conditions for fountains, security doors, potted plants, paving, walls, gates, furniture and approved plants to create a courtyard. 3. How do I design what I want to do in a way that complements the style of my Home? This Guide provides information about each of the architectural styles in Chapter 2. 4. How and what do I submit? Forms are provided in Appendix A and on www.marleypark.net . 6 April 2009 Page 3 A gude for personalzng your Home Chapter 2 Importance of Style 6 April 2009 A gude for personalzng your Home Chapter 2 Importance of Style Arzona has a rch legacy of early agrculturally-based communtes that have fostered a varety of archtectural styles. In these early communtes, archtectural styles were often mported from the Mdwest and East Coast n the form of pattern books from whch the bulders chose the style and massing of their building. Steeped in the climate of the Arizona desert, styles were often modified to meet the specific climatic influences. Colors were light and materials were a blend of plaster, stucco and sdng. The design of early homes in the Phoenix Valley was directly affected by the climate and imported influences of the pattern books from the Midwest and East Coast. There are currently seven (7) approved archtectural styles for the Marley Park neghborhood: Bungalow, Cottage, Craftsman, Monterey, Spansh, Terrtoral Ranch and Tradtonal. These archtectural styles are approprate to the regon and were developed to address the needs and lfestyles of the resdents as well as support the communty theme as a tradtonal communty development. These styles are found n the turn of the century hstorc Encanto-Palmcroft, Roosevelt and Wllo Dstrcts of Phoenx. The Marley Park Desgn/Development Team seeks to embrace that dversty n archtectural style and desgn, whch s drawn from a rch context of neghborng communty archtecture. In keepng wth the overall communty theme, the homes wll be of hgh qualty and contrbute postvely to the character of the mmedate and surroundng communty. Overall, the desgn concept s to blend the chosen tradtonal archtectural styles of early agrculturally-based communtes wth the envronmental responsveness of Marley Park. Landscape Design Landscape as well as archtecture can express the style of the Home. Some styles are more formal and can be accented by formal landscape and hardscape desgns. Some styles grow out of natural envronments and are at home n more naturalzed landscapes. The followng pages descrbe and demonstrate various style-specific landscape designs. 6 April 2009 Page A gude for personalzng your Home Architectural Style - Bungalow Hstorcally known for ts functonal appeal, the Bungalow style home s smlar to the Craftsman style. Marley Park’s charmng Bungalow combnes nvtng open porches and overszed wndows, creatng warm ndoor atmospheres and strkng asymmetrcal compostons. The Bungalow, wth ts varatons of the Craftsman style home, evolved from the late 19th century Amercan Arts and Crafts movement. These moderately detaled
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