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INDEX Note: Page numbers in italics refer to photos and illustrations. accretion disk, 180–182 AF (After the Fall), defi ned, 6 acetylcholine, 68n Agathon, Hera actuators, 49 Mitochondrial Eve and, 59, 60 Adama, Admiral William, 3 pharmacopeia and, 70, 72 astronomy and, 157 Agathon, Karl “Helo,” 63 defi ning life and, 9 Cylons as men vs. machines, 18n genetic research and, 24, 26 physics and, 184 memory and, 38 “silica pathways” and, 43, 46 pharmacopeia and, 71, 72 technology and, 267, 269 physics and, 83, 86, 101–102, 130, Agathon, Sharon “Athena,” 42, 43, 46 177, 189 physics and, 184 “silica pathways” and, 43, 48, 50 technology and, 262, 280 technology and, 212, 248, 263, agents, 31 276–277 air, radiation and, 126–127 Adama, Lee “Apollo,” 3, 125 airborne transmission, of disease, 63 Colonials as humans and, 53 Alcubierre, Miguel, 219 genetic research and, 24 algae, 157–158, 168, 286 physics and, 130, 162, 176, 183, Algae Planet, 168, 172 187–188 COPYRIGHTEDalleles, MATERIAL 54–55 technology and, 236, 246–247, 249, Alpha Centauri A, 161, 213 260, 272–273, 283 Alpha Centauri B, 161, 213 adenine (A), 13–14, 70 alpha rays, 122 adenosine, 68n Altair (Forbidden Planet), 152n adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 58 aluminosilicate minera, 74–75 Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile amino acids, 13, 54, 71 (AARGM), 264 ammonia (NH3), 12, 170, 173, 174 297 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229797 99/8/10/8/10 22:13:29:13:29 PPMM 298 INDEX ammonium cyanide, 13–14 moons and, 171 ammonium perchlorate composite propellant “one atmosphere” rule, 166 (APCP), 198 atoms, 116–119, 117 amnesia, 72n amphetamines, 68 Baah Pakal, 207, 208 analog transmission, 287–288 back door schemes, 274–277 Anders, Ensign Samuel Baltar, Dr. Gaius, 3, 11, 64, 65 astronomy and, 141, 158 Cylon detector of, 41, 46, 46–47, 47 Cylons as men vs. machines, 17, Cylons as men vs. machines, 16, 18, 19 17–18, 18n humanity and, 52, 57 physics and, 101 intelligence and, 29 “silica pathways” and, 45, 45, 48, 49 memory and, 38 technology and, 225, 262 pharmacopeia and, 72 Andromeda (M31), 142–143, 240 technology and, 207–209, 282 Angel Baltar, 58 barrage jamming, 267 Angel Six, 58 barriers, 285–288 antennae, 278 Battlestar Galactica, 289–290 antibodies, 63 humanity and, 1 antidepressants, 66–67 as science fi ction show with/without antigen patterns, 52–55 science, 4, 5, 289–290 anti-radiation medication, 73 technology and, 254 ants, intelligence and, 32–33 See also Battlestar Galactica (miniseries); apes, intelligence and, 35n Battlestar Galactica (1978 television Arabs, rocket history and, 198 series); Caprica (television series); arcjet rocket engines, 204 individual names of battlestars; individual Aries, 238 names of characters; individual names of artifi cial gravity, 104–105, 220, 224–233 civilizations; individual names of episodes artifi cial intelligence, 31, 33, 163 Battlestar Galactica (miniseries) Astral Queen, 206 Cylon infi ltration of Colonial computer Astronomical Units (AU), 239 infrastructure, 274–282 astronomy electronic warfare and, 265, 270 black holes, 176–182 memory and, 38 colored gas of nebulae, 183–188 physics and, 89 Milky Way Galaxy, 139–147, 143, rocket technology and, 201 240–241, 245–246 Battlestar Galactica (1978 television series), 9 planets, 160–175 on “galaxy,” “star