San Diego Public Library New Additions June 2011

San Diego Public Library New Additions June 2011

San Diego Public Library New Additions June 2011 Adult Materials 000 - Computer Science and Generalities California Room 100 - Philosophy & Psychology CD-ROMs 200 - Religion Compact Discs 300 - Social Sciences DVD Videos/Videocassettes 400 - Language eAudiobooks & eBooks 500 - Science Fiction 600 - Technology Foreign Languages 700 - Art Genealogy Room 800 - Literature Graphic Novels 900 - Geography & History Large Print Audiocassettes MP3 Audiobooks Audiovisual Materials Music Scores Biographies Newspaper Room Fiction Call # Author Title [MYST] FIC/BOLTON Bolton, S. J. Now you see me [MYST] FIC/BORG Borg, Todd. Tahoe night [MYST] FIC/BURDETT Burdett, John. Bangkok haunts [MYST] FIC/CABOT Cabot, Meg. Size 12 is not fat [MYST] FIC/CAVENDER Cavender, Chris. A pizza to die for [MYST] FIC/CHILD Child, Lee. Running blind [MYST] FIC/CLARK Clark, Mary Higgins. The shadow of your smile : a novel [MYST] FIC/CORLEONE Corleone, Douglas. Night on fire [MYST] FIC/COTTERILL Cotterill, Colin. Curse of the pogo stick [MYST] FIC/DINGWALL Dingwall, Wendy. Hera's revenge : an Yvonne Suarez travel mystery [MYST] FIC/DUNCAN Duncan, Alice Fallen angels : a Mercy Allcutt mystery [MYST] FIC/EVANOVICH Evanovich, Janet. Two for the dough [MYST] FIC/FAHERTY Faherty, Terence. Dance in the dark : a Scott Elliott mystery [MYST] FIC/GOLDBERG Goldberg, Lee Mr. Monk on the couch : a novel [MYST] FIC/GOODEN Gooden, Philip. The Durham deception [MYST] FIC/GRAN Gran, Sara. Claire DeWitt and the city of the dead [MYST] FIC/GUTTRIDGE Guttridge, Peter. The last king of Brighton [MYST] FIC/HAMBLY Hambly, Barbara. The shirt on his back : a Benjamin January novel [MYST] FIC/HARRIS Harris, Charlaine. An ice cold grave [MYST] FIC/HICKS Hicks, Richard. Crossing borders : an Eddie DeSilva mystery [MYST] FIC/HOLT Holt, Hazel The cruellest month [MYST] FIC/HOWELL Howell, Dorothy (Dorothy A.) Clutches and curses [MYST] FIC/HUNT Hunt, James Patrick Get Maitland [MYST] FIC/IFKOVIC Ifkovic, Edward Escape artist [MYST] FIC/IZNER Izner, Claude. The Montmartre investigation : a Victor Legris mystery [MYST] FIC/JAFFARIAN Jaffarian, Sue Ann Too big to miss [MYST] FIC/JAMES James, P. D. Death of an expert witness [MYST] FIC/JOHNSON Johnson, Craig Hell is empty [MYST] FIC/KEITH Keith, Eric Nine man's murder [MYST] FIC/KHADRA Khadra, Yasmina. Dead man's share [MYST] FIC/KNIGHT Knight, Bernard. According to the evidence [MYST] FIC/KNOPF Knopf, Chris. Black swan [MYST] FIC/LA PLANTE La Plante, Lynda. Deadly intent [MYST] FIC/LITTLEFIELD Littlefield, Sophie. A bad day for pretty : [a crime novel] [MYST] FIC/MACLEAN Maclean, Anna. Louisa and the missing heiress : a Louisa May Alcott mystery [MYST] FIC/MADSEN Madsen, Diane Gilbert. Hunting for Hemingway : a DD McGil literati mystery [MYST] FIC/MANKELL Mankell, Henning Faceless killers [MYST] FIC/MANKELL Mankell, Henning The troubled man [MYST] FIC/MASTERS Masters, Priscilla. Frozen Charlotte : a Martha Gunn mystery [MYST] FIC/MATTHEWS Matthews, Jeanne. Bet your bones : a Dinah Pelerin mystery [MYST] FIC/MCDUFFIE McDuffie, Susan. The Faerie Hills : a Muirteach MacPhee mystery [MYST] FIC/MCNAMARA McNamara, Frances. Death at Pullman [MYST] FIC/MOODY Moody, Susan. Losing Nicola [MYST] FIC/MOSLEY Mosley, Walter. Little Scarlet [MYST] FIC/MURRAY Murray, Colin No