Annex 8B: Faunal Species Recorded within the Project Site and Study Area Table 1. Maximum count of mammal species recorded from the Project Site and the 500m Study Area from August to November 2019 Project Site 500m Study Area Species Conservation and Protection Status1 Status in HK2 Habitat3 Habitat3 - PL RB Small Indian Civet RLCV(VU); CSMPS(II); CITES(III); Cap.170; Cap.586 Very Common 1 Viverricula indica Domestic Dog - Common 3 Canis lupus familiaris Leopard Cat RLCV(VU); CITES(II); Cap.170; Cap.586 Uncommon 1 Prionailurus bengalensis Total number of species recorded 0 2 1 *Species of conservation importance are highlighted in bold type. Notes: 1. Conservation and protection status refers to Fellowes et al. (2002), Red List of China’s Vertebrates (Jiang et al. 2016), IUCN (2019), China State Major Protection Status, CITES (2019), Cap. 170 and Cap. 586. a. Conservation status by Fellowes et al. (2002): LC = Local Concern; PRC = Potential Regional Concern; RC = Regional Concern; PGC = Potential Global Concern; GC = Global Concern. Letters in parentheses indicate that the assessment is on the basis of restrictedness in breeding and/or roosting sites rather than in general occurrence. b. Conservation status by Red List of China’s Vertebrates (RLCV) (Jiang et al. 2016): NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically Endangered. c. Conservation status by IUCN (2019): NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically Endangered. d. Protection status by China State Major Protection Status (CSMPS): II = Class II Protected Species in China. e. Protection status by CITES (2019): I = Listed in CITES Appendix I; II = Listed in CITES Appendix II; III = Listed in CITES Appendix III. f. Cap. 170 = Wild Animals Protection Ordinance. g. Cap. 586 = Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance. 2. Status in Hong Kong follows Carey et al. (2001). 3. Habitats: CW = Channelised Watercourse; YLTN = Yuen Long Town Nullah; SPR = Shan Pui River; MCW = Minor Channelised Watercourses; DA = Developed Area; AG = Agricultural Land; IF = In Flight; MG = mangrove; PL = Plantation; PO = Pond; RB = Reedbed; WC = Semi-natural Watercourse; KTR = Old Kam Tin River; SH = Shrubland; TM = Tidal Marsh Table 2. Maximum count of avifauna species recorded from the Project Site and the 500m Study Area from August to November 2019 Project Site 500m Study Area Habitat3 Habitat3 Conservation and Principal Wetland- Species Protection Status1 Status2 dependent CW CW WC YLTN YLTN YLTN DA AG YLTN YLTN YLTN DA IF MG PL PO RB SH TM MCW SPR KTR S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S4 Eurasian Teal RC W Y 3 12 Anas crecca Little Grebe LC P Y 2 Tachybaptus ruficollis Black-faced Spoonbill PGC; RLCV(EN); W Y 2 Platalea minor IUCN(EN); CSMPS(II) Yellow Bittern (LC) M,Su Y 1 2 Ixobrychus sinensis Black-crowned Night Heron (LC) P Y 1 1 Nycticorax nycticorax Striated Heron (LC) Su Y 1 Butorides striata Chinese Pond Heron PRC (RC) P Y 3 2 15 9 1 3 2 1 Ardeola bacchus Grey Heron PRC W Y 1 12 5 3 3 3 Ardea cinerea Project Site 500m Study Area Habitat3 Habitat3 Conservation and Principal Wetland- Species Protection Status1 Status2 dependent CW CW WC YLTN YLTN YLTN DA AG YLTN YLTN YLTN DA IF MG PL PO RB SH TM MCW SPR KTR S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S4 Purple Heron RC AM,P Y 2 Ardea purpurea Great Egret PRC (RC) P Y 6 3 2 2 2 Ardea alba Little Egret PRC (RC) P Y 2 1 27 5 1 1 2 Egretta garzetta Great Cormorant PRC W Y 12 3 Phalacrocorax carbo Crested Serpent Eagle (LC); RLCV(NT); CITES(II); R,M N 1 Spilornis cheela CSMPS(II); Cap.586 Eastern Buzzard CSMPS(II); CITES(II); W N 1 Buteo japonicus Cap.586 White-breasted Waterhen - R Y 1 3 Amaurornis phoenicurus Common Moorhen - R Y 1 Gallinula chloropus Black-winged Stilt RC W Y 3 49 16 3 Himantopus himantopus Pied Avocet RC W Y 2 Recurvirostra avosetta Little Ringed Plover (LC) W,R Y 2 1 Charadrius dubius Pheasant-tailed Jacana LC; RLCV(NT) M Y 3 2 Hydrophasianus chirurgus Common Sandpiper - M,W Y 3 2 Actitis hypoleucos Green Sandpiper - W Y 2 2 Tringa ochropus Marsh Sandpiper RC M,W Y 7 1 Tringa stagnatilis Wood Sandpiper LC M,W Y 5 Tringa glareola Common Greenshank RC M,W Y 2 1 1 Tringa nebularia Rock Dove - R N 114 16 8 69 45 8 Columba livia Eurasian Collared Dove (Not - N 1 Streptopelia decaocto included) Spotted Dove - R N 5 23 13 11 2 2 Spilopelia chinensis Greater Coucal CSMPS(II) R N 1 1 Centropus sinensis Collared Scops Owl CITES(II); CSMPS(II); R N 1 Otus lettia Cap.586 Asian Barred Owlet CITES(II); CSMPS(II); R