1899. · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 597 By Mr. YOUNG of Virginia: A bill (H. R. 4904) for relief of By Mr. BOUTELLE of Maine: Petition of J, D. Hincls and. Edward William Bailey-to the Committee on Claims. others,·of Orrington, l\Ie, - Also, a bill {H. R. 4905) for the relief of James A. Johnston­ By Mr. ELLIOTT: Petition of F. Rhem and others, of Rhems,. to the Committee on Claims. S. C., and vicinity. · By Mr. ZENOR: A bill (H. R. 4906) granting a pension tol\Irs. By Mr. FITZGERALD of New York: Petitions of the First. Ellen Quinn-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, citizens of the Second Congres­ By Mr. CUMMINGS: A joint resolution (H. J. Res. 91) for the sional district of New York, and Federation of Churches and relief of A ugnst Bolten, of New York City, and Gustav Richelieu, Christian Workers of New York. of Bostop, Mass.,Americanseamen-totheCommittee on Foreign By Mr. FOSS: Petition of James P. Dickson and others, of Chi­ Affairs. cago, Ill. By Mr. GRilrFITH: Petition of citizens of the Fourth Congres­ sional district of Indiana. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. HOWELL: Petition of citizens of the Third Congress· Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers siona.l district of New Jersey". were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By Mr. MANN: Petition of the Chicago Woman's Club. By the SPEAKE.R: Petition of George W. Dunham and a num­ By Mr. NEEDHAM: Petitions of E. A. Wright and 78 others, of ber of other citizens of Iowa, in favol' of an appropriation for the Seventh Congressional district of California; J. T. Cobb and improving the Hatchie River, in Tennessee-to the Committee on others, of Elsmore; 0. N. Brant and others, of Armada, Cal. Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. PACKER of Pennsylvania: Petition of H. E. Raerly ·Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 4654, granting a pen­ and others, of Wellsboro, Pa. sion to Simon Vandervaart-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SALMON: Petitions of voters and resolutions of socie­ Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 4650, granting a pen­ ties in the Fourth Congressional district of New Jersey. sion to Mrs. Sarah Parrish-to the Committee on Invalid Rensions. By Mr. SUTHERLAND: Petitions of A. S. Loving and others, Also, papers to accompany HouEe bill No. 4653, granting a pen­ of Sutton, Nebr., and John Longnecker and others, of Indianola,. sion to August Zimmerman-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Nebr. sions. By Mr. VAN VOORHIS: Petition of Ebenezar Lane and 35 Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 4651, granting a pen­ other citizens of Zanesville, Ohio. sion to Mrs. Emily Alder-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, statement of Dr. H. McDittmer, to accompany House bill No. 4648, for the relief of William G. McLain-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. SENATE. Also, statement of Col. L. B. Raymond, to accompany House WEDNESDAY, Decernber 20, 1899. bill No. 4649, in the pension case of William Bates-to the Com­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. Prayer by Rev. LUCIEN CLARK, D. D., of the city of Washington. By Mr. ADAMS: Petition of the Philadelphia (Pa.) Stock Ex­ The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ change, urging a modification of the revenue law in relation to stock ceedings i when, on motion of Mr. HALE, and by unanimous con­ certificates-to the Committee on Ways and Means. · sent, the further reading was dispensed with. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Journal Also, resolutions of the Thirty-third National E~campip.ent of the Grand Army of the Republic, commending the work of the will stand approved. GettyslJurg National Military Park Commission and asking for AGREEMENT WITH SEMrnOLE INDIANS. further appropriations to complete the work-to the Committee on Military Affairs. 'rhePRESIDENT pro tern pore laid before the Senate a communi­ cation from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of By Mr. BROWl'fLOW: Petition of John Fulmer, of Washing­ an agreement made by the Commission to the Five Civilized ton County, Tenn., praying reference of his war claim to the Court Tribes in behalf of the United States with a commission duly ap­ of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. pointed on the part of the Seminole tribe of Indians, in the Indian By Mr. CUMl\IINGS: Petition of Gustav Richelieu, an Amer­ Territory, fixing a time after which no person shall be enrolled as ican seaman, for relief-to tlie Committee on Naval Affairs. a Seminole citizen, and providing for the distribution of the­ Also, paper to accompany Honse bill relating to the claim of estates of the deceased Seminole'citizens after December 31, 1899; August Bolton-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Select By Mr. JONES of _Virgjnia: Petition of the heirs of John R. Committee on the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, and ordered Johnson, of Acco~a:c County, Va., praying for reference of his to be printed. war claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. REGENT OF SMITHSO~ INSTITUTION. By Mr. LACEY: Paper to accompany Honse bill to place Mrs. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the fol­ M: J. Spencer on the pe~sion rolls-to the committee on Invalid lowing communication from the Secretary of the Board of Regents Pensions. of the Smithsonian Institution; which was read: By Mr. LITTLEFIELD: Petition of J. G. Carli~le and other members of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, SMITHSO:r.."JAN INSTITUTION, Washington, December f0, 1899. S11t: I have the honor to present the form of a joint resolution to fill the for the improvement of the law library of Congress-to the Com­ vacancy in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, in the class mittee on Rules. other than members of Congress, occasioned by the death on July 16 last of the late Dr. William Preston Johnston, of Louisiana, and to respectfully state By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Resolution of De Long Post, that so far as I have been able to learn the opinions of the Regents the No. 67, Grand Army of the Republic, of Auburn, Ind., asking vacancy in the board would be to them most acceotably filled by the appoint· that all ex-Union soldiers who desire appointment for a Federal ment of Richard Olney, a resident of Massachusetts, as provided form the draft inclosed. office, and are not mentally or physically disqualified, be not sub­ This appointment would be conformable to section 5580 of the Revised jected to civil-service competition-to the Committee on Reform Statutes (a copy of which is inclosed), which requires that four of the mem­ in the Civil Service.· bers of the Board of Regents "shall be inhabitants of some State, but no two of them of the same State." By -Mr. SIMS: Petition of W. H. Carr, of Centerville, Tenn., I am, sir, your obedient servant, praying reference of his war claim to the Court of Claims-to the S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary. Committee on Claims. Hon. WILLIAM P. FRYE, By Mr. SPERRY: Resolution of the MedicalAssociation of New P·resident pro tempore of the United States Senate, Washington, D. C. Haven, Conn., relative to the ranking among officers of the higher The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The communication transmits grades in the medical corps, United States Army-to the Com­ to the Senate a joint resolution. The Chair is informed that it is mittee on Military Affairs. usual to have the joint resolution read twice and receive consid­ By Mr. VAN VOORIDS: Paper to accompany House bill grant­ eration by the unanimous consentof the Senate without reference ing a pension to Mrs. Ella Colton Conrad-to the Committee on to any committee. Invalid Pensions. Mr. HOAR. From what source does the communication come? Also, papers to accompany Honse bill granting a pension to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. From the Smithsonian Insti­ Frank A. W. Shaw-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tution. Petitions, etc., against the seating of Brigham H. Roberts as a Mr. HOAR. I do not think that it ever has occurred in the his­ Representative from Utah were laid on the Clerk's desk, and sev­ tory of the Senate or the Institution that the regents undertook erally referred to the Special Committee on the B. H. Roberts to propose to the Senate or the House how they should act in the Case, as follows: duty imposed upon them by law in the selection of those regents. By Mr. BELL: Petitions of Josie Smith, L. M. Steen, Samuel It is the first time. It is a very extraordinary communication, Patters~n. Mary T. Spencer, and other citizens of the Second Con- indeed. I am a-stonished that such a communication should have gressional district of Colorado. · been made. ' 598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 20, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair informs the Senator I He also presented ·a -petition of sundry American misstonaries that Professor Langley stated that it was the usual course of the resident in Bulgaria and Turkey, praying for the enactment of Institution. legislation to suppress gambling and bookmaking in connection· 1\Ir. HOAR, I am constrained to express a different opinion. with racing in the District of Columbia and the Territories; which The PRESIDENT protempore. What does the Senator propose was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.
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