ivist stlin di leontologi e trtigrfi volume IPH noF P S plsF ppF IWIEPIR tuly PHIR ps ishixgi py vei xysex yqehesyx yp t vsex vepyw yeh vyixsex fesxD ieix y rix ev I P P I Ï Ï Ï Ï v ue qevi D fytex ysg D ie wixgsx 8 ie uyveEt uyiu eeivedX wrh IUD PHIRY eptedX wy PUD PHIR uey wordsX upper rissiD strtigrphyD mirofies nlysisD ttler 8 hlf IWWWY he nhe et lF PHHHY fosellini ltnik pormtionD hhstein vimestoneD pltform evolutionF et lF PHHQY qinoll et lF PHHQY qlli et lF PHHUY tdoul et lF PHHUY qinoll et lF PHIHY weister et lF PHIQAF estrtF he lte rissiin the outhern elps is mrked y huring the ltest rissiD the mjority of these pltE n extensive growth of ronte pltformsF heres holomi rinE iple domintes the western nd entrl setionsD hhstein vimeE forms elonged to the holomi riniple @ruptdoloE stone domintes the estern side of the outhern elps on the soElled mitA tidlEflt omplex @eFgF prisi IWWRY gozzi 8 odd tulin ltform in wht is now x loveniF ounger tetoni moveE IWWVY gozzi PHHPY qinoll et lF PHHQY ferr et lF PHIHY ments gretly deformed the originl onfigurtion of the tulin ltE snne et lF PHIIY weister et lF PHIQAF snstedD the form nd its mrgins re onsequently poorly preservedF hile lte hhstein vimestone domintes the estern prt of the uvlin nd erly xorin pltform progrdtion hs een reorded on the northern nd estern side of the pltformD no suh informtion outhern elpsD now elonging to the lovenin tulin is ville for the southern edge of the pltformD where it orders the elps @fuser IWVTY girpi 8 sseri IWWHY ygorele 8 deeper lovenin fsinF hree detiled sedimentologil setions from fuser IWWUAF he growth of these pltform systems ws the southern slopes of the telovi plteu spn from the top of the strongly governed y seElevel hngesF trting with sinl fÏ dolomite to the ltnik pormtion nd the progrding the lte grnin trnsgressionD pltform onditions eE slope of the hhstein vimestoneF he progrdtion hs een dted s lte xorin in geD nd n e orrelted to poorlyEexpressed orE me widely estlished during the xorin seElevel sening event reorded in previously known setions of the lovenin highstnd @grulli et lF IWWVY qinoll et lF IWWVY qwE fsinF sn ontrst to deeper prts of the sinD shllow wter ondiE lik 8 fohm PHHHY rs 8 rdyEpilÂz PHHRY Âlfy et È tions were estlished on the telovi plteu y the eginning of the lF PHHUY urystyn et lF PHHWY ferr et lF PHIHY rs et hetinF lF PHIHAF he min progrdtion took ple during the lte xorin nd erly hetin @eijmer et lF IWWIY grulli et lF IWWVY rs 8 fudi IWWWY qwlik 8 sntrodution fohm PHHHY wndl PHHHY urystyn et lF PHHWAD when È pltform rontes rehed deeper prts of the sins he xorin nd hetin geologihistory of the @wndl PHHHAF outhern elps is mrked y the growth of extensive he extent of the hhstein vimestone hs trdiE ronte pltforms tht produed n up to PHHH m tionlly een synonymised with the extent of the tulin thik suession of peritidl rontes @see weister et ltform @fuser IWVWY ygorele8 othe IWWQY fuser lF PHIQAF gurrentlyD these pltforms provide the distint Ï IWWTY muPHHSY reet lF PHHWAD whiht the time hrter of the mountinous re from vomrdin ordered the lovenin fsin to the present south elps in the west to the lovenin tulin elps in the est @gousin IWVIY fuser IWVWD IWWTY