,•j Play Santa's Shoppers weepstakes I z.d e.' .. - •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •:• 83rd Year, Issue 41 10 1993 For the week beginning November 5, 1993 Newark, Del. • 35~ THis WEEK Residents rally WET, WONDERFUL PARADE Special salute against roads Traffic plans upset neighborhood By JENNIFER L. RODGERS resident, said officials have to ld ··········································· members of the community that NEWARK ,POST STAFF WRITER "they are more or less beating a A connector road that resi­ dead horse" if they attempt to dents in Thornwood protest the road. However, resi­ Development are trying to keep dents continue to fi ght wh at from happening, has already seems to be a losing baule. happened according to the 1993 "We are attending any meet­ edition of ACD' Street Map of ing that possibl y pertains to New Castle County. street development," said Boyd. Dela'ware's Department of About 15 residents, from the Transportation has planned a Thornwood Development, connector road betwee n Old attended a meeting of the . : .;. Baltimore Pike and Del. 896 Bear/Glasgow Council of Civic that will create a throughway Organizations at Glasgow High between th e neighborhoods of School Monday night. Four Seasons, which can be Boyd said the neighborhood reached from Del. 896, an d banded together because there Thornwood, which can reached were so many conflicting stories from Old Baltimore Pike- west about the status of the road. She of Del. 896. Amy Boyd, a Thornwood See CONNECTOR , 3A .... NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTOS BY ERIC FINE Newarkers Keith Webb, his son Kyle , fiance Brenda Cameron, and her daughter Heather climbed aboard Lyme disease is a 1931 ford truck owned by Webb 's parents, H. Jay and Hilda Webb. The family has owned the truck since it was new. Christiana topic ewark's annual Halloween Newark Police Chief Bill Hogan. By ERIC FIN~ about ISO people at Christiana parade cow-sed ........................................... High Tuesday during a pre en­ NEWARK POST STAFF WRiT ER tation sponsored by the N through town WITH nns EDmoN: People suffering from Lyme Ameri can Lyme Disease Sunday, oblivious to the disease may have trouble get­ Alliance. pall of gloomy weather ting out of bed in the morning. Unlike AIDS and HJV, how­ 'HOGAN'S HEROES' A finger could be sore the ever, no definitive test has been that prevailed the entire whole day and then, just as sud­ discovered for the bacteria, nor is there any high-profile support weekend: denl y, be fme. While spectators along the OFFERS AN INSIDE They may begin stuttering coming from Hollywood. for the first time in their lives. "We don't have a Magic parade route were there to LOOK AT THE They can have trouble remem­ Johnson," said Buonincontro, take in the sights and bering things that just happened who became infected with sounds, those who marched to them. They can lose vision in Lyme disease about six years ago while building a deck in the were able to compete for NEWARKPOUCE. one eye for days at a time and prizes. experience paralysis on one of back yard of his Cherry Hill , N.J., home. Shao Lin San Kung Fu In the news , side of their face. Yet Lyme disease is curable, "This is not something you School captured fLrst place Dr. Guy Buonincontro told See LYME, 4A .... for best float. Second place The rain didn't keep Ronald McDonald from working the crowd. went to A Cut Above Hair VAL's NEEDY Design, and a float from Pencader Land Use Mother Hubbard Child Care FAMILY FuND GEARS Center took third. hearings set to begin In the large marching FOR group category, Stage light UP THE. 3A By ERIC FINE in the county. Jt takes in the Dance Studio of Christiana entire U.S. 40 corridor, includ­ took top honors. Brownie NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER HOUDAYS. ing Bear and Glasgow. Troop 1013 of Newark took County officials will hold the The study is expected to firs t of three scheduled public form the basis for a growth­ second place; Junior Girl In Lifestyle hearings on the Central management plan in Central Scout Troop 1275 of Newark Pencader Land Use Study next Pencader that will run through was third. Wednesday at Glasgow High. the year 20 10; planners project The McQuaide family of Hearings also are scheduled for the area's population of 38,000 Nov . 