SouthEast Education Network TThehe CCasease fforor IIndependentndependent SchoolsSchools PPublic-Privateublic-Private PPartnershipsartnerships MMastersasters iinn EEducationducation PProgramsrograms Established. Engaging. Christian. Educating teachers, creating leaders The master and doctorate of education programs through Liberty University Online prepare you for effective leadership in public, private or Christian schools. Get your K-12 credentials or further your career with an M.Ed., Ed.S. or Ed.D. Liberty offers initial licensure programs, as well as advanced licensure in Administration and Supervision, Teaching and Learning, Educational Technology and Online Instruction, Program Specialist and School Counseling. (866) 418-8734 www.LUOnline.com/seen Columnists 8 Helping Schools Succeed By Franklin Schargel 10 Problem Solved By Ruth Herman Wells, M.S. 12 Celebrating Improvement By Larry Biddle Special to SEEN 14 Why Independent Schools? 14 By James McDaniel Independent School Education 20 Public-Private Collaboration 24 Aff ording an Independent School Education Public/Private Partnerships 26 Enhancing the American Education System 48 Strengthening Urban Teaching at No Cost to Students 48 contents College Choices 36 The Launching Pad for Success 40 Culinary School Recycles 340,000 Pounds of Waste Each Year 45 A Case Study in Graduate Online Program Development Winter 56 Master’s Cohort Program 2010 Provides Future Leaders Vol. 12.3 40 2 WINTER 2010 SouthEast Education Network 6JGDGCEJHQTCNNTGCUQPU 4GCUQP6JG[YCPVVQFQGXGT[VJKPIJ F J WPFGTVJGUWP#PFOQQP 6JG[oTGTGCF[VQTQNNCPF[QWMPQYLWUVYJGTGVQVCMGVJGO +PVJG/[TVNG$GCEJCTGC[QWoNN̞PFGPFNGUUQRVKQPUVQMGGR KVKPGTCTKGUDQVJGFWECVKQPCNCPFHWP#EVKXKVKGUCPFCVVTCEVKQPU TCPIGHTQONGUUQPUQPOCTKPGNKHGVQTCIKPITQNNGTEQCUVGTU6JGTGoU FKPKPIHQTGXGT[VCUVGCPFUJQRRKPIHQTGXGT[DWFIGV'KIJVNKXG VJGCVGTUJQYUGPVGTVCKPYJKNGDGCWVKHWNDGCEJGUQ̝GTGZEKVKPI &KUEQXGTCNNVJGTGCUQPU%CNNQTENKEMVQFC[ YCVGTURQTVUQTUKORNGTGNCZCVKQP&C[CPFPKIJV/[TVNG$GCEJ r/[TVNG$GCEJ)TQWRUEQO KPXKVGU[QWTITQWRUVQFQKVCNN ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE Educational Resources Field Trip Planner 30 Starting a Literary Magazine 102 Raising Funds for Field Trips 104 Behind the Scenes at the 32 Good Schools, Good People Testing Does Not Recognize CNN Headquarters Worldwide 108 Education at the Georgia Aquarium 52 A Practical Approach to Leadership, Learning, Teamwork 112 Go Fish Education Center 116 What Makes A Good Field Trip? 60 LANCE Program Producing Teachers with Heart, Soul and Mind 125 The Lost Sea’s Craighead Caverns 66 Student Apathy on the Rise 127 Gretna Off ers True German Cultural Experience 74 Motivation Techniques: Let’s Work SMART 128 Indian for a Day Cherokee Cultural Partner 136 82 Collaborative Learning and Professional Development 133 NASCAR Hall of Fame 119 Explore Florida’s Trails 84 Military Career Pathways 121 Traveling the Mississippi 86 Camp, A Good Place Blues Trail For All of Us 136 Henricus, a Sweet and 88 Crafting the 21st Century Teacher ‘Healthie’ Site through Professional Development 138 See, Touch and Feel Nature Special Needs at Virginia Living Museum 140 Have Fun Learning at Norfolk: 71 Postsecondary Transition Programs Discover the Mysteries of the 76 Dealing with Intense Feelings Deep Blue Sea 78 Special Ed Transition Planning: 141 Christmas Town at Five Keys to Success Busch Gardens 141 Technology 64 Web. 2.0 in Education 90 Overcoming the Techology Fear Factor 92 Relearning the Economics of PCs 96 Preparing Students for Their Technological Future Product Reviews 100 Stuff You Should Know About 108 4 WINTER 2010 SouthEast Education Network Master of Education & Ed.S. degrees Practical experience model State approved programs No residency or out-of-state tuition required National board certified faculty Reciprocal certification & licensure (most states) SouthEast Educatio n Ne two rk FROM the EDITOR Winter 2010 EDITOR IN CHIEF he theme of our winter issue is Independent Schools. I Charles Sosnik [email protected] asked Jim McDaniel, Headmaster of the Linden Hill School in Northfi eld, MA to write a lead article that would make MANAGING EDITOR Sherry Brooks the case for Independent Schools. As Jim laid out [email protected] his argument, I began to realize that there is much to be GRAPHIC DESIGNER learned by public schools from the independent school Stacy A. Moore Tmodel. The simple fact is, unless we quickly build about 100,000 new [email protected] independent schools (give or take), independent schools will not be an option for all our kids. What is an option, however, is to take the tenets SALES AND MARKETING of the independent school experience and apply it to our own public Dave Arnold schools. [email protected] Jean Carter For families that choose to take the independent school route, they’ll [email protected] fi nd some marvelous choices. A great place for them to start is by speak- Teresa Goodman ing to their school counselor. Another resource is the National Associa- [email protected] tion of Independent Schools (www.nais.org). Still another is the Inter- Robin Penley-Jones national Educational Consultants Association (www.iecaonline.com). [email protected] It is important to remember that there are many fi nancing options for Janet Martin families who want to take advantage of an independent school educa- [email protected] tion. For more information, you’ll want to read Joanna Evens’ article RESOURCE COORDINATORS Affording an Independent School Education. Ann Gleason [email protected] I got a call recently from Meaghan Wims at Duffy & Shanley. She Rose Guardino told me about a TV show on NBC called School Pride. It’s kind of a [email protected] home makeover show for schools, with help for these schools coming from the private sector. I didn’t know this, but my friend Darryl Rosser Melissa Lark [email protected] (CEO of Sagus International) is involved, providing school furniture for a number of these school makeovers. What Darryl understands, and KNIGHT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. what more and more of us are learning, is that partnerships between PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER private businesses and public schools (or even between public and pri- Randall B. Knight vate schools) is bringing great results for our children. In this issue, [email protected] Darryl shares his experiences with the NBC show and with this very OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR important process. Lisa Homesley [email protected] As I get older, I am learning to appreciate the collaborative process. INFORMATION Subscriptions call 866-761-1247 or When I was young, I was full of vim and vigor, and full-heartedly thought e-mail [email protected] I could do it all by myself. On New Year’s Eve, I turn 50. Hopefully, with Send editorial to [email protected] Advertising Inquiries call 866-761-1247 age comes some wisdom. And like me, many educators are also seeing Send ads to [email protected] the wisdom in collaboration. With this in mind, the theme of our spring issue is Collaborative Learning. There has never been a more important CONTENTS All contents © 2010, ISSN# 1552-5333, Knight time in our history to pool our resources and share in the teaching and Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Repro- learning process. There has also never been a time in our history when duction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Products named in these pages are technology has afforded us such an opportunity to trade names or trademarks of their respective do so. As this next issue approaches, I could use companies. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of SEEN or Knight Commu- your help. If you would like to contribute an article nications, Inc. The publisher assumes no respon- to our Collaborative Learning issue, or if you have a sibility for errors or omissions. suggestion please get in touch. I can be reached at POSTMASTER www.seenmagazine.us, or call me at 704-568-7804. Send address changes to: I hope to hear from you soon. SEEN Magazine 10150 Mallard Creek Rd., Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28262 Charles Sosnik DISTRIBUTION Editor in Chief SEEN is distributed tri-annually to educators, prin- cipals, superintendents, state departments of edu- cation, counselors, independent education con- sultants, ed tech buyers, public/private schools and universities throughout the Southeast. It is also distributed nationally at trade shows. 6 WINTER 2010 SouthEast Education Network Ladibug™ Document Cameras Unanimously Chosen as Favorite Classroom Tool! VW&HQWXU\7HDFKHUV +DPSWRQ&LW\6FKRROVKDQGSLFNHGWHDFKHUV RQHIURPHDFKRILWV.WRVFKRROVDQGDZDUGHG WKHPZLWKWKHPRQLNHURI³VW&HQWXU\7HDFKHUV´ 7KHVHWHDFKHUVZHUHJLYHQWKHODWHVWWHFKQRORJ\ EDVHGWHDFKLQJWRROVLQFOXGLQJ/XPHQVGRFXPHQW FDPHUDVYLGHRFDPHUDVZKLWHERDUGVEOXH WRRWKSHQEDVHGWDEOHWVSURMHFWRUVDQG3&V:KHQ DVNHGZKLFKWHFKQRORJ\ZDVLQGLVSHQVDEOHWKH WHDFKHUVXQDQLPRXVO\UHVSRQGHG³7KH/XPHQV 'RFXPHQW&DPHUDV´ 7HDFKHUVNQRZWKDWWKH\FDQGRVRPXFKPRUH² DQQRWDWLQJYLVXDOVVDYLQJPDWHULDOVDQGGHPRQVWUDWLQJ OHVVRQVLQQHZZD\V,WOHWVWKHPWHDFKWKHZD\NLGV QHHGWROHDUQ 7U\WKH1HZ8OWUDSRUWDEOH'&/DGLEXJ &U\VWDO&OHDU+LJK'HÀQLWLRQ ,PDJH&ODULW\ )RRW5DQJH %XLOWLQ0LFURSKRQH <HDU8QOLPLWHG 5(3/$&(0(17 :DUUDQW\ NEW :,5(/(666221 HELPING STUDENTS GRADUATE With Franklin Schargel THE POWER OF SCHOOL Community collaboration in Dropout Prevention (This material has been extracted from “Helping (U.S. General Accounting Offi ce, 2000). To Students Graduate: A Systemic Approach for Dropout keep young people
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