OFFICIAL BULLP:TIN EDWARD ROYAL_ SORBER, Germantown, Pa. (21437). Great•-grands Adam Ohl, pnvate, Col. William Bradford's Philadelphia Regt pon of Militia. · enna. OFFICIAL BULLETIN GEORGE HOMER SPALDING, Lowell, Mass. (21476). Great•-grandson of 01' Nicholas Cooke, Governor of Rhode Island, 1775-1778. ROLLIN AARON SPALDING, Lynn, Mass. (21481). Great-grandson of R b THE NATIONAL SOCIETY 0 Spalding, Second Lieutenant Fourth Middlesex County Regt. Mass M. ~rt 11 gran d son o f R o bert S f>a 1dmg, · Jr., private, Captain Ballard's Company· C 1'ha '· 01' THe: Whitcomb'• Mass. Regt. • 0 one! FRANCIS HERBERT STEVENS, Wellesley, Mass. (21483). Great'-grandson , 0 OF THE Ephra•m Ste1.•ens, Sergeant of Minute Men, Col. Aaron Davis's Mass. Regt. ' SONS AMERICAN REVOLUTION CHARLES EDWIN SUTTON, East Providence, R. I. (2o67o). Great-grandson President General Organized April 30, 1889 of. R~~crt Sutt.on, Sergeant, Col. Timothy Walker's Mass. Regt., sailor M Morris B. Bea1dsley, Bridaeport, Conn. Incorporated by Act ol Conaresa June 9, 1906 Sh1p Eagle" m 1780. ass. JOHN NORTHRU~ THURLOW, Brooklyn, N. Y. (21330). Great"-grandso f MARCH, 1910 Number 4 0 Volume IV G~d Talcott, pnvate Conn. Militia; great•-grandson of Peter Bonticon ~ ta1n of Barque "Hawk," prisoner on "Jers~y" prison-ship. ' ap- Publiahed at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithaonian GEORGE WINTHROP. TOPPAN, Fairfield, Me. (2o965). Great•-~randson of (aotitution), Waahin~rton, D. C., in May, October, December, and March. Samuel P•llsbury, pnvate, Capt. Richard Titcomb's Company, Colonel w d , Entered as second-class matter, May 7, Igo8, at the post-office at Washington, Mass. Regt. a e s D. C., under the Act of July I 6, I 894. WILBERT EUGEN~ UNDERWOOD, Chicago, Ill. (2I3Io). Great•-grandson of Jos.ah Puree, pnvate, Colonel Prescott's and Colonel Brewer's Regts M Militia. · ass. THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN records action by the General Officers, the BENJAMIN PRINCE UPHAM, San Francisco, Cal. (2I527). Great•-grandson of Board of Trustees, the Executive and other National Committees, lists Jabez Upham, Sergeant Mass. Militia. of members deceased and of new members, and important doings of JAMES R. WADSWORTH, Chicago, Ill. C2I312). Great•-grandson of Hezekiah State Societies. State Secretaries are requested to communicate to the Wadsworth, private Third Conn. Line. Secretary General accounts of meetings or celebrations. DEPENDENCE STURTEVANT WATERMAN, Roxbury, Mass. (2I477). Great· grandson of John Waterman, private, Col. Theophilus Cotton's Mass. Regt. State Societies, Chapters, and individual members are urged to continue and grandson of Dependence Sturte1.•ant, Sergeant, Col. Theophilus Cotton's M ., increase their efforts to add to our membership. ~~ CHARLES HENRY WATSON, Stanford, Cal. (21528). Great-grandson -of Cyprian Watson, private Thirteenth Albany County Regt. New York Militia• great-grandson of Nathan Tefft, Jr., and John Buck, privates, Capt. Pete; OFFICIAL NOTICES. Van Vort's Company New York Volunteers. CARL CLYDE WEAVER, Minneapolis, Minn. (2I502). Great•-grandson of THE TwENTY-FIRST ANNUAL CoNGRESS of the National Society of Jo~athan Read, Member of Committee of Safety, private, Capt. Joseph Dur· the Sons of the American Revolution will be held at Toledo, Ohio, fee s Company Mass. Militia. April 30 to May 3, IgiO. The National Committee on Arrangements CHARLES MILTON WHITNEY, San Francisco, Cal. (20I75). Great•-grandson for the Congress consists of Mr. Nelson A. McClary, Chairman; Mr. of Asa Whitney, private, Col. John Douglas's Conn. Regt. George E. Pomeroy, Vice-Chairman; Col. Isaac F. Mack, Mr. William MILLARD F. WILFONG, Philadelphia, Pa. (21436). Great-grandson of Samuel Drew, private First Plymouth County Regt. Mass. Militia. H. Marlatt, and Mr. WiJliam S. Walbridge. The following prelim­ LEWIS ALBERT WILLS, Philadelphia, Pa. (21430). Great•-grandson of Andrew inary program is announced : Bacon, private, Capt. William Smith's Company New Jersey Regt., prisoner. Saturday, April 30, a pro forma session of the Congress will be held ALAN GRANT WILSON, Elkhorn, Wis. (2oo62). Great-grandson of Jacob and adjourned, without the transaction of business, to meet on May 2. Bockee, Lieutenant and Quartermaster's Sergeant Dutchess County New York The Executive Committee· will probably meet Saturday evening. Militia. Sunday, May I, patriotic services in Trinity Methodist Church, and social gatherings. 