^ $ M.&G.INNES, % ^Cabinetmakers, Upholsterers, % and Bedding* Manufacturers,^ 101 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY, «* *§ 4^__ " 4*~ afr ^ Floor Cloth, Carpets and Window Blinds. j^L. 4^ Pianos and Perambulators for Hire. ^ 4^ Carpet Beating a Speciality, 3$> 4^ Furniture Stored. $fc ^ 4* ^— *§ .$ Visit this Old Curiosity Shop. % 4* *§ Established 1880. THE Price, One Shilling-. Bute County Directory Fop 1904-5 HIGGIE & CO,, PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY "" " __ ™" ^ ^~- 4* «| % A Present from Rothesay % 4* ^ ^ 4- *f 4* *! ^ Visitors and Residents % 4^ Will be certain to find what they want |At DOUGALL & CO.S| * FANCY GOODS WAREHOUSE, % X 25, 27 and 29 Montague Street, % X (High Street Corner). ^ J&- <S* ">£ * j&& <P 4S? jii^-*' ><' %$%%%%$%$$%$%$$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'%'$'$'$&! Published Annually. Price, One Shilling-. THE NfypDIRECW Fop 1 904-5. USEFUL. COUNTY and BURGHAL INFORMATION, OFFICIALS, HOUSEHOLDERS and TRADERS. _*."**"^^ ' ' ^"*^"*»»__ : | ROTHES A^Oj^BpGtl IIGGIE & CO., PUBLISHERS" f- , — PREFACE TO 1904-5 EDITIONS. "V^E have pleasure in again producing the Bute County Directory, and continuing all the Lists of Public Officials, Society Office-Bearers, &c., for the whole County and the towns and villages within its bounds ; the Householders lists in the whole Isle of Bute ; and specially-prepared i of those engaged in Trade in the Islands of Bute and Cumbrae. The subject matter, though not much increased from former years, is arranged in a more get-at-able style—the several parts being printed on different coloured papers, and we are sure Advertisers will appreciate their notices being printed facing the general information. Our best thanks are again accorded to those who have assisted us in our compilation of the " intelligence department" of Buteshire, to Advertisers and Subscribers for their patronage, and those who have had the courtesy to acknowledge compliments. [The List of Rothesay Householders arranged in Streets is still held in abeyance, and will be issued as a supplement, if desired.] HIGGIE & CO., Publishers. 22 Bridge Street, Rothesay, July. 1904. CONTENTS. Part I. LOCAL CALENDAR, .. .. 5—1& Part II.—Officials COUNTY OF fetJTE IT ISLE OF BUTE, 31 Parish and Burgh of Rothesay ... 35 Parish of North Bute ... ... 59 Parish of Kin garth ... ... 63 ISLE OF ARRAN 07 Parish of Kilbride... ... .... 09* Parish of Kilmory ... ... 73- THE CUMBRAES 75 Burgh of Millport ... ... 79 Part III.—Householders. ISLE OF BUTE : Rothesay ... ... ••• si North Bute ... ... ... ... IW KlNGARTH ... ... ... 125 Part IV. -Traders. Rothesay ... ... ... 129 North Bute... ... ... ...137 Kingarth ... ... ... 139' ISLE OF CUMBRAE : Millport, .. .. .. 140 MISCELLANEOUS. Postal Information, .. .. ..57 Useful Memoranda, . — 143-4 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Jan. Anniversaries, ete. 1905. Calend ar— Sun New Year's Day. Mon (1) M'Kirdy & McMillan, Lmtd., Eothesay, formed, 1898. Tues Absence of occupation is not rest.—Cowper life Wed Love with life is heaven ; and unloving, hell.—Tupper Thur James Heron, Eothesay merchant and Volunteer, died 1903. Fri Bridge over Lade, Eothesay, opened, 1769, Cost £41 3/6. Sat Birgidale New School opened, 1874. jSun Induction of Rev. J. Nelson Allen, Craigmore, 1903. 