GOVERNMTNI OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION,ASSAM KAHITIPARA.+**+'GUWAHATI.19. No. PClHElPlanlL6/2014/2L Dated Kahilipara the 2Ar Aptil /2019 Irom Smti. G. Phukan, A.C.S. Director of HiBher Education, Assam Kahilipa ra, Guwahati 19 TO, Principal,(s) 278 nos of Colleges (list enclosed) 5ub: Reimbursement of purchase of Books to Colle8e Libraries from Gauhati Book Fair- 2018 Ref Govt. letter No. AHE.43O/2O1A127 dtd. 9.7.2019 Sir, I have the honour to state that the Govt. of Assam in Hither Education Depaatment has accorded financial sanction an amount of Rs. 5,28,33,582/- for reimbursement of purchased Books to College Llibrarles from Gauhati Book Fair' 2018 vide Govt. letter No. AHE.43O/2OL8/27 dtd 9.1.2019 . Accordingly, this Directorate has drawn the amount of Rs. 5,28,33,582/- lakh and disbursed the fund toyourCollege bank account through RTGS. A list ofColleges showing fund against each of the College is enclosed herewith . Excess of fund if any may be refunded to state Govt. exchequer through treasury Challan with an intimation to this Office. You are requested to submit Utili?ation certificate as per 19 GFR form to this office immediately foronward submission to Govt. Yours Faithfully, lLu Dirqctor,o(HiBher Ed'rcation, Assam \Y-kahilipara, cuwahati- t e. No. P c I HE / Plan/ 76 / 2O1a /2 1 Dated Kahilipara the 26'"Aprit /2019. Copy to: 1. The PrincipalSecretary to the Govt. ofAssam .Higher Education Department, Oispur,Guwahati-6. .,., Director of Higher Education, Assam (ahilipara, Guwahati-19. @ 4' GO\''ERNMENT OFASSAM HIGHER EDUCATION DEPN RTMENT ASSAM SECRETARIAT:::BLOCK,C CROUND FLOOR DISPUR:: :GUWAHATI-781006 Dated D January, 19 smd G. K. Chakaborr]- [Jnder Secretary to the Govt- ofAssam tligher Flducation Depanment, Dispur. Thc Principal Accox ntant General, Assam ( Maidamgaon, Beltola, Guwahati-781029 tq \ Sub SarctilJn for an amount of Rs.5,28,33,582/ for re-LDbursement of purpose dfB ks o College Libraries from Book Fair, 2018 Re( Le(er lio. PC/HE,tib. GG tl1i201,V14 dared 23/10i2018 ST, I anr directed to convey the sanctidn of the Covernor of Assam ro ac.ord linincial Sanction for an amount of Rs.5,28,33,582/- (Rupees five crore tw$ty eiEhr IaLt ftirry tkee thousand five hundred eightl wo) oniy for re-imburspment of purpose of Books to College Libraries from Book Fair, 2018- The above amount nay be &awn by the Director of Higher Educatio!, Assam for disbursement of the same to the appropriate au&ority after observing all required forrnalities and subject to submission of Utilization Certificate in due course. The expendiore is debitable under tie Head of Account "2202- General Education -03- University and Higher Education -103- Gou Colleges and institutions 4556- Provincialised Teachers Employees servrug ia non Gott ColleSes -611- lnfrastructure Developoent of GovL & Provincialised Colleges -32- Grants-h-aid General (Non-Salary) -9$ O(hers SOPD-ODS vored" duling the year 2018-19. This is issued with th€ concurence of Finance (Eclll) Depanmenfs vide their U.O. No.1721,2018 daled 15/1212018. Yours faithfully, ,/, Under Secretary ro the Covt. ofAssam I ligher Educatioo Depanmenr. Memo No. AHE.,{30/201 8i2a -A Dated Dispur, thed January, 2019 Copv t The Director of Higher Educaion; Aisam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-781019 wilh reference to letter No. PC/HE/Lib. Grandllz0lTll4 dated23ll0l2018 for inforamtioo arld oecessary acdon. 