2 Ol"l"ICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 3 Monday, May 2, meeting of Board of Trustees at 9.30 a. m. At 10 COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION FOR ALIENS. a. m. the Congress will convene in business session. Monday eveni a general.reception wi~l be given by the Toledo Sons and Daughters:~ The demand for leaflets continues, and they are being sent out all the Amencan Revolution to delegates and visitors at the Hotel Seco over the country. There is no charge for the leaflets or for their de­ Tuesday, May 3, the Congress will convene about 9.30 a. m., an~ livery to any address. The chairman of the committee is Commander after adjournment there will be a ride about the city. Tuesday evening J. H. Moore, U. S. N. (retired), 1755 P St., Washington, D. C. a banquet to delegates by the Toledo Chamber of Commerce at the An attempt is being made in Congress to abolish the Division of ln­ Hotel Secor, and a banquet to the ladies at the Country Club by the fonnation in the Department of Commerce and Labor. This Division local Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution. has been of the greatest assistance to our Society in the distribution The headquarters of the Congress will be the Hotel Secor. Th' of our leaflets. hotel is on the European plan, 304 rooms, $r.so to $4.50 per day: Oth~: The committee, realizing the danger, prepared a memorial to Con­ hotels are the Boody, Jefferson, Southern, St. Charles, Wayne St gress praying for the retention and strengthening of the Division. This Clair, Madison, Monticello, and Michigan. For quarters or ge~erai memorial, with a letter, was sent by direction of the President General information letters should be addressed to Mr. George E. Pomero to all Chapters and State Societies. It is pleasing to note that most of (Vice-Chairman of S. A. R. Committee), Toledo, Ohio. An illustrate~ the Chapters and State Societies have complied with the committee's pamphlet descriptive of the city may be obtained from the Toledo request, and that the memorials are being daily presented to Congress. Chamber of Commerce. The President General requested the assiitance of the Daughters of The Central Passenger Association has declined to make a reduction the American Revolution, which was granted at the next meeting of in railroad rates to Toledo. Since that Association must take the ini­ the Board of Management, and similar memorials and letters were tiative, delegates must therefore pay regular round-trip rates to the sent by that Society to all of its Chapters, with the result that their Congress. memorials are being presented daily to Congress. PERMANENT FuND.-In accordance with the requirements of Article It is the opinion of the committee that this prompt action of the VIII of the Constitution of the National Society, sixty days' notice has two Societies will save the Division of Information. been given to Presidents of State Societies of the following proposed It is thought that later something should be done to extend the use­ amendment to the Constitution of the National Society, recommended fulness of this Division by merely carrying out the present laws. by unanimous vote of the District of Columbia Society on February 22 1910, for adoption by the Annual Congress at Toledo : ' ORGANIZATION WORK. Amend title of Article VI to read : The Committee on Organization in the North and West, Dr. Clark­ son N. Guyer, Chairman, accomplished the formation of the Nevada ARTICLE VI.-Dues a11d Permanent Fund. Society, at Reno, on February 19. This is the fourth new Society Add the following to Article VI as Section 2: organized in the Far West since the Denver Congress, the others being SE<;TION 2. T~ere shall be created a Permanent Fund, which shall be Wyoming, New Mexico, and Idaho. The committee expects soon to hFeld m perpetUity for the benefit of the Society, but the interest on said add North Dakota to the roll . und may be used for the general expenses of the Society upon a unan­ Some progress is being made toward the formation of a Society in Imous vote of the Executive Committee. The .Permanent Fund shall be invested under the direction of the South Carolina. Executtve Committee, in securities allowed to be held by the savings A number of members on the Isthmus of Panama are about to organ­ banks of Massachusetts, Connecticut, or New York. ize a Society in that region, under the direction of Mr. G. C. Ferris, of Balboa, Canal Zone, a member of the Empire State Society. The ways and means for building up the Permanent Fund will be provided by amendment to the National By-Laws by the Board of Tr.ustees at the Toledo Congress. NATIONAL SOCII!;TY, S. A. R. 5 4 OFFICIAL BULLltTIN members and lady guests participating. President Stod~ard was ~cast­ PUBLICATION OF RECORDS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR master. Compatriot Richard E. Sloan, Governor of Anzona, dr~~tewe~ he rapid progress of our country toward a more perfect con tbon o In the House of Representatives, February 28, 1910, Mr. McCall in­ ~nity, and spoke of the immense amount of good being brought about troduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on b the so-called "House of Governors" holding annual conferences to Printing and ordered to be printed : lscuss vital questions concerning the government of the several.
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