' V t l ‘ ifl _ nf * ft VS\,,t i-"' K ? -m '« (V ,‘s r T jw sy ** i M'Y' 'Sf* ^ r - V- j r7 Residtnts Protest I ^ Mertfcoro CommUlee . ' ■ ■. , 4W*^ . 'Viwwwri*^ F ktension Av Drewiqgv Y Tuivb Traffic. Danger Aeked About Lights, VUivber Nation* I Editorial Azsociat'oo New jersey Press .Association -v Mvwawutb Cj jnty Piets AssocMUion , Roadway, Ot'aiii.HgtM fo A m Children Zoning Repot i Due MATAWAN, N .f, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, W i Single Copy Seven Cents j I I It'S ^CrOd 186th YEAR - WEEK )iJ i ti . - . i, tbisid *A0tt'0j^up CotW.tttifeJ ill' u l M pUSj Pf J, p, ‘tc ¥*w UiumcUy to do] Countv iVlew Ru.d nn ‘ d i < lnysi Wv!(S\m By ■ :.■••.■ ..\ . 1 eU, •* ),,»,»i/li4vr»n t • > ■ ,V— ««.fr * .riwb y\«4 fl/tg'f*lfr .. .. T - s„:. .J ?. ..ts,vws^V.1 • *«??.. \•■■..... 4kJ9|s*‘V>ls.uA«' a ■ • : w m Y m m h a v e m sa y I 11, i W:l» IL 'll I. iv-; my - 0 3 4 Il'H jMi|tUCU au f iif e f ' A. IV. suooo. ol fo u n ­ . ........Oii -■■-..fri ^auwiV-»• -■••• ‘^b- veai- * i Annua) liispccliHf- of Al.-iU- ts' (icif.-oli i ts. signed a «,jn- , 'itu;,; iiuii'r ap 'i.viheyi) vP'o, ' ' Geoige Den rry jiU.iiU. ■ clmrgmg bimkiiinkh.ij, ut. u c t" i v nil V lie. Pt * wim Fire nepat'tiMUit ..vl.ii \ ,Hre Truck Novel iivas hr.v-j-l;-,,,.:: ci&nfc 9a sttee* 't.ake p U ic i l" .0 p M ' might Three Accldenits Mr* it .he yoviy ll M» r'ew v icmpia«iw at M idw ay 16os(! Cu., Vt-ashing-- .vSul'Jliis^A St.. M alaw an. be­ ’ Irttt Cody sisousd tase ur.ae;,' why- isii'OfV iightKjic ciaUand hft^ I n d e p e n d e n t F ire tre n fore Jsti’aif! Lutiicr A. i vwement exttmqsnF jftcksoh 1 ton fet-, near 41-ihi St.. ac Two On Cyitical List t Built Special Type. Of l cf :WjiUv-an MOtvr.ship, lin e Maiden f_aae-. fr» ..mukaefjt' •ii?1', laU hjO n^oec^ltoteiieJ M*5 J cording Ip Borough M»e Uiwf , From Crash In Front new m e a l (t ' ss from Ul® » Pumper On Farm ! rock ,i*i ;i rt.vd!t oi •« ralii at tliy 11 ■ ■ ""w?h6*' nccomiwiiwtf-'lwsr I vJ^m . Alison**. liu. pubMc C.IUi VVt-D‘1 in D. UOUlo oxt ASUi bahllti d U ^t M.'kl, F MhJd w ^la’id ,c n ri" l He commit j is hul'zd to jdt; ml Of Ziegler’!!; Others . heavy,'' •'CKnstening’' Saturday (:nf(;v<iun Acc.. Tu<!Stta.v. ’ i T tie . t ic wav stieet WfMt A t-eemen If had beep prqmlsttd "> t!*er« -<l»o.itrt U i !n Matawan, Holmdel if'iiiul Minro Mud l)«i'tKiri\ak- b u i i \lan pxte'iu',o to Ja®k money 'VcnncV be put •iM. tte buL . rain ..iqnlfcht, tl i, Inspection Mnrganvuif! I; 1 i'lVJDijt Vi son H w id,! wi d c m e is aucks until some ‘ . T'vo men rumaui in 'ciiticul ii*ti ’snips we-'Ti lound hi M r. get, ic i this aim a u d It \'ft» w ill be pwvtponcd UlHfev > il r. C o. •: t Ul t Ilf MtMiiKtfr’s piivScssiOH- 'H e I J I t algf v t of th? b’lSili'Tth ( ’,£i.. bad »o have to waRc on, might next week ,u curd bur k ­ tcdo'dltion - .today at Ferth Am, FiFSt /'lid &lV--*)Ci Id i T \ t>jii under snupli^a tieu h,.(( iu (f .tiiig up ira^Jc' t •* tie " ul o vUih t*1" ol iyl bov Cieuui'Eil Hosj'Uftl no n l'e’! ;-s{1?.||LYiha nt, u p cm ^ bi I i .1 td'r lu r e fot bhC>!,J V ; Dr nt « alio u>mp*Jlncd 1 Mayor; Spat ford IV, »clia,iifc«. , . , . jiinlt ct a colh.Ron Sundsy- ln treat iJV Cit’OX'jt.'tt t’OIlAVUC, PVOSUUH hoadouftrier.s tor ;.C-,i r 1 ai-u-o i.fil' of til.C JiUl. ■ .' . i ^ a i u d a .Pi y eo now 'H it ’ nhQili ‘ho rondrt'ov uf the ioad and the boroush cuimcrl vvlil !0| Kieiiiers Tuvevn. on. Houle i Township resiuents ro msfiot’t Is tn u's is^^i icqulst,^ a cuvlc.i' the fircniuii, n.ere Is ,.a \>relnHUva?.'v w ill xvaj H r ur rt lh«*t 11 had fceui 135. Clilfwood-. Beach.. A tub'd di 1 in v ro ‘oil i l r be bind before MatvRttnUc llalrtiif. u i ii 11 v ftAC t ^ to be a speciol meeting of the tmaiT in tins accident-. i» in law- . laid out tot a 30 coot iweet o«t ' n'cJ m on ha.ci on dlsrra:,' rSicii' bt».uir ou h>, M r. I'ir.sitiai tfvnioped quioitly borough council oi b<r to ihe icondition, i'l'om two other *c- {»vtx k now ibm n A8[> o i' j ,i 15 fort n<nv l.'iiuiilao ainbuianca wn.U-.