17 at Thurgood Marshall to increase by 72 percent. Elkton, Md., captured fi rst Elementary School and Dec. 7 County planning director place for best family group. during the monthly meeting of Bryan Shuler said planners want All eight of them joined to the planning department and the to concenu·ate the largest num ­ become Snow White and t:he planning board. ber of homes in areas that Seven Dwarves. Fo.llowing The hearings will begin at 7 already have been developed, p.m. and whi ch already have roads, right behind in second was Completed in September, ewers and utility lines in place. the Reissman family from the six-month study charts the Spreading development out is Wilmington, dre ed as course of development north of les efficient and, consequently, Goldi Locks and the Three the Chesapeake and Delaware more costly, he said. Canal. Called Pencader The plan identifies future Bears. The French family of Hundred, this hu ge ex panse of Newark won third for parad­ Members of the Shao lin San Kung Fu School won a first place prize land is the fastest growing area See HEARINGS, 3A .... ing as Three Blind Mice. for their dragon float. Seniors put finishing touches on performance VEGETARIAN FARE I By TONJA CASTANEDA in the show, rehearsed once a week at the senior center. ABOUNDS AT THIS NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Last year, children from the YWCA The Newark Senior Center Player also performed with the senior players. It are busy this week preparing for their was the first time children were included NEWARK variety show which will be pre ented to in a Newark Senior Players production 12A the community on Nov. 12 and t3. since the group's founding, according to FATERY. The show call ed, " Fun Time in Norma Shaw of the Senior Center Revue" will be performed at 8 p.m. at Players. Gauger Middle School in Newark. Dancing waitresses wilJ entenain on Index Tickets for the production, which fea­ ·tage during a party scene in a South ture 2 t enior citizen singing, dancing American cafe. "We have nose gays and boutonnieres 1·16A and acting, are available for a $4 dona­ NEWS tion at the Newark Senior Center and for the performers to wear during the POLICE 2A also will be sold at the door the night of cafe scene," said Catherine Kiernan, the petformances. director of the show. COMMUNITY ~ Other parts of the Player' production . &A The how begins with a 50th birthday OBITUARIES celebration for the musical, "Oklahoma.'' include a scene in a powder room at a 8A Scenes include the front porch of Aunt country club and solo song and dance OPINION routine . LIFESTYLE 12A Eller's farmhouse and a harvest picnic party, which highlights country dancing. Shaw said the set for the how is not DI~ERSIONS 15A Local children, ages 9- L2, from the elaborate and consists of the stage cur­ tain for background and the basics such ARTS 16A Newark YWCA will perform in "Oklahoma" scene . as tables and chairs during orne scenes. _JPORTS 1-68 NEWARK POST STAFf PHOTO BV TOHJA CASTANEDA Karen Davi s, c hildren ' s program The players, who have been petfonn- C~SIFIEDS 8·121 Newerlc Senior Center PIQerltlkl ere loolllnglorwenl to o~t~nlng nlghtz_when they present "Fun director at the YW A. said children who Time In Revue". Tlcklllere now on ale lor lflelltow, ta bt performed NOV. 12 and 13. got permission from their parents to be See SEIIORS, 4A. PAGE 2A • N EWAlU< Pof • NOVEMBER 5, 1993 .Police beat Newark man in stlble ·······Fire······ ················calls·· ···························· ··········································· Wednesday, Oct. 27 Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. • Man breaks In, falls asleep: Knapsack stolen from house: 5:43 p.m.- Churchmans Road over 9:13 a.m.- Farmhouse Lane at :: A 29-year-old New Jersey man was A knapsack containing $90 was condition after blaze Interstate 95. Auto accid ent. Porter Road. Auto accident. :: arrested on Oct. 30 fo r trespassing, reported stolen on Oct. 31 from a Christiana Fire Co. and county : house in th e unit block of Julie Creek and Minquas fire companies Christiana Fire Co. according to Newark police. By TDNJA CASTANEDA 7:12 p.m.- 2 High Ridge Court, paramedics. - Thomas Lombardo, of I East Maple Lane, police said. Police said entry responded to the fire. 3:05 p.m.- 287 Christiana Road. :: to the house was gained through the "tiEwAiiK.Posr srAi=i:"wRirER·· ··········· .. ·•·•• Baker had second-degree and Country Hills. House fire. Aetna Avenue of Wenonah, N.J., was Hose Hook & Ladder Co. Building fire. Christiana Fire Co. • • arrested after he allegedly kicked in sliding glass door. A fire early Tuesday morning third-degree bums all over his body 3:26 p.m.- 287 Christiana Road. • : the door and entered a vacant apart­ left a Newark man in critical-but­ and was taken to Christiana Thursday, Oct. 28 5:26a.m.- 25 Bass Court, Harmony Building fire. Christiana Fire Co. : ment over Triangle Liquors in the Illegal dumping: A security stable condition with burns on over Hospital Emergency Room by 9:59 p.m.- 200 Highland -: half his body, New Castle County ambulance.
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