Australian Neuroscience Society AustraNliane wNeuslroseciettnce Sro ciety No. 2 N e w sl e tt e July,r 2012 www.ans.org.au No. 1 April, 2008 www.ans.org.au Wieckart (Neuroscience Research Australia) and me as President of ANS. Discussions are still President’s in progress to secure 2 to 4 additional members for the delegation.The visit will take place on De- cember 11-18, 2012 to coincide with the annual Perspective meeting of the Israeli Society for Neuroscience. At this meeting the Israelis have made available Recent events appear to support 15 speaking slots for members of the Australian my April prediction that the research delegation and round table discussions will be or- environment in Australia is in a period ganised. The delegation will also visit 5 universi- of significant change. The federal ties with significant neuroscience research activity government committee chaired by and the Israeli Academy of Sciences. I hope that Mr Simon McKeon, that is conducting this initiative will yield several long term collabora- the Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research in tions that will enhance the capacity and scope of Australia, has been very active. They have received many Australian neuroscience. formal submissions and collected an enormous amount of data through private and public consultations across Australia. Potential Change to the Name of the It is pleasing to see that they have heeded the call from the Society research sector and announced that they plan to release a At the mid-year Council meeting, the question of a draft report in September for further comment. Case studies new name for the Society was discussed. Council demonstrating the benefits of health and medical research resolved to engage the membership in the choice (social or economic, long and short term) are clearly going to of name to be put to the AGM at the Melbourne be important to convince government to enhance funding for meeting. Details of the process and the potential health and medical research. In this context it is interesting that choices of name will be in the next ANS Newslet- a group of Australian universities are conducting a formal trial ter. ANS members are encouraged to write to me, of methodology to measure the impact of research, as opposed or any other member of Council, to express views to the excellence of research output which is measured by the on this matter or to suggest alternative names for ERA assessments. the Society. Research Collaboration with Israel John Rostas An exciting opportunity has arisen to develop long term research President, ANS collaborations between Australian and Israeli neuroscientists. As a result of a recently established bilateral scientific research agreement between the Australian and Israeli governments, a Contents delegation of Australian neuroscientists will visit Israel and an Israeli delegation of marine biologists will visit Australia. 1. President’s Perspective The Australian delegation will be led by Alan Finkel (President- 2. ANS 2013 Melbourne Meeting Elect, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and En- 3. ACAN 2012 gineering) and comprise up to 15 people. The membership 4. Science Meets Parliament includes Geoff Donnan (Florey Neuroscience Institutes), Pe- 5. ANS News ter Schofield (Neuroscience Research Australia), Julio Licin- 6. State and NZ representative's news io (John Curtin School of Medical Research), Sam Berkovic 7. Conferences and courses (Epilepsy Research Centre), Colin Masters (Mental Health Re- 8. ANS policy on email circulation search Institute), Michael Nilsson (Hunter Medical Research 9. ANS website and newsletter ANS PRESIDENT: ANS SECRETARY: ANS TREASURER: ANS EDITOR: Institute), Sarah Dunlop (University of Western Australia), 10. Deadlines for future newsletters LindaProfe Richardsssor David (QueenslandVaney BrainDr Ann Institute), Turnley Cindy ShannonDr Ja-cqueline Phillips Professor David Small Queensland Brain Institute Centre for Neuroscience Division of Health Sciences Menzies Research Institute University of Queensland University of Melbourne Murdoch University 199 Macquarie Street ANS PRESIDENT: ANS SECRETARY: ANS TREASURER: ANS EDITOR: QuANSee nPsRESIDENT:land 4072 VictoriaANS 301SECRETARY:0 WesteANSrn ATuREASURER:stralia 6150 HobANSart, ETDITOR:asmania 7000 ProfessorProfessor JohnJohn Rostas Rostas ProfProfessoressor J o Joe e LLLLLLLLLE yLynch n c h ProfeA/Professorssor Jacqu Andreweline Ph Allenillips ProA/Professorfessor Dav Stevenid Sma Petroull Tel: +61-7-3346-6334 Tel: +61-3-8344-3981 Tel: +61-8-9360-2257 Tel: +61-3-6226-7700 FFEacultyFaculty ofof Health Health QueenslandQueensland Brain Brain Institute Institute MacquarieDepartment University of Physiology MeFloreynzies NeuroscienceResearch Ins Institutestitute [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] UniversityUniversity