Valparaiso University ValpoScholar Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 3-1948 March, 1948 Valparaiso University Guild Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.valpo.edu/guild_bulletins Recommended Citation Valparaiso University Guild, "March, 1948" (1948). Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins. 28. https://scholar.valpo.edu/guild_bulletins/28 This Bulletin/Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by ValpoScholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins by an authorized administrator of ValpoScholar. For more information, please contact a ValpoScholar staff member at [email protected]. GUIL D EDITION VAL PAR AI s 0 "JSuild With Uhe quild" uN I v E R s I T y M A R c H , 1 9 4 8 BU L L E T I N Vol. 21, No. 6 Guild Bultetbt Page 'l'wo T l-l ~ i-xecuU{)e Boa1zJ of the Valparaiso Unive rsity Guild gather.:tl on the Valparaiso campus for the semi-an­ nual meeting on January 21-22. After a cidiciou3 luncheon in Altruria dining hall pre­ pared by our good friend, Mr. Garrison, the ~crne shifted to Recital Hall, where Dr. Jar - oslav Pelikan conducted opening devotions. His words of wisdom and inspiration w ere warmly received by the members of the The Executive Bonrcl in session. boar:!. Miss Louise Nicolay, president of the Guild, and how important it is that they be people graciously welcomed the members lo this who are academically well trained and spir ­ important meeting. After the reading of the itually well equipped. The enrollment on I.h i! minutes by the secretary, ~I i ss Emily Doell, campus must necessarily be limited to the fa­ roll call was answered by two past presidenis, cilities available. He spoke about the gener:-il ~ ix national officers, the chairmen of ..ill tr ::nd in college enrollment: that Valparaiso standing committees, seven fi eld secretaries. incrcasEd its enrollment 500 percent and thr1t the presidents of all Slate Units, and repre­ the predictions a re that in J 960 three milli'1 n ~e ntat i ves from forty- one chapters. young people will be enrolled in American Miss Nicolay announced the appointment colleges. The college campus, he said, is be·­ of Mrs. A. G. Wilhelm. Clevela nd, Ohio, as ing looked upon more and more as a com­ the third membe ~ of the Activities Com­ munity and that ever better facili ties must oc mittee. Together with Mrs. E. N. Moore and provided for the students' life of worship and Mrs. E. S. Snyder, this appoin tm ent com­ for his social life. Scholarships and s tudent pletes the membership of the Activi ties Com­ aid lo help studen ts in financing their educa­ mittee. tion were discussed, as well as the possibilities Miss Nicolay also announced the personnel of establishing a four-year course in civil, of the Revisions Committee: Mrs. A . 0. mechanical and electrical engineering. Aft0r Kampe, Detroit, Mrs. W. W. Walker, Elyria, a few more rema1 ks abou t campus life, Presi­ Ohio, and Mrs. Harold Heins, East Detroit, dent K relzmann closed his address by en­ Michigan. couraging members of the Guild in their d­ President 0. P. Kretzmann gave a brief fcirts to aid the University in its obligation lo report on U1e state of the University - a the Church and lo the world of tomorrow. few rema rks concerning the immediate paGt H is words of counsel, inspiration and com­ and the immediate future. He referred to mendation were an incentive for greater vi­ the meeting of the Board of Governors of sion, zeal a nd ardor in performing the tas:-s the L.L.L. on the campus the week-end ,if confronting the Guild . .Janu ary 17-18 and said he thought it w as The nom inating committee, elected by b:i l­ one of the most interesting meetings and per­ lot consists of the following: Mrs. Heni'y haps a very historic one. He said they were M ~ rz , Lapeer, Michigan; Mrs. E. V. Bartholo­ well on the way toward raising $500,000 for an mew, South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. Wm. Holtz, 'Sl­ administration-classroom building; a nd he gin, Ill.; Mrs. Wm. A. Drews, BulTalo, N. Y.; felt tha t the rntrance of the L.L.L. into the Mrs. Forrest Palmer, Beloit, Wis. tot2l picture of ou r support is one of the great turning points in the history of the institution. F ollowing a discussion of the best dates for He told about the increasing number of far.