I. W.W. SONGS SONGS OF LIFE-from the mine, mill, factory and shop TWENTY-SECOND EDITION 1926 PRICE TEN CENTS PUBLISHED BY THE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD 3333 BELMONT AV]i,. cmCAGO, ILL., u. s. A • INDEX · Page All Hell Can't St op Us---····················-···········-··-········-··-· 29 Are You A Wobbly?_ ___ ___ ·····--···----·-·-·--···-- -------·-·------··- 1-8 Banner of Labor, The---···--------·------·--·-····-·-----·--·----------- 9 California Prison Song, The·----·-·------------------·--·-----·-----· 14 Call To Action, A---·-----·-··---······------··-···-·-·--------------·-·----· 53 Casey Jones-The Union Scab.. .. ·-·----······--·----····----··-·-- 5i Commonwealth of Toil, The.. ·--·--·-·-·-······-··-····-···-····-·- 7 Dan ~IcGa nn ----·-·········-··-·-·-----------····--------------··---·--------- 44 Dawn of Freedom, The·-------·--·--·---------·------- ----------------- 13 Dollar Alarm Clock, The ..... ·-··---·-·-·· --···----·----·-·---·-·-·----- 49 Dump the Bosses Off Your Back ............................... ____ 61 Fifty Thousand Lumber Jacks ____ __ ______ ___ _______: ________ __ ____ 43 Hark! The Battle Cry Is Ringing ..... ·-······------··------------· 39 Harvesters ! ·········-·····---·-···-·---- --·-·-·--------- ----------------····-·-· 30 Harvest Land --···-·-····-···--··-------·-· ·-·······------·-······-·----------- 57 Harvest \Var Song.. ....... ·-···-·---·· -·---·······-···--·-····--··----·-·-- 32 Hold The F ort·--···--···-·-·······-·······--·------------·-·----····-- ·····---· 10 HoJIB of the Ages, The ......... -----------·-···-----····---- -··-----·-··-- 28 I'm Too Old To Be a Scab. ..- ---···--····----·· -·------------·-····-- 19 International, The ---------·--·---·--·----------··-------·-----···---------- 8 J oe Hill -----··--···----·---····-·--··--·-· ·-··-····-···-----····-·-···--·--------·· 23 J oe Hill's Last Will.... ..---- ·------·-------- -------------------------------- 25 Might Is Right-·--·--···----·----·-·------·------·---------------···-- -···---- 52 Mr. Block ---------·------------------------·-··---·····--··-···-----·--···-···- 16 My Wandering Boy··-··-··-···········-······-·····-······-·-··-······--·- 15 Oh, How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning ................ 50 Jne Big Industrial Union --···-- -------·-··- --···-·--·--·-·--·----···-- 63 Paint 'er Red --····-···-···--··--·-·--··-··-------· ----·····---- ··-······---- 48 P opular Wobbly, The .............. --- - -·-· · ·-·--· · · ·- - - - -~ ----· --- - - - - ·- 61 Preacher and The Slave, The ......... ------------··---·······--------- 35 Rebel Girl, The---····-·········-----···--------------·-·-----·-··-·---···--- 27 Page Red Feast, The....................................... ......................... 5 5 Red Flag, The. ·-·············................................................ 64 Scissor Bill ...................................................................... 33 Should I Ever Be A Soldier._ ......................................... 20 Solidarity Forever ··························--··--·-··-·············-·----· 10 Stung Right ·········-····················-··························--····---- 30 That Tumble·Down Shack.......... .................................... 17 There Is Power In A Union ............................................ 31 They Are All Fighters .................................................... 47 To Frank H. Little ..·--· ·············-······-·················-········... 40 Tragedy of Sunset Land, The .. ·-·····-·- - ······················· O Tramp, The .................................................................... 34 Wage Workers, Come Join The Union .......................... 42 We have Fed You All For A Thousand Years .............. 20 We Will Sing One Song..... ............................................. 54 Wesley Everest .............................................................. 5 WESLEY EVEREST What We \Vant .............................................................. 12 (Mutilated and murdered at Centralia, Washington, When You Wear That Button ........................................ 38 Nov. 11, 1919, by a mob of "respectable" White Slave, The............................................................ 60 business men) Workers' Marseillaise, The ............................................ 21 Workers Of The World Are Now Awakening, The...... 51 Torn and defiant as a wind-lashed reed, Workers Of The World, Awaken .................................... 24 Wounded he faced you as he stood at bay; You dared not lynch him in the light of day, Workers Of The World!.. ................................................ 56 But on your dungeon stones you let him bleed; Workingmen, Unite! ...................................................... 