hearts, no roses [MYST] FIC/NESBO Nesbø, Jo The snowman [MYST] FIC/NEWMARK Newmark, Elle. The sandalwood tree : a novel [MYST] FIC/O'DONOHUE O'Donohue, Clare. Missing persons [MYST] FIC/PASTOR Pastor, Ben Lumen [MYST] FIC/PINTOFF Pintoff, Stefanie. Secret of the white rose [MYST] FIC/QIU Qiu, Xiaolong A loyal character dancer [MYST] FIC/RAYBOURN Raybourn, Deanna. Dark road to Darjeeling [MYST] FIC/RENDELL Rendell, Ruth Tigerlily's orchids : a novel [MYST] FIC/SAYLOR Saylor, Steve. Catilina's riddle [MYST] FIC/SEDLEY Sedley, Kate. The midsummer crown [MYST] FIC/SEFTON Sefton, Maggie. Unraveled [MYST] FIC/SENUTA Senuta, Michael. Hazard [MYST] FIC/SIMON Simon, Clea. Grey zone : a Dulcie Schwartz mystery [MYST] FIC/SMITH Smith, Craig Cold rain [MYST] FIC/STANLEY Stanley, J. B. Battered body [MYST] FIC/STANLEY Stanley, J. B. Black beans & vice [MYST] FIC/STELLA Stella, Charlie. Johnny Porno [MYST] FIC/STOUT Stout, Rex The father hunt [MYST] FIC/THOMPSON Thompson, Victoria (Victoria E.) Murder on Sisters' Row [MYST] FIC/WEST West, Michael Lee. Gone with a handsomer man [MYST] FIC/WORTHAM Wortham, Reavis Z. The Rock Hole [SCI‐FI] FIC/ALLSTON Allston, Aaron. Conviction [SCI‐FI] FIC/ANDERSON Anderson, Poul Flandry's legacy [SCI‐FI] FIC/ANDERSON Anderson, Poul The Saturn game [SCI‐FI] FIC/ASPRIN Asprin, Robert. Dragons wild [SCI‐FI] FIC/BISSON Bisson, Terry TVA baby and other stories [SCI‐FI] FIC/BRADLEY Bradley, Darin. Noise [SCI‐FI] FIC/BUTLER Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the sower [SCI‐FI] FIC/COREY Corey, James S. A. Leviathan wakes [SCI‐FI] FIC/DAVID David, Peter (Peter Allen) Blind man's bluff [SCI‐FI] FIC/DAVID David, Peter (Peter Allen) Imzadi forever 3 [SCI‐FI] FIC/DEKKER Dekker, Ted White : the great pursuit [SCI‐FI] FIC/DICK Dick, Philip K. The man in the high castle [SCI‐FI] FIC/EDELMAN Edelman, David Louis. Infoquake [SCI‐FI] FIC/EDELMAN Edelman, David Louis. Multireal [SCI‐FI] FIC/EMSHWILLER Emshwiller, Carol. The mount : a novel [SCI‐FI] FIC/ERIKSON Erikson, Steven. Dust of dreams [SCI‐FI] FIC/ESSLEMONT Esslemont, Ian C. (Ian Cameron) Stonewielder : a novel of the Malazan empire [SCI‐FI] FIC/FALLON Fallon, Jennifer. The chaos crystal [SCI‐FI] FIC/FLYNN Flynn, Michael (Michael F.) The January dancer [SCI‐FI] FIC/FOGLIO Foglio, Phil. Agatha H. and the airship city [SCI‐FI] FIC/GOODKIND Goodkind, Terry. Wizard's first rule [SCI‐FI] FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Peter F. The neutronium alchemist [SCI‐FI] FIC/HEINLEIN Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson) Glory road [SCI‐FI] FIC/HEINLEIN Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson) Podkayne of Mars [SCI‐FI] FIC/HEINLEIN Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson) Stranger in a strange land [SCI‐FI] FIC/HERBERT Herbert, Frank Dune [SCI‐FI] FIC/HERBERT Herbert, Brian. Dune : House Harkonnen [SCI‐FI] FIC/HERBERT Herbert, Brian. Dune. House Corrino [SCI‐FI] FIC/JORDAN Jordan, Robert Lord of chaos [SCI‐FI] FIC/JORDAN Jordan, Robert The gathering storm [SCI‐FI] FIC/JORDAN Jordan, Robert The great hunt [SCI‐FI] FIC/KYME Kyme, Nick. Fall of Damnos [SCI‐FI] FIC/LACKEY Lackey, Mercedes. Intrigues [SCI‐FI] FIC/LEBBON Lebbon, Tim. Dusk [SCI‐FI] FIC/LEE Lee, Sharon Korval's game [SCI‐FI] FIC/LLOYD Lloyd, Tom The ragged man [SCI‐FI] FIC/MACBRIDE MacBride, Stuart. Halfhead [SCI‐FI] FIC/MANDERY Mandery, Evan J. First