2. The D[ector, Accounts ard Treasuries, Assan! Dispur, Guwahati-781006. 3. The Finance (EC{ll) Depamen! Dispur, Guwahati 781006. PS- to rhe Hon'ble Mimster, Educatio& Assam Dispur, Cuvahati-781006 for apprisal of Hon'ble Minister Educa!ior, fusarIL 5. P.S. to lhe Principal Secretary to the Goyt. of Assanl HigheI Educatiotr Departmenr, Dispur, Guwahati- 781006 for apprisal of fie Principal Secretary. t1 _ Bv order ete fr' (-'6) ,=-<- (r^,!92^t\\ (1\t!-14f t t1 \ _,/ -!\ ^ Under Secretary to dle Co\a. of Assarn .) Hlgner Loucaooo Depanment. a o 18/2qfB Daled Drspur, fie f JaNary;2019 o! n The General (A&E), Assa& Maidamgaon, Beltola, Cuwahad-6d?s. Gurlahatl-78 1006 t,.t, The Tr Offi.er, Dispur Treasury, Disp!r, y. .l] % 7fi-- Educauon DepanmenL Page 1 Colhge! submitted vouchers of bill regar.dillg purchase of librr{r bool! book fair out o1 305 Coll \il Nunrc of the Collegr Disrricr {rrounr {ir l2ltr Salban Clollc Baksa : ],I Goresswar Colleqe Baksa I rlirL I B B Krsa Llaksa (lollese Baranla Ilaksa L,i. , :1. ' I 6\'anpeerh Degree College Bal:a .)9r:): t, Bha* anipur Anchah-k College Barpeta I l Nl C C ollege []arpeta lq718l B ll Colleue Barpeta lq5 t,l2 \.rbatroti Col tlr Barpeta t9q790 Barnaqar College llarpeta 100000 B I K Collece llarpeta :00000 .Uarpeta i Barpetu i il,p.t l '. ,l,ri,-, t ... \o.th Kanrrup Coliege IJarpe!a I (, l. ( hr:udhurr College tsarpeta lL ,r ,,1, ['trar l]arpeta Collcge Barpela .i,I, Srimanta Sankar N'ladhab Barpeta :o l a-l i :t) \.lahavidyalaya Kalabari Collcge Biswanarh 100000 Clratia College lliswanalh :0000t) 't Brsuanath College Biswanalh :00000 I Behali Degree Colle!_.c Biswanalh I )r )i )l r- Abhavapuri College , ls.rl\ Bongaigaon flirjhora College Bonqaigaon ll5i15 -)\ R C l\'lernorial College. l,engtisioga Bongaigaon I 31071 :t l\'lanikpur Anchalrk College, Bonqaiqaon 100000 i, ) Bir ihora Kanya Mahavidlaya Bongaieaon l006ll .i/ \,lahalma Gandhi Colleae Bongaigaon 1e3260 Jarrata ( ollege Cachar t8954,1 Nl a Das College ( lachdr lsllil -iJ Cacirar Ct'tllege ( achar l:870 i .l.N Sing College Cachar 2()0000 \( hru College Cachar \lonren s ( ollegc Silchar Cachar t,)8767 .i\ Siichar College Cachar i 78il l.t SeDekhaitr C(rllegc Charaidco l l9l 84 SonariColle ( harardro t(r5501 Sonari Commerce College Charaidecr . lirrrhat BPB l\lernorial College ( haruideo l,l Chirang Bnsugaon College ( hirang ,i .: i- . f)arran! Srpaihar College Darraug \ame of the College De,lnrornor Deuree College 2qan \lanqaldoi Com ( ollelre Dar r an!: DhemaJi Silapaihar Colleee Dherna.li :00000 Dhenraji \lo11dhol ColleSe I 200000 Dhenraji Commerce College Dhemaji 19059q Cogar nLtkh College l)hema.ri 10000(l \lurkong Selel College Dhemaji i6 \lachLhou'a Dcgree Colleue Dhenraji ?00000 ( _)i \il]x]i Chapari o iele I Dhcmati 200000 Dheoraii Grrls ( olle-ue Dhemaji 1t) SilaplLrhar l o*n Collcge Dhenraji 200000 Purbanchal Colleqe Dhemaji 200000 l) ., /' ) \j.1 rr ir]j Rir,!,Ir:.ir ( ijlle!r I L)hubn lllu001l (-: Ratnaprth Ccllege D:r!rlrri I a5 Halakura Collepc Dhubri l fi PragatiCollege