University of Wollongong Research Online Illawarra Regional Statistical Handbooks Faculty of Business and Law 1-1981 Wingecarribee Shire Statistical Handbook John Steinke University of Wollongong Leigh Stokes University of Wollongong Peter Harrington Illawarra Regional Information Service Follow this and additional works at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/irsh Recommended Citation Steinke, John; Stokes, Leigh; and Harrington, Peter, (1981), Wingecarribee Shire Statistical Handbook, Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, and the Illawarra Regional Information Service, January 1981, 55p. https://ro.uow.edu.au/irsh/4 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] Wingecarribee Shire Statistical Handbook Description John Steinke, Leigh Stokes and Peter Harrington, Wingecarribee Shire Statistical Handbook, Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, and the Illawarra Regional Information Service, January 1981, 55p. Publisher Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, and the Illawarra Regional Information Service, January 1981, 55p This serial is available at Research Online: https://ro.uow.edu.au/irsh/4 WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE STATISTICAL HANDBOOK JOHN STEINKE Senior Lecturer in Economics, LEIGH STOKES Tutor in Economics, and PETER HARRINGTON Research Officer Illawarra Regional Information Service Department of Economics The University of Wollongong and The Illawarra Regional Information Service January, 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- ' ^ 1 Population Growth 1947-1979 - Wingecarribee Shire 2 Characteristics of Population at June 30, 1976 - Wingecarribee Shire 3 Age Distribution of the Population - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 4 Age Distribution of Males and Females in the Population - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 5 Age Distribution of Australian-Born Population - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 ^ 6 Marital Status of the Population: Male, Female and Total t Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 7 Birthplace of the Population by Continent - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 8 Birthplace of Australian-Born Population: Wingecarribee Shire 1971 and 1976 9 Country of Origin of European-Born Population: Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 10 Use of English Language - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 11 Period of Residence of Overseas-Born Population: Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 12 Religion of the Population: Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 13 Annual Family Income - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 14 Income - Annual Personal - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 15 Pensions or Social Security Benefits Received - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 16 Level of Qualification Obtained by Those Over 15 Years (not including the School Certificate or Higher School Certificate) as a Proportion of the Population, 15 Years of Age and Over - Wingecarribee Shire 1971 and 1976 17 Age Left School - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 Educational Institution Currently Attending - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 Number of Married Women with Children - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 Childmining Facilities Used, Type and Number - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 21 Population and Work Status - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 22 Activity of the Population not in the Workforce - Wingecarribee Shire 1966-1976 23 Age Distribution of the Workforce - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 24 Marital Status of the Labour Force - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 25 Occupational Structure of the Workforce - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 26 Occupations - Wingecarribee Shire 1966-1976 27 Industry of the Workforce - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 28 Manufacturing Establishments: Wingecarribee Shire 1971-1978 29 Retail Establishments - Wingecarribee Shire 1968-1969 & 1973-1974 30 Primary Industry: Wingecarribee Shire 1975-76 and 1978-79 Season 31 Tourist Accommodation Establishments: Wingecarribee Shire 1976 and 1977-78 32 Population and Dwellings - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 33 Private Unoccupied Dwellings: Reason Unoccupied - Wingecarribee Shire 1961-1976 34 Type of Occupied Private Dwellings and Number of Persons - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 35 Private Occupied Dwellings By Class of Dwelling - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 36 Structure of Building - All Private Dwellings - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 37 Nature of Occupancy of Private Dwellings: Wingecarribee Shire 1971 and 1976 38 Occupied Private Dwellings Being Purchased - Sources of Mortgages - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 39 Total Number of New Dwellings Completed: Wingecarribee Shire 1970-1979 40 Value of Building Jobs Completed: Wingecarribee Shire 1970-1978 41 Number of Private and Government Dwellings Completed: Wingecarribee Shire 1970-1979 Occupied Private Dwellings