UAW Region 2 Collection Papers, 1941-1985 29 linear feet 29 storage boxes Accession # 735 OCLC # DALNET # UAW Region 2 was organized in 1939 with jurisdiction over locals in northeastern Ohio and northwestern Pennsylvania. By the late sixties, Region 2 had 70,000 members, nearly 50,000 of whom were in the Cleveland area, site of the regional headquarters. The records of UAW Region 2 consist of correspondence, minutes, clippings, newsletters, reports, financial records, wage data, grievances, and contracts. Most of the files pertain to the relations between UAW locals and companies in the region; a few relate to civic and labor programs in the Cleveland area. Important subjects in the collection: Cleveland Organized Labor Community Action Programs Employment Discrimination Ford Motor Company Plants Harris-Seybold Company Kohler Strike Midland Steel Ohio Organized Labor Ohio Right-to-Work Campaign UAW Locals 32, 70, 161, 217, 463, 486, 725, 1250, 1260 Weatherhead Company White Motor Company Important correspondents in the collection: Ken Bannon Bill Casstevens Dan Forchione Douglas Fraser Pat O'Malley Non-manuscript material: A number of local union newspapers and contracts have been placed in the Archives Library. UAW Region 2 Collection - 2 - Box-folder Folder heading 4-10 thru 13 A. W. Hecker; Local 266 1945-69 8-5 thru 9 Accurate Parts Mfg Co.; Local 70, 4-24 Administrrative Letters, 1959-63 29-2 thru 8 AFL-CIO, 1954-81 13-8 Aircraft Fitting Co., 1946-56 12-5 Aircraft Wage and Date Manual 12-8 Akron Lamp; Local 8, 1948-49 25-8 Alliance for Labor Action, 1968-71 11-9 thru 12 Aluminum Forgings, Inc.; Local 491, 1943-45 13-1 Aluminum Seating Corp., 1949 8-15 thru 18 American Bantam Car Co.; Local 159, 1943-55 24-6 Angle Products Co., 1970-73 25-1 Angle Products Co., 1974 25-6 thru 7 Angle Products Co. contracts; Local 139, 1977-80 13-21 Appeal Letter to IEB, 1966 1-19 Apprenticeship Standards, 1947 17-20 thru 24 Arbitration News Notes, 1966-80 20-5 Arbitration Rules, Procedures, Decisions 2-6 Arbitrators, 1965-69 20-13 Audits, 1951-83 18-25 Autocar Contract; Local 131, 1977 13-11 Autocar; Local 131, 1968 12-9 Automatic Die & Product Co., 1951 20-21 Automation, 1954-63 26-2 Bailey Meter Company Organizing Efforts, 1971-72 1-21 thru 22 Bannon, Ken; corres., 1950 7-21 Bennett Box Co. 3-17 thru 18 Boehm Pressed Steel Contracts and Arbitration, 1954-64 3-19 Boehm Pressed Steel; Equitable Group policies 13-9 Buffalo Weaving and Belting Co., 1944-54 12-10 CAP Discussion Leaders Outline, 1979 9-13 thru 16 Carey Machine Co.; Local 474, 1944-51 13-10 Chini, Carl; Local 32, 1977 23-2 CIO Organizational Disputes Arbitrator; decisions, 1952-53 21-5 Citizenship Council, 1949-71 24-4 Cleveland AFL-CIO, 1958-77 24-9 Cleveland AFL-CIO Political Candidate Scanning Comm., 1959- 12-7 Cleveland Broach, 1954-56 29-13 Cleveland District Auto Council, 1947-53 13-2 Cleveland Electric Motor Co., 1946-55 9-9 thru 11 Cleveland Graphite Bronze; Local 956, 1945-48 UAW Region 2 Collection - 3 - Box-folder Folder heading 29-12 Cleveland Industrial Union Council, 1954-56 9-21 Cleveland Malleable Corp.; Local 1260, 1955-60 1-11 Cleveland Wire Spring Co., 1948-52 13-5 Cleveland Wire Spring Co., 1948 9-7 thru 8 Cleveland Wire Spring Co.; Local 570, 1947-53 14-52 COLA Formulas, 1978 12-11 Community Services Department Conference, 1974 20-11 Community Services Dept., 