N 1 Glaucidium cuculoides Cap.586 House Swift - R,SpM N 13 Apus nipalensis Project Site 500m Study Area Habitat3 Habitat3 Conservation and Principal Wetland- Species Protection Status1 Status2 dependent CW CW WC YLTN YLTN YLTN DA AG YLTN YLTN YLTN DA IF MG PL PO RB SH TM MCW SPR KTR S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S4 White-throated Kingfisher (LC) AM,P Y 1 Halcyon smyrnensis Common Kingfisher - AM,P Y 1 1 Alcedo atthis Pied Kingfisher (LC) R Y 2 Ceryle rudis Eurasian Wryneck - W,M N 1 Jynx torquilla Long-tailed Shrike - R N 1 1 1 Lanius schach Black-naped Oriole LC AM N 1 Oriolus chinensis Black Drongo - M,Su N 1 Dicrurus macrocercus Hair-crested Drongo - M,Su,W N 1 Dicrurus hottentottus Red-billed Blue Magpie - R N 1 Urocissa erythroryncha Oriental Magpie - R N 2 Pica serica Collared Crow LC; RLCV(NT); IUCN(VU) R Y 2 1 Corvus torquatus Large-billed Crow - R N 1 1 Corvus macrorhynchos Cinereous Tit - R N 6 1 8 1 Parus cinereus Red-whiskered Bulbul - R N 2 2 34 2 11 7 6 2 Pycnonotus jocosus Chinese Bulbul - R N 4 6 2 1 Pycnonotus sinensis Sooty-headed Bulbul - R N 2 3 Pycnonotus aurigaster Barn Swallow - SpM,Su N 3 2 5 Hirundo rustica Yellow-browed Warbler - W N 2 2 Phylloscopus inornatus Pallas's Leaf Warbler - W N 3 1 Phylloscopus proregulus Dusky Warbler - W N 1 1 3 1 7 5 2 Phylloscopus fuscatus Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - AM N 1 Phylloscopus borealoides Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - AM N 3 Phylloscopus tenellipes Arctic Warbler - AM N 1 Phylloscopus borealis Oriental Reed Warbler - M Y 1 13 4 Acrocephalus orientalis Project Site 500m Study Area Habitat3 Habitat3 Conservation and Principal Wetland- Species Protection Status1 Status2 dependent CW CW WC YLTN YLTN YLTN DA AG YLTN YLTN YLTN DA IF MG PL PO RB SH TM MCW SPR KTR S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S4 Black-browed Reed Warbler - M Y 28 28 Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Thick-billed Warbler LC AM N 1 Arundinax aedon Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler LC AM Y 3 1 Helopsaltes certhiola Lanceolated Warbler RLCV(NT) AM N 1 Locustella lanceolata Yellow-bellied Prinia - R N 1 6 6 1 1 Prinia flaviventris Plain Prinia - R N 3 7 5 2 Prinia inornata Common Tailorbird - R N 2 2 3 Orthotomus sutorius Masked Laughingthrush - R N 3 4 7 16 2 3 Pterorhinus perspicillatus Swinhoe's White-eye - R,?W N 4 10 Zosterops simplex Crested Myna - R N 3 3 20 5 3 2 Acridotheres cristatellus Common Myna - R N 4 3 4 Acridotheres tristis Black-collared Starling - R N 12 3 6 4 17 3 1 2 Gracupica nigricollis Grey-backed Thrush - W N 1 Turdus hortulorum Oriental Magpie Robin - R N 1 8 2 3 1 2 Copsychus saularis Asian Brown Flycatcher - M,W N 4 1 1 Muscicapa dauurica Siberian Rubythroat - W N 1 1 Calliope calliope Red-throated Flycatcher - AM,W N 2 2 Ficedula albicilla Daurian Redstart - W N 12 2 1 Phoenicurus auroreus Stejneger's Stonechat - W,M N 4 4 Saxicola stejnegeri Eurasian Tree Sparrow - R N 3 17 35 4 4 Passer montanus Scaly-breasted Munia - R N 18 12 Lonchura punctulata Eastern Yellow Wagtail - M,W N 1 Motacilla tschutschensis Grey Wagtail - W N 2 3 2 Motacilla cinerea White Wagtail - W,R N 2 3 2 5 3 4 4 5 Motacilla alba Project Site 500m Study Area Habitat3 Habitat3 Conservation and Principal Wetland- Species Protection Status1 Status2 dependent CW CW WC YLTN YLTN YLTN DA AG YLTN YLTN YLTN DA IF MG PL PO RB SH TM MCW SPR KTR S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S4 Olive-backed Pipit - W N 1 2 5 Anthus hodgsoni Chestnut-eared Bunting LC M N 1 Emberiza fucata Little Bunting - W N 3 4 Emberiza pusilla Total number of specie recorded 3 6 2 6 4 2 24 1 6 18 20 3 12 27 8 38 22 13 7 *Species of conservation importance are highlighted in bold type. Notes: 1. Conservation and protection status refers to Fellowes et al. (2002), Red List of China’s Vertebrates (Jiang et al. 2016), IUCN (2019), China State Major Protection Status, CITES (2019), Cap. 170 and Cap. 586. a. Conservation status by Fellowes et al. (2002): LC = Local Concern; PRC = Potential Regional Concern; RC = Regional Concern; PGC = Potential Global Concern; GC = Global Concern. Letters in parentheses indicate that the assessment is on the basis of restrictedness in breeding and/or roosting sites rather than in general occurrence. b. Conservation status by Red List of China’s Vertebrates (RLCV) (Jiang et al. 2016): NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically Endangered. c.
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