systems,” and “universe,” stars, 148–159 139n water and, 179–183 Special Theory of Relativity and, 98–99 atmosphere technology and, 254 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229898 99/8/10/8/10 22:13:30:13:30 PPMM INDEX 299 battlestars, 248–254, 250, 251, 253 bubble chambers, 46, 47 directed energy weapons and, 258 Bulk, 217–218 launching vipers from, 254–257, 255 (See also vipers) caffeine, 68 raptors and, 259, 259–260 (See also raptors) Cain, Admiral Helena See also individual names of battlestars Cylons as men vs. machines, 18n bees, intelligence and, 32–33 physics and, 81 Being, 283 California Institute of Technology Belarus, 168 (Caltech), 49 “bends,” 127 Calley, Specialist, 18n, 50 beryllium, 202 Callisto, water and, 193 beta rays, 122 Cameron, A. G. W., 190 BF (Before the Fall), defi ned, 6 Canis Major, 96 Biers, D’Anna, 115 “capitalistic growth,” 145 Cylons as men vs. machines, 18n, 19 Caprica City, 134 nuclear weapons and, 135 Caprica (planet), 45 binary star systems, 161–164, 182n nuclear weapons and, 128–135, 129 BioBricks, 25–26 pharmacopeia and, 73 bittamucin, 62–65 planets and, 163–164 Blackbird, 206–207, 208–209, 270–271 technology and, 234 black dwarfs, 155 Caprica Six, 11, 18 Blade Runner (fi lm), 17n Caprica (television series), 163–164, 287 blast damage, from nuclear weapons, 129–131 “Captain’s Hand, The” (Battlestar Galactica), bloodstopper, 73–75 220, 221, 239 blood types, 52–55 carbon dioxide (CO2), 12, 164–165 blue stars, 153 carbon monoxide (CO), 12 Bohr, Neils, 117 Cartesian coordinate system, 235 Bohr Model of atom, 117, 118 Cassini, 39, 211, 222, 245 Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), 96n Catalogue des Nébuleuses et de Amas d’étoiles Bostrom, Nick, 283–288 (Messier), 140–142 brain cats, intelligence and, 34n memory and data transfer, 36–40 CAT scans, 48 mind and, 27–32 Cavil, Brother John morphine and, 66 Cylons as men vs. machines, 17, 22 sentience and, 32–35 memory and, 39 brane cosmology, 217, 217 physics and, 121 Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program celeritas (c), defi ned, 94n (NASA), 223 Celestial Sphere, 238, 238 breeding, Cylons and, 19 Centaurus, 213 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229999 99/8/10/8/10 22:13:31:13:31 PPMM 300 INDEX Centers for Disease Control, 55 Command Navigation Program (CNP), 274 centrifugal force, 226 Command of the Air, The (Douhet), 128–129 centripetal force, 228 communications intelligence (COMINT), Centurions, 21–22, 22, 32, 33, 283 272–273 Ceres, water and, 193 compiling, 276–277 chaff, 268 computer viruses charge-to-mass ratio, 46 back door schemes and, 274–277 Chernobyl nuclear reactor, 168 compiling and, 276–277 chimpanzees, intelligence and, 35n damage caused by, 280–282 China, rocket history and, 197–198 electronic eavesdropping and, 278–280 CIA, 72 conception, Cylons and, 19 Cinescape, 4–5 conduction, 125–127 circumstellar disk, 149 Congreve, William, 198 Cloud Nine, 97, 207 Conoy, Leoben clouds, 173–175, 191 intelligence and, 28 cobalt-60, 133–134 physics and, 173, 175 cocaine, 68 constant bearing/decreasing range cognition, 29. See also brain (CBDR), 94n Cohen, Sam, 134 convection, 125–127 Cold War, 278–280 coordinate systems, defi ning, 235–241 collective intelligence, 32–33 Coriolis Effect, 226–227 Colonial One, 97 Cornell University, 242 Colonials, 1–2, 6 Costanza, Brendan “Hot Dog,” 191 brains of, 30 Cottle, Dr., 