rfwr. Wj w ' ( -f? IP? TIMES-REPUBLICAN, MARSHALLTOTO, IUWA: JULY 25,* 1917. their way to CoMu, where they will self up for theft of $U9, which be cays streak was broken—and bad luck In Section 14 of 'Howard .township. he stole from a family he was room­ Adverse conditions ooatiaued, M oa*; Dodge ft Wall, of this oity, have ap­ spend their vaoation. day 'Mr. Rivers was deported. pealed from a Judgment rendered by Prof, and Mr*. B. W. Mitchell and ing with la Baltimore twenty-aeven year* ago, * He was held for examina­ then the Tigers have won I. M. C. I. WORK Justice Batman in April, when Mra. MIT BOT damr&ter, of Dunooabe, are visiting spasmodically. Lina Bates was allowed >73 and costs Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Reger. Mr. Mit­ tion. He said he had recently been for alleged damages sustained to the chell was called to. Trumbull, Neb., to released from an Insane hospital at Rochester, Minn. He also said that he Kallie Leads Western Pnehww!& plastering and papering. of her house superintend the Chautauqua Tuesday. Des Moines. July 26>-PitolMr Bu> due to their faulty work in placing a SUITS FATHER Rev. W. D. Blfrlnk. of the Methodist BURNED TO DEATH had never worried much about the dolph Kalllo, of the Des JfofcMI roof on the house a year ago. church, and Miss Ruth Baird, of North theft, and did not explain what prompt­ who has been sold to ths Detroit Am-*- Bngltoh, were united in marriage at ed htm to give himself up. Police Sur­ eiicans, to report next aprias; haSj, geon Meredith diagnosed his case as /O^NtRACTS LET FOR EIGHT BIO IOWA RAILROADS ASK RAISE. JOHN ZIEGMAN, JR* SHOT TO ttorth English. They will be home HARRY FLEMING CREMATED IN topped the hurling hst of the Wss*se» this week In ttme for Mr. Elfrlnk to melancholia, a form of Insanity. FIRE WHICH DESTROYED ICE league this season la percentage off) ' £[WJf BUILDINGS ANO. Want Word to Charge More For Carry. DEATH BY SON, FOLLOWING take up his Bunday work. games won. low number of eafMii' ing Coal and Coke. ^ The Masons at their first meeting COMPANY PLANT. DROWNED AT HAMPTON. runs off him and In shutout*. ' * f>j AUDITORIUM. .. 5. Special jto Times-Republican. « FAMILY QUARREL. In their new temple dedicated it with Kalllo has won eighteen game* Des Moines, July 25.—The railroads work In the third degree. They have • :— .U'Al-Z Edwin Shaffer in Swimming Floate the locals and has lost six; hs has had ) operating in Iowa have filed a petition the entire second story of the Taplin Dead in Stream. thirty-six earned runs soonsd against ' PIrrY TRAINtO WORKERS with the stale board of railroad com­ SLAYER ESCAPES AND building. VICTIM CAUGHT IN him for an average of only 1.14 missioners asking for an increasfe of A. A. Harvey lost a valuable horse Hampton, July 25.---Edwin Shaffer, CUPOLA OF BUILDING aged 18. was drowned last night. Ac­ game; has struck oat 188 men, and hag.| IN CHARGE OF PROGRAM 15 cents per ton on the intrastate rates SO FAR EVADES OFFICERS Saturday morning. pitched ten shutouts. Re also ha»5 fa on coal and colte. The interstate com­ companied by three friends, he went to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bvans and daugh­ the stream west of Hampton for an hurled two one-Mt casi tests and one merce commission granted the roads ter, of Tama, and Mr. and Mrs. Her­ two-hit gam* - 1 this increase on interstate business Asleep In Uppermost Pert of Plant evening swim. He became separated Clght Cantonment Buildings to Bo Shooting Result of Altercation Between bert Cowan, from South Dakota, called from his companions, and when they when it turned down their request for on Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Millard Friday. Another Ever* Heard Ptom. •oattorod Convoniontly About Camp a general freight rate Increase of 15 Slain tyan and -His Wife, Aooording When Fire is Discovered-—Rescue by started to look for htm. they found his Howard Franks went to Kansas City body floating In the stream. Richmond, Ind., J*uly t5.—(Fired with; per cent. to Statement of Latter—Ziegman le Monday evening to buy a carload of Firemen Impossible—-Flsmes Destroy an ambition to place again the nama , Gfounde Each to Bo Equipped With The request Just made of the'state Whether he was stricken with a feeding cattle. Plant of Burlington Sanitary loe cramp or was injured in diving, is not of Overs In the baseball world, Joe "•^Planoe, Talking Maehhinoa and Mov- commission is supplementary to the Charged With Striking Mrs, Ziegman M. A. Conant, of Garwin, and 'Miss Overs, second baseman of the Rich­ petition filed with the board May 4 known. '. in# Picture-Appsratus. in Presence of Family. Belle Carter, of this place, were mar­ Company st Early Hour. mond club of the Central league, la asking for a general increase of 15 per ried Sunday at the home of Mrs. Nel­ burning up the paths of the otrault and cent in freight rates. ^It- Is taken as an lie Paxton. They are at home in Gar- Hamilton County Resident Deed. In sixty-four games has hung up a indication that the roads do not in­ win. Special to Times-Republican. Webster City. July 25.