DIRECTORY.] ST. NEOT. 1093 is 3,596 acres of land and 1,080 of tidal water, and 259 PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:- (If foreshore; rateable value, £6,361; the popnlation in St. Mary's Church, Rev. Alfred Gray M.A.; 11 a.m. & 1881 was 2,207. 6 p.m Parish Clerk, William Thomas. Mission Church, Mylor Bridge; thurs. 7 p.m Bible Christian, ministers various; 2.30 & 6 p.m.; fri. POST, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 7 p.m Mylor Bridge.-Edward Gibson Hankins, receiver. Letters Wesleyan, ministers various; II a. m. & 6 p.m.; wed. arrive from Penryn at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 3.45 p.m 7 p.m School, Mylor Bridge (mixed & infants), for 240 children; Government Naval Establishment, Richard J. Eddy R.N. average attendance, 66 boys, 60 girls, & 58 infants; Philip master in charge Ashton, master Mylor. Collier Wm. marketgardnr. Tregarrack Mylor Bridge. [Xames marked thus t should be addressed Cox: Samuel & Sons, farmers Creagh Major John Kerin, Rosehill cot Flushing, Falmouth.] Daniell Ralph Alien, farmer, Landerio Downe Mrs. Lime villa PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Davies Rd. farmer, Little Tregunwith Knapp Lawrence, Penmere Alderman William Charles, Weir villa tDunstan George Richard, farmer, Lawrence Joseph. Hope cottage Daniell Ralph Alien, Littlepark Porloe, Mount Stewart COMMERCIAL. -+ Daniell Miss, Littlepark Geach William, farmer, Halwyn Bath Alfred, Lemon Arms P.H tDoble Misses, Tysillac Hearle Matt. Angove, frmr. Carvanick CollierJames Cobbledi~k,marketgardnr tGray Re\'. Alfred M.A.[viC'ar], Vicarage Lawrence Theophilus Lindsay, farmer, Gilbert Joseph, nurse,'yman Hind Mrs. J. Great Wood Canara Hankins Ed wd. Gibson,painter, Pos' off HQblyn Misses, Pentrelew tMoore 'William, farmer, Trelew farm Hocking William, shoe maker .Jessie William, Albion house Opie Nicholas, coal & timber merchant, Hocking William Tallick, shoe m'\'>:er i"Ker Robert, Nantrelew cottage Restronguet wharf Jenkin Thomas Richd. master lllariner Page Thomas, Trevissome Painter Richard, land steward to Col. Lawrence John, farmer tPestalozzi Baron Conrad de, Trelew cot Arthur Tremayne D.L., J.P. Carclew May John, shoe maker tPierce Robert Ladbroke, Lethewick Penhall ElIen (Mrs.), farmer, Comfort Moore Thomas, grocer & miller (water) Hichards William Henry, Woodlands tPorter William, farmer, Trelew Nicholls Elliott, farmer, Penoweth ~tRowe John Reed, Grove cottage Rawlin Samuel, farmer. Little CarcIew Pearce Joseph, master mariner Swain Robert, Weir villas tRoach John, farmer, Trevissome Pearce William, shopkeeper -tThorneloe John, Beach cot.Mylor creek Rog-ers Wm.Richd.Stockdale,Goonreath Reading Room &Library (John Ashton, Tremayne Col. Arthur D. L. ,J.P. Carclew Rollason Alfred, farmer, Tregarrack librarian) [Letters received through Perran­ tRowe John Reed, farmer, Restronguet Rees David, blacksmith Arworthal KS.O.] Rundle Charles Lukey, farmer,Dowstall Tong William Henry, rate collector & Sara Stephen, farmer, West Bellair registrar of births & deaths for Mylor COMMERCIAL. Stevens James, farmer, Crownick farm, sub-district, Falmouth union Ilishop John, farmer, Tregarrack Restronguet hill Tregenza Thomas, farmer & grocer elymo Amelia (Mrs.', Pandora inn, tThomas William, farmer, Lewithick Treseder Ann (Mrs.), grocer Restronguet Passage way I Tresise Geo. carpenter & wheelwright ST. NEOT is a very large parish, in the northern part charities are of about £II3 yearly value. Draynes is a mostly open moorland: the village is small, and situated on small hamlet to the north-east. Here is an iron mission the Fowey stream, 3 miles north-by-west from Doublebois church, built in 1877, at the cost of the Rev. George Edward :station on the Cornwall (Great Western) railway, 6 north- Hermon M.A. of Doublebois House, Liskeard, who is also the west from Liskeard, and 9 east from Bodmin, in the South officiating minister ~ it wiiI seat 120 persons. A fair is held Eastern division of the connty, hundred and petty sessional on the first Tuesday in April and November, yearly, for division of West, Liskeard nnion and county court district, cattle. St. Neot's Well, about half a mile west of the church, rural deanery of 'West, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese was carefully and substantially reconstructed about 1870. 