9 Mon Eothesay Magistrates appointed by Privy Council, 1687 lolTues Penny Post inaugurated, 1840. 11 Wed. 12 Thur Eothesay erected into a Eoyal Burgh, 1400. 13 Fri Memorial Stone of Millport Hospital laid, 1901. 14 Sat Very Eev Bishop Gray died, 1872. 1') Sun 16 Mon A Christian is the highest style of man. —Young 17 Tues 18 Wed Henry Bell's s.s. " Comet," sailed to Eothesay, 1812. 19 Thur John Leitch, Ardbrannan, died, 1880. 20 Fri (19) James Watt born 1736. 21 Sat Nothing with God can be accidental.--Longfellow 22 Sun Lord Bannatyne, of Karnes, admitted advocate, 1765 23 Mon (22) Queen Victoria died, 1901. 24 Tues Freedom of Eothesay to first local Shipbuilder, 1765. 25 Wed Eobert Burns, Scotia's Darling Bard, born 1759. 26 Thur Friendship is a sheltering tree.—Coleridge 27 Fri Both. Town Clerk's Appeal dismissed, Crt. of Session, 1903. 28 Sat 29 Sun Progress is the law of life.—Browning 30 Mon 31 Tues To err is human ; to forgive, divine.—Pope BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY Feb. Calendar—Anniversaries, ete. 1 905 - Wed City of Glasgow Bank Directors sentenced, 1879. Thur Provost Munn, Rothesay, died, 1868. Fri Sat Man, know thyself! all wisdom centres there.—Young- Sun Order of Victoria Cross instituted, 1856. Mon Life is not measured by the time we live.—Crabbe Tues John Blain elected Town Clerk of Rothesay for life, 1788. Wed Mary Queen of Scots beheaded, 1587. 9 Thur 10 Fri Pb. Meeting at Port-Ban. agst. Ettrick B. Staid. Traffic, 1903 11 Sat Fashion is the great governor of the world.---Fielding 12 Sun Board of Trade inquiry, at Rothesay, into Tramways, 1880. 13 Mon Massacre of Glencoe, 1692. 14 Tues St Valentine's Day. 15 Wed 16 Thur God made the country, man made the town.— Cowper 17 Fri Presentation of Weights and Measures by Marquess, 1816. 18 Sat It requires a long time to know anyone. —Cervantes 19 Sun Rothesay's Privileges confirmed by James VI, 1584. •20 Mon (19) Marchioness of Bute's Birthday. 21 Tues First Hydropathic in Scotland (Glenburn, Rothesay), 1843. 22 Wed Robert II, Stuart, began to reign, 1371. 23 Thru 24 Fri It is wisdom alone that can recognise wisdom.— Carlyle 25 Sat 26 Sun Rev. Dr Somerville, late of Rothesay, died 1903. 27 Mon He who ordained the -Sabbath loves the poor. -Holmes 28 Tues Order of St Patrick instituted, Pleasure is the greatest incentive to evil.—Plato BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. St David's Day. (1) Mrs Black, School of Cookery, Glasgow, died 1903. (3) Formation of Liberal Club at Rothesay, 1900. Forth Bridge opened, 1890. Holiness is the regeneration of innocence.— Lynch Better waste out than rust out.—Bishop Cumberland Late Lord Bute's "Wedding Dowry intimated, 1897. (10) Rususcitation of Bute Primrose Leagne, 1903. King married, 1863. Bute Agricultural Society established, 1806. All healthy things are sweet tempered. --Emerson £10 Rothesay tenants allowed to keep beeskeps, 1678. is excellent remedy against slander.— Steele I Silence an (17) Roth. Tn. Clk's dismissal conf. by Ct. of Session, 190)!. St Patrick's Day. Marquess of Bute recommended Rothesay gas lighting, 1834 Employment gives health, sobriety and morals.—Webster You never know what you can do till you try.--Maclaren Day and Night equal. \ Reading is seeing by proxy.