fuser et lF PHHVAD the @fuser IWVTY girpi 8 sseri IWWHY forsto et lF IWWRY ferr 8 girilli IWWUY ygorele8 fuser IWWUY fled fsin to the present est @gousin IWVIY qoriÏn et I qeologil urvey of loveniD himiÏev ulF IRD sEIHHH vjuljnD loveniF iEmilX lukFgledgeoEzsFsiY teFkolrEjurkovsekdgeoEzsFsi P pulty of xturl ienes nd ingineeringD heprtment for qeologyD rivoz IID sEIHHH vjuljnD loveniF iEmilX ostjnFrozidntfFuniEljFsiY emenindgmilFom IWP qle vF 8 lF N N pigF I E votion nd geologi setting A B of the studied reF eA osiE AT HU Periadriatic fault Maribor Jesenice tion of figures f @light grey Jesenice Kranj Celje retngleA nd g @drker reE I CRO Ljubljana tngleAF fA wjor tetoEstrtiE Julian Alp s SLOVENIA grphiunits of x loveni 50 km @simplified fter ler IWWWAF Kranj he retngle mrks the posiE Explanation to Figure 1B: Javornik unit tion of figure IgF gA voE tion of the studied reF he Košuta unit re in the retngle is enE 20 km LJUBLJANA Julian nappe lrged in figure IhF hA qeoE magmatic & metamorphic, logimp of the teloviplE Tolmin nappe thrust fault state border Pann on ian Basin sediments, Quaternary teu @redrwn nd simplified Lithological units of ÏiÏ ExternalDinarid es from qrd 8 perjn Slovenian Basin affinity fault IWURAF he re mpped in C BLED TRIÈ N D KAMNA N detil in the present study LESCE GORICA RADOVLJICA @see pigF PA is mrked y the GOLNIK hthed retngleF xote tht JELOVICA KAMNA KROPA progrdtion ner umn GORICA Rovtarica Visoki vrh qori @kerne et lF KROPA 1395 1395m PHHQA hs not een reogE NAKLO 1307 ÏiÏ 1411m nised y qrd 8 perjn 1303 Partizanski vrh 1411 @IWURAF Dragoše Ratitovec 1667m KRANJ Dragoše ELEZNIKIELEZNIKI ZG. BITNJE Ratitovec 1667 ELEZNIKI 5km 2.5 km SELCA ŠKOFJA LOKA Explanation to Figure 1D: bedded peritidal and massive thrust fault T-J3 reef limestone and dolomite 2 1 lithic and tuffaceous sandstone, shale, tuffite, shale, marlstone, platy limestone T-?T J, K fault 2 3 limestone (Pseudozilian beds s.l.) with chert, breccia 2 volcanics and volcanoclastics conglomerate, sandstone. clay, T Ol scree 2 (Pseudozilian beds) bioclastic limestone (Gornji Grad beds) 2,3 (fluvio)glacial, fluvial, noncomformity/ T bedded dolomite with chert (Baèa dolomite) Pl/Q 3 slope sediments concordant boundary vte rissi pleogeogrphy nd struturl lF PHIPAD nd the rvisio sin to the present north sudivision of the estern outhern elps @qinoll et lF PHIHY gelret lF PHIQAF he originl onfigurtion of the pltform ws lter osured y he studied setions re loted in the tulin tetoni deformtion in ollision zone etween the elpsD whih dominte the x prt of loveni @pigF edritind iuropen pltes @qolonk PHHRY re IeAF sn the lte rissiD this re ws divided into 8 podor PHHTY reet lF PHHTAF gonsequentlyD pltE two lrge pleogeogrphidomins tht originted durE form mrgins re rrely preservedF his is espeilly ing the xeotethys @welitA yen rifting in the middle true t the outhEelpine thrust frontD where the tulin rissi@reet lF PHHWAF he deepEwter lovenin ltform rontes ome into ontt with deepEwter fsin ws loted to the present southD nd most likely strt of the lovenin fsin @ler IWWWD PHHVAF pinhedEout to the present west @fuser IWVWY fuser 8 sn this pperD we present new strtigrphidt heeljk IWWQY fuser et lF