52, 55 Cylons as men vs. machines, 15–22, 19, 20 Cro-Magnons, 57–61 defi ned, 51 cryovolcanoes, 175 defi ning life and, 9–14 Curtis, Heber Doust, 142 genetic research and, 26 cyanobacteria, 159, 168 as humans, 51–61, 53 Cylon Raiders, 34, 35 memory and, 36 Cylons (Cybernetic Lifeform Node), 1–2 physical makeup of Cylons vs., 46–47, 48 Centurions, 21–22, 22 physics and water, 190 Cylon Indistinguishability Conjecture, 30 sacred scrolls of, 9 defi ned, 51 technology and, 239 First Cylon War, 26, 277 color, of nebulae, 183–188 as fundamentalist religious terrorists, 4 comets genetic research and, 23–26 Comet Halley, 140 human cancer cure and, 5 of Kobol, 12 Humanoid Cylons, 15–19, 21–22, 32, 35, water and, 192 51n, 55, 121 bbindex.inddindex.indd 330000 99/8/10/8/10 22:13:31:13:31 PPMM INDEX 301 as humans, 51–61 depression, 66–67 intelligence and, 27–35, 28, 29, 34 destroyers, 208, 250 memory and, 36–40, 37 digital television broadcasting, 287–288 as men vs. machines, 15–22 Dione, water and, 193 nuclear weapons and, 128–135 directed energy weapons, 258 physical makeup of, 46–47, 48 distance physics and, 89, 176–178, 179 astronomy and, 145 planets and, 163 atoms and, 118 Raider Cylons, 20, 20–21, 34, 35 black holes and, 180 resurrection by, 38–40 navigation and, 239 “silica pathways” and, 41–50, 42, 43, 44, radial distance (r), 179 45, 47, 48 radio waves and, 119 cytosine (C), 70 Special Theory of Relativity and, 96–97 See also DRADIS (Direction, RAnge, and data transfer, 36–40 DIStance) Dawn, 204 diuretics, 69 “Daybreak, Part I” (Battlestar Galactica DNA episode) defi ning life and, 13–14 physics and, 176, 179, 180 genetic research and, 23–26 technology and, 248, 283 humanity and, 54 “Daybreak” (Battlestar Galactica episode), 58 Mitochondrial Eve and, 58–61 Dead Earth pharmacopeia and, 70–71 astronomy and, 158 Dogon, 139 defi ned, 6 dogs, intelligence and, 34 nuclear weapons and, 128–135 dopamine, 68 planets and, 167–168 Doral, Aaron, 244, 277–278 stars and, 157 Douhet, Giulio, 128–129 technology and, 246 DRADIS (Direction, RAnge, and DIStance), death, Cylon resurrection and, 38–40 165–166, 279 deception techniques, 267–271 electronic warfare and, 263, 263–266 declination, 238 EM radiation and, 119 decompression sickness, 127 Drake, Frank, 242–244 Deep Space 1, 192, 204 Dualla, Anastasia, 162 Deimos, water and, 193 Duke University, 57 Demetrius, 73 Dune (Herbert), 219 Democritus, 116, 140 dendrites, 50 Eagle Nebula, 186 denial jamming, 267 Earth Denys, Jean-Baptiste, 52 Cylons as men vs. machines, 18 bbindex.inddindex.indd 330101 99/8/10/8/10 22:13:32:13:32 PPMM 302 INDEX Earth (continued ) electronics in space environment and, 270 defi ned, 6 ELING and SIGINT, 272–273, 278 as depicted in Battlestar Galactica, 2 E = mc2, 85–92, 123 Moon of, 163 emergent intelligence, 33 navigation and, 237 Empire Strikes Back, The, 144 physics and, 80–82, 91, 109 Enceladus, 169–170, 193 water and, 193 endorphins, 66 Earth humans energy, 79–84 Colonials and Cylons as humans, 55–56 E = mc2 and, 85–92, 123 defi ned, 51 EM radiation and, 116 See also humanity England, rocket history and, 198 Earth II, 6, 158 “enhanced radiation weapons,” 134 Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley, 108–109 enthalpy, 207 Eick, David, 2, 255 enzymes, 13 Eight (Cylon model), 3 “Epiphanies” (Battlestar Galactica episode), Cylons as men vs.

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