— Spencer Opening of Roth. Post Office by late Marquess of Bute, 1897 Consecration of St Blane's Royal Arch Chapter, 173, 1876. General Hector Macdonald died in Paris Hotel, 1903. Parliamentary Commission issued for Bute, 1647. i Unto the pure all things are pure.— St Paul James VI of Scotland ascended the British Throne, 1603. Buy the truth and sell it not.— Solomon I •Craigmore Pier, Rothesay, opened, 1877. Very Rev Dean Hood died at Rothesay, 1872. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY. April , 1905. Calendar- Anniversaries, ete. l|Sat Robert III died in Rothesay Castle, 1406. 2, Sua 8 Mon What is justice? To give every man his due.- -Aristotle Tues Employment is Nature's physician.— Galen Wed Thur Thomas Russell elected M.P.; for Bute, 1880 Fri |"Bute" Tent, I. O. Rechobites formed, 1893. 8 Sat (7) First Daily Paper in Scotland, 1847. 9 Sun Not one false man but does unaccountable mischief Carlvle 10 Mon Mahomedan New Year begins. 11 Tues Tis impious in a good man to be sad.— Young 12 Wed Glasgow Local Steamers commenced, 1884. 13 Thur Robert III began to reign, 1390. 11 Fri Buteshire Liberal Association inaugurated, 1879. 15 Sat 16 Sun Buteshire Conservative Association formed, 1880. 17 Mon (16) Induction of Rev. Samuel Nicolson, Rothesay, 1903. 18 Tues A good heart's worth gold.— Shakespeare 19 Wed Primrose Day. Lord Beaconsfield died, 1881. "20 Thur Enjoyment stops where indolence begins. -'-Pollok 21 Fri Rev. Joseph Traill called to Roth. U. F. "parish Church, 190i 22 Sat 23 Sun St George's Day. 24 Mon 120 Butemen raised to Lieut.-Cololiel Drummond, 1685. 25 Tues ^-24) Union of Scotland and England ratified, 9fi Wed ThuivDhu Loch Water Works. Rothesay, opened. 1880. Fri |(27) Memorial Stone of St Brendan's Church laid, 1889 29;Sat 50 Sun 1 106 Butemen offered service to the State, 1798. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY May, _190o. Calendar—Anniversaries, ete. UMon Union of Scotland and England, 1707. 2 Tues 3 1 Wed Consecration of (/umbrae Cathedral, 1876. 4jThur (3) Craigmdre U. F. Church Organ iiiaugnarat'ed, 1903 5 Fri Pardon, not wrath, is God's best attribute.--Taylor 6 Sat Sun Generosity should never exceed ability.--Cicero Mon UPS Daniel Duncan of " the Thin Pied Line," died, Rothesay, 1902. 10 Wed Craigmore Parish Church Organ inaugurated, 1903. 11 Thin- Foundation Stone of Rothesay Academy laid, 1868. 12 Fri Ascog Water Supply for Rothesay adopted, 1856. 13 Sat (12) Provost Walker, Rothesay, presented to the King, 1903 14 Suli King Edward's State Entry into Glasgow, 1903. 15 Mon Lord Ninian Stuart, born 1883. 16 Tue.s (15) Hotels, closed 10 o'cIock by Rothesay Magistrates, 1872. 17 Wed 18 Thur Disruption in Church of Scotland, formation of Fr.JCh.; 1843 I 19 Fri Instrumental music introduced into New Roth. Pr. Oh. ,1876 20 Sat 'Levy of Rothesay seaman for King's service, 1692. 21 Sun 'John Duncan elected Bishop of the Isles, 1347. 22 Mon J 3 Tues ,(24) Custom House boat with Bute merchants lost, 1766. 24 Wed Victoria Day. Queen Victoria born, 1819. 25 Thur Millport New Post Office opened, 1902. 26 Fri IDuclieSS of Rothesay's birthday 27 Sat JA. B. Stewart, Convener of the County, died 188°. 28|Sun [Whitsunday Removal Term. 29'Mon Diamond Wedding of John Mackinlay, ex-Postmaster, 1903 SO'Tues Rothesay Shorthand Writers' Association formed, 1872. 31 Wed ^Boer War ended, 1902.
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