ofo fNewcastle Newcastle UniversityUniversity o fof Queensland Queensland MacquarieUniversity Drive of Melbourne 199University Macqua rieof MelbourneStreet NewcastleNewcastle NSW 2308 St StLEu Luciacia 3 0 QLD10 4072 SydneyParkville NSW VIC2109 3010 HobParkvilleart, Ta s VICma n 3010ia 7000 Tel:Tel: +61-2-4921+61-2-4921-5615 5615 Tel:Tel: +61-3-8344-3981 +61-7-3346 6375 Tel: Tel:+61 +61-3-8344-2-9850-40 0568380 Tel:Tel: +61-3- +61-4146226- 3507700 248 [email protected]@newcastle.edu.au turnley@ [email protected] [email protected]@unimelb.edu.au.au [email protected]@menzies.utas.edu.au ANS 2013 Melbourne Planning for the Melbourne meeting from Sunday, 3rd February to Wednesday, 6th February, 2013 is progressing well. The meeting will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. James Bourne is Chair of the Local Organising Committee. Confirmed Plenary speakers include Nancy Ip, from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, who will give the Overseas Plenary lecture, Paul Martin, from the University of Sydney, who will present the Lawrie Austin Lecture, Margaret Morris from University of New South Wales, who will present the ANS Plenary Lecture and Ingrid Scheffer who will present the Eccles Lecturer. This meeting promises to be a wonderful experience and all members are encouraged to be in Melbourne in the first week of February 2013. Apart from the prospect of world class science the highlight will be the conference dinner which is to be held in the Melbourne Town Hall and will be a spectacular affair. Details of Symposia are listed below: PTEN in the brain Steven Petrou, Florey Neuroscience Institutes, University Organiser: Seong-Seng Tan, Florey Neuroscience of Melbourne, VIC Institutes Nigel Jones, University of Melbourne, VIC Chair: Dr. Jason Howitt, Florey Neuroscience Institutes Chris Hovens, University of Melbourne, VIC Invited Speakers: Britta Eickholt, Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, The Neuronal Cytoskeleton in Health and Disease Germany Organiser: Thomas Fath, University of New South Seong-Seng Tan Florey Neuroscience Institutes, Wales, NSW University of Melbourne, VIC Chair: Frederic A. Meunier, Queensland Brain Institute, QLD Kevin Morris The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, Invited Speakers: CA, USA Roland Brandt, Neurobiologie der Universität Osnabrück, Christina Mitchell Monash University, VIC Germany Adam Cole, Garvan Institute for Medical Research, NSW Development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative Tracey Dickson, Menzies Research Institute, Tasmania diseases Thomas Fath, University of New South Wales, NSW Organiser & Chair: Ashley Bush, Mental Heath Research Institute, University of Melbourne Perinatal Brain Injury: cause and cure Invited Speakers: Organiser & Chair: Mary Tolcos, Monash Institute for Rudy Tanzi, Massachusetts General Hospital-East, Medical Research, VIC Charlestown, MA, USA Invited Speakers: Kevin Barnham, Mental Heath Research Institute, Sandra Juul ,University of Washington, Washington, USA University of Melbourne, VIC Tracey Björkman, The University of Queensland, QLD Jose Varghese, CSIRO, VIC Laura Bennet, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, Stephanie Rainey Smith, Edith Cowan University, WA Suzie Miller, Monash Institute for Medical Research, VIC One Gene Closer - Understanding the Neurobiology Stress and the brain: Comparative approaches to of Intellectual Disability understanding plasticity Organiser: Julian Heng, Australian Regenerative Co-organisers: Medicine Institute, Monash University, VIC Kate Buchanan, Deakin University, Geelong Co-Chairs: Trevor Day, Deakin University, Geelong Vic Richard Leventer, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute VIC Chair: Trevor Day, Deakin University, Geelong Vic Matilda Haas Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute Invited Speakers: (ARMI) VIC Judith Reinhard, Queensland Brain Institute, QLD Invited Speakers: Kate Buchanan, Deakin University, Geelong Vic Jozef Gecz, Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide, SA Rohan Walker, University of Newcastle, NSW TBA Manfred Gahr, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, David Keays, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Seewiesen, Germany Vienna, Austria Julian Heng, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute Neuro-immune crosstalk in nervous system disorders (ARMI), VIC Organiser: Gila Moalem-Taylor, University of New South Wales, NSW Novel therapies for the treatment of epilepsy Chair: Gilles Guillemin, University of New South Wales, NSW Organiser: Kim Powell, University of Melbourne, VIC Invited Speakers: Co-Chairs: Gila Moalem-Taylor, University of New South Wales, Kim Powell,
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