IMPACTS OF RAPID URBANIZATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY A CASE STUDY OF MBARARA MUNICIPALITY, WESTERN UGANDA. BY MUGARURA ALEXANDER BEM13482711 13/DU A D1SSERTATION SUBMITTED TO TFIE SCFIOOL OF ENGINEERIN(; AND APPLIED SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELORS OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF KAMPALA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY. SEPTEMBER, 2014. Declaration I Mugarura Alexander, declare that this dissertation is my original work and has never been presented anywhere for any award in any other university or institution of higher learning. Signature~ ~ I)ate~ ~ Approval This is to certify that this dissertation entitled ‘‘The Impacts of rapid urbanization on en~ ironmental quality’’ has been done under my supervision and submitted to the Depwituent ul Biological and Environmental sciences. Supervisor:..~.~ ~ 7 Sign I)ate (f Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to my beloved parents Mr. Byamugisha Edward and Nankwasa Pcnninah Jolly, my grandmother and my siblings for the love and feel of belongingness. the courage they bestowed to me which has devoted me to the completion ofthis course. iii Acknowledgement Whereas research is an individual task. I still believe however without any support different people. it is impossible to accomplish successfully. I would therefore acknowledge the almighty God for the strength, wisdom and understanding granted to me in completion of this course, my supervisor Mr. Eniru Innocent Emmanuel and all other lecturers who offered me guidance, support, and advice in the accomplishing the same. I would like to acknowledge my class mates like Muhumuza Adbdulkharim. Kakooza henry. Keinbabazi Rachel, Musinguzi William, Rwakaningiri Frank. Asere Juliet Nantumb~se FAith. Maraika Amabile and Scarion Ruhura Eugine among others especially those who helped me in the accomplishment ofthis course through their cooperation. I would also acknowledge my family members that are; my sisters Atuhaire Esther. Niwenyesiga Isabel, Musiimenta Rachel and my brother Muhoozi Joshua not forgetting my parents and grand mum who provided everything as far as this report is concerned. May God bless them abundantly! Also. I would like to extend my sincere thsnkc to my Mends like Nabasa Crispus. I~yaru Joshua. Atim Jackie. Ninsiima Wilkins and Mikorre Esther to mention but a few for supporting me in various ways; may God bless them abundantly. Iv List of Abbreviations EIA Environmental Impact Assessment GAP Ganga Action Plan GSS Ghana Statistical Service IKCCA Kampala Capital City Authority LEDCs Less Economically Developed Countries LULC Land Use and Land Cover MLHUD Ministry of Lands, housing and Urban Development N EMA National Environment Management Authority N WSC National Water and Sewerage Corporation SMSI3 Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau SPSS Statistical Package for Social Scientists U 130S Uganda Bureau of Statistics UCIL Union Carbide India Limited UI II Urban Heat Island UK United Kingdom UN EP United Nations Environment Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNWUPR United Nations World Urbanization Prospects Report USA United States of America WCED World Commission on Environment and Development V TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS vi List of Tables ix List of figures x List of Plates xi ABSTRASCT CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction and background of the study 1 .2 Problem statement 1.3 Objectives 3 1 .4 Research questions 4 1.5 Scope 4 1 .6 Significance 4 1.7 Definition of key terms 5 .8 Conceptual frame work 6 CHAPTER TWO 8 LITERATURE REVIEW $ 2.0 Introduction 8 2. 1 Factors leading to rapid urbanization 8 2.2 Effects of rapid urbanization on environmental resources 1 0 2.3 Conservation measures being used to ensure better environmental quality 1 7 CHAPTER THREE 2 I MATERIALS & METHODS 21 3.0 Introduction 21 vi 3. 1. Description of the study area .21 3.2 Research Design 22 3.3 Target Population 23 3.4 Sampling Design 23 3.5 Sources of Data 23 3.5.1 Primary data 23 3.5.2 Secondary data 24 3.6 Data collection methods 24 3.7 Validity and Reliability 24 3.8 Ethical Consideration 3.9 Data Analysis and Presentation 25 3. 1 0 Limitations in the Study 26 CHAPTER FOUR 27 PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 27 4.0 Introduction 27 4.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents 27 4.2 Factors for rapid urbanization in Mbarara Municipality 29 4.2. 