Classified According to Number of Rooms - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 Occupied Private Dwellings According to Material of Outer Walls - Wingecarribee Shire 1954-1976 TABLE NO. 44 Power or Fuel Used in Occupied Private Dwellings - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 45 Source of Water Supply in Occupied Private Dwellings - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 46 Sewerage Facilities in Private Dwellings: Wingecarribee Shire 1971 and 1976 47 Number of Vehicles Per Private Occupied Dwelling @ 30th June, 1971 and 1976 Wingecarribee Shire 48 Mode of Travel to Work By Employed Population - Wingecarribee Shire 1976 NOTE: Totals may vary from table to table due to the small error involved when the data is compiled separately for each table by A.B.S., since only 50% of the questionnaires were originally processed. This may add or subtract 2 to 3 people to the overall population totals. TABLE OF SOURCES SOURCE NO. TABLES FOR WHICH SOURCE USED 1 Australian Bureau of Statistics (A.B.S.) - 41 Calculation executed, or figures retrieved, upon request at A.B.S. N.S.W. Offices, St. Andrews House, Sydney. 2 A.B.S. - Aggregates for the Wingecarribee 2-27, 31-37, Shire of responses to Population and 42-48 Dwelling Census provided on computer tape to The University of Wollongong. o v> A.B.S. - Catalogue No. 1304.1 - "Handbook of 1, 29, Local Statistics". 30, 39, 40 A.B.S. - Catalogue No. 8605.1 - "Census of 28 Retail Establishments and Selected Service Establishments". TABLE 1: POPULATION GROWTH 1947-1979 - WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE 1947 1954 1961 1966 1971 1976 1979 (est.) WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE: 16,183* 17,955* 18,558 18,701 19,661 21,340 22,900 Males 9,083* 9,401 9,529 9,917 10,777 Females 8,872* 9,157 9,172 9,744 10,563 WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE LOCALITIES: Berrima 591** 792** 857** 327** 596** 654** Bowral 4,247* 4,876* 4,922 5,210 5,903 6,283 Bundanoon 871** 741** 689 696 748 843 Mittagong 1,924* 2,347* 2,621 2,837 3,620 3,865 Moss Vale 2,507* 2,743* 3,040 3,144 3,235 3,638 Robertson 455** 574** 532** 434** 212** 226** REMAINDER OF DISTRICT 5,588* 5,882 5,859 6,053 5,349 5,831 * A redistribution of local government boundaries, after the 1954 census, removed 220 persons from the population of Wingecarribee Shire. 1954 and 1947 populations for Bowral, Mittagong and Moss Vale townships and Wingecarribee Shire are estimates of population within the present boundaries of those areas. ** Population figures based on "local usage" boundaries. The comparability of these figures is unknown. TABLE 2: CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULATION AT JUNE 30, 1976 - WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE MARITAL STATUS: NEVER MARRIED 10,043 MARRIED 9,488 MARRIED, BUT PERMANENTLY SEPARATED 340 DIVORCED 325 WIDOWED 1,147 AGES: 0- 5 YEARS: Males 1,205 Females 1,150 6-14 YEARS: Males 2,097 Females 1,710 15-17 YEARS: Males 729 Females 674 18-64 YEARS: Males 5,684 Females 5,610 65 YEARS OR MORE: Males 1,065 Females 1,417 COUNTRY OF BIRTH: AUSTRALIA 18,509 OTHER COUNTRIES 2,831 TABLE 3: AGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION - WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE 1954-1976 ENSUS 1976 CENSUS Age 1961 CENSUS 1966 CENSUS 1971 C Cumulative urain ary uumu i<m v e uru 11 ai y Last Cumulative Ordinary Cumulative Ordinary Ordinary Tot il Tot al Tot il Tot il Birth­ Total Total Total Total Total day 0/ 0/ ©/ % iC No. /o No. 10 No. % No. % No. No. % No. % No. % No. £ No. 9.1 8.9 1,696 9.1 1,696 9.1 1,692 8.6 1 ,692 8.6 1,937 9.1 1,937 0- 4 1,741 9.6 1,741 9.6 1,643 8.9 1,643 1,812 9.7 3,508 18.8 2,004 10.2 3,696 18.8 1,889 8.9 3,826 18.0 5- 9 2,000 11.0 3,741 20.6 1,816 9.8 3,459 18.6 2,458 13.1 5,966 31.9 2,552 13.0 6,248 31.8 2,333 10.9 6,159 28.9 10-14 2,329 12.8 6,070 33.4 2,665 14.4 6,124 33.0 10.6 7,949 42.5 1,914 9.7 8,162 41.5 2,009 9.4 8,168 38.3 15-19 1,459 8.0 7,529 41.4 1,779 9.6 7,903 42.6 1,983 6.4 9,143 48.9 1,421 7.2 9,583 48.7 1,452 6.8 9,620 45.1 20-24 1,033 5.7 8,562 47.1 1,113 6.0 9,016 48.6 1,194 10,125 54.2 1,179 6.0 10,762 54.7 1,608 7.5 11,228 52.6 25-29 1,139 6.3 9,701 53.4 890 4.8 9,906 53.4 982 5.3 1,033 5.3 11,795 60.0 1,339 6.3 12,567 58.9 30-34 1,162 6.4 10,863 59.8 1,066 5.7 10,972 59.1 897 4.8 11,022 59.0 978 5.0 13,773 65.0 1,104 5.2 13,671 64.1 35-39 1,155 6.4 12,018 66.1 1,100 5.9 12,072 65.1 1,054 5.6 12,076 64.6 5.4 13,839 70.4 1,010 4.7 14,681 68.8 40-44 1,100 6.1 13,118 72.2 1,052 5.7 13,124 70.7 1,046 5.6 13,122 70.2 1,066 14,881 75.7 1,040 4.9 15,721 73.7 45-49 1,015 5.6 14,133 77.8 1,088 5.9 14,212 76.6 1,047 5.6 14,169 75.8 1,042 5.3 15,882 80.8 1,075 5.0 16,796 78.7 50-54 891 4.9 15,024 82.7 955 5.1 15,167 81.7 1,000 5.3 15,169 81.1 1,001 5.1 16,804 85.5 1,052 4.9 17,848 83.6 55-59 768 4.2 15,792 86.9 823 4.4 15,990 86.2 877 4.7 16,046 85.8 922 4.7 1,008 4.7 18,856 88.3 60-64 785 4.3 16,577 91.2 749 4.3 16,739 90.2 759 4.1 16,805 89.9 860 4.4 17,664 89.8 908 4.3 19,764 92.6 65-69 633 3.5 17,210 94.7 713 3.8 17,452 94.0 677 3.6 17,482 93.5 672 3.4 18,336 93.3 1,574 7.4 21,338 100.0 70 + 965 5.3 18,175 100.0 1,106 6.0 18,558 100.0 1,219 6.5 18,701 100.0 1,325 6.7 19,661 100.0 .
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