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Be t h„ve left Xyvision and ^SssSSSsbinStiSisa and BiU Solimenos tnoug S'rT: Tbe A« Larry — commercial users. °* Composition » APPle^Ci»n.-e«^ 8 ment agree . computer | pn& / Imposition—the p Equipment and Appl d Jop. h»'“r^tieEm.oshes rmSy“"OT“ktdDEC » __>«-»,« apaMltfe do w j;*« ~ VAX computers. / c JO°* for anW ...l . _ "*>"*6 page 8. _ Hoolahan leaves -ili ,v* °cimnars. — 22 aT8cT tefbuy 10% of Sun *»* S SS KanildcPostScnpt 25 Ncw*owfotmag50S ferences & Exhibits -20 26 Xerox get ^ Crosfield number of '%bold ^minarsSeminar* for Rust, Torregianni join Hell “mducB. we ' f»dex 27 Briefly • • • ^ders ■oiinar Session* 2 Comments from o ^tSs 2/bcrm 24 Financial news ’ ___ ,h.. Insignia 24 Installations ,b,ts / Lotus «n Mansfield 2 People ■ -75S5S5S==^i^-.‘r-- Reproduction in whoU or tn pa I APpk 1 DEC ■ f §?**■ 30 I Moniterm ,J ^ ^OB^Z7~rr~~ - get serious with T Seybold Report on Publishing Systems The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems chron¬ Whether you’re a desktop publisher, or a million- icles developments in typesetting, page make-up dollar prepress system user, or somewhere in be¬ facilities and related electronic prepress systems. Now in its 17th year, the Report continues to be tween, you’re taking part in an exciting period of the most important, influential and anticipated profound change in electronic publishing. journal in professional electronic publishing. It is Activity in the market is at a fever pitch, forcing produced 22 times per year. nearly everyone in the industry to make serious de¬ The Report includes material of interest in such cisions about critical technical, creative and manage¬ applications as newspapers, magazines, technical rial issues. documentation, directories and books. It is also an excellent reference work for desktop publish¬ With the choices so difficult and the stakes so ers looking for added features and capabilities. high, where do you get the information you need to make the right decisions? Better yet, how do you put Recent feature articles everything that’s happening into the proper perspec¬ tive? Technical documentation systems Join the thousands of end users and product de¬ We assessed more than twenty vendors and their systems, including all the major players in the velopers who already subscribe to the industry’s market. most important publications. If you’re serious about Micro-based display ad systems publishing, get serious with The Seybold Reports. We reviewed the important emerging products based on PCs and Macintoshes. “The source of record.” High-resolution output devices We provided an in-depth comparison of thirteen different manufacturers’ products. With a 25-year background in electronic publishing, Digital color systems Seybold Publications has been instrumental in shap¬ We explained the electronic tools and processes ing and defining the industry. We are proud to be available today and discussed the product lines of the source of record” in electronic publishing, pro¬ five suppliers. viding our subscribers with the unique combination “The Fourth Wave” of personal communication, experience and insight. Our dissertation on publishing production joining the mainstream of the computer industry. To give you the right focus, Seybold Publications PostScript and its clones produces two different Reports: The Seybold Report We covered progress in the clone market and the on Publishing Systems, specifically covering the strengths and weaknesses of Adobe’s page high-end applications, and The Seybold Report on description language. Desktop Publishing, offering extensive coverage of Major graphic arts show reviews the microcomputer as a publishing platform. During the year, we attend the most important graphic arts equipment exhibitions around the In line with your interests, each of The Seybold world and provide in-depth analyses of the Reports provides a much-needed, no-nonsense new products and trends. he Seybold Reports. Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing forum for the sophisticated reader. They are written Microcomputer-based, low-cost publishing and edited by professional publishers for technology is the central focus of The Seybold professional publishers, utilizing our extensive Report on Desktop Publishing. Produced monthly, resources and contacts to bring you the serious it is an indispensible guide to a dynamic and chaotic market. information you really need: With the unique Seybold perspective, The Report keeps you up-to-date with the constantly • all the breaking industry news changing players and products in desktop • thoughtful analysis and interpretation publishing. • identification and explanation of trends As we produce each issue, we integrate • in-depth product reviews the products we review into our production operations. For example, with page layout • comprehensive coverage of trade shows programs, we actually produce our camera-ready • highly readable articles on the fundamentals pages using the review software. You see the results in print...good and bad. The Seybold Reports provide you with a regular update on developments in the computer, graphic Recent feature articles arts, printing and publishing industries. Each issue • Up-market PostScript printers contains 32-40 pages (sometimes more), packed The quality is better, but we wondered if you with solid information. You won’t find any advertis¬ could keep them busy enough to justify the price. ing, flash or hype. And to be sure everything is • The new LaserWriters timely, The Reports are mailed first class in a protec¬ We liked two of them, but the third left us cold. tive envelope. • Comdex coverage We scoured the aisles to bring you the best roundup of publishing-related activities at the A cost-effective resource. biggest computer show. • Unix workstations: a larger desktop What can you expect to pay for a subscription? Sur¬ We examined the emergence of the Sun, Apollo prisingly, for less than the cost of a day spent looking and DEC workstations as viable publishing at a new product, you can have a year of insight on platforms. the complete market. • Extensive product reviews In recent issues, we covered the ups and downs Whether you’re into publishing for the first time of Quark XPress, ReadySetGo 4.0, Ragtime, or an industry veteran, you need The Seybold Re¬ Scoop, Lotus Manuscript, PFS: First Publisher, ports to make the right choices and to stay competi¬ GEM Desktop Publisher and MacPublisher III. tive in today’s rapidly changing market. If you’re Past issues have featured extensive coverage of serious about publishing, there’s no better time to get Ventura Publisher and PageMaker updates. serious with The Seybold Reports. We are confident that you will find The Seybold Re¬ The no-risk ports to be a valuable resource. To ensure your sat¬ isfaction, Seybold Publications provides a no-risk subscription offer. subscription Use the form on this page to mail in your sub¬ scription order. For faster service, contact our office directly by phone, fax or telex (the numbers are on offer. the order form). For easy payment, we accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express, or we will bill you. When the first issue arrives, read it cover-to-cover and put the Seybold advantage to work for you. If you are satisfied with the first issue, you will continue to receive future issues of the best informa¬ tion source in electronic publishing. If you are not satisfied, you may cancel the sub¬ scription, receive a full refund and keep the issue with our compliments. Why wait any longer? Try our no-risk offer and join the thousands of your colleagues who already have the Seybold advantage. If you’re serious about publishing, it’s time to get serious with a subscription to The Seybold Reports. Seybold The Seybold Reports PUBLICATIONS Subscription Rates Mailed first class in the US and Canada, airmail overseas. Multiple copy and discount rates are also available. Please check one: United States Canada Foreign □ The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems (22 issues) $288 $300 $324 Q The Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing (12 issues) $192 $198 $210 D Combined subscription to both Reports $396 $414 $450 □ My check for $ is enclosed O Please bill me Q] Please charge my credit card | | MasterCard O Visa □ AMEX Name as appears on card Number Signature Expiration Company name Attention Telephone Address City State Zip Country Send to: Seybold Publications, Inc., • Box 644, Media, PA 19063 • Telephone (215) 565-2480 • Fax 565-4659 • Telex (ITT) 4991493 °§eybold cI^eport on Publishing Systems Vol. 17, No. 14 ISSN: 0736-7260 April 11, 1988 Interleaf on IBM PS/2. InterleaPs TPS 3.0 pub¬ lishing software will soon be available on the IBM SEYBOLD SEMINARS '88 PS/2 Model 80. Arranged through a new deal with IBM, IBM Interleaf Publisher will be quite similar Climbing Aboard the Fourth Wave to Interleaf Publisher on the Macintosh II.
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