Community Voice - August 6, 2020 1 Your WEST CommunityVoice CARLETON August 6, 2020 [email protected] 613-45-VOICE www.ottawavoice.ca [email protected] Vol. 3 No. 15 Ridge Rock re-releases beer named for local UFO case BY ERIN McCRACKEN If the filmmakers of a future docu- mentary about Corkery’s alleged UFO incident aren’t able to unmask the identity of a tipster in the case, perhaps the Ridge Rock Brewing Company can. The Carp-based brewery is bringing back its Guardian IPA, a strong beer that brewmaster Jamie Maxwell first developed last year at the request of brewery co-owner Ryan Grassie. “I’ve always had a really cool interest in this,” Grassie, a Dunrobin resident, said of the local UFO case during an interview at the brew pub’s patio. His interest in UFO phenomena was Erin McCracken photo initially peaked years ago when he Farm Fresh heard an intriguing story about an- other possible UFO sighting one night Brian Hudson unloads freshly picked corn for his family’s produce stand at Dwyer Hill and Panmure roads, which officially opened July 29. decades ago on McGee Side Road, The next day the Hudsons opened their produce stands in Pakenham and Almonte. While the Hudsons initially considered trying drive- southwest of Carp. through operations, they instead have settled on a number of other COVID-19 safety measures, including face masks for vendors, physical distancing and offering customers the contactless option of paying by debit or credit – a first for their farm stands. PLEASE SEE BEER, PAGE 12 2 August 6, 2020 - Community Voice News Photographer launches fundraiser to support Carp Fair, local businesses BY ERIN McCRACKEN The cancellation of this year’s Carp Fair has inspired a local photographer to use her camera for a good cause. “The way I feel about Carp is we moved here and we were outsiders. We knew nobody, and we were em- braced wholly,” Carp-area resident Aimee Edgcumbe said. “I just feel like part of the family and I want to help.” She is offering photo sessions at the Carp fair- grounds August 9 to 15 to raise funds for the Carp Agricultural Society and vil- lage businesses. Inspiration struck when she read the news of the fair’s Erin McCracken photo 2020 cancellation in a recent Carp-area resident and professional photographer Aimee edition of the West Carleton Edgcumbe plans to take photos of people at the fairgrounds Community Voice. to raise money in support the Carp Agricultural Society and “I just felt really sad be- Carp businesses. cause I know how much it brings the town together,” pooled to purchase gift cer- help. Edgcumbe said. tificates and products from “It’s a very selfless act When she and her family Carp businesses for a raffle. on her part,” he said. “It’s moved to the area in October Each photo session will be unbelievable.” 2018, many people urged guaranteed one ballot entry He said every dollar raised them to attend the fair and in the draws. for the society will help the society’s summertime Alternate photo dates can offset expenses, some of drive-in bingos. be scheduled with advance which are substantial, such “Last year was the first year scheduling and payment. as insurance and property we got to take it in and it was Those wishing to skip the maintenance, landscaping so much fun and we loved photo sessions can still and upgrades, staffing and it,” the mother of two said. enter the raffle by donating office expenses, said Foley. While the cancellation is $40, which will be shared The society’s fairgrounds, understandable, she said it between the society and the he said, are a hub of the com- was still heartbreaking be- draws. munity and attract people cause of how much the fair Edgcumbe is encourag- year round. contributes to the commu- ing those who have their “Whether there are events nity and boosts business. photos taken to post them going on or not those costs “I just thought maybe I on social media with the still need to be covered,” said can do something. I’m a hashtag #welovethecarpfair Foley. “We pride ourselves small business owner and I around the fourth weekend on how well manicured our know how much you rely on in September, which would grounds are and we want to those regular events,” said have been the fair weekend. keep that up throughout the Edgcumbe. “It’s about bringing every- year.” With the society’s blessing body together and trying to Contact Aimee Edgcumbe and gratitude, she is offering support them and give back to book your photo session 20-minute family photo ses- to them a bit,” she said. or to donate by calling 613- sions at the fairgrounds for Ryan Foley, co-president of 227-2343 or send an email $50. All photos will be pro- what would have been the to aimeecarolinephoto@ vided digitally. 