1 Residence of respondents 29 1.2.2 How people came to know about Mbarara municipality 30 4.2.3 Pull and push factors to Mbarara municipality 4.2.4 Factors for rapid urbanization in Mbarara Municipality 33 4.3 Effects of rapid urbanization on the environmental resources 35 4.3.1 Rapid urbanization activities that degrade the environment 35 4.3.2 Effects of rapid urbanization on the environmental resources 27 4.4 Conservation measures used to reduce the effects of rapid urbanization 40 4.4.1 Conservation measures used to reduce the effects 40 4.4.2 Recommended measures by the respondents 43 1.5 Reladonship between rapid urbanization and environmental quality 44 CIIAPTER FIVE 48 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 48 S.0 Introduction 48 VII 5.1 CONCLUSIONS .42 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .47 REFERENCES 50 APPENDIX I 53 QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX II (‘4) INTERVIEW GUIDE VIII List of Tables Table I: Demographic characteristics of respondents 27 Table 2: Area of residence of respondents 29 Table 3: How people came to know about Mbarara 30 Table 4: Pull and push factors to Mbarara Municipality 31 Table 5: Factors for rapid urbanization in Mbarara Municipality 33 Table 6: Activities done due to rapid urbanization that degrade the environment Table 7: Effects of rapid urbanization on environmental resources 36 Table 8: Conservation measures being practiced 40 Table 9: Recommended measures by the respondents 42 Table 10: Relationship between rapid urbanization and environmental quality 44 ix List of figures Figure 1: Map of Mbarara municipality 21 x List of Plates Plate 1: Showing wastes dumped in the bush near the road 35 Plate 2: Transport by automobiles in Mbarara municipality Plate 3: A gulley formed after heavy rains in Kakoba division 39 Plate 4: Showing plastic bottles collected for recycling at Kora-norya 4 1 xi ABSTRASCT Urbanization in Mbarara is one of the most environmental management constraints and has become so rapid especially in the last two decades. UrbaniLation refers to the increase in iL number of people living or working in an area that changes it from the rural structure to town and modern structure, it becomes “rapid urbanization” when it is occurring at a faster rate than before and compared to other urban areas around the same region. This study focused on the impacts of rapid urbanization on environmental quality in Mbarara municipality b~ idcntif~ ing th~ lactors leading to rapid urbanization in Mbarara municipality, determining the effects of rapid urbanization on environmental resources and finding out the conservation measures being used to ensure better environmental quality. The study also determined the relationship between rapid urbanization and environmental quality. It was conducted in all the three divisions of Kamukuvi. Nyamitanga and Kakoba using Cluster and Judgmental sampling techniques. ‘l~he study found out that: rapid urbanization in Mbarara has been influenced by many factors which include: increased population, especially caused by rural urban influx, availability of natural resources ike River Rwiizi and good pastures for grazing. strategic location along the high~va~ government policy and peace and security. Rapid urbanization has led to various effects on environmental resources such as pollution, land degradation. soil erosion and floods, loss of hi od i versity and ci imate change. The conservation measures implemented are; environmental Ian’s and policies, construction of waste disposal sites, public awareness and participation. planting trees and flowers, water treatment and regulation of rural urban influx. Environmental impact Assessment. strengthening available laws and policies, capacity building and multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches should be applied as suggested by the respondents. Using spearman’s correlation statistical test it was concluded that therc is a slron~ negative correlation between rapid urbanization and environmental quality (r~ ~1. at p 0.05). The study recommended extension of development projects even to rural areas, better urban planning. and conservation projects like tree planting and implementation of environmental laws and policies. CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction and background of the study Rapid Urbanization is one of the most powerful and visible anthropogenic forces on Larth. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the world has experienced the fastest rate of urbanization particularly in developing countries (Anderson, 2008). Rapid Urbanization is the increasing number of people living in urban areas faster than usual. It can also be defined as increasing concentration of the population in urban areas and a transformation of land use and society to a metropolitan pattern of organization (T.ThJWUPR, 2005). It predominantly results in the physical growth of urban areas, be it horizontal or vertical. The United Nations projected that half of the world’s population would be in urban areas at the end of 2008 and by 2050 it is estimated that 64. 1 % and 85.9% of the developing and developed world w~ I be urbani/ed respectively (UNWUPR, 2005). Rapid urbanization is influenced by rapid industrialization, high birth rates in rural areas, rural exodus, over population and overcrowding in urban sector which leads to problems like development of shanks and slumps land, stream and air pollution. green house gas emission sporadic outburst of fire, random waste disposal deteriorating urban road network, collapse of bridges and houses, landslides and urban flash flooding are some of the problems faced (World l3ank, 2002). According to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2000), these environmental health problems in developing countries are now exacerbated by emerging problems of industrial and agricultural pollution which are also increasing due to rapid urbanization.
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