PHHVAF he northern prt of from the southern order of the tulin ltformF he the present tulin elps elongs to the @most of the timeA re of the telovi plteu @westernEentrl loveniAD shllow tulin ltform @fuser IWVWD IWWTY fuser et lF whih elongs struturlly to the urn @tulinA xppeD PHHVAF st is onneted on its western side with the lrger is mrked y trnsitionlD sinEtoEslope deposition of hinri@edritiAltform @fuser IWVWY see lso gouE Ï lte xorin deeper wter hemipelgis interlted Ï sin IWVIY oziÏ8muPHIIA nd the holomi riniE with lituriditesF woving upwrdD thikening of ple ltform @qinoll et lF PHHQY weister et lF PHIQAF the lituridite interltions nd derese in the sn the estern setor of the present outhern elpsD proportion of hemipelgilimestone eds provide the nmely in the estern tulin elpsD the sixiEE first ler evidene of the lte xorin progrdtion of direted lte greteous to leogene thrusting overlps the tulin gronte ltform towrds the lovenin with the xeogene xEEdireted outh elpine thrustingD fsinF whih provides the dominnt hrteristi of this re vte rissi pleogeogrphy of istern outhern elps IWQ pigF P E qeologimp of the studied reF hite rs mrk the positions of mesured seE tions @eD fD nd gAF Ï @hoglioni 8 fosellini IWVUY ler IWWWY ler 8 gr studiesD two lrge struturl units meet in this reF he IWWVY ler PHHVY usteli et lF PHHVAF he tulin elps steep wlls nd the plteu itself elong to the tulin thus omprise two lrgeEsle thrust unitsD seprted y xppe @ler IWWWAD lolly referred to s the telovi roughly westEest running urn @tulinA thrustEfult xppe @eFgFD qrd 8 perjnÏiÏ IWUTAF he mjority of @fuser IWVTY ler IWWWD PHHVAF he mjority of the this thrust omprises upper rissiEturssi shllow estern tulin elps elongs to the upper tulin xppe wter rontesF ith the exeption of vipoldD who @pigF IfAD whih is omposed mostly of middle to lte distinguished upper rissifrom lower turssistrt rissirontesdeposited on the tulin ltform @see lso fudkoviÏ IWUVAD these rontes were not @fuser IWVTD IWVUY ler IWWWAF he lower unit known further sudivided into more preiselyEdefined litholoE s olmin xppe is loted south of the urn thrust nd giunitsF e minor prt t the top of the teloviplteu omposed of lovenin fsin deposits of middle risE is represented y volnisD pyrolstisD mrlstone nd sito greteousgeF hue to high proportion of shleD whih were determined s vdinin seudozilin dutileD esily deformle lstisD the olmin xppe eds @fF leniÏr et lF PHHWA eds @pigF IhAF xer umE does not form oherent unitF snstedD it is further n qori @see pigs IgD hAD grnin pltform progrdE disintegrted into three lrger suunitsD the uppermost tion over seudozilin eds hs een reorded @kE uol xppe to the northD the middle ut xppeD nd erne et lF PHHQAF the lowermost odmelexppe to the southD long seudozilin eds of the seond lrge struturl with plethor of minor internl thrusts @fuser IWVUY unitD the olmin xppe @ler IWWWAD elong to muh ler IWWWAF his omplited thrustEstruture of the deeper depositionl milieu @kerne et lF PHHQAD iFeFD tulin elps is further omplited y lioene to reent more distl prt of the lovenin fsinF strikeEslip fults @ler IWWWY gstellrin et lF PHHTY sn dditionD more nrrowly foused reserh
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