'Of Trnro. St. Neat, after whom the place is named, is said Near the northern extremity of the parish, amid bleak and "to have been an nncle of Alfred the Great. The church of desolate moors, and at an elevation of 890 feet above the sea St. Neot, or St. Guerir, is a large building of granite, in the level, is Dosmery or Dozmare poul, fed by some undis­ Perpendicularstyle of the 15th century, consisting of chancel, covered spring, and the subject of various legendary tales; nave of seven bays, aisles, south porch and a fine embattled Brown GeIly Hill, a mile south of the pool, is a rocky \Western tower of earlier date, with pinnacles, containing 6 eminence, 1,100 feet above the sea level. Lewarne House, bells, all cast in 1777: thesouth porch is groined, and has a the seat of Lieut.-Col. Sbadwell MorIey Grylls J.P., D.L. is a p,trvise above: the church possesses an interesting- series of modem mansion in the Tudor Gothic style, situated in .stained windows, 17 in number, asSIgned by Whitaker to extensive grounds on an elevation about 100 feet above -:the 12th century, but by others to circ. 1480: these were Liskeard road, and com~nds a magnificent prospect of the J1'estored in 1830, at the cost of the Rev. H. G. Grylls, then river Fowey. Lieut.-Col. Shadwell Morley Grylls D.L., J.P. 'Patron of the living, at a cost of £2,000; two of these illus- who is lord of the manor, Lord Robartes, the Rev. Thomas "trate the legends of St. George and St. Neot, and in others Archer Bewes M.A. of Beaumont House, Plymouth, the Rev. ;aresubjects from the Old Testament, the hierarchy of angels, James Glencross M.A., J. P. of Luxstowe, Liskeard, Edward and figures of saints: the chancel has also been restored by Coode esq. D.L., J.P. of Polapit Tamar, Wenington, Devon, Lieut.-CoL S. M. Grylls J.P., D.L.: in 1885 the greater part the Misses Foster and J. D. Crace esq. are the chief land­ -of the old seats were replaced by oak benches: in the church owners. The bailiff of the manor (Richard Marks) receives is a monnment, with a history of St. Keot in 32 rhyming by custom a hat from the lord every two years. The soil is .couplets, and memorials to WilIiam Bere, ob. 1610; Rev. S. various; subsoil is slate and granite. The chief crops are Thomas, 37 years vicar, ob. 1702, and Millicent, his wife, ob. wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 13,997 acres; I705; Thomas Pomery gent. ob. 1750, and to the family assessed acreagoe, 11,561; rateable value, £6,658 ; the pOpll­ .of Dangar, 1820-68. There are three ancient cro.;ses in the lation in 1881 was 1,303. vicarage grounds, and in the parish, near the Launceston Deputy Parish Clerk, Richard Marks. road, is the famous "Four Hole Cross," a shaft about 8 POST OFFICE.-Joseph Axworthy, receiver. Letters arrive .feet in height, ornamented with scrolls and interlaced work, at 8.45 a.m. ; dispatched at 2.55 p.m. hy foot from Lis- with a mntilated head, two holes only now remaining: there keard, which is the nearest money order office. Double- .are 500 sitting-so The reltister dates from the year 1549 bois railway station is the nearest telegraph office. On (4th Edward VI.). The living is a vicarage. average tithe sundays there is no mail or dispatch rent-charge £"464, net yearly value £"364, including 16 acres 1)f glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lieut.-Col. Grylls J.P., This parish is a contributory to St. Cleer School Board, :D.L. and held since 1874 by the Rev. Edward Steele B.A. of sending 2 members ~t. Catharine's College, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan and Board School, built in 1872, for 250 children; average at- Bible Cluistian chapels: there are also Bible Christian tendance, 45 boys, 45 girls & I05 infants; Lewis Skentle- .chapels at Trenant, 'fredinnick and Harrowbridge. The berry, master; Miss Susan Mackie, mistress ·C')ckin Joseph. Lampen Alford William, farmer, Tremaddock Cawrse Chas. & In. farmers, Lantewey l(''OC'ks Mrs. Treverbyn Vean Arthnr Christopher, farmer, Lestow Cawrse Ann (Mrs.), Carlyon hotel F-erris William Henry, Lampen Axworthy Joseph, boot maker &grocer, Cawrse Charles, farmer, Penkeslle GryHs Lieut. -Col. Shadwell Morley Post office Cawrse George, farmer, Luna D.L., .l.P. Lewarne honse Batten William, farmer, Lord's park Cawrse John, farmer, Gazeland :Steele Rev. Edward B.A. Vicarage Baker George, farmer, Lower Trenant Cawrse John, farmer, West Lewarne "Wayne Rev. William Henry Foskett Best John, farmer, Tredinnick Cawrse Joseph, bntcher l<curate], Manor honse Bray Richard, farmer, St. Luke's Cock Edward, farmer, Dozmare hill COMMERCIAL. Brimacombe Richard, miller (water) Cock Hy.(Mrs.),farmer,East Kel!<-'wtwn .AUord .John, farmer, Tremaddock Broad Richard, grocer Cole Nicholas, farmer, Trevenna.
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