1952-82 21-2 Consumer Credit Protection, 1969-76 1-1 thru 2 Contracts, 1950 1-13 Cornwell Quality Tool Co.; Hearing in Arbitration, 1949 1-8 Cornwell Quality Tools Co., 1947-51 19-24 Correspondence 23-1 Correspondence to Ford Local Unions in USA, 1979-82 12-21 Curtiss-Wright, 1956 1-12 Davey Compressor Co., 1954-55 12-1 thru 2 Die Casting Rates and Contract Provisions, 1956-59 20-9 Drop-In Centers, 1959-80 10-15 Dunham Co., 1950-56 12-12 thru 13 Education Committee Members Guide 20-12 Equal Opportunity - Civil Rights, 1974-80 23-8 Equal Pay for Equal Work, 1964 3-22 F. C. Thornton Co. 4-3 F. C. Thornton Co., 1964-67 1-6 thru 7 Fageol Products; Local 649, 1947-51 23-6 Fair Practices and Anti-Discrimination in Hiring, 1951-70 13-6 Falls Screw Products Co., 1942 11-7 Foote Burt Machine Co.; Local 302, 1943 7-10 thru 15 Foote-Burt Co.; Local 860, 1952-69 5-4 Ford Cleveland Parts Depot; grievances, 1962-63 5-26 thru 28 Ford Engine & Foundry Div.; Local 1250, 1951-53 1-20 Ford Forge Plant 1-16 thru 17 Ford Grievances, 1949-50 22-14 Ford Local Unions; corres., 1957-78 21-6 thru 7 Ford Locals; corres., 1957-82 5-22 thru 25 Ford Stamping; Local 420, 1956 1-18 Ford, wage schedule 1948 12-4 Forge Shop Rates and Contract Provisions, 1953 12-3 Forge Wage Rates and Contract Provisions, 1957 1-14 thru 15 Fowler, William E., 1946-50 UAW Region 2 Collection - 4 - Box-folder Folder heading 11-8 Frantz Mfg. Co.; Local 70, 1945-50 28-12 thru 22 Fraser, Douglas; corres., 1955-82 16-2 Gear Cutler Grievance; Local 725, 1964 13-7 General Industries, 1953-57 7-20 General Tire & Rubber; Local 70, 1952 9-18 thru 20 Globe Machine & Stamping Co.; Local 243, 1942-45 22-15 GM Local Unions; corres., 1955-82 27-1 thru 19 GM locals; corres. with presidents, 1965-82 13-17 GM & White; sales agreements 17-14 thru 19 Goodyear Arbitration Decisions; Local 856, 1968-72 15-22 thru 24 Goodyear; Local 856, 1977 23-10 Greater Cleveland Urban Coalition, 1969 1-3 Grievances, 1950 18-26 Grievances; Local 32, 1979 22-4 Group Health Plans, 1960-83 13-4 Guaranteed Employment Plan, 1955 17-11 Harris Actuarial Report, 1973 17-5 Harris Apprenticeship; Local 725, 1968 18-23 thru 24 Harris Corp. Agreement; Local 725, 1976-78 16-6 thru 7 Harris Corp. Corres; Local 725, 1980 15-20 thru 21 Harris Corp.; Local 725, 1974-80 15-17 Harris Corp.; Local 725, 1975 15-14 Harris Corp.; Local 725, 1976 19-26 Harris Corp. Pension; Local 725, 1976 17-29 Harris Intertype, 1968 18-17 Harris Intertype Agreement; Local 725, 1974-76 17-6 Harris Labor-Trade Assistance; Local 725, 1975 16-11 Harris Local 725; Actuarial Reports 16-10 Harris Local 725; Memos of Agreement, 1974-76 17-8 Harris Memo of Settlement; Local 725, 1978 18-22 Harris Nego. Notes; Local 725, 1978 17-9 Harris Negotiations; Local 725, 1976 19-27 Harris Pension Actuarial; Local 725, 1978 17-12 Harris Pension Agreement; Local 725, 1970 18-20 Harris Pension & Hosp.; Local 725, 1976-78 19-28 Harris Pension Plan; Local 725, 1979 17-7 Harris Revised Pension; Local 725, 1976 14-53 Harris-Intertype; Local 725, 1974 18-5 Harris-Seybold Agreement;Local 725, 1968 18-2 Harris-Seybold Agreements; Local 725, 1968 18-14 thru 15 Harris-Seybold Agreements; Local 725, 1972-74 UAW Region 2 Collection - 5 - Box-folder Folder heading 18-4 Harris-Seybold Coll. Barg. Agreement Termination; Local 725, 1970 17-28 Harris-Seybold Contract; Local 725, 1969-72 16-18 