—.Frederick total of forty stolen bases, wltMn seven Special to_Jimes-Republican. tend to push their former request. The Special to Tlmes-Rcpublican. Widman, . who had called Hamilton Dr, Ralph Avery went to Des Moines Burlington, July 25.—Harry Fleming, of the mark reached last season by N Dee Moines. July 25—The state Y. M state hearing has been fixed for Aug. 2. Sac City," July 25.—While he wad county his home for a Quarter of a Gygli, of Terre Haute. The stolen base and was examined for veterinary work aged 28 years, was burned to death C. A. la planning biff things out at quarreling with his wife, with whom in the army. century, died yesterday from harden­ record of the league waa set by Blount. , News Notes From Greene. early this moiplng, when the plant of ing of the arteries and catarrh of the of Fort Wayne, who stole fifty-seven C^ttp Dodge. Contracts have already Special to Times-Republican. he had had numerous altercations the Mrs. E. I. Wilcox went to Waterloo Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Burlington Sanitary Ice Company was stomach. He was born In Furstenburg. in 1909. beep let for eight army buildings and Greene, July 25.—J. A, Hale has pur­ past few months, John ^Ziegman, Jr., a Baden. Germany. Nov. 6. 1842. and Jessie BrlnkerhofT. consumed by flames. 'Overs hopes to better Stounfs per­ A big auditorium which can seat 3,500 chased the R. R. Markle restaurant, iSac county farmer, was slain Tuesday came to this oountry forty-six years formance. Joe Is a brother of John and will take ' possession about Aug. Miss Carrie Barnum, of North Da­ Fleming was an employe of the oom- men. An organization of fifty trained morning by his son Leo, aged 18 years, ago. settling In El Paso, 111. The family <Bvers, former star of the Chicago Na­ 1. Mr. Markle in one and a half years kota, is visiting, her aunt, Mrs. S. S. pany and was asleep In the cupola of came to Iowa twenty-four years ago, tionals who recently went to the Phila­ workers will carry out the details of a who fled thru a grove and has thus far Tvedt. the building when the fire broke out. has worked up a nice business. Mr. locating on their farm six miles north delphia Nationals. ' s > well mapped out program to furnish Hale, an experienced restaurant man, evaded officers in search of him. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Millard and chil­ His cries for help were heartrending- of town, where they resided until five wholesome entertainment, convenient has been in the picture show business The slaying occurred at the Zieg­ dren autoed to Waterloo Sunday to Efforts of the firemen to rescue the years ago, when they moved to their Timme Puts Over Oeed Deal. "'*; at Clarksville and Green for some man (|tiome, about five miles southeast visit relatives. Mr. Millard returned doomed man were {jjtlle. club rooms, practical couraea of atudy present home at 945 Bank street. Tho Milwaukee, July $8. —President (f time. of Odebolt. Ziegman'« father, John Monday. The family stayed over a few wife and al* children survive. Timme. of the Milwaukee club of the mad opportunities for moral and intel- Ingalls & .Mahrike, owners of the Ziegman, Sjr., and several of his nine days. IOWA TROOPER INJURED. /leictqal development. American association, considered that,• Iowa Recorder, have bought the Butler children, as well as his wife, were eye­ Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Cronk and family New Numbering of Regiments. he put thru a good deal in sellingAeS I The eight cantonment T. M. C. A. County Press, which was sold at auc­ witnesses. are at Clear Lake on a vacation. Earl Krell, of Iowa City, Kioked in buildings will be scattered convenient­ The plan for designating regiments Pitcher Goodwin to th# St. lioul# Na* V .J tion last week, from Mr. Aborn, of •Mrs. Ziegman told a coroner's Jury Mrs. Abby/ Avery, of Cherokee, vis­ Head by Cavalry Horee. tlonals. ly thru the great camp. Bach building Sheffield, who bought it at that time. Tuesday afternoon that upon returning ited her son, Roby Avery. Special to Times-(Republican. of the war armies by numbers and #111 be in charge of a trained worker branch of service only will be modified, Goodwin, one of the pitching marvels Greene will now have only one news­ to her home -Monday after an absence, Miss Agnes Berka is In Marshalltown Iowa City, July 25.—Kicked in the of the season, probably will be drafted < With Assistants.
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