contact, or, It's later than you think [SCI‐FI] FIC/MARTIN Martin, George R. R. A clash of kings [SCI‐FI] FIC/MARTIN Martin, George R. R. A game of thrones [SCI‐FI] FIC/MARTIN Martin, George R. R. A storm of swords [SCI‐FI] FIC/MOORCOCK Moorcock, Michael Modem times 2.0 : plus "My Londons" and "Get the music right [SCI‐FI] FIC/MORGAN Morgan, Richard K. Altered carbon [SCI‐FI] FIC/NORTH North, Anna. America Pacifica : a novel [SCI‐FI] FIC/NOVIK Novik, Naomi. His Majesty's dragon [SCI‐FI] FIC/RANKIN Rankin, Robert The Japanese Devil Fish Girl and other unnatural attractions [SCI‐FI] FIC/RINGO Ringo, John Choosers of the slain [SCI‐FI] FIC/SALVATORE Salvatore, R. A. Gauntlgrym [SCI‐FI] FIC/SILVERBERG Silverberg, Robert. Son of man 4 [SCI‐FI] FIC/SILVERBERG Silverberg, Robert. The collected stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume four, Trips, 1972‐73 [SCI‐FI] FIC/SILVERBERG Silverberg, Robert. Times three [SCI‐FI] FIC/STEELE Steele, Allen M. Hex [SCI‐FI] FIC/STURGEON Sturgeon, Theodore. Venus plus X [SCI‐FI] FIC/SWANWICK Swanwick, Michael. Dancing with bears : the postutopian adventures of Darger & Surplus [SCI‐FI] FIC/WATTS Watts, Peter Crysis legion [SCI‐FI] FIC/WESTERFELD Westerfeld, Scott. The killing of worlds :bbook two of succession [SCI‐FI] FIC/WILLIAMS Williams, Sean Star wars : the force unleashed [SCI‐FI] FIC/WILSON Wilson, Daniel H. (Daniel Howard) Robopocalypse : a novel [WEST] FIC/BENTON Benton, Mary A. Winds of time [WEST] FIC/CLAY Clay, James. Dusty Barnett [WEST] FIC/DAWSON Dawson, Peter Rider on the buckskin : a western story [WEST] FIC/DRAKE Drake, Jerry S. Breaking trail [WEST] FIC/HOLMES Holmes, L. P. (Llewellyn Perry) Singing wires : a western story [WEST] FIC/SAVAGE Savage, Les. Wind river : a western duo FIC/AIKEN Aiken, Joan The monkey's wedding, and other stories FIC/ALBAHARI Albahari, David Leeches FIC/ALLISON Allison, Will. Long drive home : a novel FIC/ANTHONY Anthony, David Something for nothing : a novel FIC/ANTUNES Antunes, António Lobo The land at the end of the world : a novel FIC/ARNOLD Arnold‐Ratliff, Katie. Bright before us : a novel FIC/ASHER Asher, Bridget. The Provence cure for the brokenhearted : a novel FIC/ATWOOD Atwood, Margaret Life before man FIC/BACHE Bache, Ellyn. The art of saying goodbye FIC/BALDACCI Baldacci, David. One summer FIC/BATAILLE Bataille, Georges Story of the eye FIC/BAUERMEISTER Bauermeister, Erica. Joy for beginners FIC/BAUERMEISTER Bauermeister, Erica. The school of essential ingredients FIC/BERRY Berry, Wendell Hannah Coulter : a novel FIC/BERRY Berry, Steve The emperor's tomb : a novel FIC/BIRCH Birch, Carol Jamrach's menagerie : a novel FIC/BISHOP Bishop, Anne. The invisible ring : a black jewels novel FIC/BLAKE Butler, Blake There Is No Year : a novel FIC/BOSTWICK Bostwick, Marie. Threading the needle FIC/BRACKMANN Brackmann, Lisa. Rock paper tiger FIC/BRASHARES Brashares, Ann. Sisterhood everlasting : a novel FIC/BROWN Brown, Tracy Aftermath : a snapped novel FIC/BROWN Brown, Tracy Snapped FIC/BYRD Byrd, Adrianne. King's passion 5 FIC/CAIN Cain, James M. (James Mallahan) The postman always rings twice ; Double indemnity ; Mildred FIC/CARNER Carner, Talia. Jerusalem maiden : a novel FIC/CHANCE Chance, Megan. City of ash : a novel FIC/CHRISTENSEN Christensen, Kate The Astral : a novel FIC/COBLE Coble, Colleen.

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