59 Night came .. and you black vigilants of Greed ••• Like human wolves, seized hard upon your prey, Tortured and killed . and silently slunk away Without one qualm of horror at the deed. Once .. long ago • .• do you remember how You hailed Him king for soldiers to deride- You placed a scroll above His bleeding brow And spat upon Him, scourged Him, crucified . A rebel unto Caesar-then as now Alone, thorn-er • a spear wound in his side! 5 THE TRAGEDY OF SUNSET LAND THE COMMONWEALTH OF TOIL By Loren Roberts (A Centralia Victim, now in Walla Walla Penitentiary) By Ralph Chaplin (TUNE: "Silvery Colorado" (AIR : "Nellie Grey".) In the gloo m of mighty cities There's a little western city in the shadow of the hills Mid the r oar of whirling wheels, Where sleeps a brave young rebel 'neath the dew; We are toiling on like cha ttel slaves of old, Now he's free from life's long struggle, his name is with And our masters hope to keep us us still; Ever thus beneath their heels, We lmow that he was fearless, tried and true. And t o coin our very life blood into gold. In a homely pine board coffin our warrior lies at rest. Those henchmen turned loose on him one day­ CHORUS These parting words were spoken: "Boys, I did my best!" But we have a glowing dream -Where the old Chehalis river flows its way. Of how fair the world will seem When each man can live his life secure and free; CHORUS When the earth is owned by Labor Now the moonbeams in the dell lin&?er there in sad And there's joy and· peace for all farewell, In he Commonwealth of Toil that is to be. In memory of that fateful autumn day; II And some day we are coming home in the Sunset Land They would keep us cowed and beaten to roam, Cringing meekly at their feet. Where the old Chehalis river Hows its way. They would stand between each worker and his bread. The monarchs of the forest were secure in their regime Shall we yield up our lives to them . When they took brave Wesley Everest's life away. For the bitter crust we eat? His name will be a memory in the workers' high esteem­ Shall we only hope for heaven when we're dead? Where the. old Chehalis river flows its waY.. III When the sunhght floods the hilltops and the birds will They have laid our lives out for us sing once more, - To the utter end-of time. In that valley we will settle down to stay, Shall we stagger on beneath their heavy load? There to organize the workers on that lonely woodla nd Shall we let them live forever shore- ] Jn their gilded halls of crime . Where the old Chehalis river flows its way. J With our children doomed to toil beneath their goad? --wlw-- IV When our cause is all triumphant And we claim our ~other Earth, For every dollar the parasite has and didn't work for And the nightmare of the present fades away, there's a slave who worked for a liar he didn't get. We shall live with Love and Laughter, We who now are littlt! worth, 6 ' And we'll not r egret the price we have to pay. 7 THE INTERNATIONALE Fruits of the workers' toil a re buried In the strong coffers of a few; By Eugene Pottier In working for their restitution (Translated by 9 ha rles· H. Kerr) The men will only ask their due .. Arise, ye prisenors of starvation ! Toilers from shops and fields united, Arise, ye wretched of the earth, The -union we of all who work; For justice thunder s condemnation, The earth belongs to us, the workers, A better world's in birth. No room here for the shirk. No mor e tradition's chains shall bind us, How many on our flesh ha ve fattened! A1ise, ye slaves; n o more in thrall! But if the noisome birds of prey The earth shall rise on new foundat ions, Shall vanish from the sky some morning, We have been naught, we shall be all. The blessed sunlight still will stay. --wlw-- REFRAIN THE BANNER OF LABOR 'Tis the .finnl conflict, (TUNE : " The Star Spangled Banner" ) Let ench stnnd in his place, The lnduatrinl Union - "" Oh, say, can you h ear, coming near and .more near, · Shnll be the humnn rnce. The call now r esounding : "Come all ye who labor?" The Industrial band, throughout all the land "We want no condescending saviors, Bid toilers, remember each toiler his neighbor. To rule us from a judgment hall ; Come, workers, unite! 'tis Humanity's fight. \Ve workers ask not f or their favors; We call, you come forth in your manhood and might. Let us consult for all. To make the thief disgorge his booty CHORUiS To free the spirit from its cell, And the BANNER OF LABOR will surely soon wnve We must ourselves decide our duty, O'er the lnnd thnt ia free from the master and slave. We must decide and do it well. And the BANNER OF LABOR will surely soon wave O'er the land that is free from the master and slnve. The law oppresses us and tricks us, Wage systems drain our blood; The blood and the lives of children and wives The rich are free from obligations,
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