Dhubn 67 Dhubri Girls'College Dhubri 100000 Ilanridnbad Cr, cge Dhubri 100000 a') Dibru Collegc Dibrugar-h DIISK Collt'gc Dibrugarh 100000 I)HSK(ommerce (ollege Dibrugarh Dibrugarh \anuup (i)llege Dibrr.rgath :00000 D D R Collese Dibru!rarh -'; Kho*anp Colleoe Dibrugarh :00000 Naharkalia Colleqe Dibrlgarh 100000 Duliajan College Dibrugarh Duliajan Girls' College Dibnrgar h l06l1(, .,) \andlal Borgohain City College Dibrugarh : 00000 \'laibong Degree Ciollege Dma Hasao i lallonS Go\l College Drnra Hasao I zooooo \-:' HabraghatMahavidyalaya Goalpara eo8 5 -\ Lakhipur College Goalpara t00000 Ctralprra College Goxlpara :0000(r Dhudhnoi Colleue Goalpara rt ( "10000t) \/i Bikali ollcge I Goalpara Jaleswar (lolleSe Goalpara :al000cr Dolgoma Anchalik College Goalpara D R Collese Golaghat 100000 Gr)laghal ( onlmcrce (lollelte Colaghat llPBGirl's College Colaghat Furkatrng College ll olr r hat -Llrirl)r) ,l Jovagogoi (iollege Golaghat JDSG College Golaqhal r00000 Kanargaon College C,rlaghat 200000 Page 3 I i Name ol the Collegc Distrifl DKD (olle{e Golagliat Sarupathur Collcge Golachar Konarbandha Colleae Colaghlt g )) C N ti College Golaghat l!1-r(lo(r Barpathar College Golaghat 100000 N4clamara Colleee (iolaghat :000orl ltl: S S College ll.rialrn.lr r A L Choudhury College llailakarrdi 100000 \{aiurl Hoclue Choudhury College tlailakandi 10000r.1 lt)5 S K Roy (iollege Hailakandi 200000 I06 Hoiai Collcge IIoJar r9r 89: Lundins Collepe . Hojai l9llll Lanka \.{aha\idyalaya I Iojai t9698(l -r'.11,-. I lolai 100000 Horar Grrls'Ccllege I lolai :0001)(l .ior hat 8,1li.i D ( iJ {,u l! ( JorhaL ii.. ",llEce l0r)0cr0 Balrana Colleue Jorhat Kakajan Collcge Jorlrat :0000! .lorlrat Kendn) a Mahavidy-ala),a Jorhat 200000, Jorhar College lorhal 82576 C lr. B College. Ieok Jor hat VIo, iani College Jorhal 100000 \ N Saikia College Jorhal tql609 /:t) CKBComrncrce Collegc Jorhat Borhola ( ollege Jorhat l0r:10()0 Dr \ B College Jorhat I Cirrrramar a College Iorhat 200000. l:1 Sorbodar College Jorhat 200000 / _',i Na-Kachari Colege .Jor IaL 200000 B R lV Go\1 La* College Kamrup (M) t, Kamrup (M) 185058 K K Handique Cou Sanskrit College B l-i,rc,oah College Kamrup (N{) Ha rdl c. Girls ('olle Kamrup (lU) .\n a vid\apith ( ollege Kanrup (M) :00000. Gauhati College Kanlrup (M) 1986i5 Gauhati Commerce College K4mrup (M) 100000 / -i.l Pragl!otishpur Collegc Kamrup (N'1) t98894 t:1 Pantlu College Kiurnup (\l) 187658 / i-i I ( ts College Kanrrup (\l) ll)t)()0() I -r,( KRBGirlsCollere Kamrup (M) t077ll !-17 Pachinr Guwahati College Karnrup (M) 100(x)0' /,j \ R G Baruah Colleee K;rrnrur: (M) ! _;, S Ll DcoriL Collcge Kamrup (M) 200{)00' K ( Das Comnrerce College Kamrup (M) r98158 llispur College Karnrup (M) l5l8l:1 t.t) Kan\a lv{ahavid}alava Kamtup (M) I 1.1 \ar cngi Anchalik Collcge Kamrup (\1) 100000 Kar nashree Hiteswar Saikia College Kamrup (M) lil0(rrril Bclli)la College Kalnrup (\l) 200000 Nonh Guwahati Collcge Kamrxp (R ) 100000 Page 4 Na rc ol the ( ollege Distl i.t S B \'1 S Coll,j,re. SLralkuchi Kanr.up 1R ) J \ College Kamrup (R ) I i lll() ) B P Chaliha Clollege Kamrup (R ) l 13 C Medhi College KamrLrp (R ) l00rl00 Su:en D:s Collegc Kanrup (R ) :-,.,'.
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