- /or. nulnated hv tk'sutul fo jtrom M aiden .ume'»;.TefKcta!tt9vys toau He also audited avtothei tnspccii.im. ill which a brief jcldpbf m the urea in tho past ! the Siviseii were snowuie ikeu luivo tbi.1 iOAtk-r Ixcard b.v the matter of business will bn con- weak, a ruan and two women ,-iestrt us pce'atoio John v •'••.'••xcsjtteat'- had" cut a ditcu across i j,-’4-ton utiiit'-' fire - trunk. IrrfJil u\u«Tstrate. , R n d l' tl^ohesman in- 1 the 'Ofttlv-av to o n 'iy off *-ur ahhired. ,. ■„ : , . m. '.■■■ ; rem ain .in serious condiLlort. at ! Fli'emon from ,Vi a r i b u r u. it-he hospuai,- - fuiincJ lue or, til th"iq '\din * faqe (vuts'i because Uroinnve Itolmooi and Mm .tan- iL. \T.|-v ol : • • iK er ‘ch ’ii inhtr n the w e e k 4 boiiditl'i.is vr«c f-o nod the j The mm cn i-n.e critical'.hat-j i uhtcer tire ooiniiar.los ano pr rf ft IJ il ft tie & iin ll Jfd atsa „ Igre Ciaronee - JlemlUK. 28, of; . : the M atawan F ire Oepw ..A! ProM'lef Caught roi s m u ' d ^ ’gei to tht'4» icok Over T«u Year* Ago ;M orRiin. torm erly of Clilfwood j and 11','st aid ;wuad men from. cunt is *i tm m ovem aut'^l - .iuajoi De«iih Buckley Inform jltecb. and Abraham Castilio.i I.Mtitawnn alio ■ Freehold .nuuud By Borough Police '( \ i acViut th io ig h tm qx . «d WHO the to’vnanip hat! Jusi. j 29. at Fotth Amoov.- injured | I'll Uie 'aaserviince. it is t-surn Itculrd wtaide L im The land t ' tekf>rcover the strecl two >sars i iviUi them was Micnuel Carlin, i i a ted over t>00 persons saw the wiuucd foi mnlm" is npft be- aE'J ro prefercuco could not be Townships Decide To 135 of ao:t Norwood Ave.. l.,a«-1 i now. equipment. Climbed Onto Roof Iin g used by these childl;en-!(|9i»ea';V J gTven thnt or ei o*bei sti tets Increase Governing Jrence Havobor. ! Accord;nv. lo Chief F raiik kat- Of Extension At jt pin gut nd nocoidlng to He pionilsetl the-, committee i . Mr. Castillo auatalned • InterH •i dtffe. the utility truck is, from Lloyd Residence To ■ Braclev. - and, ,to deprive, iitof»V' would consldei the mfther of Bodies To Five; Two j nnl injuries of thc cheat- and the Information ne has. «o:w- Iof it, would hc countering ariOt{)fctW>k, ; lights, also that the utieet might Additional Contests ■head nnd abrasions of both ! thing' novel m tiie realm of Hra- Peep; Gets 90 Days or p.mmiiiB board project . for.;"'f be gravelled , but could not be legs. M r. Flem ing was treat- ! (iirhuast equipment. Tne truck citing. new playsr.oundd-Areas; haul -iHfaeuI ut tl.i'i time Madison and Marlbciro Town led. for deep lacerations of the j js the idea ami the creation of Du patrol a; s:ei a.m. iVIOli- He also feared . Commitbeeman l,evoy. Vcn- ships filed near the deadline yoa-(knee, possible' fractured, skull I the men of Morgaiivulfc Tudv- ■ ..............Palriiiiiidn . William— - . Rico.. I:anco ! of-peace 'by tne.md.veminy Pelt st.ded the m a t who had terday to take ow vautaga- of. tbe hand lacora lions of the head and ; pandent Volunteer.Fire Co., ac os M alaw an Votiec. received a loX ^ . u - ;HV ■>'the sll'CBt.:'■ . -.A-.,,,;-.-,?__ : opened the ditch should put Uv law providing a township Uav-!face. Mr. Carlin was. treated i cording to tr,c chief, It iui..; been 1 cni; Lhat someone was attempt Kcquvst Must Be Considered ' ii'. drain 'pipe. M r. Bcmery ob­ ’.Tfhe READER break into the residence intt 450!) ormorti population, by jfor a cerobrai concussion and! .a nnsr felt neeii. -ne ."tilted. ,l M ayor bpafford- .V, Bohftimlf ,- >• " jecled ns he said no dvatnage the last census. m s .v increase m ultiple laooratAons of the knee j ' have u siiiftb mooue inc-iigiii ¥ Howard Lloyd, nr nl f. ;informcid Mr. Bradley that'aa .,) measures w ould opiount to any­ its governing body from threbiaud ankle.
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