thru 25 Harris-Seybold; Local 725, 1959-65 16-4 Harris-Seybold; Local 725, 1965 15-1 thru 10 Harris-Seybold; Local 725, 1968-77 14-12 thru 13 Harris-Seybold; Local 725, 1970 19-23 Harris-Seybold; Local 725, 1971 14-54 Harris-Seybold; Local 725, 1974 16-17 Harris-Seybold; Local 725 arbitration decisions, 1968 15-16 Harris-Seybold; Local 725 minutes, 1969 18-16 Harris-Seybold Memo; Local 768, 1973 18-3 Harris-Seybold Negotiations; Local 725, 1968 16-8 thru 9 Harris-Seybold Negotiations; Local 725, 1974-76 17-27 Harris-Seybold Pension Agreement; Local 725, 1970 17-30 Harris-Seybold Pension; Local 725, 1968-69 18-18 thru 19 Harris-Seybold Pension; Local 725, 1972-74 17-25 Harris-Seybold Policy, 1971 16-14 thru 16 Harris-Seybold Pre-Negotiation; Local 725, 1964-68 17-31 Harris-Seybold Retirees; Local 725, 1972 18-1 Harris-Seybold Tool Maker Apprenticeship Program; Local 725, 1969 22-1 Health-Safety Programs, 1962-79 4-14 thru 18 Highway Products Co.; Local 1137, 1962-69 10-6 Hubbell Machine Co.; Local 70, 1947-53 11-3 thru 6 Hydreco; Local 70, 1941-55 13-3 Initiative Petition, 1955 22-5 Inter-Regional Correspondence, 1951-82 15-25 thru 33 International Letters, 1968-75 18-7 thru 13 International Letters, 1976-80 10-11 thru 14 Joy Mfg. Co.; Local 967, 1941-44 10-5 Kent Mold & Mfg. Co., 1948-50 12-17 thru 20 Kohler Strike, 1954-64 11-2 Lake Shore Machine Co.; Local 70, 1944-66 5-13 thru 21 Lester Eng. Co.; Local 1051, 1950-69 21-10 Life and Health Plans, 1962-80 20-1 List of Arbitrators, 1976 19-12 Local 32; Audit, 1977 19-6 Local 32; Barger, Ronald-EEOC, 1977 13-15 Local 32; Contract Changes & Minutes, 1965-66 20-6 Local 32; corres., 1973-78 UAW Region 2 Collection - 6 - Box-folder Folder heading 18-36 Local 32; Correspondence, 1970 19-14 Local 32; Discrimination-EEOC, 1978 13-24 Local 32; Election Returns, 1969 13-22 Local 32; Goluch Discharge, 1972-77 19-11 Local 32; Grievant X Termination, 1978 19-4 Local 32; Henderson, Lawrence-EEOC, 1977 13-13 Local 32; Highlights, 1965 19-5 Local 32; Jernigan, Joseph-EEOC, 1965 13-12 Local 32; Letters from Members, 1966-68 19-8 Local 32 & Local 426; Report on Negotiations, 1976 18-37 Local 32; Minutes of Negotiations, 1965 18-34 Local 32; Molnar, Louis, 1969 19-30 thru 34 Local 32; Negotiations, 1977 14-9 Local 32; Pension and SUB Plans, 1978 19-7 Local 32; Research Survey, 1977 18-32 Local 32; Retiree Parties, 1973-75 13-18 Local 32; Retirees By-Laws; 18-33 Local 32; Sanders, Essie, 1975 18-30 Local 32; Virginia Agreement, 1978 24-2 Local 139; Pension Cost, 1974 14-51 Local 161, 1980 14-44 Local 161; Amos, David, 1977 14-45 Local 161; Anderson, Hollis, Jr., 1979 14-42 Local 161; Baumgardner, Steven, 1980 14-21 Local 161; Boder, Wm., 1980 19-16 Local 161; Correspondence, 1975-79 14-33 Local 161; Dickson, Carl D., 1979 14-39 Local 161; Dively, Donald, 1978 14-32 Local 161; Erb, Maynard L., 1980 14-15 Local 161; Grimwood, Pamela, 1979 14-17 Local 161; Hayhurst, Jeffry, 1979 14-40 Local 161; Headley, Michael S., 1977 14-38 Local 161; Hepner, Larry, 1978 14-47 Local 161; Hinton, E., 1978 14-22 Local 161; Hinton, Eric, 1980 14-20 Local 161; Klamer, Martin, 1980 14-37 Local 161; Manderine, Bernard, 1978 14-24 Local 161; Miller, J., Jr., 1980 14-25 Local 161; Mutagli, Richard A., 1980 14-35 Local 161; O’Bryant, Jimmie; , 1979 14-41 Local 161; Pierce, G.
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