July 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1305 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS H. RES. 268, REAFFIRMING THE Mr. Sitty launched a successful effort to works as a researcher for the Broad Founda- UNITED STATES COMMITMENT raise $10,000 for the placement of a billboard tion. He selected New York City as the site TO A NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT near the United Nations headquarters in New for his billboard, however, because he be- OF THE ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN lieves that no one needs to hear his message York City. The billboard featuring a picture of more than the delegates at the United Na- CONFLICT THROUGH DIRECT Gilad Shalit will ensure that the captured sol- tions. ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN NEGOTIA- dier is not forgotten. It also encourages UN ‘‘Soon the world’s diplomats will be assem- TIONS leaders to assist in facilitating his release. bling at the UN to discuss recognition of a Mr. Sitty was motivated to undertake this ef- Palestinian state and it is very important HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN fort because he understands that during the that we remind them of Shalit so that the whole world does not become complicit in OF CALIFORNIA five years since Shalit’s capture, Gilad and his such crimes,’’ he said. ‘‘If the UN endorses a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family have been suffering and living a night- mare. Mr. Sitty’s efforts have undoubtedly pro- Palestinian state with Hamas in the govern- Wednesday, July 13, 2011 ment, then the UN indirectly endorses vided Gilad Shalit’s family comfort because crimes against humanity and puts many Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, the Palestinian they know that the American people stand be- more at risk of being kidnapped by terrorist plan to unilaterally declare statehood targets hind them ready to help. organizations. We cannot allow this to hap- the core underpinning of the peace process— I commend Mr. Sitty for his advocacy on pen.’’ the principle of mutual recognition. Gilad Shalit’s behalf and thank him for his out- What the actual impact of a placard bear- In their tactics and their tone, Palestinian standing efforts to keep the world focused on ing Shalit’s face will be remains to be seen. leaders have proclaimed that seeking to this tragedy. Mr. Sitty’s hard work plays an im- But Sitty is pragmatic when he describes his delegitimize Israel is more important to them portant role in the effort to return Gilad home motivations. ‘‘I know that I don’t have the than a prosperous future for their own people. power to actually free him,’’ he said of to his family. Shalit, ‘‘but by getting this billboard up I It is a travesty and a tragedy. In conclusion Mr. Speaker, I would like to think it keeps the pressure on the policy To reiterate what President Obama made draw the attention of the House to the fol- makers.’’ And while Gilad will not know clear in his May 19 speech: ‘‘Palestinians will lowing article published in the May 8th addi- about the campaign, Sitty is also eager to never realize their independence by denying tion of the Jerusalem Post—‘‘Angeleno help two other important figures—Noam and the right of Israel to exist.’’ Launches Drive for Shalit Billboard Near UN’’, Aviva Shalit. For all the terrorist attacks that have and I ask that it be published in the CONGRES- ‘‘I hope that many people, Israelis and non- Israelis, Jews and non-Jews, from all over claimed thousands of Israeli lives, for all the SIONAL RECORD. domestic trauma and security risks Israel un- the world contribute to this campaign and [From the Jerusalem Post, May 8, 2011] show the Shalit family that we haven’t for- dertook in its withdrawals from Gaza and Leb- ANGELENO LAUNCHES DRIVE FOR SHALIT gotten them, haven’t forgotten their son, anon, for all the settlement freezes and stalled BILLBOARD NEAR UN and will never forget about their suffering,’’ talks, Israel has always returned to the negoti- (By Debra Kamin) Sitty said. ‘‘We will continue to stand beside ating table in faith that a peace agreement is June 25 of this year will mark five years in them and do whatever we can to help them.’’ possible. But unilateral Palestinian declaration captivity for Gilad Shalit, and one American f of statehood is the one thing from which the is determined to make sure that this anni- peace process cannot recover. versary does not go unnoticed. IN REMEMBRANCE OF MRS. ANNA What will be left to negotiate? And at this Gal Sitty, a 28-year-old Los Angeles na- ALICE OMILANOWSKI point who will be there to negotiate with? The tive, has started a campaign on epicstep.com PLO? Hamas? A ‘‘technocratic’’ unity govern- to fund and erect a billboard near the Man- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH hattan headquarters of the United Nations ment that has no political standing? OF OHIO imploring leaders to take steps to free the If the Palestinian leadership is serious about captive soldier. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES statehood and about entering the United Na- ‘‘In [the past] five years I’ve gone to grad Wednesday, July 13, 2011 tions as a responsible, sovereign nation, it school, had numerous jobs, spent many holi- should drop its preconditions, reenter direct days with my family, had good times with Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in talks and recognize Israel as a Jewish State. friends and so forth,’’ Sitty said to The Jeru- remembrance of Mrs. Anna Alice Omilanowski I strongly support H. Res. 268, which reaf- salem Post when asked about his motiva- who passed away on July 9, 2011. firms Administration policy and previous con- tions. ‘‘Meanwhile, Gilad Shalit and his fam- Mrs. Omilanowski was the daughter of Jo- gressional resolutions on this issue. With this ily have had none of that. They have been seph and Bernice Lewanski, who emigrated suffering, living a nightmare.’’ vote, we must redouble efforts to work with from Poland and passed through Ellis Island. Epicstep was founded earlier this year by She was the oldest of nine children, and grew our allies and the international community to Lev Reys and brothers Gene and Eugene pressure the Palestinian leadership to change Vekslar. The site works as a fundraising up on East 40th Street and Superior Avenue. course towards a just and lasting peace. platform for creating billboards—users Anna was a hard worker and took great pride in her work, especially when she worked f choose the issue they feel compelled to pro- mote and supporters log on and donate until in a factory that assembled torpedoes during HONORING GAL SITTY FOR HIS the final cost, which varies per billboard but World War II. Later, she applied her strong OUTSTANDING HUMANITARIAN for Sitty’s campaign is $10,000, is reached. work ethic to a variety of other positions, in- ADVOCACY ON BEHALF OF KID- Supporters’ credit cards are not charged cluding washing dishes at Pete’s Wayside Inn, NAPPED ISRAELI SOLDIER until the fundraising goal is reached, so if cleaning Parma Schools and working for GILAD SHALIT the campaign to create a billboard fails, no Broadview Savings and Loan. pledges are lost. Sitty was born in Israel and raised in a He- She married, Chester, a concentration camp HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN brew-speaking home. He is quick to admit survivor, on June 14, 1958 at St. Casimir OF CALIFORNIA that this is an issue that is close to his Church in Cleveland. Together they raised five heart. ‘‘The recent Fatah-Hamas reconcili- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children. Mrs. Omilanowski always felt that her ation agreement makes no mention of Gilad most important achievement was having her Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Shalit. This means that Fatah and the Pales- children by her side. Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tinian Authority are now complicit in this Anna was involved in her children’s activi- honor of an outstanding resident of the district crime,’’ he said. ‘‘I think getting this bill- ties and was an avid bowler and card player. board up keeps the pressure on . leaders I proudly represent, Gal Sitty. Mr. Sitty has of the world to not overlook this human I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. worked hard to raise awareness of kidnapped tragedy.’’ Omilanowski during the 1970s on more than Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit’s plight and the on- Sitty, who holds a master’s degree in pub- one occasion at card parties and was always going effort to secure his release. lic policy, still lives in Los Angeles, where he moved by her kindness. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:48 Jul 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13JY8.001 E13JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS.
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