­ a national Guild convention, Mr . A. F. Scrib­ ulty necessary for the large student body ner, regist: ar and business man;iger of th;! March, 1948 Page Three University, presented his paper on "Financ­ members who have not seen these new build­ ing of Higher Education." This paper prov'.:!d ings have a pleasant surprise awaiting them to be so enlightening and so much worthwhile the next time they visit the campus. that the ass embly voted by resolution to have On Thursday morning, January 22, the ad­ the paper printed in its entirety so that aJI journed session was called to order by our members of the Guild may profit from the pr <;sident, Miss Nicolay, who led us in pray­ valuable information contained in this re­ er. .. port. It will be fo und in another part of this issue of the Bulletin. The pr esidents of all S tale Units gave re­ ports on the financial progress in their re­ Dinner was enjoyed in Altruria dining hall spective territories on the new Guild project. After dinner transpor tation to the gymnasium was furnished all members of the Board and they witnessed the Valpo-Western Michigan basketball game. It gave us a great thrill to see "our own team play" and " to hear our band"' and to see the large student body turn ou t for t he game and cheer under the direc­ tion of able cheerleaders. T he basketball game over - we w alked '.O 11earby Guild Hall. In the beau ti fully furn­ ished lounge of Guild Hall the committee w:is ready to serve us with delicious spiced tea and dain ty sandwiches, made under the di­ rection of Miss Jennie Mae Trigg, director of the cafeteria. The tea table was adorned with a beautiful arrangement of iris, aca..:i11 and pussy willow in a copper bowl, and th~ Miss Florence Gesell, president of Mon­ gorgeous silver lea service, the Guild's gifl roe, Mich., chapter, presenting the first to the University, was presided over by one check ($500.00) to Mrs. G. E. Penson, na­ of the Guild's past presidents, Mrs. H. W. Bar­ tional treasurer, for the new Guild project tels, in her usual charming manner. During -the Prayer Chapel. the course of the late evening a tour of Guild and Memorial Halls was made and w e all the prayer chapel. All r eports were encourag­ marveled at the beauty of these two new ing, and much enthusiasm fo r the new proi­ dormitories. We will have to admit that se­ ect was evident. Mrs. E. F. Stegman, first cretly we felt just a little pride at the thought vice-president, summarized the reports of the that the Guild proved to be the incentive for Stale Unit presidents. This s ummary showed erection of these fine buildings. All Guild that the contribu tions to the University •o We bid farewell Members of the Nominating Committee to Guild Hall. hold meeting ht lounge of Memorial Hall. Page Four Guild Bulletin date were ahead of last year at this time chapters and wishes them God's richest bless­ a nd that the new project on which the Gui!:! ing in their new tasks. A representation from i5 now embarked will progress according to Crystal Lake, Illinois, attended the Executive and beyond expectations. Board meeting because of their interest in or­ The reports of the field secretaries showed ganizing a chapter of the Guild. Arrange­ that while results a ~e nol always in evidence. ments have been made for an organization much work is being done toward the expa:-i­ meeting in Crystal Lake March fifteenth. The sion of the Guild in many sections and that ground work for other new chapters has been by the lime the next Executive Board m~ el­ laid and a final report on these will be given ing lakes place new chapters will have com­ at the next meeting of the Executive Board. pleted plans for organization. In January the executive secretary also ap­ The executive secretary, Mrs. C. R. Heid­ peared before the Mishawaka-South Bend brink, reported on the five State Unit conven­ chapter as guest speaker. tions held in the fall of 1947. Details vf The executive secretary commended the these meetings will be found in another p:irl members of the Guild for their loyal service of this issue of the Bttlletin . The meeting> and devotion lo a great cause. The Guild i~ proved very successful. If one conside. s th:1l not resting on laurels of past achievemenl~. the attendance at these state conventions but is steadily moving forward with new neared the one thousand mark, it is evident ideas and new courage and is reaching forth we are reaching many more Guild members with fresh desire to the better things which in this w<1y than by national conventions are before them. And if at limes there creeps alone. across our minds the shadow of doubt as :o Mrs. Heidbrink reported that in November how we may accomplish what is set before she had been in Pittsburgh.
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