157th Carp Fair this year, said gmail.com. Visit aimeecar- Half of the fee will be do- he was amazed that a new- olinephoto.wix.com/2001 nated directly to the society comer to the community for more details. and the other half will be reached out with an offer to [email protected] OTT-AD-4352 Your Community Voice-5.15x10.71-Cabin Fever.indd 1 2020-06-10 11:28 AM Sports Community Voice - August 6, 2020 3 Inferno planning for uncertain third season BY PATRICK UGUCCIONI Inferno face an uncertain fu- can be done to make it safer. ture because of health and “Everyone is looking to- Six months after narrowly safety regulations in place gether to come up with a missing a playoff berth in amid the pandemic. solution for return to play. its second season in the “Hockey will likely look dif- Obviously we can’t go ahead National Capital Junior ferent this year,” Miotla told until that is defined,” he Hockey League, the West this newspaper. “Everyone added. “But things we are Carleton Inferno club is ea- from Hockey Canada on looking at . we don’t even 22ndnd AAnnualnnual gerly awaiting the drop of the down is working together know if spectators will be al- puck for a third. on the return-to-play guide- lowed this year.” Needing two points to lines. We’re waiting to see Without a gate to offset advance to the post sea- what that is going to look like game day and ongoing ex- son, it was a frigid night in for us. There are so many un- penses, Miotla says sponsor- February in front of the big- knowns at this point. But our ship and fundraising efforts gest home crowd of their emphasis will obviously be play an even greater role in sophomore year at the W. making it safe for everyone.” the long term viability of the Erskine Johnston Arena in The team founder and GM team. Carp when the Inferno bat- is preparing for a scenario On that front, their annual tled the Metcalfe Jets to a 4-4 where the league may have golf tournament was moved draw in overtime. to delay the traditional start to August 28 from July 24 be- It was not long after that the of the season. cause of uncertainties early league was shut down due “We obviously have to see on around when courses to the COVID-19 pandemic. how things will play out,” he would open and under what After winning just two said. “We’re looking forward circumstances. games in its inaugural sea- to eventually icing a team Interested participants son, the Inferno improved to this year.” can register until August 12 11 wins last year and General Miotla said, of course, para- at infernoscramble.com. To Manager John Miotla is con- mount moving forward is as- sponsor or volunteer, email fident they can improve on suring the safety of players, gm@infernojuniorhockey. that mark this season. coaches and fans. His opera- com. Like all organized sport, the tion is looking at ways that [email protected] National Auto Finance plants roots in Carp! ADVERTISING SHOWCASE Howdy Neighbour! A new business is calling Carp drivers get behind the wheel of a quality vehicle that 0% interest. “At National, we understand that cost- home! Now located at 2739 Carp Road, just north matches their budget and lifestyle, no matter their ly repairs aren’t always in the budget, and we nev- of Richardson Side Road, National Auto Finance is credit situation. er want to leave our clients ready to welcome you. Proudly serving Ottawa from While National has an exten- stranded,” says Mounzer. their Merivale location since 2005, drivers have been sive selection of used vehicles When asked what drew the trusting National with their auto fi nancing needs for in stock for sale or for lease, company to Carp, Mounzer’s over 15 years. their friendly staff will also answer was simple: commu- work with you to fi nd the exact nity and family. “I recently vehicle you are looking for. “At moved to Carp myself with its heart, National is a family my wife and newborn daugh- owned business,” says Adam ter and we completely fell in Mounzer, General Manager. love with the community,” “We truly aim to treat every says Mounzer. “It seemed like customer that walks in as part of our family, so we the perfect place to plant some roots, both personal- will always strive to go above and beyond to keep ly and professionally. We’re really excited to get in- them happy, from the moment they get their keys to volved in the community and start giving back.
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