E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 No. 145 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was by what was happening that we paused COMMEMORATING THE 18TH ANNI- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to sing God Bless America. I remember VERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 pore (Mrs. TORRES of California). at least one person sobbing. It was a ATTACKS f day when people within that courtroom The SPEAKER pro tempore. The were faced with uncertainties unlike Chair recognizes the gentleman from DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO we had seen before, a day when all of Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 TEMPORE our first responders were challenged. minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- But allow me, please, for just a mo- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. fore the House the following commu- ment, to talk and say a few words Madam Speaker, I rise today, on the nication from the Speaker: about those who were there at the site 18th anniversary of September 11, 2001, of the Twin Towers. to reflect on the events of that fateful WASHINGTON, DC, We could see on television the cloud September 11, 2019. day and to honor the lives lost and the I hereby appoint the Honorable NORMA J. of dust as it started to emerge and set- heroes that united us. TORRES to act as Speaker pro tempore on tle, people rushing, bodies covered. It At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines this day. was intuitively obvious to the most Flight 11 roared over Lower Manhattan NANCY PELOSI, casual observer that this was not a and into Tower 1 of the World Trade Speaker of the House of Representatives. place to run to. As a matter of fact, Center. Shortly after, Flight 175 struck f you could see people running away. Tower 2. But there were those who took their Our country was under attack. Many MORNING-HOUR DEBATE duties and responsibilities seriously, of us could never imagine such evil The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and as others were rushing away, as taking place in our own backyard. ant to the order of the House of Janu- fear would have us do, they were rush- The terror did not stop in New York ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- ing in. These were the people, many of City. The Pentagon, center of our nize Members from lists submitted by whom lost their lives trying to save Armed Forces and national defense and the majority and minority leaders for the lives of others. These were the peo- our Nation’s Capital, was also a target morning-hour debate. ple, many of whom still suffer today of evil. Flight 77 crashed into the Pen- The Chair will alternate recognition because they were bound by duty to do tagon at 9:38 a.m. It was a turning between the parties. All time shall be that which most of us would not. point in our history and changed the equally allocated between the parties, These are the people whom we must way we would view the world forever. and in no event shall debate continue never forget. Their lives have been The fourth plane hijacked that day beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other changed and altered forever. But we was United 93, crashing into a field in than the majority and minority leaders have a duty and a responsibility here Shanksville, Pennsylvania. and the minority whip, shall be limited to share our thoughts and our feelings Here in the Capitol, as you exit the north side of the rotunda, a plaque dis- to 5 minutes. with them, but also to make sure we take care of their health issues. plays the names of the 40 passengers f There is something to be said about and crew of United 93. AND STILL I RISE this term, ‘‘in the line of duty.’’ Until One of those aboard was Flight At- you have had the opportunity to visit tendant Sandra Bradshaw. Sandra had The SPEAKER pro tempore. The one of the memorial services, it just always wanted to be a flight attendant Chair recognizes the gentleman from may not impact you as it can. It will and was living out that dream, trav- Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. never impact me the way it impacts eling and meeting new people. Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- the family members. At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11, she called her er, and still I rise on this 9/11, a day But I want this country to know that husband and told him that United 93 that will live in the annals of history those who lost their lives in the line of had been hijacked. She said the crew eternally, a day when there were more duty on that day will never be forgot- and passengers had decided to try to questions than answers, a day when we ten, and those who served and still take back the plane. Their sacrifice thought that our country was—and, in- serve will always be remembered. saved countless lives, and I can’t help deed, what we thought was correct— So I take this moment for my per- but think they may have saved this under assault. sonal privilege, and I will lower my very building where we sit today from I remember the day because I was at head for a moment of silent prayer. destruction. work, and as the judge of a small God bless the United States of Amer- Our country’s fight against terrorism claims justice court, we were so moved ica. did not happen on a battlefield on the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7599 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:24 Sep 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11SE7.000 H11SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H7600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 11, 2019 other side of the world but over the from the search, rescue, recovery; he- the situation and start loading skies of Pennsylvania, New York, and roes who died as they lived, in service Conexes; working through the night Virginia by ordinary American citi- to others, who believed in service above while the base was in lockdown and zens. self. These men and women didn’t just much of the country was in a fog; try- The courage and bravery of Flight 93 save lives; they defined what it means ing to answer questions from my young was not the only heroism on display to be a hero for a generation. daughter, wife, and friends about what that day. Firefighters, police officers, On the day of the worst terrorist at- was happening. and first responders jumped into action tack on American soil, our first re- You are seeing my daughter, here, as without hesitation. When planes sponders showed us the best of us. I am I came home from deployment. crashed, they ran in. When fires ig- relieved that, earlier this year, Con- My memories are not unique, and nited, they ran in. When buildings col- gress passed lifetime funding for the 9/ every American has a different view- lapsed, they ran in. Their courage 11 Victims Compensation Fund. point on what happened that day. never wavered. Yes, evil men took much from us Some lost friends or family, and the We will never forget the lives lost that day; but the heart and soul of tragedy we as a nation felt that day and must always remember the her- America, the courage and tenacity, the should not be forgotten. oism that was shown. And while we ability to endure and to stand no But the impact of those attacks was cannot bring our loved ones back, we enemy can take away from us. not limited to that day, and history can honor their memory through acts The work of caring for those individ- will write that heroic Americans re- of service. uals who answered the call that day sponded with valor and bravery. To maintain the spirit of unity and must go on, just as our work will go on One of the most heinous acts ever compassion that stem from the at- to secure our Nation, to ensure that we committed on American soil did not tacks, every year our country pro- will never again suffer the injury we bring us down but brought us together. claims September 11 as Patriot Day. It did on that morning. In the words of former President is a great way to honor the souls we But today, on September 11, we pause George W. Bush: ‘‘One of the worst lost and pay tribute to all who sac- from that work to remember and to days in America’s history saw some of rificed their lives. honor the victims and to acknowledge the bravest acts in Americans’ his- As President Bush said when he ad- the service of 9/11 is not just something tory.’’ dressed the Nation: ‘‘Terrorist attacks to be memorialized, but to be emu- Less than 24 hours after the first can shake the foundations of our big- lated, to put service above self.
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